L ET'S home, my brave boys, to tell all our joys, We'll laugh and we'll sing, for conquest we'll bring, And full of our pleasure return. Let's loudly proclaim the joys of the game; Let poor powder'd fops-your dainty milk sops, Sing bravo!-look there!—our victim, our hare, WH HILE high the foaming surges rise, "Loud thunders rattle in the skies, Yet sailors must not fear, In storms, in wind, Their duty mind, They cheerful go, To reef, or steer, as 'tis design'd; No fears or dangers fill the mind. The The signal for the line is made, No dangers shun, They cheerful go; Though thunders roar, yet still we find, The storm is hush'd, the battle's o'er, We toss the can to those on shore, With pleasure crown'd; In war or peace alike you'll find, HA ARK! away! 'tis the merry ton'd horn Calls the hunters all up with the morn, To the hills and the woodlands we steer, To unharbour the out-lying deer. And all the day long, this, this is our song, Still hollowing and following, so frolic and free, Our joys know no bounds, while we're after the hounds: No mortals on earth are so jolly as we. Round Round the woods when we beat, how we glow, With a bounce from his cover the stag flies, When we sweep o'er the valleys, or climb And all the day long, &c. IWINNA marry ony mon but Sandy o'er the I winna marry ony mon but Sandy o'er the Lee. I winna ha the Dominee, for gude he canna be; But I will ha my Sandy lad, my Sandy o'er the Lee; For he's aye a kissing, kissing, aye a kissing me, He's aye a kissing, kissing, aye a kissing me. I winna ha the minister, for all his godly looks: Nor yet will I the lawyer ha, with all his wily crooks. I winna ha the ploughman lad, nor yet will I the miller: But I will ha my Sandy lad, without one penny siller; For he's aye a kissing, &c. I winna ha the soldier lad, for he gangs to the war; But I will ha my Sandy lad, my Sandy o'er the meir; For he's aye a kissing, &c. THE wind was hush'd, the storm was over, From toil releas'd, when Dick of Dover She's none of they that's always gigging, Such ever slight a constant heart. Jack Jollyboat went to the Indies, To see him stare when he came back! Tant Tant-masted all, to see who's tallest; None on life's sea can sait more quicker, I say, then find me out who can, One half so true, so kind, so clever, Sweet, trim, and neat as buxom Nan: AS S health,rosy health,from cheerfulness flows, To avoid sad disease, and such mortal foes, To the wood, then, let's haste-Diana invites, "If you wish to gain health, with much joy and delight, "Mount your coursers and follow the sport."" For Nature, gay Nature imparts, in the chase, Those charms which but hunters enjoy ; There we see a strong picture of life's eager race, In a pastime that never can cloy. Then at night when the chase has bestow'd all its charms, And they're snug o'er the joy-giving bowl; To repose we retire in beauty's soft arms, Where transports envelope the soul. THEN, |