HE HEN, farewell, my trim-built wherry ! Never more at Chelsea Ferry Shall your Thomas take a spell. But, to hope and peace a stranger, Some friendly ball shall lay me low. Then, mayhap, when homeward steering, With the news my messmates come, Even you, my story hearing, With a sigh may cry poor Tom! My daddy was a tinker's son, And I'm his boy, 'tis ten to one! My daddy was the lord (upon my soul he was) the Tan ran tan, tan ran tan tan, For pot or can, oh! I'm your man. Once I in budget snug had got Tan ran tan, &c. Like dad, when I to quarters come, Here's kettles to mend: bring me some beer, For which I praise the landlord (could not do less than praise) the landlord's wife. Tan ran tan, &c. YE sportsmen draw near, and ye sports women too, Who delight in the joys of the field, Mankind, though they blame, are all eager as you, And no one the contest will yield. Н His lordship, his worship, his honour, his grace, A hunting continually go; All ranks and degrees are engag'd in the chace, With hark forward, huzza, Tally ho. The lawyer will rise with the first of the morn, The husband gets up at the sound of the horn, The patriot is thrown in pursuit of his game; Who, mounted on Pegasus, flies after fame, While, fearless, o'er hills and o'er woodlands we sweep, Though prudes on our pastime may frown, How oft do they decency's bounds overleap, And the fences of Virtue break down! Thus public or private, for pension, for place, For amusement, for passion, for show, All ranks and degrees are engag'd in the chace, With hark forward, huzza, Tally ho. "TIS IS said we vent'rous die hard, when we leave the shore, But this is all a notion Bold Jack can't understand, Howe'er we steer, No man's life's under his command; And billows roll, And dangers press: Of those in spite, there are some joys For Saturday night still comes, my boys, One seaman hands the sail, another heaves the log, The purser swops The landlord sells us grog: Then each man to his station, To keep life's ship in trim, What argufies noration? The rest is Fortune's whim; Then play your parts, Boldly resolve to sink or swim The mighty surge May ruin urge, And dangers press: Of those in spite, &c. For all the world's just like the ropes aboard a ship, Each man's rigg'd out, A vessel stout, To take for life a trip: The The shrouds, the stays, and braces, As on the sea of life he steers: Heaven's face deform, And dangers press: Of those in spite, &c.' WHI HILE beams the bright morn, How sweet sounds the horn, For the chace while the hunters prepare! Tally ho is the sound Which re-echoes around, When pursuing the hart or the hare. Tantivy, tantivy, my boys, let's away, While health gives new charms to the sport of the day. Each woodland and hill, Enlivens the sweet smiling scene: Each meadow is grac 'd By Nature's own taste, And the hunters, like spring, drest in green. 03 Tantivy, &c. The |