This world to a theatre liken'd has been, Where each man around has a part in the scene; 'Tis our part to get drunk; and 'tis matter of fact, That the more you all drink, boys, the better you'll act. L IFE's a bumper, fill'd by fate, Let this scene with joy be crown'd, COULD a man be secure, That his life would endure, As of old, for a thousand long years, What acts might he do, And all without hurry or care. But we that have but span-long lives, WHEN WHEN Phoebus the tops of the hills does adorn, How sweet is the sound of the echoing horn! O! see how again he rears up his head, His eyes lose the huntsman, his ears lose their cries; And he pants, till with well-scented hounds surrounded he dies. FAIREST Isle, all isles excelling, Seat of pleasures, and of love, Venus here will choose her dwelling, Gentle murmurs, sweet complaining, Ev'ry swain shall pay his duty, ARISE, Britannia, smiling rise, Rous'd by the martial voice of fame! Her trump shall rend the echoing skies, With Duncan, Howe, and Vincent's name; Thy heroes bold, disdaining ease, Have crown'd thee Mistress of the Seas. Brave landmen shall defend thy isle, United then, at threats we smile, May Britain's foes in hatred join'd, Duncans, and Howes, and Vincents find, In Duncan's, Howe's, and Vincent's praise, ONE NE night as gay Bacchus a nymph was pur ONE suing, The fair one, precipitate, fled his embrace ; Tho' ripe for the joys he in fancy was viewing, By Styx,' cry'd the God, I must give up the chace:' She look'd back disdainful, and smil'd at his reel ing, While her loose flowing robe by a briar was caught; He quickly approach'd, and his wishes revealing, Her charms were, he told her, the source of his fault. He bade her not fear, but partake of love's plea sure, And, patting her cheek, swore he'd do her no wrong; Avow'd himself god both of wine and of pleasure, And that Fate had decreed he should ever be young. O'eraw'd with respect, many favours were given, She at last grew inclin'd to bestow him a kiss ; At which he exclaim'd, 'There is pastime in hea ven, But earth is the region of exquisite bliss.' He then cry'd, 'Sweet-briar, I grant, (as I've power,) Thy fame shall surpasse severy shrub of the vale; At spring's fair return thou shalt bear a sweet flower, 'Its odours shall perfume the sweet passing gale: And mortals shall prize it, and call it a Rose,, NO O form me a maiden so soft and so fair, And, Oh! iny fond heart, I'll be doubly blest, Allur'd by the powerful charms of my gold, The swains flock around, whom I love to behold, To a beautiful swain I soon yielded my heart, Yet to tease now a little this true-hearted swain I oftentimes take much delight; To torture his feelings, and give him some pain, A trick I just try'd t'other night: U 2 With |