And when at last, (for tars and kings His mind's made up, come what will; OF FT as on Thames' banks I stray, The nymphs then laugh, While health they drink, To William of the ferry, Dear William of the ferry. When on the stream the youths attend, And o'er the surface row. E'er ply the oar, Y 3 Or Or steer so well the wherry, The prize alone, Young William of the ferry, Such bliss to me his smiles impart, Shall join our hands, Then I'll be blithe and merry; To William of the ferry, NIRST and chief on golden wing, FIRS The cherub contemplation bring, Sweet bird, that shunn'st the noise of folly, Thee, chauntress oft the woods among Or, Or, missing thee, I walk unseen, On the dry smooth shaven green, "To behold the wand'ring moon, Riding near her highest noon. COM HOME buy of poor Mary, primroses I sell, Through London's fain'd city I'm known mighty well; Tho' my heart is quite sunk, I constantly cry, Who'll buy my primroses, who'll buymyprimroses, Who'll buy my primroses, who'll buy, who'll buy? Friends and parents I've none, I ne'er saw their face, I wander about the poor child of disgrace; My equals despise me, and say I am proud, Because I avoid them, and keep from their crowd; For wicked temptations I ever will fly, I live by primroses, who'll buy my primroses, Who'll buy, &c. Alone and unpitied, I'm look'd on with scorn, HOW happily my life I led, Without a day of sorrow, To reap and mow, No care beyond the morrow; Loves words a few: For sometimes smooth, and sometimes rough, In the joys of an humble state. But when with law I craz'd my head, I lost both peace and pleasure; Long saws to hear, To search and swear, And plague beyond all measure; One grievance brought another on, My debts increase, my stock is gone; My wife, she says, Our means 'twill raise, What then? 'tis idle prate, For sometimes smooth, &c. WHAT WHAT is glory? what is fame? That a shadow, this a name; Restless mortals to deceive. Are they renown'd, can they be great, That mothers, children, wives, may grieve, Ask smiling nonour to proclaim, What is glory? what is fame? Hark! the glad mandate strikes the list'ning ear, The truest glory to the bosom dear, Is when the soul starts soft compassion's tear. What are riches, pomp, and pow'r? Deaf to the mis'ries of the poor? Hark! the sweet mandate strikes the list'ning ear; The trues glory to the bosom dear, Is when the soul starts soft compassion's tear, GOD |