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Hon. Lord Calthorpe, Lewis Way, Esq. vine truth will obtain a wide diffusion Mr. Wm. Brown, a respectable member of among the families on the Continent. This the Society of Friends, and the Rev. Dr.' measure will probably cause an increase of Collyer. Several other clergymen and gen- 2501. beyond the usual amount of the gratlemen intended to have addressed the tuitous distributions of the Society. The Meeting, but, for want of time, their Missionary Society established in 1795 bas names were read by the Secretary with the aided them in this good work with a contrirasolutions which they proposed, and which bution of fifty pounds. were carried unanimously. On the thanks The Committee have also provided fot of the Meeting to the Royal Chairman, His the large influx of foreigners that may be Royal Highness closed the business by ally expected in this country, by an increase of recommending increised exertions in favour the variety of their tracts in foreign lanof this excellent institution. The hall was guages; and the operations of the Society erowded by a very respectable assembly of upon the Continent have been truly inteladies and gentlemen ; and sermons were resting and important. preached by the Hon. and Very Rev. the The Evangelical Society at Stockholm Dean of Wells, and the Rev. Wm. Cooper, not only prosecutes its object with vigour' and the collections amounted to 2631. 138. by the aid of contributions in Sweden, but

by the assistance of the Religious Tract So

ciety in London it has printed six tracts, RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY.

consisting of thirty thousand copies, in the On Thursday, the 12th of May, was Lapanese languages, which have been reheld, at the City of London Tavern, the ceived by the Laplanders with joy and grafifteenth anniversary of this institution; titude. which, though at the early hour of seven In Russia the tracts of the Religious o'clock, was attended by more than nine Tract Society have been widely circulated, hundred persons, who were gratified by a and fourteen have been translated from the Report equally interesting with that of any French into the Russian language: the preceding year.

former have awakened much interest among It appeared that the Society is progres the higher ranks of society, and the latter sively increasing among Protestants of all will doubtless prove a blessing to those of denominations : that since the last anni- the lower classes. versary nineteen auxiliary societies have At this Meeting a lively interest was mabeen added, which have variously contri- nifested by the persons present, both mibuted to its funds; that of Bishop Stort- nisters and laymen of the establishment, ford stands conspicuous, having given and dissenters, in the important object of twenty pounds to the parent institution. the Society; and they retired from the Of the auxiliary societies noticed in former Meeting with a determination to avail themreports, thirty-eight have contributed to selves more fully of the facilities afforded the general purposes of the Society, aniong by the distribution of religious tracts, to which we observed that of Manchester diffuse the knowledge of the truth as it kas furnished 301. and that of Leeds 80l. is in Jesus ;” and thereby promote more ex

Some of these auxiliary societies are tensively the salvation of mankind. widely extending their influence and beneficial effects upon society at large, particuJarly those of Manchester and Leeds; the

HIBERNIAN SOCIETY. latter of 'which, having happily united This Society held its eighth Annual every denomination in one band of bro- Meeting on Friday, the 16th of May, atı therly love, are enabled to execute their seven in the morning, at the City of Lone object with greater efficiency, and to hold don Tavern, the New London being found forth an example worthy of imitation too small to accommodate the friends who throughout the British empire.

felt an. interest in the object of this in· Among the contributions to the Society stitution. is one of 111. 135. 4d. sterling, from a few T he Report, which was read by the pious soldiers in the island of Java, to Chairman, presented a pleasing view of the whom a supply of tracts had been sent at state of the schools under the care of the their request. The army and navy, and Society, which are increasing in numbers the foreign prisoners of war, continue to and importance; they amount to one hunoccupy the attention of the Society; and, dred and forty-five, containing more than to enable the latter to carry with them eight thousand scholars. These poor chilsuitable religious tracts upon their return dren are daily employed in reading the home, the Committee have printed large Holy Scriptures, large portions of which impressions of their French tracts, which are by many of them coinmitted to memory. they have made up in sets and covered, in . The alteration in the plan of the Society, order to be giren to the prisoners at the 'which took place at a special general meetmoztient of their departure; whereby Dining, held in February last, besume the sub

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ject of discussion; but we are happy to say the journal of Mr. Campbell will be unithat that discussion was conducted with a versally interesting, and it will be read with spirit of Christian moderation which does pleasure by every feeling and benevolent honour to those who engaged in it. What heart. He is a man, of all others, perhaps, ever difference of opinion might exist, the most suitable that could have been en respecting the best mode of diffusing reli- ployed, possessing those singular talents gious knowledge in Ireland, there was none suited for a traveller in the interior of that in regard to the object--one feeling per- country. At the close of the sermon he vaded the whole meeting, and to promote addressed the people; gave some account of the spiritual welfare of long-neglected Ire- the missions in the south of Africa; ac land was the universal wish.

knowledged, with gratitude to God, the It is now clearly understood, that the many singular incidents in his travels, and operations of the Society will in future be the conviction he felt of the value of their directed, exclusively, to the establishment prayers in his behalf.--This interesting serof schools, and tus circulation of the Holy vice was concluded by the Rev. Mr. Griffin, Scriptures, in Ireland.

of Portsea; after which, a collection was It appears, from the statement of the mide, amounting to 3741. In the evening funds, that the excessive depressure under of the same day, the Rey. T. Raffles, of which they laboured last year, has been re- Liverpool, preached at the Tabernacle, from lieved the liberality of the public; but Acts, xix. 22-27 : this sermon was very this relief has chiefly arisen from donations, animating, and displayed great zeal in supcongregational collections, and auxiliary so- port of the Society.--The collection amount cieties. We have still to lament that the ed to 3021, annual subscriptions do not yet amount to On Thursday, May 12, the Rev. Mr. four hundred pounds, while the annual ex- M'Indoe preached at Tottenham-court Chapenditure exceeds two thousand.

pel, from Isaiah, xl. 5: " And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed." ---The amount of the collection was 1762.


Report of the Directors. The Anniversary of this valuable insti. On the morning of the same day, the tution commenced on the morning of May"Directors and Friends of the Missionary u. as usual, at Surrey Chapel: soon after Society assembled at Surrey Chapel, which nine o'clock the chapel was filled. The was crowded. Great curiosity was excited Ministers from the country who attended by the exhibition of some of the gods of appeared as numerous as in former years. Africa, and the appearance of many LasThe Rev. Rowland Hill read the service for cars who have been taken under the pathe day. The Rev. Mr Sloane prayed before tronage of the Society. Soon after ten sermon; after wbich the Rev. Mr. Stein- o'clock, W. Shrubsole, Esq. was called to kopff preached from Matthew, xiii. 38: the chair, when the Rer. W. Platt read the

The field is the world.” A more appro- extract of a minute made at the first Allpriate text and sermon, perhaps, could not nual Meeting of the Society: hare been delivered. Much impression was

Fundamental Principle. made upon the public mind by the unex “ As the union of God's peoplo, of vant : pected return of the Rev. J. Campbell, who rious denominations, in carrying on this has so ably accomplished the object of the So- great work, is a most desirable object; so; ciety, by his visit to the south of Africa. The to prevent, if possible, any cause of future choice of the Society, and inclination of dissension, it is declared to e a fundamental Mr. C. for this voyage, appear evidently to principle of the Missionary Society, that be the work of a peculiar Providence. It is, our design is not to send Presbyterianism, without doubt, a most important occur. Independency, Episcopacy, or any other rence in the history of the Missionary So- form of church order and government, ciety. Whether considered in a geographi- about which there may be differences of cal, political, or religious and moral view, opinion among serious persons, but the glow it is one of those missions that does honour, rious Gospel of the blessed God to the to the cause of humanity, as well as the heathen ; and that it shall be left, as it ought cause of Christianity. The interior of ever to be left, to the minds of the persons Africa is still, in a great measure, unex- whom God may call into the fellowship of plored; and every attempt to explore it is his Son from among them, to assume for attended with peculiar hazard to the indivi- themselves such form of church governduals employed. Every additional foot of ment as to them shall appear most agree ground that is occupied by the missionaries able to the Word of God. is a step towards the civilization of a most “On this liberal principle the Society deglècted and most degraded part of the has ever since proceeded : their missionworld. Whatever different opinions people aries have been taken from various, dena. way form of the London Missionary Society, minations of Christians; and pursue those

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...... 100

modes of worship and discipline which ap

£. . d. pear to them, and to the people among Mrs. C........ ........ 5 0 0 whom they labour, the most scriptural, and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton ........ 10 0 0 the best adapted to their respective circum- Three little Boys............ 015 0 stances. Some of them use the Liturgy of Rev. Geo. Knight, Harwell.... 1 0 0 the Church of England; others worship ac- Tho. Allen, Esq. Frederic Place 3 3 0 cording to the mode of the Church of Scot- The following, by Mr. GEORGE GIBSON, land; others in the Lutheran, or in the

at Leith. Moravian way; and others agreeably to the

Mrs. Henderson, Falkirk ..... customs of Dissenting and Methodist con

1 0 0 Rev. Dr. Jamieson ..........

• 1 1 gregations. The Missionary Society knows

Mr. Rob. Hall, Leith ........ 030 nothing of sects and parties to make men

0 Christians is their sole aim: the language

Mr. John Paxton, Berwick on .'

2 of their original constitution, and of their

2 a

Mr. David Pitcairn, Leith..... ? 2 0 uniform practice, is-

Mr. Wm. Yale Gifford, ditto... « Let names, and sects, and parties, fall, Mr. J. Barclay, ditto. ........ 0 10 0 And Jesus Christ be all in all.”

Mr. Robt. Nielsen, ditto...... 0 10 0
Mr. Wm. Thornburn, ditto.... 3 3

Collection at the Independent CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE RELIEF OF THE Chapel, Lentil. ........... 1 2 0

MISSIONS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN. Donation, by Dumfries MissionW h at would tid .


a ry Society............... 20 0 0 the additional donations towards the relief

of Mr. J. Thompson........... *100

oo and support of the missions of the United A Collection by the Rev. Geo. Brethren among the heathen, which we Lambert, Hull........

l............ 8 0 have the pleasure to report in the subjoin- Dr. Thackery, Bedford, by ed list of receipts, we offer up our humble Rev. Mr. Grinishaw ....... thanks and praises to Klim' who has thus Mrs. Harry Grey, Torquay, disposed the hearts of his people to come Newton Abbot ........... 5 0 0 to our assistance in this time of need. We Two Servants .............. 0 also beg to express our great obligations to Two Children of Rev. Professor the Editors of the Christian Guardian, for Farish........

02 their liberality in sparing room sufficient in From a Congregation of United their valuable publication, for the insertion Brethren at Plymouth Dock, ' of our acknowiedgments to our generous by Rer. S. Church. ....... 5 1 9 benefactors, by which, also, the attention Ditto............ ........ 1 15 0 of many of their readers bas been kindly The following twenty-one, by Mr. PLEN directed towards our wants. May God bless : DERLEATH, Edinburgh, and reward them, and all who take so active Samuel Paterson, Esq.,...... 3 3 0 a share in the welfare of the missionary Mr. John Lawder........... 1 1 0 establishments of the United Brethren. Mr. Wm. Henderson. , ....... 100

. Č. . LATROBE. Secretary. Sir Andrew Lawder Dick..... 2 2 . . J. L. WOLLIN, Treasurer. A Friend, by Mr. Pinkerton. .. 1

Mr. Archibald Stewart ....... 10 10 The sums marked with an asterisk are des Mrs. Young................ I 0

tined for the relief of the sufferers at Rev. James Haldane......... 2 2 Moscow, mentioned in the Appeal. A Friend, by Mr. M'Knowles . i 0

£. $. d. Mr. Geo. Inglis, Dumfermline. I i Mrs. Stokes............... *4 0 0 Rev. Walter Dunlop, Dumfries. ' 1 1 0 For Missions, ditto.......... 4 0 0 Mrs. Sbaw..... Right Hon. Lady Montague... 5 00

Mrs. Sprot..

...,... 2 2 0 Mrs. Drake. ............... 100 Mrs. Poyntzi....

........ 1 0 0 A Friend, ................. A Friend, by Miss Wade. .... *5 0 0

Kilmany Penny Bible Society, Ditto..................... 5 0 0

by Mr. James Balfour...... 15 0 0 From the Hibernian General

Mr. Edie, Kilmany......... 10 Missionary Society, by Abbot

Collection at Aberdeen, by Rev. Trayer, Jun. Esq..........'50 0 0

Mr. Burns. .............. 22. 12 0 From the Missionary Society at .

Preston Pans Bible Society, by - Stirling, Second Donation,

Dr. Brown .............. 100 Q by Rev. J. Smart.......... 12 0 0 Mr. J. Taylor, Preston Pans... I l a Collection among the small

Mr. Abr. Taylor, ditto ....... ! 1 a · Congregations of United Bre

Joseph Wilson, Esq. Highbury- .. · thren at Leominster ....... 10 3 hill................. *91 0 4

Mr. G........


Love of £s. d. preacher very ably applied his subject to Robt. Davis, Esq. Walthamstow,

the illustration of the peculiar circumby Mr. Button ........... 5 0 0 stances of our national deliverance, and Rer. Reynolds Hogg, Ryegate,

the duty thence arising of exerting ours by ditto................. 5 5 0 selves with redoubled zeal in diffusing the Mr. John Cozens, by ditto. .. 2 0 0 Gospel among the heathen. It was interMr. James Cozens, by ditto... 200 spersed with many fervent prayers and Mr. J. Copeman ............ 1 0 0 heart-searching appeals on behalf of the George Livius, Esq. first Dona

great objects of the Society. We earnestly

.... 20 0 0 recommend its perusal to all who wish the Ditto, second Donation....... 10 0 0 edification of their own minds, and the A Mite from E. M........... 0 10 0 strengthening of their zeal in the cause of Second Collection in the Con

missions, and of the Society. It is imposgregation of United Brethren

sible to describe the thrilling effect proat Bristol ............... 57 11 0 duced on the congregation, by the prayer c. Dumelow, Esq. Leicester... 5 0 0 for the late Ruler of France, with which Rey. David Ramsay, Kirkwall.. i 0 the following extract closes, uttered, as it Collection made by ditto...... 6 7 7 was, with heavenly simplicity and fervour. , Rev. James Tomline, by Rev.

“ Such was the man, and such the effects Basił Woodd. ............ 1 i 0 of bis violence; but mark the end-WE Second Collection in the Con

ARE DELIVERED. His mighty host moulgregation of United Brethren,

dered away, and melted like dew before the London......

......... 16 5 0 rising sun; another started up--and anos D.P.C. K. by Rev. Josiah Pratt i i O ther too, and shared the same fate. Ene

mies often conquered before-seasons often

before favourable--friends for a long time PRAYER BOOK AND HOMILY SOCIETY. faithful; all contended against him, and 'On Thursday, the 5th of May, after a all succeeded. Even the stars in their most eloquent and affecting sermon preach- courses fought against Sisera. His sceptre ed at Christ Church, Newgate Street, by of power crumbled into dust; and, as the the Hon. and Rev. G. T. Noel, M. A. pressure of fear was taken away, the naVicar of Rainham, Kent, the Second An- tural hatred of his people arose. He is nual Meeting of this Society was held dethroned and banished. He flies, not as at the New London Tavern, Cheapside; a general, but a captive; with no troops the Right Hon. Lord Gambier, as one but a guard to prevent his escape-and with of the Vice-presidents, in the chair. The no remnant of a kingdom, but a rocky various resolutions were moved and second island, an extended prison. May the God ed, by the Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe, of mercy reach him there, ere it be too Thomas Reade Kernp, Esq. M.P. Z. Mac- late, and make him, even him who has aulay, J. J. W. Freshfield, John Poynder, been so long a ready and well-fitted instruEşqrs. Rev. J. W. Cunningham, Charles ment of his vengeance, even yet a willing Hoare, C. Simeon, T.C. Cowan, T.T. Bid- monument of his grace!" dulph, &c. &c. who pleaded the cause of The collection amounted to 3016. 158,6d. the Society with great zeal and effect.

The annual general Meeting was held The Society had issued from their depo- at two o'clock, at the Crown and Anchor sitory, during the year, 7660 Prayer-books,

Tavern, for the purpose of receiving the

Tavern, for the purpo 550 Psalters, and *86,847 Homilies in Report of the Committee for the last year. single sermons, as tracts..

The Right Hon. Lord Gambier, Vice-patron and President, was in the chais, sup

ported by the Right Hon. Lord Çalthorpe, CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY.

the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Wells, The Fourteenth Anniversary of this in- Henry Thornton, Esq. M.'P, Thomas stitution was held on Tuesday, May the 3d. Reade Kemp, Esq. M.P. Lewis Way, Esq. The anniversary sermon was preached be- &c.' There were present upward of fifty fore the Right. Hon. the Vice-patron and clergymen, and members and friends of the President, the Vice-presidents and the Society to the number of upwards of one Members and Friends of this Society, by thousand. I the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Wells, The Report was read in part by Lord from Psalm xviii. 48, 49. “He delivereth Gambier, and in part by the Secretary. The me from mine enemies : yea, thou liftest great increase of the Society's influence, me up above those that rise up against funds, and exertions, during the last year, me : thou hast delivered me from the vio is well known to our readers. The average lent man; therefore will I give thanks un income of the preceding thirteen years was to thee, O Lord, among the heathen, and about 2000l. per annum, that of the thirsing praises unto thy name.”

teenth year being 30001.: but the receipts In this devout and eloquent sermon, the of the fourteenth year have been between GHRIST. GWARD, VOL. VI.

нь :

11 and 12,0001.! and its prospects of use- tion of the slave trade, is the single topic to ful expenditure are opening with this aug- which I would advert: the opening of India mentation of its funds.

to missionary labours. I may congratulate Mr. Kemp, in moving that the Report the Noble Lord in the chair upon the proshould be adopted and printed under the minent and successful part which he took direction of the Committee, particularly in exciting the national appeal to Parliaadverted to the melioration of the condition ment on that subject. It remains for this. of Africa, where Britain had a deep stain Society, over which he presides, to follow of national guilt to wipe out; where now up his Lordship's exertions. What will the the terror of our trading ships would be legislature think of Missionary Societies, exchanged for the language of welcome to who, as on bended knees, implored this boon the missionaries: “How beautiful upon the of them, if now, when granted, they mountains are the feet of them that bring should not avail themselves of it? What glad tidings, that publish peace!”

levity and trifling, what inconsistency and The Rev. T. S. Grimshaw, M. A. of Bed- insincerity, may they not impute to us! I ford, moved, that the cordial thanks of the entreat you, then, not to stultify your own Society be given to its friends in Bristol, petitions; but, by increasing contributions Yorkshire, Norfolk, Suffolk, Leicestershire, and support, to give the utmost effect to Southwark, and other places where Asso that enlightened measure." ciations have been formed; to the Secretary . The Rev. T. T. Biddulph, of Bristol, re of the Society; to those Clergymen who turned thanks in the name of himself and bave assisted in forming Associations; and the other clergymen, &c. to the Ladies who, in the metropolis and Henry Thornton, Esq. M. P. moved, in the country, have exerted themselves in that the thanks of the Society be given to their support. So long a resolution, he the Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of Wells, observed, framed for the despatch of the for his excellent sermon, and that he be business of the day, had devolved upon requested to allow the same to be printed him duties to which he was hardly equal. together with the Report.“I cannot Were not the merits of the friends alluded deny, that the advice which we have some to well known, did they not speak for times received from Rev. Gentlemen at theinselves, he must have declined the un- these Meetings is valuable, who have redertaking. He particularly adverted to the marked the proneness to personal praise, meritorious zeal of the ladies in this cause; and enjoined caution upon us in this partiand he should beg leave to include in the cular. At the same time I cannot but think vote of thanks the ladies present, as he it an act only of justice, to bear my testiwas persuaded, that if any of them bad mony to the excellence of the sermon we not hitherto, they must in future be im- have all heard this morning; one of the pelled to interest themselves for the Society, peculiar excellencies of which was, that It had been said by an eloquent writer, at it led our minds from the consideration of the beginning of the French Revolution, the preacher to that of his subject. I ain that the age of chivalry was gone, and that fully sensible, also, of the importance of of calculators had succeeded, and the glory such an accession to the interests of the Soof Europe was extinguished for ever. But ciety. As your Treasurer, I may also conbe must beg leave to withhold his assent gratulate you on the increase of your funds. to this assertion, when he found it coutra. It is, indeed, not a little remarkable, that dicted by the applause of a British audience at a period when the public burdens bave given to female exertions in behalf of the been great beyond example, the public cause of benevolence. At least, if the age charity has been, beyond all former example, of chivalry be gone, he might congratulate great; so, that more benevolent institutions the nation on the commencement of a far have been set on foot and supported during more auspicious era--the age of piety. the last war, than ever before existed in

The Rev. John Owen, M. A. seconded Great Britain ! Surely we may reasonably the motion. “ We are told,” he said, cherish the hope that in better circum" that the voice of joy and gladness is in stances this noble spirit of charity will ex the dwellings of the upright." It is the as- tend itself a hundred fold.” surance of the excellence of our object that The Rev. C. Simon, M. A, seconded the produces among us this unanimous delight. motion. He concurred witin the last speaker I might be excused addressing you, in con in the propriety of keeping, as much as sideration of other labours almost over possible, a spirit of flattery from meetings whelming; but, called up as I am to se convened for so sacred a purpose. He re. Gond this motion, I feel that I am speak- joiced, however, most sincerely, in the ing upon a theme congenial to my daily ex- prospects of usefulness afforded by the dis, ertions in behalf of the British and Foreign course preached that morning. Would that Bible Society. An event which has taken the sermon might be read by every enemy or place since the last atinual meeting-an person prejudiced against the Society, if event second only (if seeond) to the aboli there be such! While we remember that

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