
usurper of the rights of their prince, which were made in your name, his most inveterate enemy. Under to be the faithful subjects of his the slavish dominion of this tyrant gracious government? Have you they long had groaned, till (through not remained, and, still more, have the mercy, of God) deliverance you not submitted yourselves to from his yoke was granted, the the slavish dominion of his enemy, power of the oppressor was de- Satan, the tyrant to whom you stroyed, and with gratitude they have yielded yourselves as serhail the return of their rightful vants, till, through the wondrous master. View the expression of love and distinguishing mercy of feeling with which their hearts Him from whom you had so basely, overflow; it is public and universal; revolted, you have received and the most animated expressions of acknowledged his claim as your joy appear on every countenance, lawful sovereign ? You have reresound from every tongue; they nounced the service of which the seem anxious to emulate each other wages is death,” and have em. in demonstrations of loyalty, in braced the opportunity of publicly professions of unreserved obedi- proclaiming, that henceforth you ence to the authority of their be- will serve the Lord, and (dependloved monarch ; multitudes throng ing upon the promised assistance the way in which a sight of him of his grace) that hereafter you may be obtained, and, not content will be ruled by him alone, and with declaring to their sovereign continue his faithful subjects for their affection and allegiance, they ever. O! go on to imitate the are desirous, of evidencing to all outward conduct of the French who behold them " whose they are people ; let not the reproof be apand whom they serve," and there- plicable to your case: “ The chil. fore display on their outward attire dren of this world are in their gea the emblematic colour of their neration wiser than the children of prince. When the shades of even- light." Shall the subjects of an ing put a period to other expres- earthly potentate delight to testify sions of their joy, the most splen- their love and fidelity to their did illuminations appear in honour prince in a manner so decided and of the event, which thus restores animated, while the subjects of Jepeace and happiness to their be- hovah Jesus content themselves fore troubled country. In short, with tamely recognising his right every thing is calculated to con- to their service, his dominion over vince the spectator that their joy them to be lawful? O! let it be is, real, that their attachment is seen in your lives that you acquiun feigned ; that they are happy- esce in his demand-6 My son, that they are grateful. And what, give me thy heart;"' let your whole my dear young friends, has been conduct discover an affectionate your experience?-Compare each obedience to his government, evince circumstance; say, is not the si- your sense of his stupendous mermilarity striking? Were you not cy, by living to Him who died for in your infancy dedicated to the you. Remember, you are no longer service of the King of kings? your own, but bought with a price; were you not solemnly pledged to therefore “ glorify God with your allegiance? yet, notwithstanding, bodies and your spirits, which are has not the language of your his:" enterfully into the observance hearts, the language of your ac- of the apostolic direction, and let tions in your unconverted state, the tender mercies of your gracious been this --" We will not have this Lord constrain you“ to present man to reign over us ;" and in the your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, continued disregard of the vows acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service:” let it be evi- shall pass away, but my word shall dent to the world that he is your not pass away."-Psalm lxiii. 2; Sovereign. May you not adopt the Matt. xviii. 20; Hab. ii. 20; Mal. indicative badge of the people of iii. 1; Luke, xxiv. 15; Mal. iii.16; Lyons, and appear adorned with &c. &c. There is one more partithe distinctive ornament of a meek cular in which your cases may be and quiet spirit, which will mark similar: it is the order of the gothe subjects of the Prince of Peace? vernment, of which it is your hapWill you not also be anxious to be piness to be the subjects, that a found in the way in which you may perpetual illumination shall be dismeet your King? Remember the played in honour of the Sovereign's sweet promises connected with the return to his dominion over your gracious precepts of your Master: hearts. Consult the revelation of

. Seek ye my face ;" “ He that his will in St. Matthew, v. 16: seeketh findeth.Seek his bless. “Let your light so shine before ed presence, then, in his ordi- men,” &c.; and he has not only nances, in his word, at his mercy- commanded this to be observed, seat, in the society of his people, but has provided for its accomand assuredly you shall not be dis- plishment: he promises to bestow appointed. If the language of your the oil of divine grace, by which hearts be that of the Greeks at Je- the light may be maintained contirusalem, you shall obtain your de nually, that thus, whilst the happisire ; you shall see Jesus.” Take ness of showing forth the praises for your encouragement these fol- of his Lord is the believer's, the lowing, amongst many other Scrip- merit may be his alone who enables tures which might be particular- him to shine. May you, my young ized, and address your Redeemer friends, thus celebrate the love and in the words of the Psalmist : mercy of Him whom you now de66 Remember the word unto thy sire to reign in your hearts, until servant, upon which thou hast he shall call you to reign with him caused me to hope;" they shall be for ever in his kingdom of glory, fulfilled to your comfort and re- May 17th, 1814.

L. G, freshment, for “ heaven and earth


Immanuel; or, Scripture Vieres of The Minister's Farewell and the

Jesus Christ. By the Rev. Tho. Minister's Greeting. Two SerJones, Rector of Barby, North mons, preached in the Parish amptonshire. Seeley, London. Churches of Lutterworth and pp. 92.

Claybrook. By the Hon. and At a time when the enemies of Very Rev. Henry Ryder, D.D. our holy faith are making exertions Rector of Lutterworth, Vicar of to overturn the doctrines of true

Claybrook, and Dean of Wells. Christianity, we rejoice to find that

Richardson, Payne, and Hatchthe author of the “ Scripture Di ard. London. pp. 32. Price 2s. rectory” has been induced to re FOLLOWING the example of his publish this admirable defence of blessed Master, who went about the divinity of our Lord and Sa- doing good, the Dean of Wells viour Jesus Christ, and we recom- has embraced the opportunity of mend it as an antidote against So- an occasional absence from his pacianjanism..

rochial charge, and his return


among his beloved people, to call A Series of Dialogues on several their attention more particularly i important religious Subjects. By to those momentous truths they .the Rev. J. Buckworth, A. M. are in the habit of constantly hear Vicar of Dewsbury, Yorkshire. ing from the pulpits of Lutter Sherwood and Co. London. pp.' worth and Claybrook. We con- ' 48. sider it an oinen for good, that The author has printed these the dignitaries of our church are Dialogues so that they may be didisposed to pay such attention to. vided into separate tracts for disthe spiritual wants of their people. tribution among the poor; and we

beg leave to recommend them to An Address to the Rev. Eustace our benevolent readers for this

Carey, Jan. 19, 1814, on his De- purpose.
signation as a Christian Mission.
ary to India. By Robert Hall, England's Mercies and Duties. A

M. A. Button and Son, Lon- Sermon preached in the Church
don. pp. 50.

of Saint George, Little Bolton, Mr. Hall is too well known as a Lancashire. By the Rev. W. writer to need any recommenda Thistlethwaite, M. A. Minister. tion from us. This Address, Second Edition. Hatchard, Lone though it does not display the don, pp. 24. Price 1s. same brilliancy of talent that he .. We are happy to find that this has exhibited upon other occa- seasonable and loyal address to his sions, yet is highly creditable to people by our worthy brother has the head and heart of the author, been so favourably received, and and ought to be read by every can we only wish that every congregadidate for the ministry, whether in tion in the United Kingdom had as or out of the pale of the Establish- faithful and laborious a pastor as ed Church.

St. George's, Bolton.

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CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY AT HULL. may be interested in the issue of this day's

meeting. The present are times of exultaConcluded from Page 256.]

tion, with respect both to the happy ehanges THE Rev. J. Scott, M. A. Vicar of North in publie affairs, and the opening prospects Ferribý, and Lecturer at the old church. of the Church of God. I consider the pre“ I rise, Sir, for the purpose of moving the sent as an occasion of exultation, but one second resolution, which goes to recom- which calls us also to humiliation for past mend the collection of weekly and monthly neglects. Had we, had our forefathers, subscriptions, upon the plan proposed by and Christians of preceding ages, done their the Parent Society. In doing this, bow- duty- had not that burning zeal for Christ, ever, I shall take the liberty of offering my and tender love for the souls of men, ideas upon the general object of the Insti- which characterized the primitive days of tution. And this I would fain do with the the Gospel, so soon become extinct, and gravity, the simplicity, and the feeling; given way to petty contentions about suborwhich become the occasion. I would re- dinate points, 0! in how different a world member that we have in view the promo- should we have been living! Instead of tion of the kingdom of our Lord and Sa- hearing of five hundred, or six hundred viour Jesus Christ, and that the welfare of millions of Pagans and Mahometans, in one duany, I hope very, many, immortal souls quarter of the globo, and one hundred oc

two hundred millions in another, we may But when persons, under the fallacions prewell believe we should have seen the king. text of candour and charity, assume such dom of Christ extended from pole to pole. principles concerning their state and proAnd how different might have been the spects as go to put down, and pour contemyt fate of thousands of millions of our fellow upon, all really charitable exertions for creatures, who, through the neglect of their good; to set at nought all obedience Christians, lived without light, and died, it to the command, given to us to preach iş to be feared, without hope. I will the Gospel to every creature;' and even to Rot, however, indulge vain regrets for the represent Christianity itself as no great bepast; I only wish to stimulate myself and nefit to us: we are constrained to examine others to due exertions for the future.

a little into the doctrine of Scripture, and “But already I feel I am upon ground the suggestions of fact upon the subject. where I must encounter a host of objections. We may say with the Apostle, “Ye have Great prejudices I feel, and have found to compelled us.'-What then say the Scripexist in many minds, otherwise benevolent, tures concerning the state of men to whom against our attempts to convert the hea, the Gospel had not come? Are they not then to the faith of Christ. Some avow their considered as sitting in darkness and the dislike of a proselyting spirit: they would shadow of death,'-baying no hope, and look to themselves, and not intermeddle without God in the world?' The coming with others. To some it appears uncharic of the Gospel to them is considered accordtable, and even cruel, to disturb men in the ingly, as bringing them life from the religious rites and profession which they dead. We read, indeed, of the work of have received from their fathers. The at the law written in their hearts and of their tempt to convert them, it is insinuated, is consciences excusing, as well as accusing superfiuous: we may hope that they will them.' (Rom. i.) But what does this on not fare materially worse under their dis- the whole amount to ? That all knew pensation than we under ours. Nay, it something of their duty- knew more than has even been said, that our officious inter- they practised: and, in consequence, the position may prove injurious to the hea conclusion made concerning them is, so then-since they may reject the Gospel, and that they are without excuse. Though, thus incur a condemnation which but for us therefore, we read of those who had sin. they might have escaped! To what a length ned without the. (written) law, perishing would this last form of the objection carry without the law,' we read nothing of men us! According to this we must not teach & sared without the Gospel.- And then what poor child to read, we must not give a Bible say facts? Are the state and character of the to a poor family, we must not call a sinner heathen such, that we can cherish any sato repentance: for all these measures would tisfactory hope, that they are training up for subject the parties to greater responsibility, glory, honour, and immortality?'-But and, if not improved, to greater condemna- I am ever ready to put the whole of this nation! And then to talk of cruelty, and question on the ground of a text, on which disturbing the wretched slaves of degraded some persons seem disposed to build very and bloody superstitions, by peaceably in- opposite consequences to what I am conviting them to share the glorious liberty of strained to deduce. Does not the Scripture the Gospel-what a perversion of all lan- (say they) declare that in every nation guage, wbat an insult upon all common he that feareth God and worketh righteoussense, is this! And are we to be insulted ness is accepted? It does : and I fully as actuated by a petty spirit of proselytism, and gladly acquiesce in the declaration. when our only aim is, not to draw disciples Show me then the man in any nation, to ourselves, but to turn men from sin to who in any sense which a believer in righteousness, and from Satan unto Scripture can admit, is 'fearing God and God?'--to win them to Christ in the working righteousness,' and I believe that only name given under heaven, whereby we , man is in the way to heaven through the may be saved ? Such an insinuation casts Saviour', even though he be to him an un2 much stronger and inore direct censure known Saviour. But then the terrible fact upon the whole conduct of our Lord, and is—that we know not where, either among his Apostles than upon any of us, who come ancient heathens or modern, to find sach almost infinitely short of their zeal in this men! No: the language of fact, of the blessed cause.

actual state of the heathen, is, if possible, « But the fact is, that this whole tribe of still more awful than that of the Scripture, objections, bottoms in infidelity, and vir- And the language of both is such, as, even tually rejects the principles as well as con; if we admit that it still leaves us uninformed demns the proceedings of our Lord and his of their doom, should rouse us to every pogo Apostles. No, man has a greater - repug- sible exertion to bring them into a state nance than I feel to intrude into inquiries more likely, for salvation. Yes, that is the concerning the future.doom of the heathen. true charity, not which, cheaply persuades

itself that all is well, and does nothing; hutsion to witness the blessed effects of sending which, fearing the worst, spares no pains to the Gospel to the heathens.' When in Lonavert it.

don,'a year'an'd a half ago, I had the oppor46 But supposing the conversion of the tunity of seeing frequently an African heathen not superfluous, we are told it is youth, as fine a youth, whether for the qu'aimpracticable. They are incapable of ré- lities of the head or the heart, as I almost ceiving the Gospel. Civilization must pre- ever met with. His whole history was very cede.' --But millions are civilized : and for interesting. - He was the son of personis of others let civilization and Christianity go consequence in his own country. His mohand in hand. They will help one another, ther had some years ago sent him over to Assuredly, he who neglects to employ Chris America for education, in charge of a master tianity in his attempts to civilize, foregoes of a vessel in whom she thought she coula the use of the most powerful instrument for confide. But the wicked man, as soon as his work. Why should he not, while teach- he arrived, sold the poor youth for a slave! ing the poor Indians or Negroes the arts of He regained his liberty, however, in conse life, attempt to instil into them some of that quence of accidentally meeting in the 'streets knowledge which may lead them to life ever- a person who had known him in Africa, Jasting? This has ever been the plan of and who proved that his condition in life all wise' missionaries. I was this very morn- was such, that he could never bave been ing reading an 'extract of a letter from Mr. lawfully reduced to servitude. He returneth La Trobe, Secretary of the Moravian Mis- to Africa, and was afterwards intrusted ta sions, addressed to the 'Bible Society, in our Society's missionary, Mr. Bútscher, to which he speaks of a great number of Hot- be' brought to England, for improvement. tentots taught to read by the missionaries, He was for a time under the care of my and of 300 sacks of corn last year produced father : and the most satisfactory grounds by the voluntary tillage of poor creatures, were furnished for conclnding, that through who a little while ago were seeking roots in the blessing of God on the instructions' githe woods for a subsistence, and prowling 'Ten him, he had received, and well underabout like the beasts of the forest.

stood Christianity, and felt its powerful iti«The objection, that the heathens are in- fluence on his beart and life. Seldom have capable of receiving the Gospel, is false in I been more 'gratified than in meeting point of fact. But then, again, it is said, so this African youth at dinner, "at the same little has been effected by missions, that it is table with Mr. Frey, the converted Jet wild and unreasonable to persist in them. (well known among us). In the most simThis too is false in point of fact that little ple and unreserved 'manner they conversed has been done by missions. Almost all Chris together, and drew' tears from several pretianity, wherever it exists, is owing to mis- sent, while in broken 'accents each declared sions. We owe it to missions and mission, the things which God had done for his aries, that Great Britain is now what she is, soul. After the company had separated, and that we are not bowing down to stocks bis remark to me was-O! I love dat man: and stones-ignorant of God-ignorant of it give me much pleasure to see Jew beliete. the way of peace--and destitute of the hopes in Jesus Christ! Here was, indeed, an anof glory and immortality. But broad unde- ticipation of the time when the Gentile fined objections of this kind are the cheap- 'with the Jew shall join' in praising their sest things in the world, and attended too common Saviour and that in a case prówith manifold advantages. 1. Founded as duced by means of this Church Missionary they are in ignorance, they yet lay claim to Society. superior wisdom on the behalf of those who “ Still, however, I feel fully aware that we "advance them. 2. They save all trouble of shall appear to worldly-wise men visionaty

investigation, by assuming the point to be and absurd, for hoping to convert the world *examined. 3. They save the objector's mo- to the faith of Christ. But on what do we ney: and, 4. They save all that exertion build our hopes ? Not on the superioriwiswhich conscience might otherwise tell him dom of our plans, or the anassisted power was his duty.–But whoever is at the pains of our means; not on any thing which can to examine, knows that numbers now, as strike the eye of sense; but on the word of well as in former times, are receiving all Him who hath promised to give his Son the blessings of the Gospel by means of the heathen for his inheritance, and the ütmissions. We all must remember the af- termost parts of the earth for his posses*fecting terms in which the poor Hottentots, sion:' to cause all kings to fall down be-, brought over a few years ago by the London fore him, and all nations to do him service: Missionary Society, expostulated with us, to make the knowledge of the Lord to fill fed as we were to satiety with the bread of the earth as the waters cover the sea.' life, that we had never till now spared them 'Hath he promised, and shall he not do it? "a crumb, though they had been perishing Hath he spoken, and shall be not 'make it for want of it. Confined, as I am, very good ?'- And as to any sneers which miay much to one spot, I have myself had occa- be directed against those engaged in such

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