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Here (in America) human dignity has been developed to such a point that it would be impossible for people to endure life under a system in which the individual is only a slave of the State and has no voice in his government and no decision on his own way of life.—Albert Einstein (1940).

Democracy is a word which has many shades of meaning. It means not only a form of government but a way of living. It means also many great ideals of human conduct and relations which perhaps no country has ever entirely realized.-Raoul d'Eca (1940).

No men were less revolutionary in spirit than the heroes of the American Revolution. They made a revolution in the name of Magna Charta and the Bill of Rights. James V. Bryce (1896).

We have no selfish ends to serve. We desire no conquest, no dominion. We seek no indemnities for ourselves, no material compensation for the sacrifices we shall freely make. We are but one of the champions of the rights of mankind. We shall be satisfied when those rights have been made as secure as the faith and the freedom of nations can make them.-Woodrow Wilson (1917).

Memorable Stories of

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

Oppressive Government

One day as Confucius and some of his disciples were going past T'ai Mountain they noticed a woman weeping over a newly made grave. Wondering what relative she grieved for, Confucius bade one of his followers ask her the cause of her sorrow.

"My husband's father was killed here by a tiger," she explained, "and so also was my husband. And now my son has met the same fate.” "Why then,” asked the disciple, "do you not leave this place for a safer abode?"

The weeping woman replied: "I do not leave because here, at least, there is no oppressive government."

When the disciple returned to the group and told his story, Confucius said: "Remember this, oppressive government is more to be feared than a tiger."-THE RIGHTS WE DEFEND, Williams, p. 13.

The Wages of a Slave

In the year 9 A. D. two brothers, Hermann and Flavus, were sent to Rome to study military methods. When their period of training was over, Hermann returned to his native forests to train his people in the Roman ways of war; Flavus stayed in the southland as one of the Emperor's guard.

As the legions of Augustus swept northward, the clans which fought under Hermann found that they could more than hold their own against the invader. However, they had to defeat the Romans in several battle before Teuton independence was complete. And in one of these battles Hermann found that he was facing a Roman company commanded by his brother Flavus.

On the eve of the battle the brothers talked across a river. Hermann noticed that his brother wore a patch over one eye. Flavus explained that he had lost the eye in the service of the Emperor.

"And what has been your recompense?" asked Hermann.

"I have received an increase in pay, a military chain, an ornamental crown, and honors," answered Flavus.

Hermann said scornfully: "They are the wages of a slave cheaply purchased."-GREAT MOMENTS IN FREEDOM, Lansing, p. 81.


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