페이지 이미지

5. The granting of the subsidies in land under this act and Conditions of the acceptance thereof by the respective companies, shall be grant of subsubject to the following conditions:

a. The cost of the inspection and survey of the lands granted shall be paid by the company to which they are granted;

b. The company shall be obliged to sell, within the delay from time to time fixed by the Minister of Public Works and Labour, to settlers in good faith who apply therefor, lots out of the lands granted as subsidies, at a price not exceeding $2.50 per acre;

c. The Minister of Public Works and Labour may, for the advancement of colonization and the convenience of settlers, indicate the places where the company shall erect stations upon its line, and such stations shall be erected accordingly;

d. The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall have absolute control, at all times, over the rates and tolls to be levied and imposed by the company upon its railway;

e. The company shall build its road with rails made and purchased in Canada, and shall equip its line with materials also so made and purchased, unless such rails and materials can not be procured in Canada at as low a price and upon as favorable conditions as elsewhere, and unless such company has been previously authorized by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to procure such rails and materials outside Canada;

f. The railway shall be built in accordance with plans, profiles, books of reference, specifications and estimates, and under the conditions approved by the LieutenantGovernor in Council, upon the report of the Minister of Public Works and Labour.


6. The works of construction upon the railways for which Commencesubsidies in land shall be granted under this act, shall be ment and completion commenced, if not so already, within two years next after the of works. first of July, 1906, and be completed within a reasonable delay to be determined by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, not to exceed four years from the said date, except in so far as the 9 miles mentioned in paragraph h of section 1 of this act are concerned; and, in default of the commencement and completion of the works within the prescribed delays, the subsidies shall lapse for that portion of the railway which then remains imcomplete.

into between

of Public Works and Labour and

Contract to 7. Before commencing or resuming works, the company to be entered which subsidies in land shall be granted shall enter into a contract Department in writing with the Department Public Works and Labour, determining the conditions and nature of the works to be performed on the road, and the share of the subsidy to be assignrailway com- ed to each section of ten miles of a continuous and uninterpany subsid- rupted road, in proportion to the cost of building the whole line or the subsidized portion thereof, as estimated by the railway engineer of the Department; and every such company shall, before claiming any part of the subsidies provided for in section 1 of this act, establish to the satisfaction of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council that it has the means necessary to complete its road and to maintain it in regular operation.


Notice to
Minister of
Public Works

8. The company to which a subsidy shall be granted under this act shall notify the Minister of Public Works and Labour and Labour whenever any section of its road is ready for inspection by that railway the railway engineer of the Department and that in conseis ready for inspection. quence it requires such inspection and report.


of delay to complete




Coming into force.

9. The prescribed delay within which the works upon the Orford Mountain Railway, upon that part mentioned in paragraph u of section 1 of this act, are to be completed, is extended to the 31st December, 1907.

10. This act shall come into force on the day of its sanction.

Contract of 13th June,


An Act respecting the contract entered into between the Government and La Congrégation des Filles de Jésus, concerning the maintenance and education of children of both sexes belonging to the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Labrador), sent to their reformatory and industrial schools at Esquimaux Point, in the county of Saguenay


[Assented to 9th March, 1906]

IS MAJESTY, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec, enacts as follows:

1. The contract, hereinafter set forth as Schedule A, respecting the maintenance and education of children of both sexes

belonging to the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence 1905, rati(Labrador), sent to their reformatory and industrial schools at fied. Esquimaux Point, in the county of Saguenay, passed on the thirteenth day of June, nineteen hundred and five, before Joseph Allaire, notary, between the Government of the Province of Quebec and La Congrégation des Filles de Jésus, as approved by order of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, dated the nineteenth of July, nineteen hundred and five, hereinafter set forth as Schedule B, is approved and ratified.

2. This act shall come into force on the day of its sanction. Coming into




On the thirteenth day of June, in the year one thousand nine hundred and five,

Before JOSEPH ALLAIRE, Notary Public for the Province of
Quebec, residing at Quebec, the undersigned,


HIS MAJESTY KING EDWARD THE SEVENTH, herein represented by the Honorable RODOLPHE ROY, of the City of Quebec, Advocate, and King's Counsel, acting herein in his quality of Secretary and Registrar of the Government of the Province of Quebec, and to the effect of these presents duly authorized by an order in council of the Honorable the Executive Council of the Province of Quebec, a certified copy whereof is annexed to the original minute of these presents, after being signed by the parties and the said. notary, ne varietur


Party of the first part,

LA CONGREGATION DES FILLES DE JESUS, a body politic and corporate, having its chief place of business at the city of Three Rivers, hereto represented by the Reverend Seur Marie de Sainte Elizabeth, duly authorized in virtue of a resolution of the provincial council of Les Filles de Jésus, cassed at the city of Three Rivers, on the 31st of May last,

(1905), hereto annexed, and also with the consent and approval of His Grace Monseigneur François Xavier Cloutier, Bishop of the Diocese of Three Rivers, which consent is dated the 9th of June instant and is at the foot of the aforesaid resolution,

Party of the second part.

Which parties have entered into the following agreements and stipulations, that is to say:

1. The said Congrégation des Filles de Jésus, authorized as aforesaid as appears by the resolution hereto annexed, agree to receive, lodge, feed, clothe and teach all the children of both sexes belonging to the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Labrador), who shall be sent to their reformatory and industrial schools at Esquimaux Point; to give them all the necessary care, as well in health as in sickness, and, in case of death, to bury at their expense all the bodies which have not been claimed, to teach them to work in accordance with their age, and, in general, to deal with the said children both for the said reformatory school as for the said industrial school and to require them to work so as to give perfect satisfaction, and to carry out the ends for which the said schools have been established.

2. The said Congrégation des Filles de Jésus shall, for the purposes of the present contract, be submitted and be subject to the laws of this Province respecting reformatory and industrial schools.

3. In case any of the children confided to them should desert, the said Congrégation des Filles de Jésus shall be obliged to have them arrested and brought back at their own expense.

4. The said Filles de Jésus shall be obliged to furnish to the Department of the Provincial Secretary of the Province a monthly report. in which they shall give the date of the entry, that of the desertion, that of the temporary discharge, that of the readmission, that of the final discharge, as well as that of the death of each of the said children.

5. The said Filles de Jésus shall be further bound to furnish the Provincial Secretary with information respecting each child placed out of the said schools.

6. The number of children which the said Filles de Jésus shall be so obliged to receive for the said reformatory and industrial schools under this contract shall be not more than eight, save as hereinafter provided when there are more than eight.

7. The said Filles de Jésus further undertake to receive in their establishment at Esquimaux Point and there gratuitously to feed, clothe and teach at least ten young girls who are poor

but intelligent belonging to the said North Shore (Labrador), to give them all necessary care as well in health as in sickness, and, in case of death, to bury at their expense all the bodies which have not been claimed by their families; and to teach them French and English so as to give perfect satisfaction and to qualify them as teachers capable of giving good primary instruction.

8. The authorities of the said school shall be obliged to furnish to the Department of the Secretary of the Province of Quebec, an annual report in which they shall give the name and age of each of the said young girls, the date of entry and of leaving. The said report shall also indicate the progress made by each of the said young girls, the satisfaction given, the talent which they may have exhibited and the place where each has applied herself to teaching after leaving the said Filles de Jésus.

9. The Government of the Province of Quebec undertakes on its part to pay the said Filles de Jésus for keeping the said reformatory and industrial schools a sum of one thousand dollars per annum, the payments to be distributed in accordance with an agreement between the parties hereto.

10. The Government of this Province binds itself towards and agrees with the Filles de Jésus to pay them the said sum of one thousand dollars as a minimum, whether there are eight children or less at their said reformatory and industrial schools; but upon the special condition that the number of young girls destined to become teachers as above provided shall be always ten at least.

11. The Government of this Province shall pay nothing for the young girls destined to become teachers above the number of ten, but it will pay in addition to the said sum of one thousand dollars a sum of five dollars and one-half per month for each of the said children exceeding the number of eight who may be sent to the said establishment at Esquimaux Point in virtue of the laws of the Province respecting reformatory and industrial schools.

12. In addition to the persons authorized by law so to do, it shall be lawful for the members of the Legislative Council and of the Legislative Assembly of the Province of Quebec, meinbers of the Executive Council, as well as the bishop of the diocese and his vicars general, at any time, to visit, at suitable hours, the said house at Esquimaux Point so kept by the said Filles de Jésus.

13. The authorities of the said school shall comply with the instructions which the inspectors of prisons and asylums and the Provincial Secretary may give them from time to time.

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