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then suggested were really the best; if you, Eschines, in particular, were thus persuaded, and it was no partial affection for me, that prompted you to give me up the hopes, the applause, the honors, which, attended that course I then advised, but the superior force of truth and your utter inability to point out any more eligible course ;) it this was the case, I say, is it not highly cruel and unjust to arraign those measures now, when you could not then propose any better?

Note 2.-When the parenthesis is long, it may be pronounced with a degree of monotone or sameness of voice, in order to distinguish it from the rest of the sentence.


Since, then, every sort of good which is immediately of importance to happiness, must be perceived by some immediate power or sense, antecedent to any opinions or reasoning', (for it is the business of reason to compare the several sorts of good perceived by the several senses, and to find out the proper means for obtaining them,) we must therefore carefully inquire into the several sublimer perceptive powers or senses: since it is by them we best discover what state or course of life best answers the intention of God and nature, and wherein true happiness consists.

Note 3.-The small intervening members, said 1, says he, continued they, &c., follow the inflection and tone of the member which precedes them, in a higher and feebler tone of voice.


Thus, then, said he, since you are so urgent, it is thus that I con ceive it. The sovereign good is that, the possession of which renders us happy. And now, said I, do we possess it? Is it sensual or in tellectual? There, you are entering, said he, upon the detail.


Besides that variety which necessarily arises from annexing certair inflections to senter.ces of a particular import or structure, there is still another source of variety, in those parts of a sentence where the sense is not at all concerned, and where the variety is merely to please the ear. There are many members of sentences which may be differently pro punced without greatly affecting their variety and harmony

It is chiefly toward the end of a sentence that the harmonic inflection is necessary in order to form an agreeable cadence.

RULE I.- When a series of similar sentences, or members of sentences, form a branch of a subject or paragraph, the last sentence or member must fall gradually into a lower tone, and adopt the harmonic inflection, on such words as form the most agreeable cadence.


Since I have mentioned this unaccountable zeal which appears in atheists and infidels, I must farther observe, that they are likewise in a most particular manner possessed with the spirit of bigotry. They are wedded' to opinions' full of contradiction' and impossibility', and at the same time' look upon the smallest' difficulty' in an article' of faith' as a sufficient reason for rejecting it.

RULE II.- When the last member of a sentence ends with four accented words, the falling inflection takes place on the first and last, and the rising on the second and third.


1. The immortality of the soul is the basis of morality. and the source of all the pleasing' hopes' and secret joys', that can arise in the heart' of a reasonable' creature'.

2. A brave' man struggling' in the stors' of fate',

And greatly' falling' with a falling' state'.

RULE III.-When there are three accented words at the end of the last member, the first has either the rising or falling, the second the rising, and the last the falling inflection.


Cicero concludes his celebrated books, De Oratore, with some precepts for pronunciation and action, without which part he affirms, that the best orator in the world. can never succeed, and an indifferent one, who is master of this, shall gain much greater' applause'.


Is here used to express that repetition of a word or thought, which mmediately arises from a word or thought that preceded it.

RULE. The echoing word sught always to be pronounced

with the rising inflection in a high tone of voice, and u long pause after it, when it implies any degree of passion.



1. Augustin became a Christian! Augustin'! who had mastered all the learning of his age, and whose subtle mind had anticipated the objections of future unbelievers.

Bossuet was a Christian! Bossuet'! whose soaring genius and wonderful intellectual vision are acknowl edged and honored by all.

The echoing word is printed in italics and marked with the rising inflection


In certain solemn and sublime passages has a wonderful force ano dignity; and by the uncommonness of its use, it even adds greatly to that variety with which the ear is so much delighted.*


1. High on a throne of royal state, which far
Outshone the wealth of Ormus or of Inde,

Or where the gorgeous east, with richest hand,
Shōwers, on her kings barbaric, pearl' and gold',
Satan exalted sat.


'T'he rising circumflex begins with the falling inflection and ends with the rising upon the same syllable, and seems as it were to twist the voice upward. This turn of the voice is marked in this manaer, (.)


But it is foolish in us to compare Drusus Africanus and ourselves with Clodius; all our other calamities. were tolerable; but no one can patiently bear the death of Clodius.

The falling circumflex begins with the rising inflection, and ends with the falling upon the same syllable, and seems to twist the voice downward. This turn of the voice may be marked by the common circumflex thus, (..)


Queen. Hamlet, you have your father much offended. Hamlet. Madam, you have my father much offended.

This monotone may be defined to be a continuation or sameness of sound upon certain syllables of a word, exactly like that produced by repeatedly striking a bell ;—such a stroke may be louder or softer but continues exactly in the same pitch. To express this tone upon paper, a horizontal line may be adopted; such a one as is generally ased to express a long syllable in verse: thus (-.)

Both these circumflex inflections may be exemplified in the word so in a speech of the Clown in Shakspeare's As You Like It.

I knew when seven justices could not take up a quarrel; but when the parties were met themselves, one of them thought but of an If; as if you said so, then i said sô. O ho! did you so? So they shook hands an were sworn brothers.



Requires an increasing swell of the voice on every suc ceeding particular, and a degree of animation corres ponding with the nature of the subject.


1. After we have practised good actions awhile, they become easy, and when they are easy, we begin to take pleasure in them; and when they please us, we do them frequently; and, by frequency of acts, a thing grows into a habit; and a confirmed habit is a second kind of nature; and, so far as anything is natural, so far it is necessary, and we can hardly do otherwise; nay, we do it many times when we do not think of it.


RULE.-Emphasis requires a transposition of accent, when two words which have u sameness in part of their formation, are opposed to each other in sense.


1. What is done', cannot be un'done.*

*The signs (and`,) besides denoting the inflections, mark ala the accented syllables.

Whatever inflection be adopted, the accented syllable is always

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