페이지 이미지

no sale of the exclusive right to fish as aforesaid and to form oyster-beds or beds for the purpose of feeding or propagating oysters in Lennox Passage or the Narrows, in Prince County, aforesaid, shall be permitted or allowed under the said Eighth Section of the said recited Act, after the passing of this Act.

III. All such sections or parts of sections of Other parts the hereinbefore recited Act as are inconsistent repealed. with the provisions of this Act, shall be and the same are hereby repealed, in so far as the same may in any way relate to Lennox Passage or the Narrows, in Prince County, aforesaid.


An Act to amend the Act incorporating the Charlottetown Young Men's Christian Association.


(Passed June 29, 1872).

HEREAS doubts have arisen as to the legality of the election of the parties at present acting as executive or managing committee and office-bearers of the Charlottetown Young Men's Christian Association, incorporated under the Act of the 34th Victoria, chapter 40, intituled "An Act to incorporate the Charlottetown Young Men's Christian Association;" and it is deemed expedient to provide for a new election of such officers. Be it therefore enacted by the Lieutenant Governor, Council and Assembly as follows:


I. A general meeting of the members of the First general said Association shall be held some time in the meeting. month of June or July, after the passing of


By-laws to be made.

Annual meet


this Act, on such day and at such hour and place as shall be notified at least one week previous thereto, by advertisement, published in the Patriot, or some other newspaper published in Charlottetown, signed by or bearing the names of Messieurs Charles Full and Richard I. Jost, the present Acting Secretaries of the said Association, or by or of either one of them, for the purpose of, and which meeting shall have the power of electing a new executive or managing Committee and other officers of the said Association as named and constituted in the 6th Section of the said Act of incorporation, making By-laws and transacting other necessary business of the Corporation or Association.

II. A general annual meeting of the meming in Decembers of said Association shall be held sometime in the month of December in each year; the first general annual meeting to be held in the month of December next, after the passing of this Act, on such day and at such place and hour as may be notified by advertisement, signed by the President and Secretary acting for the time being, or by either of them, by advertisement, published as in the last preceding section mentioned; and at each of such general annual Executive meetings an election of an executive or manbe appointed. aging committee for the ensuing year shall be held and made, and other necessary business transacted; and each managing or executive committee, from time to time so elected as in this and the last preceding section ordained, shall remain in office until their successors shall be afterwards legally and regularly appointed

Committee to

Duty of

under this Act.

III. The Chairman or person who shall preside at any such meeting, held as in this Act

mentioned, for the election of the executive or managing committee, shall, immediately after or not later than the day after such election, sign a list in writing containing the names of the persons elected to be members of such committe, and certify the same under his hand as Chairman; and such list so signed and certified shall be prima facie evidence of the regularity of such election, and that the persons marked therein were legally elected, in all Courts of Law and Equity in this Island.

IV. The power to sell, lease or otherwise Power of sale dispose of the property of the said Association and mortgage or Incorporation referred to in the second section of the said Act of Incorporation, shall include the power to mortgage or otherwise encumber the same in such way and subject to such conditions, covenants and powers of sale or otherwise, for any object or purpose the Committee may deem requisite for the benefit or furtherance of the object of the Association.

V. So much of the third section of the said Act 34th Victoria, chapter 40, as relates to the appointment by the Corporation of members thereof for the purpose of managing the funds and the property of the said Corporation, or any part or parts thereof, is hereby repealed, and instead thereof it is hereby further enacted that the power of managing such funds and property, and every part thereof, shall be hereafter vested in the executive or managing committee of said Corporation or Association from time to time in office, and elected and appointed as in the said Act and this Act mentioned.

VI. This Act shall go into force immediately after the passing thereof.

3d sec.of 34th Vic. cap. 40, in part re


of real and leasehold estate in certain parts of the town,


An Act for the regulation and construction of
Side-walks in the City of Charlottetown.


[Passed June 29, 1872.]

E it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor,
Council and Assembly, as follows;

The Common Council of the City of CharProprietors lottetown shall have power and authority, by a By-Law for that purpose, duly enacted and approved of, to levy an Assessment upon the proprietor or lessee of all real estate within the may be taxed City of Charlottetown, extending from Pownal Street to Prince Street, both inclusive, and also from water street northwardly to Kent Street, both inclusive; when the leasehold Estate has not less than ten years to run before the expiration of the lease thereof, a sum sufficient for procuring the materials and for laying down and constructing side-walks in front of the property so owned or leased, provided always that it shall not be lawful for the said Common Council to assess any person or persons for a greater proportion than fifty per cent of the entire cost of the materials and labor necessary for the laying down and constructing and repairing of such side-walks.


An Act in further amendment of the Act intituled "An Act to incorporate sundry persons by the name of the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of Prince Edward Island."

[Passed June 29, 1872]

E it enacted by the Lieutenant Governor

B Council and Assembly as follows:

large capital


I. It shall and may be lawful for the Board Bank Direcof Directors of the Bank of Prince Edward tors may enIsland at any time, and from time to time, to enlarge the capital stock of the said Bank by applying to each individual share of the capital a portion of the rest or surplus profits, lying at the time at the credit of the said Bank..

largements as

II. Such mode of enlarging the capital stock And not to of the said Bank shall not prevent the enlarge- prevent enment of the same by the mode pointed out in provided in the 39th, 40th, 41st, 42nd and 43rd sections of Act of incorthe Act of Incorporation of the said Bank.



An Act to alter and amend the Act passed in the Thirty-first year of Her present Majesty's reign, intituled "An Act in further addition to, and amendment of the Act to Incorporate the Town of Charlottetown."


[Passed June 29, 1872.]

HEREAS, by the first clause of the
above-mentioned Act, the City Council


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