

Generally; object of, 289; effect of,
on debate, ib.; when notice of, is
required, ib.; who may move amend-
ments, 299; order in moving amend-
ments to motions, 290; to motions
relating to public business, 268; on
going into committee of supply, 609;
in committee, 616; amendments must
be relevant, 293; to be intelligible, 299;
if not seconded in Commons, drop, ib.;
former examples of irrelevancy, 293, n.;
subjects not to be dealt with by amend
ments, 293; inadmissible forms of amend-
ment, ib.; amendments to address in
answer to the King's Speech, 175. 176, n.

In regard to public bills; to question.
for leave to bring in bill, 462; no
amendment to question for first reading
or printing a bill, 466; amendments to
question for second reading of bills,
471; amendments to bills in committee,
484; to bills on consideration, 495;
verbal on third reading, 501; restric-
tions to amendments on stages of bills,
294; consideration of Lords amend-
ments, 505, App. VII.; to question for
Speaker's leaving chair, 383; notices
of amendments in standing committees,
396. See also Bills.

To private bills; (Commons), amend-
ments inserted in "filled-up" bill before
sitting of committee, 753, et seq. ; amend-
ments made by committee, 816. 820;
not to be excessive, 755. 816. 830; on
consideration of bill as amended, and
third reading, 833-5; consideration of
amendments, if opposed, postponed, 730;
notices of, 833. 836. 713; Lords' amend-
ments to Commons' bills considered,
836; amendments in committee, (in
Lords), 855. 862; on report or third
reading (Lords), 855.

To provisional order bills; 894; and
bills under the Private Legislation, &c.
(Scotland) Act, 908.

To Questions; amendment must be
withdrawn or negatived before leave
given to withdraw motion, 280; amend-
ments to evade or alter question, 284;
mode of moving, 290; objects and
principle of amendments, 289; modes
of amendment, ib. ; question and amend-
ment, both objected to, 291; mode of
proposing several amendments, 293; ar-
rangement in taking amendments, 295;
exceptional treatment of amendments to
business of the house motions, 296;
amendments to proposed amendments,
ib.; amendments and the previous
question, 283; amendment of question


of adjournment 295; amendments
seconded in the Commons, 299; except
in committee, 383.

Amendments on going into committee,
383; of supply, 609; amendments in
committee, 384. 630; of supply, 616; to
instructions, 480; to resolutions
report, 391. 627.



No reserved speech on moving an
amendment, 322; withdrawal of amend-
ments, 296; members speak again after
an amendment is moved, 322; vote
against amendment and motion, 291;
member not voting on an amendment
may vote on main question, 358; amend-
ments moved by an interested member,
America, House of Representatives
of; restriction on divisions, 370, n.
Ancient Baronies; precedence
holders of, in House of Lords, 177.
Anne, Queen; attended on first day of
new Parliament, 150, n.; attended
Lords' debates, 445 and n.; refused
the royal assent to a bill, 513.
Anticipation; of matter appointed for
consideration by motion, out of order,
278; of motion for leave to bring in a
bill by motion on same subject, 279; in
debate, 315; of matters appointed for
consideration and notices of motions in
debate on motion for adjournment for
holidays, 317; or on motion for adjourn-
ment under standing order 10, 254.
Apology; when required of members,

331. 335.

Appearances (Private or Pro-
visional Order Bills); on memorials,
699. 710; on bills, 710. 806. 823; on
petitions against, 710. 787. 807. 823.

Appellate Jurisdiction of the Lords,
50; appeal cases after prorogation or
dissolution, 51.

Applications to Owners, Lessees,
and Occupiers (Private Bills), 694.
Appropriation Bill; founded on re-
solutions of committee of ways and
means, 591; procedure on, 593; debate
on, 594; amendments to, ib.; form of
receiving royal assent, 596; completes
the financial year, 593; anticipated by
Consolidated Fund bills, 557; ratifies
application of army and navy surpluses,
594; appropriation of grants before a
prorogation or dissolution, 551; enforce-
ment of appropriation, 597; adjourn-
ments, after passing of, 596, n.; not
passed through more than one stage at
a sitting, 596, n.

Archbishops. See Bishops.
Archdale, John, a Quaker, case of, 163.
Army and Navy Departments; esti-
mates, 546; increase of, 547; surpluses,
use of, 548; sanctioned by Appropria-
tion Act, 549. 594; use of first grants
to, 549; grants on account for, 550;
army and navy excess grants, 554;
army reserve, royal messages regarding,
556; debate on grants for, 619.
Army Annual Bill; procedure on, 602;
debate on stages, 603.

Army Reserve; Parliament to be in-
formed, or summoned to meet, on calling
out of, 45; messages relative to, 556.
Arrest, freedom from; antiquity and
extent of privilege, 103; and from dis-
tress of goods, 104; early precedents
(Commons), 104; (Lords), 106; statutes
defining the privilege, 107; mode of
enforcement of the privilege, 109; ser-
vants' privilege discontinued, 108;
duration of the privilege, 109; persons
in arrest elected members, 111; or be-
coming peers, 112; privilege of not
being impleaded, ib.; suits stayed by
letter, ib.; present state of the privi-
lege, 113.

Privilege from summons as witness or
juror, 114; no privilege against criminal
commitments, 115; causes of commit-
ment communicated, 117; extent of
privilege in cases of bankruptcy, or
commitment for contempt, 118. 119;
privileges of witnesses and others con-
nected with service of Parliament, 124.
Arrest; by authority of Parliament with-
out warrant, 71.

Ash Wednesday, Ascension Day, &c.;
adjournment over, (Lords), 209; sitting
of committees thereon, 188. 413.
Ashby and White, case of, referred to,
52. 140.

Associations; locus standi of, 767.
Attachment. See Commitment; Con-
tempt of Court.

Attainder, Acts of; disqualify from a
seat in Parliament, 34; procedure on,
51. 669. 670; petition from person
attained, 528.
Attainder Bills; for reversing attainders,


Attendance of Members; duty of, on
service of Parliament, 178; attendance
of the Lords, 179; of Commons, 180;
on committees, 182; on committees on
private bill (Commons), 756. 829;
(Lords), 847.

Attendance of Persons; power to order,
64; in custody, 70; before private bilĺ
committees, 825,

Attorney-General, the; of the Con-
silium Regis, 198; directed to prosecute
in cases of offences against the house,
76; in Stockdale v. Hansard, 141;
manages evidence at the bar, 477; re-
port from, on bills affecting Charities,

Attorney-General v. Bradlaugh; case
of, referred to, 167.

Atwyll's case; referred to, 104.
"Aylesbury Men," the; case of, re-
ferred to, 53. 134. 140.

Bail; persons committed by Parliament
not admitted to, 69; persons impeached
bailed, 665; members not admissible
as, 112.

Ballot; for notices of motions, 240; for
unofficial members' bills and notices of
motions at commencement of session,
241; select committees appointed by,
401. 404.

Bankruptcy; of members, 32. 118; of
peers, 33; privilege of Parliament not
applicable to, 34. 114. 118; issue of
new writs in case of, during recess,

Bar of the House; (Lords), prisoners,
kneeling at, 95; witnesses sworn, and
examined at, 424; ordered to attend at,
425; counsel and witnesses at, 861;
not witnesses (select committees), 429;
papers delivered at, 541; attendance
of Commons at, on the opening, &c.,
of Parliament, 150. 172; on an im-
peachment, 664; attendance of Speaker
at, 156. 208; strangers admitted below,
205; peers tried at, 668; (Commons),
reprimand at bar, 93; kneeling at, 95;
members not sworn, sit below, 169;
suspended members not to be heard at,
342; a member heard at the bar, 164;
witnesses examined at, 424; and coun-
sel, 477; members appearing at, to
present bills, 466; or papers, 541;
petitions presented at, 529.

Barnardiston v. Soame; case of, re-
ferred to, 134.

Barons; origin of the title, 9.
Benyon v. Evelyn; case of, referred to,

Bill of Rights; declaratory of ancient
law of England, 4; that no Roman
Catholic shall possess the Crown, 5;
that dispensing with laws, &c., is illegal,
4, n.; confirms freedom of speech in
Parliament, 99; and right of petition,
522, n.; condemns prosecutions for
matters cognizable only in Parliament,
139; Parliament prorogued to admit of
its renewal, 44.

Bills, Public:

Generally. Bill read pro formâ be-
fore consideration of King's speech, 170;
forms in passing bills not binding, 516.

Application of rule that same ques-
tion be not twice offered to bills, 305;
Lords' Journal inspected, and new bills
ordered, 307. 837; bills laid aside, ib.;
Lords search Commons' votes, 308;
prorogation to renew bills, ib.; Acts
amended in session in which they are
passed, ib.; proposals for suspending or
resuming bills, ib.; duration of tem-
porary laws to be expressed in bill,
503; provision relating to continuance
bills, ib.

Roval recommendation to bills creat-
ing charges upon the people, procedure
on, 447. 558. 560; royal consent to bills,
448; withheld, 449; addresses not to
be presented, relating to a bill, 454.

Ancient and modern systems of enact-
ing laws, 458; similarity of practice in
both houses, 459.

Where bills originate, 459. In the
Commons: bills involving a charge
upon the people, 459. 574.
In the
Lords restitution bills, 460. 862; act
of grace or general pardon, 461.

Bills of unofficial members placed
among Government orders, 259; public
and private bills, 461; procedure on
hybrid bills, 468; order of bills after
Whitsuntide, 260; precedence
Government bills at commencement of
business, 256.


Motions for ensuring completion of
stages of, 342; debate on, 296. 315;
amendments to, 296.

Public Bills, Introduction of.- Public
bills presented in the Lords, 461; in the
Commons, presented or ordered on
motion for leave, ib.; at commence-
ment of business, 257; unprinted read,
468; members ordered to bring in bills,
462; limit to number of names on back
of bill, ib., n.; instructions to such
members, ib.; other members appointed,
ib.; amendments to title on motion to
bring in bill, ib.; bill ordered by way of
amendment, 463.

Preliminaries to introduction of bills,
463; bills ordered upon resolution, ib.;
of both houses, ib. ; on committee reso-
lutions, 464; a second bill brought in
upon the same resolution, ib.; pro-
visions in bills not to be considered by
a concurrent committee, 465; bills
originating in committee relating to
religion and trade, and capital punish-
ments, 464, n.

Bills, Public-continued.

Bills founded on ways and means
resolutions, 629; on other resolutions,
463; creating a public charge, 560;
recommending public expenditure, 571;
for reduction of charges, 572; Lords'
bills infringing Commons' privileges,
574; ditto Lords' amendments, 575;
Lords' bills touching charges, 577;
Lords' bills exempt from privilege,
579; money clauses printed in italics,
489. 560.

Preparation of Bills.-Rules thereon
465; title of, ib.; objections to form,
prior to second reading, ib.; blanks or
italics, ib.; presented, ib. ; first reading
and printing, ib., 466; no amendment or
debate on such questions, ib.; question
for first reading negatived, 467; first
reading of bills from the Lords, 466;
how bills are read, 467. 260; explanatory
memorandum of a bill, 467; bill with-
drawn, and other bills presented, 470;
no alteration after first reading, 468;
bills relating to the same subject, 468.

Second Reading, 467; read, though
bill unprinted, 468; in the Lords, 470;
debate on, 471; amendments to ques-
tion for, 471; in the form of resolutions,
472; previous question moved on stages
of bills, 475; bills dropped, ib.; rejected,
ib.; proceedings on, rescinded, ib.;
counsel heard, 476.

Committees on Bills.-In the Lords,
477; in the Commons, Speaker leaves
chair forthwith, 477; committee stage
passed over, Lords, 478; Commons, ib.;
instructions, 478; division or consolida-
tion of bills, 480; notice of instructions,
482; instructions when moved, 483;
debate thereon, 483; reference of bills
to one committee, 483, n.; notice of
amendments in committee before bill
read a second time not permitted,

Proceedings in committee, 483; pro-
ceedings on title and preamble, ib.;
amendments, how offered, 484; admis-
sible amendments, 485; no amendments
to enacting words, ib.; inadmissible
amendments, 485; proceedings on
clauses, 488; clauses postponed, ib.;
consolidation or division of bills, 489;
new clauses, 489; blanks, 489;
schedules, 490; procedure on preamble
and title, ib.; power of committees
over bills, 491. 396; bills committed pro
formâ, 492; no reference to committee
proceedings until report, 492; no report,
493; committee revived, ib.; report
made, 493.

Bills, Public-continued.

Proceedings on report, 494; bill re-
printed on report, or during committee,
494, bills, on report, considered without
question put, ib.; what amendments ad-
missible, 495; new clauses, ib.; amend-
ment to bills, 496; amendment of title,
497; consideration of money clauses,

Bills recommitted, ib. ; on third read-
ing, 498. 501; committed to select com-
mittees, 499; to select committees on
public matters, ib,; to committees nomi-
nated by committee of selection, 394;
to standing committees, 393; consider-
ation of bills committed to standing
committees, 398; bills referred as docu-
ments to select committees, 401, n.

Third Reading and Passing.-
Ingrossment rolls, 540; third reading,
501; amendments to questions for, ib.;
amendments to bill on third reading
(Lords), ib.; verbal amendments to
bill only, (Commons), ib.; bill passed,
502; nem. con., ib.; title of bill, ib.; no
alteration of bill, save by amendment,
503; bills passed with unusual expedi-
tion, 516.

Communication of Bills between both
Houses, 436. 503; sent by mistake, 504;
brought from Commons to Lords, 503;
standing order relative to, ib.; from
Lords to Commons, ib.; consideration
of Lords' amendments, 505; Lords'
amendments relating to charges upon
the people, 508. 574; agreed to by
Commons, 576; conferences, 437;
amendments disagreed to, 508; reasons
offered, ib.; when no reasons are offered,

Indorsement of bills, 509; Lords
have custody of bills, except money
bills, prior to royal assent, 504, 510;
informalities in the agreement of both
houses, 517; imperfect indorsement,


Royal Assent, 510; to appropriation
bill, 513; by commission, 511; form of,
512; royal assent refused, 513; assent
by sovereign in person, 54. 510; given,
in sovereign's absence from the realm
515; informalities in, 520; ingrossment
rolls, or vellum prints, 500; commence-
ment of Act, 515. See also Appropria-
tion Bills; Blanks; Hybrid Bills;
Informalities in Bills; Instructions;
Private Bills; Provisional Order Bills;
Royal Assent; Titles.
Bishops; archbishops and bishops ap-
pointed by the Crown, 5; their position
as lords spiritual, ib. 6. 14. 669; their


number, 7; their dissent to the Act of
Uniformity, 13; in Parliament an estate
of the realm, 5; title to their seats, 6;
bishops not having a seat in the Lords,
7, n.; may resign, 7; bishops of Church
of Ireland, withdrawn by statute, 6, n.;
their places in the house, 14. 177; read
prayers, 152; introduction of, 153;
not appointed triers of petitions, 523, n ;
anciently voted subsidies for themselves,
21. 586; vote of bills of attainder, 669.
Black Rod. See Usher of.
Blanks; in joint addresses, 452; in bills,

465. 489. 560; in private bills, 723.
Board of Agriculture; provisional
orders issued by, 878, et seq. See also
Government Departments.

Board of Trade; Office of parliamentary
secretary to, 646.


Provisional orders issued by, 873, et

Private bills, supervised by, 754. 793.
796. 851. 855; reports by, 791. 793.
794. 795. 803; appearance of, before
private bill committees, 815-7, n.;
deposit with, of private bills, 695. 755.
833. See also Government Depart-


Books, Newspapers, &c.; not to be
read in the house, 325, 344.
Books of Reference. See Plans, &c.
Bounties, 601.

Bradlaugh, Mr.; his expulsion and re-

election, 55; his action against Mr.
Erskine for assault in removing him from
the lobby, 144; his claim to make an
affirmation, 164; not permitted to affirm
or to take oath, ib.; took affirmation
under standing order, 165; right denied
by legal decision, ib.; administers to
himself the oath, 166; the oath decided
to be illegal, 167; takes the oath, 1886,
Speaker's ruling thereon, ib.; resolution
regarding expunged, 203.

Bradlaugh v. Gosset; case of, referred
to, 137. 145.

Brand, Mr. Speaker; debate stopped
by, 286, n.

Breach of the Peace; privilege does
not extend to, 115.

Breach of Privilege. See Privileges of


Breaking open Doors; powers of
Serjeant as to, 67.

Brereton, Mr.; case of, 119.
Breviates (Public Bills), 467.
Bribery. See Elections, Controverted.
Bribes; resolution declaring offer of, to
members, a breach of privilege, 83;
acceptance of, by members, punished,

[blocks in formation]

Burgh Police (Scotland) Act; pro-
visional orders under, 884; procedure
on confirming bills, 883-4. 905, n.!
Burial Grounds; standing orders (pri-
vate bills) relating to (Commons), 802;
(Lords), 851.

Burke, Mr.; on relevancy in debate,
314, n.; on resistance to punishment of
the printers, 340, n.

Burton, Mr. Christie; case of, 109. 111.
Business of the House; order of, 233;

formal motions for transaction of, 245;
motions at commencement of, 256;
motions relating to, 265; ordinary
course of, 257; amendments to motions,
business of the house, 268; debate on,
296; motions for prescribing methods
for concluding the stages of a bill, 342;
debate thereon, 315; amendments to,
296. See also Government Sittings;
Interruption of Business: Private

Call of the House; (Lords), 180; (Com-
mons), ib.

Cambrian Railway Company; pro-
tection to witnesses, 128.

Canada, Lower; the constitution of,
suspended in 1838..37.

Canals; provisional orders, 876-7. See
also Railway and Canal Bills.
Candidates; petitioning, eligible to Par-
liament, 650.

Candles; motion for bringing in, 270, n.
Capital Punishment; introduction of
bills relating to, 464, n.

Caroline, Queen; presence of Lords en-
forced on proceedings relating to, 180;
members pleading before Lords on the
bill against, 85.

Casting Voice. See Speaker; Chairman

of Committees; Standing Committees ;
Select do.; Joint do.; Chairmen of
Private Bill Committees.

Cemeteries. See Burial Grounds.
Certificates; of return of member, 169.
171; cases of non-production thereof,
170; special certificate regarding a re-
turn, 639; certificates, new writs, 636;
form of, Appendix V.

Certificates (reports) from Examiners,
704. 840; certificates of consents, of
parties interested in private bills, 792;
of delivery of amended private bill
(Commons), 830; of examination of
Commons' Bill after third reading, 835;
of deposit at board of trade of amended
local bill (Lords), 855, n.; of taxation
of costs (private bills), 915. See also
Railways (Provisional Orders or Cer-

Certiorari; writ of, on indictment against
peers, 668.

Chairman of Committees of the
whole House:

Lords.-Appointment of, 380; ab-
sence of, ib., 850.

Duties of, on Private Bills, 688; his
general supervision of all private bills,
ib., 705-7. 754. 849. 850; duties in
dividing bills between houses before
introduction, 705. 708-9; bills laid
before him and examined (before in-
troduction), 706; (as submitted to a
committee), 706. 754; )at other stages),
706; chairman of Lords' standing orders
committee, 841; and committee of
selection, 846; duties in the Lords on
local bills, 380. 849. 850. 854-5; and
personal bills, 380. 856-7. 861; and
provisional order bills, 892; duties, in
conjunction with the chairman of ways
and means, under the Private Legisla-
tion Procedure (Scotland) Act, 896. 898,
et seq.
See also Chairman of Ways
and Means, and Private Business;
Parliamentary Agents.

Commons. Generally the chairman
of the committee of ways and means,
381; election of, 603; his duties, 604;
deputy Speaker, 196; takes the chair
on Speaker's request, 197; his casting
voice in committee, 364. 382; his
authority, 385; no appeal from his
decision to the Speaker, ib.; debate on
conduct of, 278; powers of, to repress
irrelevance, 386; disorder, ib.; and
divisions in abuse of rules, ib.; reports
cases of disorder, ib. ; leaves the chair if
quorum not present, 231; motions to
report progress, or to leave the chair,
389; leaves the chair without question
put, 391; on interruption of business,
214; reports resolutions or other pro-
ceedings, 391; retirement of chairman,

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