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also Municipal Authorities; Muni-
cipal Corporations.

Corrupt Practices Acts; disqualifica-
tion under, 35. 659.

Costs (Private and Provisional
Order Bills); taxation of costs, 913-5.

Parliamentary Costs Acts, 820, et seq.;
when costs are granted to petitioners
against bills, 820; to promoters, 821;
cases in the Commons, 822-3; special
provisions in the Lords' standing orders,
823. n. 847; committees, in granting
costs, to be unanimous, 820-1; except
in case of certain provisional order bills
(allotments), 821. 886. 890; (Housing
of Working Classes), 821. 869; and
bills under the Private Legislation Pro-
cedure (Scotland) Act, 822. 906.
Counsel; professional statements by,
privileged, 129; members not to act
as, before committees, &c., 84; or
before the Lords, except in judicial
cases, 85.

Counsel heard at bar upon public
bills, 476; upon impeachments, 665;
upon second reading, in the Lords, of
divorce bills, 861; before select com-
mittees, 414; before private bill com-
mittees, 808, et seq.; before the
referees, 762.

Counsel to Lords' Chairman of Com-
mittees; duties of, on private bills,
705-7, 754. 849. See also Chairman
of Committees (Lords).

Counsel to Mr. Speaker; duties of,
on private bills, 705. 707-8. 747.
753. 761. See also Chairman of Ways
and Means, and Private Business.
Counties; origin of the term, 9; elective
franchise of, in England, 24; in Scotland
and Ireland, 26.

Counting the House, 230; house
counted out, ib.; cannot be counted
between 8.15 and 9.15..231; when the
Speaker has declined to count the
house, 231. See also Quorum.
County Councils; provisional orders.
issued by, 888; ditto, Scotland, 889;
provisional orders issued respecting, 870.
888; locus standi of (Commons), 776-7;
(Lords), 849.

County Courts, judges of; disqualified

from sitting in House of Commons, 30,
n.; conduct of, to be discussed only upon
a substantive motion, 278; reflections
upon, in debate, out of order, 333.
Courts of Law; causes of commitment

by houses not to be inquired into by,
69; jurisdiction of, over privilege, 131

Courts of Law-continued.
authorities favouring the jurisdiction of
Parliament, 132; of the courts, 135;
judgments of courts, and proceedings of
Parliament thereon, 137; present posi-
tion of privilege, 145; no debate upon
matters pending before the courts, 278;
or questions thereon, 251; promoters of
private bills restrained by injunction,

Courts Martial; notice of arrest of
members by, given to the house, 117.
447; address, in answer, 451.
Credit; grant of vote of, 554.
Creevey, Mr.; case of, 101.
Crematoriums; standing orders (private
bills) as to (Commons), 802; (Lords),
Criminal Act; committed within par-
liamentary precincts, 137, n. 1.
Criminal Commitments. See Arrests
Freedom from.

Cross Benches; in the Lords, 177.
Crossing the House; rules as to, 344.
Crown, The:

I. Prerogatives.-Hereditary, but sub-
ject to Parliament, 2; ancient right of
females to inherit, 2, n.; definition of
its prerogatives, 3-5; declaration of
adherence to the Protestant faith, 4;
head of the Church of England, 5; no
power of adding to Scotch peers, 11;
Irish peerage, power to add to, 11; pre-
rogative of pardon, 667.

II. Demise of.--Parliament meets
upon, without summons, 41; instances
of, 42; does not determine Parliament,
47; both houses again take the oaths,
171; addresses of condolence on, 454.

III. Its relations to, and communica-
tions with, Parliament.-Summons of
Parliament, 41; causes of, declared, 42.
171; approves Speaker of Commons,
43. 150, n.; assembles or prorogues
Parliament, 43. 171. 207; adjournment
of both houses at pleasure of Crown, 46;
power over adjournments, conceded by
statute, 47; duration of Parliament
formerly at will of Crown, ib; dissolves
Parliament, ib.; by sovereign in person,
48; prorogation with view to a disso-
lution, ib.

Confirmation by, of Commons' privi-
leges, 59. 156; Commons' privileges,
independent of Crown, 60; freedom of
access to sovereign, ib. 455; favourable
construction of the Commons' proceed-
ings, 61; addresses to, for prosecutions,
76; King's name not to be used in
debate, 328; explanation of rule, 329.

Presence of, in Parliament, 444; cases

Crown, The-continued.

of attendance, ib.; communicates with
Parliament in person or by commission,
445; by message, ib.; subjects thereof,
446; to both houses, 447: verbal mes-
sages, ib.; King's pleasure signified,
ib.; consent of, to bills, &c., 448. 460.
815. 835; procedure on bills passed
without royal consent, 448; amend-
ments in committee affecting, 448; con-
sent withheld, 449; appearance in behalf
of Crown before committees, 815; places
its interests at disposal of Parliament,

Character of the communications be-
tween the Crown and Parliament, 450;
how acknowledged, 451; addresses to,
452; resolutions communicated, 456;
ministers responsible to Crown and
Parliament, 457; bills for the restitution
of honours, 460. 862; of pardon, 461;
royal assent to bills, 510; given in
person, 514; to bills providing for the
dignity of Crown, ib.; accounts and
papers presented by command, 540;
and during a recess, 541; relating to
expenditure of public money on Crown
property, 537.

The revenue of the Crown dependent
on Parliament, 587; of what it consists,
ib.; private bill recommitted to make
provision thereout, 727.

Control of Crown over expenditure,
&c., 545; demand of the Crown for aid,
ib.; royal order for issue of public
money, ib.; estimates, 546; power of
Crown over, 547; for grant on account,
548; a supplementary grant, 552; ex-
cess grants, 553; for grants on a vote
of credit, 554; for exceptional charges,
555; incidental charges, 556; messages
regarding the militia and army reserves,
ib.; the royal recommendation of
charges, 447. 556. 558. 560. 726; pro-
cedure on, 559; no increase on money
demands of Crown, 564. 615; recom-
mendation in general terms, 564; re-
sponsibility regarding taxation, 564.625;
financial measures exempt from royal
control, 567; grants needing no recom-
mendation, 570. 598.

Private bills relating to a claim on the
Crown, 727; King's recommendation
signified in cases of private bills, ib. 726;
King's consent (private bills), 815. 835.

IV. Acceptance of Office under.—Va-
cates seats in Parliament, 30. 640. 650,
n.; exceptions, 645. See also Addresses
to the Crown; Commons, House of;
Dissolution of Parliament; Proclama-
tions; Sovereign; Taxation.

Cumulative Offices; held under Crown,

Customs and Inland Revenue Bills.
See Finance Bill.

Dangerfield's Narrative; the Speaker
prosecuted for publishing, 138.
Davis, Mr. Gent; case of, 122.
Davitt, M.; void election, 1882..34.

Debates; a peer addresses the Lords in
general, 310; debate on question in
Lords, 311; the Commons address the
Speaker, 310; speech not to be read,
ib.; must be in English, 310; use of
letters in a debate, 310, n.; members
to speak standing and uncovered, 310;
exceptions, ib.; may speak from the
galleries, 311; debates on privilege
cases, 270; interruptions to debate under
standing orders, 214; incidental inter-
ruptions to debate, 269.

When debate arises, 280. 311; the
Speaker's call, 311; the call questioned,
312; member who speaks having been
called, not to be interrupted, 314; mo-
tion that a member do not speak, 217, n. ;
precedence, new members, 313; to mem-
ber who has moved the adjournment,
ib.; though motion interrupted, 314;
member not entitled to speak on main
question, after having moved or seconded
motion for adjournment of debate, which
has been negatived, 313; to speak to
the question, 314; debate on cognate
bills, 315; matter ruled out of order not
to be debated, ib.; merits of a bill not
to be discussed on motion for postpone-
ment or withdrawal, 317; debate on
making a sessional order a standing
order, ib.; discussion of motion or bill
not to be anticipated, 315; nor of bill
in the other house of parliament, 328.

Debate out of order when no question
is before the house, 318; ministerial
explanations, ib.; personal explanation,
319. 534; to speak once only, 320; ex-
cept on reply, or in committee, ib.; or
to explain, ib.; when reply allowed, 321;
reserved speech, ib. ; rules thereon, 322;
when new question arises, 322.

Order in debate, 323; rules for mem-
bers speaking, 324; reference to prior
debates, ib.; reading speeches from
newspapers, 325; distinction between
the speeches of living or dead members,
ib., n.; not to reflect upon votes of the
house, 326; nor to allude to debates or
bills in the other house, 326; allusions
to reports, 328; use of the King's
name, ib.; not to use words against


Parliament, or either house, 331; nor
against a statute, 332; nor on matters
pending judicial decision, 332; nor
reflections on sovereign, &c., ib.; per-
sonal allusions, 333; imputations of
bad motives, &c., 333; unparliamentary
expressions, 334, n.; words of heat,
335; challenges, 336; words taken
down, 337; dealt with, 338; rules for
repression of irrelevance, &c., in debate,
316, 340; citing documents not before
the house, 338.

When debate ceases, 339; debate
stopped by Mr. Speaker Brand, 286, n.;
closure of debate, 217.

Rules to be observed by members
not speaking, 343; to keep their places,
ib.; entering and leaving the house,
ib.; not to cross before members speak-
ing, 344; not to read books, &c., in
their places, 344; to maintain silence,
ib.; hissing and disorderly interruption,
ib.; misbehaviour to members in the
house, 346; interruptions in committee,
347; misbehaviour in the lobbies, 348;
authority of the Speaker, 349. 386;
members withdraw when conduct under
debate, 352; rules of debate in com-
mittee, 385; disorder in, 386.

Petitions not to allude to debates,
528; debate on petitions, 532; on
presentation of papers, 540; debate
on going into committee of supply, 609;
in committee, 619; in committee of
ways and means, 624; on report of
supply resolutions, 627; on appropria-
tion bill, 594; on army annual bill,
603; on finance bill, 629. See also
Freedom of Speech; Motions; News-
papers; Obstruction; Adjournment,
Debate on; Closure; Interruption of
Business; Privilege; Suspension of

Debates, Adjournment of; moved to
intercept a motion, 281; to obtain
priority in debate, 313; debate on mo-
tion for adjournment, 316; standing
orders in restraint of debate on ques-
tions of adjournment, 316; when mo-
tion lapses, 216; adjourned debate on
privilege, 275, n.; on going into supply,

Debts to the Crown; rules as to peti-
tions for compounding, &c., 561.
Declaration; petitions not received in
the form of, 525.

Declarations as to Personal Interest;

to be signed by members of private bill
committees, 747. 755; exception in case
of specially constituted committees, 829;

Declarations as to Personal Interest

to be signed by commissioners under the
Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act, 902.

Demise of the Crown. See Crown.
Denison, Mr. Speaker; spoke on com-
mittee of the whole house, 369.
Departments. See Government Depart-


Deposit of Documents and Money
(Private Bills); standing orders con-
cerning, 695. 795. 798. 799. 852.
Deputy Chairman; (Commons) ap-
pointment of, 604; acts as Deputy
Speaker, 197; takes chair at request
of the Speaker, ib.; and private bills,
747. 789, n.; and referees, 761.
Deputy Speaker; (Lords), 190; (Com-
mons), 196.

Derby Day; adjournment over, 188, n.
256, n.

Destructors; standing orders (private
bills) relating to, 802. 851.

De Tallagio non Concedendo; statute
referred to, 18.

Dilatory Motions; when they lapse,
216; dealt with from the chair, 316.
See Adjournment; Progress, &c.
Directors of Railway Companies;
standing orders (private bills) relating
to, 724. 844. 853.

Discharge; of orders of the house, 300;
of orders of the day, 261; by member
not in charge of order, 262, n.
Diseases (Animals); provisional orders


Disfranchisement Bill; service of copy
of, on returning officer, 661, n.
Disorder; direction from chair that dis-
orderly members do withdraw, 350.
See also Members; Speaker.
Disqualification; of members, 29.640;
of voters, 27.

Disraeli, Mr.; allowed to make state-
ment in the house on the authority of
the Queen, 330.
Dissolution of Parliament; by the
Crown, 47; grants on account before,
550; appropriation thereof, 551; Par-
liament not determined by demise of
the Crown, 48; by proclamation, ib.;
in person, ib.; prorogations, with a view
to, ib.; interval between a dissolution
and assembling, 49; duration of privi
lege after, 110; of speakership, 190;
does not determine an impeachment,
667; nor an appeal case, 51; effect of,
on inquiries under the Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act, 902, n.; sus-
pensions of private bills over, 837. 869.

[blocks in formation]


I. Generally.-Division on election of
Speaker, 155; when division arises, 286;
voices to determine votes, 287; time for
dealing with errors in, 363; members
speak sitting and covered on question
during a division, 310; claimed frivo-
lously, 370; personal interest in the
question, 373; motions to disallow
votes, 377.

II. Lords.-Lords voting to be present
when question put, 354; presence of
strangers, 355; mode of taking divisions,
358; vote of peer in the wrong lobby,
359; division lists recorded in votes
and journals, ib.; appointment of tellers,
ib.; vote of Speaker given from wool-
sack, ib.; of infirm peers from seats, ib.;
votes by proxies discontinued, 370;
question negatived when voices equal,
359; mode of putting questions in
judicial cases, ib.; protests, 372.

III. Commons. Presence of members
when question put, 354; precedents,
ib.; rooms beyond the lobby not within
the house, 355; presence of strangers,
355; proceedings prior to division, 356,
App. VI.; members in wrong lobby, 362;
question twice put, 356; breach of order
during a division, 357; obligation upon
members present to vote, 357, App. VI. ;
members not voting on amendment may
vote on main question, 358; mode of
dividing, 361, App. VI.; appointment
of tellers, ib.; mode of noting the
names, ib.; report of numbers, ib.;
second division in case of disagree-
ment, 362; in absence of tellers, 361, n.;
casting voice of Speaker, 364; of chair-
man in committee, 364. 382; divisions
in committee, 370; publication of
division lists, 369; clerical errors in,
369; pairs, 371.

IV. In Standing and Select Com-
mittees.-Divisions in standing commit-
tees, 395; casting vote of chairman, 394;
in select committees, 403. 411; cast-
ing vote of chairman, 411; divisions,
and casting vote of chairman, in private
bill committees, 791.

Divorce Bills; when applied for, 858;
always originate in Lords, 856; pro-
cedure on, in Lords, 859-861; in
Commons, 860; Fees on, 912; Divorce
Bills Evidence Act, 1820..860.
Documents; production of, if cited in


debate, 338; exceptions, ib.; referred
to committees, 401; bills referred to
committees as, ib. n.; power of sending
for, given to committees, 406; pro-
duction of, before private bill com-
mittees not so empowered, 825; and
before Examiners, 700.
Door-keepers; duties of, on divisions,

Doorз; re-opened for second division,

Dormant Peerages (Scotch); laws
respecting the assumption of, 11.
Double Returns; proceedings on, 652.

Drainage; private bills, 801. 910; pro-
visional orders (Board of Agriculture),
880; (Ireland), 888.

Drawbacks and Allowances; rules as
to proposing, 566. 601.
Dropped and Superseded Orders of
the Day, 263.

Dublin City; bills relating to, when
public or private, 677; corporation,
petitions from, presented, 530, and n.;
bill for disfranchisement of freemen or-
dered as amendment of question for new
writ, 463.

Dukes; origin of the title, &c., 8.
"Dummies" (Accounts and Re-
turns); presentation of, 541.
Duration of Temporary Laws; posi-
tion of clause defining, 503.
Duties; procedure on imposition of, 564;
not to be increased by the house, 565.
625; reduction of, 565; petitions against
imposition of, 528.

Ealdormen; title amongst the Saxons,


Earls; origin of the title, 8.

East Hendred, Manor of; stewardship
of, 643, n.

East India Revenue Accounts; com-
mittee thereon, 598; practice therein,
ib. See also India.

Ecclesiastical Courts; privilege re-
served in cases of contempt of, 122.
Edinburgh; petitions of corporation of,
530; bills relating to, when public or
private, 677.

Education; provisional orders (Board
of Education), 882; (Scotland), 886.
Edward the Confessor; enactment as
to freedom from arrest, 103.
Edward I.; summons of Parliament by,
18; recognition of consent of Commons
to taxation, 584.

Edward II.; recognition of Commons in
his statutes, 19.

Edward III.; laid Pope's demand of
homage before Parliament, 3; recogni-
tion of the Commons under, 19; and
the annual holding of Parliament, 39.
Elections; how held, 35; votes taken
by ballot, ib.; returning officer gives
notice of day of election, ib.; extent of
Commons' jurisdiction in matters of, 52;
its judicature in such matters delegated
to courts of law, 54; laws, and number
of statutes relating to, 631, and n.; issue
of new writs, 54. 631, et seq.; members
returned for two places, 652; to with-
draw while their returns are in ques-
tion, ib.; double returns, ib.; reso-
lutions respecting voting and interfer-
ence of peers, bishops, or ministers under
Crown, 653; and bribery, ib.; proceed-
ings of house in, 656; commissions of
inquiry, 656. 661; penalties for corrupt
practices, 659. See also Writs.
Elections, Controverted; trial of, 651;
former systems, ib.; the present, ib.;
proceedings upon trial of petitions, 654;
proceedings of house upon determination
of election trials, 658; amendment of
return by Clerk of the Crown, 658;
special reports, 659; report of corrupt
practices, 659.


Elective Franchise, 23-28.
Electricity, Generation of; standing
orders (private bills) relating
(Commons), 802-3; (Lords), 851.
Electric Lighting; provisional orders,

Eliot, Sir John; prosecution of, with

Hollis and Valentine, 99.

Elsynge; his opinion on the tenure of
bishops, 6, n.; on the separation of the
two houses, 20; on parliamentary privi-
leges, 60. 96.

Enacting Words; in bills not be
amended, 485.

English; speeches must be made in, 310.
Entering the House; rules to be ob-

served by members on, 343.
Equality of Votes. See Divisions.
Equity, Courts of; injunction by,
restraining parties from proceeding with
a private bill, 687.

Estate Bills; originate, on petition, in
Lords, 856; special provisions as to
Irish estate bills, 857; as to Scotch
estate bills, ib. 896; proceedings on estate
bills (Lords), 856-8; (Commons), 858;
referred to Examiners, 858; standing
order relating to, to be observed by
committees, 858; Fees on, 912; classi-
fication of, as Acts, 910.
Estates of Members; claim of privi-
leges for, omitted (1853), 59, n.

Estates of the Realm, 2.
Estimates; annual, presented, 546; for
the revenue departments, ib.; for the
militia, ib.; power of Crown over, 547 ;
ordinary, ib.; of grants on account, 548;
of supplementary grants, 552; alteration
in form of, 553, n.; excess grants, 553;
vote of credit, 554; exceptional charges,
555; reference of, to select committees,
597, n.; dealt with in committee of
supply, 603; time allotted to, 605.
Estimates (Private Bills); require-
ments as to, of preliminary standing
orders, 695; in local authorities' bills,
Evidence; before select committees, pub-
lication of, a breach of privilege, 74.
416; taken down and printed, 414;
report of, from time to time, 418; by a
reappointed committee, ib.; referred to
a secretary of state, 421; evidence
protected, 431; indemnity for, ib.;
false evidence punished, 75. 431.

Evidence before private bill com-
mittees, minutes of, 824; printing of,
ib.; where ordered to be laid before
house, ib.; evidence before former
committees referred to a committee,
791; or to a commission under the
Private Legislation Procedure (Scot-
land) Act, 902.

See also Oaths; Witnesses.
Examiners, The; appointed by both
houses, 695; to examine as to compli-
ance with the Standing Orders relating
to Private Bills, 696; memorials to,
complaining of non-compliance, 697, et
seq., 840; sittings of, for proof to com-
pliance with preliminary requirements
of the standing orders in the case of
bills for which petitions have been
deposited, 698, et seq., 840; examination
of cases included in the general list of
petitions for bills, ib.; where petitions
are struck off the list, 698; how re-
inserted, ib.; statement of proofs before
Examiners, 699; formal proofs, ib.;
proof by affidavit, ib.; proceedings in
unopposed cases, 700; opposed cases,
700, et seq.; decision of Examiner as to
compliance or non-compliance with
standing orders, 700. 704; decision re-
ported to Commons and certified to
Lords, 704. 840; special reports, 704.
840. 894, n.; reports (certificates) as to
non-compliance, and special reports,
referred in either house to standing
orders committee, 696. 716. 841; bills
referred to Examiners after first reading
(Commons), 723. 724; (Lords), 841.
842; petitions for additional provision

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