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Examiners, The-continued.

referred (Commons), 725; (Lords), 841;
compliance with conditions of standing
orders committee, where proved before
Examiners, 718. 792, n.; cases of private
or provisional order bills referred to
Examiners after being reported from
committee, 830. 894, n.; duties of
Examiners on provisional order bills,
863. 891-2.894, n.

Appointment of the Examiners to act under
the Private Legislation Procedure (Scot-
land) Act, 897. 899; to examine into
compliance with the "general orders,"
900.902. See also Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act.
Exceptional Grants. See Grants of

Excess Grants. See Grants of Supply.
Exchequer and Audit Departments
Act; reports under, on public expen-
diture, 597.

Exchequer Bills; issue of, now ob-
viated, 592, n.

Exempted Business; from interrup-

tion, 216; adjournment of house after,

Expenses of Witness. See Witnesses.
Expiring Laws Continuance Bills;
471, n., 486.

Explanations; in debate, 320; minis-
terial explanations, 318; on leaving
office, 319; personal explanations, ib.
Explosive Substances; provisional
orders as to, 872.

Expulsion of Members (Commons);
effect of, 54; cases and grounds for, 56.
Expunging Motions and Protests;
from the journals, in Mr. Wilkes's case,
55. 203; in Mr. Bradlaugh's, 203; from
the Clerk's book, 203.

Extension of Time (Private Bills);
standing orders as to, 797; locus standi
against, 766.

Extra-parliamentary Panel, The;
appointed under the Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act, 901.

Fast days; divine service attended on,
by both houses, 185.
Favourable Construction of Com-

mons' Proceedings; privilege of, 61.
Fees; resolution on the acceptance of, by
members for professional services con-
nected with proceedings in Parliament,
84, n.; payment of, on commitment to
custody, 93; remission of, 94.

Fees on private, provisional order,
and hybrid bills, see Private Bills.
Felony; conviction for, a disqualification
for a seat in the Commons, 34. 658;


expulsion for, 57; privilege not ex-
tended to, 115.

Ferrer's Case; referred to, 105.
Feudal System; legislative taxation
traced to the, 586.

"Filled up" (Private) Bill, 753-5,

Finance; dealt with by the Lords, 574.
Finance Bills, 629; debate and amend-
ments on stages, ib.

Fines; imposed by Lords, 91; by Com-
mons, 92; last case of, 93.
Fire; Palace of Westminster, 21, n.
First Reading; of public bills, 466; of
private bills (Commons), 723; (Lords),
845; of Provisional Order Bills, 891;
of confirming bills under the Private
Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act,

Floyde's Case, 92.

Foreigners, Petitions from; received,

Forgery or Fraud; in preparing or
signing petitions, 526.

Formal Motions; after interruption of
business, 215; for transaction of busi-
ness, 245.

Fox, Mr.; sat as member, under age, 29;
his verdict against Bailiff of Westmin-
ster, 54; disputes with Mr. Pitt on
speaking first, 312, and n.; quarrel
with Mr. Wedderburn, 335.
Franchise. See Elective Franchise.
Franking Letters; privilege abolished,
111, n.

Free Conferences; the forms of, 440.
Freedom of Access to the Sovereign;
a privilege of the Commons as a body,
60; when exercised, 61; of peers, as a
house and individually, 61.

Freedom from Arrest. See Arrest, Free-
dom from.

Freedom of Speech; principle of the
privilege, 96; ancient precedents, ib.;
interpretation thereof, 98; violations.
thereof, ib.; members punished for
abuse of, ib.; statutory recognition of,
99; not extended to published speeches,
100; publication of parliamentary
papers, 102.

Friday; adjournments from Friday till

Monday, 184. 212; hour of meeting on,
213; interruption of business on, 214;
adjournment on, 227; transaction of
business at moment of adjournment
on, 227; precedence to unofficial mem-
bers' bills on, 258; precedence of govern-
ment business on, 258. 267.

Frivolous Claim of a Division. See

Frivolous Complaints of Breach of
Privilege, 88.

Frontagers; locus standi of, 774.
Funerals of the Royal Family; ad-
journment of house on, 187.

Galleries; members may speak from
side galleries, 311; strangers' gallery
not now cleared on divisions, 207.

Garter King of Arms; duty of, on
opening of Parliament, 152; his opinion
respecting the Speaker's precedence,
195, n.

Gas (Private Bills); consumers, locus
standi, 777; standing orders relating
to, 803. 850; additional capital, auction
clauses, standard price, &c., ib.
Gas and Water Facilities; provisional
orders, 867. 874. 887.

Gasworks; standing orders (private
bills) relating to (Commons), 802;
(Lords), 851.

Gazette, London; notice given therein
by Speaker prior to issue of warrant
for new writ, 636; of his appointment
of members to issue new writs, 638.
General Committee on Railway and
Canal Bills; a sessional committee in
the Commons, 745; constitution of, ib. ;
duties of, 745-6. 789. 892. See also
Railway, &c., Bills.

General List of Petitions for Private
Bills, 696-7. 698-9. 721.

General Orders, The; regulating pro-
ceedings under the Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act, 896; how
made, ib.; provisions of, 897, et seq.;
compliance with, 900. 904.
George III.; came down on first day of
Commons choosing Speaker, 157, n.;
Parliament opened and Speaker chosen
during illness of, 42. 158; secret com-
mittee to examine physicians, 410.
George IV.; provisions respecting his
signature to commissions, 512.
German Emperor; members uncovered

on announcement of death of, 446, n.
Good Friday; the Commons have sat
on, 184; standing order (Lords) as to
sitting of committees, 847.

Gordon, Lord George (1780); com-
munication of his arrest to the house,
118, n.

Gosset. See Howard v. Gosset.
Government; members of, power to
move one another's motions, 263.
Government Business; motions for, at
commencement of business, 256; days
appointed for, 258; power to arrange
government orders, 258. 262; special

Government Business-continued.
arrangements for, 265; two o'clock sit-
tings, on Tuesdays and Fridays before
1902..213, n.; Saturday sittings, 265;
priority given to government business,
265; taken in time allotted to unofficial
members on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays, 266. 267; power regarding
specified orders of the day, 266; priority
given to a motion, 267. 268; bills of
unofficial members placed among go-
vernment business, 259; amendments
to business of house motions, 268.
Government Contracts; private bills
relating to, 727.

Government Departments; and Pri-
vate Bills, 754-5. 833. 855; and Private
Bill Committees, 815-7; Reports from,
referred to committees, 791; private
bills deposited with (under standing
orders 33 and 60 of both houses), 695.
755; (under standing order 84 of
Commons), 833; Private Legislation
Procedure (Scotland) Act, 897. 899.
903. 904. See also Provisional Orders.
Grace, Act of. See Pardon.
Grand Committees, 392. See Stand-
ing Committees.

Grants of Supply; for annual services,
estimates for, 547; procedure on, 613;
moved by a minister of the Crown, 614;
drawn from the Consolidated Fund, 592.
Grants (exceptional), procedure on,
555. 630; grants (excess), 553; debate
on, 621.

Grants on Account; estimates for, 548;
cause for, ib.; use of army, &c., sur-
pluses, ib.; for civil services, 549;
amount of, 549, n.; considered on an
allotted day, ib.; limitation of time for
consideration of, in committee and on
report, 606; caused by a dissolution,
550; exceeding amount required, 552;
form of resolution for, 614; debate on,

Grants Supplementary; estimates for,
552; debate on, 621. See also Crown
and Public Chirges; Supply.
Gray, Mr.; case of, 121.
Greater or Lesser Sum. See Supply.
Greenwich Hospital; consideration of
financial statement, 598.

Grenville Act; committees under, 651.
Group Committees, on Private Bills. See
Private Bills, III.

Guarantees; needing royal recommen-
dation, 562; not needing it, 569.

Habeas Corpus Act; enforceable in
cases of parliamentary commitments,

Habeas Corpus Act-continued.

69; peers not privileged against, 119;
when Habeas Corpus Act suspended,
consent of house to arrest of members,

Hale, Lord; his opinion on seats of lords
spiritual in Parliament, 6; on the council
summoned by William I., 16.
Hall, Arthur; his case, 77.
Harbours; provisional orders relating to,

Harley, Lord; discharged from custody
on succession to peerage, 112.
Harrison, Mr. Fortescue; case of, 123.
Hastings, Warren; the impeachment
of, referred to, 228, n., 665.
Haxey's case; referred to, 96.
"Hear, Hear; use of, 345.
Hempholme; stewardship of manor of,
643, n.

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Henry IV.; his recognition of freedom
of speech, 96; origin of petitions to
Commons during his reign, 523. 686;
of Commons' right of supply, 587.
Henry VI.; in Parliament, 444; modern
system of legislation dates from reign of,

Henry VIII.; royal assent by commis-
sion, in his reign, 511. 520.
High Treason. See Treason.
Hissing; rules against, 344.
Home Office; provisional orders issued
by, 872. See also Government Depart-


Honours; bills for restitution of, 460.
Hospital, Infectious Diseases; stand-
ing orders (private bills) relating to,

Houghton and others v. Plimsoll;
case of, referred to, 102, n.
Houses of Parliament; chambers used
after the fire of 1834..21, n. See also
Adjournment of the House; Commons,
House of; Lords, House of; Precincts,
Houses of the Working Classes;
standing orders (private bills) relating
to (Commons), 802, (Lords), 850.
Housing of the Working Classes

Act; provisional orders, 868. 886;
power as to costs of committee on con-
firmation bill, 821. 869.

Howard v. Gosset; first action, 68;
second action, ib. 142.

Hybrid bills; procedure on, 468, et seq.,

673. 721. 824, n.; Commons' privileges
not relaxed on, 708, n.; liable to Fees,

Impeachment; by the Commons, 51.
663; of peers, ib. ; of commoners, 664 ;

[blocks in formation]

Incidental Charges; (public services),

Incidental Interruptions to Proceed-
ings, 269; business resumed thereafter,

Inclosures; private bills, 801. 850. 910;
provisional orders, 878.

Indemnity; of witnesses before Parla-
ment, 125. 431; Witnesses Protection
Act, 125.

Indemnity Bills; procedure on, 461.
"Indemnity of the Lords and Com-
mons," 1407; this statute cited, 587.
Indenture; of return of member
abolished, 653, n.

India; royal recommendation of motion
for charge or guarantee on revenues of
558. 562; indirect guarantee, 569; ap-
plication of revenues of, out of India, ib. ;
seat of secretary and under-secretary of
state, 647. See also East India
Revenue, &c.

Indorsement of Bills; modes of, 509;
imperfect, 519.

Indorsement of Petitions for Private
Bills; by Examiners, 704.

In Formâ Pauperis; a private bill pro-
moted in, 912, n.

Informalities in Bills; discovered
after second reading, 465; after com-
mittal, 491; after royal assent, 517;
when royal consent refused, 449.
Ingrossment; of bills, 500. 515.
Inhabitants; locus standi of, against
private bills in Commons, 775.
Injunction. See Equity, Courts of.
Instructions; to committees of the whole
house, 383; regarding bills, 478;
principle of, ib. ; amendments to, 480;
for the division or consolidation of bills,
ib., 488; to extend the operation of,
479; out of order, 481; touching a
public charge, 482.

Notice of instructions and amend-
ments, 482; debate thereon, 483; when
moved, ib.; proceedings in committee
consequent on, 488. 489; effect of
rejection of an instruction, 304. 488, n. ;
no instruction to committee of supply,
607; examples of instructions, Appen-
dix II.


Mandatory instructions, 481; in the
Lords, ib.; to select committees, 481.

Instructions, mandatory or per-
missive, to private bill committees, 731,
et seq.; in the Lords, 854. See also
Private Bills; Provisional Order Bills.
Interest on Calls (Railway Bills);
standing order relating to, 799.

Interests, Personal. See Personal

Interference in Elections; resolutions
against, 653.

Interruption of Business; hours of,
214; adjournment of interrupted busi-
ness, ib.; transaction of business after
moment of, ib.; formal motions after in-
terruption, 215; dilatory motions, lapse,
216; interruption on a two o'clock
sitting, 213, n.; business exempted from
interruption, 216; questions pending at
moment of, 221; unopposed business
after interruption, 222; opposed ditto,
223; closure at moment of, 224. See
also Incidental Interruptions to Pro-

Intoxicating Liquors; bills relating to
sale of, on Sundays, in particular
counties treated as public bills, 679.
Introduction; of peers to the house, 153;
of new members returned after general
election, 170; dispensed with in Dr.
Kenealy's case, 171, n.

Ireland; representative bishops of, prior
to 1869..6, n.; peers of, 100, under
Act of Union, 11; power of Crown to
add to, ib.; represented in House of
Lords by 28 representative peers, ib.;
judicature of Lords over, 50; privileges
of peers and peeresses of, 12. 110; unless
representative peers may sit in House of
Commons, 12. 30; but then lose privi-
lege of peerage, 12; judicature of Lords
over seats of representative peers, 50;
certificate of their election from Clerk of
Crown, 153; rights of, on trial of
670; number of representatives for, 24;
elective franchise of, 26; holders of
offices, contractors, and judges, dis-
qualified as members, 30. 32; Speaker's
warrant for election of members directed
to Clerk of the Crown and Hanaper in,
638; acceptance of office under lord-
lieutenant, vacates seat, 641; Irish
divorce bills, 858; provisional order
bills, 886.

Irrelevance or Repetition in Debate;
standing order on, 316.

Italics in Bills; 465. 560. 723.
Items of Supply Grants; treatment of,
in committee, 618.

Jamaica; legislated for by British Par-
liament, 38.

James I.; offended at language of
Speaker's petition, 59, n.

Jay v. Topham; case referred to, 139.
Jews; formerly unable to take the par-
liamentary oath, 162; the Rothschild
and Salomons cases, ib.; disability
removed, 163.

Joint Addresses; when usual, 452.

Joint Committees; of Lords and Com-
mons, rules and subjects of, 421; ap-
pointment of, ib.; time and place of
meeting proposed by the lords, 422;
choice of chairman of, 423; vote of, ib. ;
instructions to, ib.; on private or pro-
visional order bills, 752. 892, n.; under
the Private Legislation Procedure
(Scotland) Act, 906.

Joint Stock Companies; acts, 689;
private bills, 842; locus standi of share-
holders, 779.


I. Of both Houses.-Their formation
and nature, 199, 201; given in evi-
dence, 202; periods over which they
extend, 202, n.; entry in, of proceed-
ings of committees of the whole house,

II. Lords. Public records, 201; in-
spected by Commons, 307. 837; protest
expunged from, 372; special entries on
agreement to Commons' amendments,

III. Commons.-Claim to be public
records, 202; entries expunged, 203;
special entries of agreement to Lords'
amendments to money bills, 578.
Judges; conduct of, not to be reflected
on by a question, 250; to be dealt with
by substantive motion, 278; in debate,
333; disqualified from sitting in the
Commons, 30; summoned as assistants
of the House of Lords, 51. 198; places
of, 198, n.; of Scotch judges, ib.; ex-
amined by the Commons, 433; com-
mitted by the Commons, 139; formerly
bearers of messages from Lords to Com-
mons, 436, n.; duties of, on trial of
election petitions, 654; regarding estate
bills, 857.

Judicature of the Lords. See Lords,
House of; Parliament; Peers.
Judicature Act, 1873; and later Acts,

Jurors; members privileged from service
as, 114; exemption of members and
officers by statute, 115.

Justices of the Peace; examined wit-
nesses for the Commons, 430.

[blocks in formation]

Larke's Case; referred to, 115.

Law and Courts of Justice. See Standing

Law Lords; constitution of, 13; vote
of, in judicial cases, 359.
Leave of Absence, 182. 756, n.; motions
for, 238.

Leave of the House; how granted, 280.
Lefevre, Mr. Speaker Shaw; spoke
in committee of whole house, 369.
Legal Opinions; not to be sought by
questions to ministers, 250.
Legal Proceedings against Members,

&c.; when a breach of privilege, 86.
Letters; to threaten members, a breach
of privilege, 79; use of letters in debate,
310, n.; communicated to the house by
the Speaker, 193.

Letters Patent Bills; in the Lords,
853; in Commons, 801.

Level Crossings; standing orders (pri-
vate bills) relating to (Commons), 794;
(Lords), 851.

Levels of Roads;

standing orders
(private bills) relating to (Commons),
792. 794; (Lords), 850.

Libels upon the House, or Members;

a breach of privilege, 76. 78. 81; upon
members of select committees, 83;
must touch the conduct of members in
the house, 81; against former Par-
liaments, 77. 90; prosecutions by
attorney-general ordered, 76; punish-
ment for, 93; seditious libels, 116. See
also Privileges of Parliament, III.

Librarian (House of Commons);
consulted on orders for returns, 538, n.;
delivery of papers to, during recess, 541.
Life Peerage. See Peerage.

Light Railways (Ireland); provisional
orders, 886.

Lines v. Russell; case of, referred to,

Loans, (Railway Companies); stand-
ing orders (private bills) relating to
(Commons), 794; (Lords), 851.
Loans Government; contractors for,
not disqualified for House of Commons,

Lobbies; order in lobby maintained by
the Serjeant, 205; jurisdiction of the
house over disorder in, 348.

Local Authorities; private bills pro-
moted by, 804-6. 850; provisional
orders made by, 889; provisional orders
concerning (public health), 865. 886;
(housing of working classes), 869; (brine
pumping), 872; (diseases, animals),
872; (municipal corporations), 881;
(tramways), 875; (electric lighting),
875; (public parks, Scotland), 884;
locus standi of, in Commons, 775, et seq.
Local Bills. See Private Bills, IV.
Local and Personal Acts, 685. 909.
Local Government; provisional orders

relating to, 865. 885. 886. 888.

Local Government Board; and pri-
vate bills, 754-5. 855; and provisional
orders, 865, et seq. See also Govern-
ment Departments.

Local Government Board (Ireland);
provisional orders made by, 886.
Local Government Board (Scot-
land); provisional orders made by,

Local Taxation; practice regarding
bills or clauses for, 599.

Locus Standi of Petitioners; against
private (local) bills in the Lords, 848;
against orders under the Private Legis-
lation Procedure (Scotland) Act, 903;
or against their confirmation in Parlia-
ment, 906; against private or provisional
order bills in the Commous, 760-786.
893. 752. See Private Bills.
London (City of); sheriffs, lord mayor,
and aldermen of, committed by the
house, 65. 66; the claim of members
for, to sit on treasury bench, 178; pre-
sentation of petitions from the corpora-
tion, 529; bills respecting, whether
public or private, 675.

London County Council; no questions
in house to members of, 249.

Bills promoted by, 674-5; petition for
bill, 693; bills presented, 721; and

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