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Orders of the Day-continued.

Supply to be first order of the day on
Thursdays, 259. 605; motion to super-
sede supply on that day, 266.
Ordnance; lieutenant-generalship of,
held not to vacate seat in the house,

Owners, Lessees, and Occupiers;
locus standi of, 763.

Oyster Fisheries; provisional orders,

Packet and Telegraphic Contracts. See

Pains and Penalties, Acts of; mode
of passing, 51.

Pairs; system of, 371.

Panels (Private Legislation Procedure
(Scotland) Act); see Extra-Parlia-
mentary Panel; Parliamentary Panel.
Paper Duties Bill, 1860, 583.
Pardon; not pleadable in bar of im-
peachment, 667; given afterwards, ib. ;
bills for a general pardon, 461; cannot
be amended by Parliament, ib.; royal
assent thereto, 513; convicted felon dis-
qualified for seat in Parliament, until in
receipt of, 34.

Parishes; readjustment or division, pro-
visional orders, 867.
Parliament; constitution of, traceable to
the free Saxon councils, 1; constituent
parts of, 2-19; the Crown, 2; the
House of Lords, 6; the Commons, 14;
the three estates of, originally sat to-
gether, 19; when separated, 21;
chambers used after the fire, 21, n.

Legislative authority of Parliament,
37; prerogatives of Crown in reference
to, 39; summons from Crown, 41;
occasions of meeting without, 41. 42;
days for which usually summoned, 149,
n.; annual meeting of, 39; meeting of,
on demise of Crown, 41; causes of
summons declared, 42. 171; considered
by both houses, 174; tumultuous
assemblages near, 183; presentation of
petitions, ib., 522.

Prorogation of Parliament, 43. 207;
assembled by proclamation, 45; as-
sembling of, accelerated by proclama-
tion, 44; or deferred, 45; adjourn-
ment solely in power of each house,
46; adjournments at the pleasure
of the Crown, ib.; power of the
Crown over adjournments, pursuant to
statute, 47; expiration of Parliament
under the Septennial Act, 47; dissolu-
tion by proclamation, 48; by king in
person, ib.; assembly of Parliament
after a dissolution, 49; grants on account


thereon, 550; period between procla-
mation calling a parliament and its
meeting, 41.

Judicature of Parliament in Acts of
attainder, &c., and in impeachments,
51.663; privileges thereof, 59, et seq.;
proceedings of, how regulated, 147, et
seq.; proceedings upon its first meeting,
149; exceptional course in opening of,
151; service of Parliament, 178; at-
tendance at divine service, 185; sove-
reign supposed to be present in, 444;
communicated with by sovereign or
royal family, 445; statements to Parlia-
ment not actionable, 129; but admis-
sible in evidence, 130; officers of Parlia-
ment, 198. See also Commons, House
of; Lords, House of, etc., Precincts of.
Parliamentary Agents; the rules re-
garding, laid down by Mr. Speaker and
the Lords' Chairman of Committes, 709,
et seq.; members or officers of the house
not to practise as, 84. 712; privileged
from arrest, 125.

Parliamentary Costs Acts; provisions
of, 820.821.

Parliamentary Deposits Act; and
the standing or "general" orders, 695,
n., 897.
Parliamentary Documents Deposit
Act; and the standing or "general
orders, 695, n., 897.
Parliamentary Panel; under the
Private Legislation Procedure (Scot-
land) Act, 901.

Parliamentary Papers. See Accounts
and Papers.

Parliamentary Papers Committee,
542, n.

Parnell, Mr.; named and suspended,

Parochial Relief; persons in receipt of,
incapable of voting, 27.

"Parties do not proceed;" with
private bill, 687.827. See also Private

Patents. See Letters Patent.
Paty; case of, referred to, 134.
Pease, Mr.; allowed to affirm, 163.
Pecuniary Interest. See Personal In-

Pecuniary Penalties and Fees; relax-

ation of Commons' privileges, 577, 579.
708. 839.

Peel, Sir Robert; breach of privilege
against, 79; house adjourns on death
of, 186; motion against him expunged
from votes, 203; opinion as to reading
extracts from newspapers, 326; use of
sovereign's name in debate by, 330.


Peerage; list of, on roll of House of
Lords, 11; dormant peerages, laws re-
lating to, ib.; life peerages, 12; vacan-
cies in the House of Commons by, 633.
Peeresses; privileges of, 110; forfeited
when peeresses intermarry with com-
moners, ib. See also Peers.
Peers; created, and formerly summoned
to Parliament, by the Crown, 5; de-
grees of rank, 8; representative peers
of Scotland, 10; of Ireland, 11; not to
sit until of age, 12; titles of temporal
peers hereditary, 13; number and classi-
fication of peers, 14; English and Scotch
peers ineligible to Commons, 29; Irish
peers who may sit for places in Great
Britain, 12. 30.

Rights and functions of peers, 49;
access of, to sovereign, 61; peers
becoming bankrupts, disqualified from
sitting and voting, 33; privileges of,
59. 109; privileges of peers of Ireland
and Scotland, 10. 110. 670.

Introduction of peers to house, 153;
their places in the house, 177; service
of Parliament, 178; summoned to at-
tend, 179; ancient privilege of voting
by proxy, 178. 370; votes of peers in
judicial cases, 359.

Mode of conducting the proceedings
of the house, 152. 209. 277; and
debates, 310; the right of explanation
320; words of heat between peers,
334; conduct in the house, 343;
divisions, 287. 354; protests, 372; per-
sonal interest, 373; attendance as wit-
nesses before the Lords, 424. 429; before
the Commons, 426. 433; duties of peers
on select committees, 401; presentation
of bills by peers, 461; of petitions, 531;
resolutions of Commons, as to interfer-
ence of peers in elections, 653; im-
peachments, 663; trials and indictment
of peers, 667; peers and the levy of
tolls (private bills), 728. See also
Bishops; Divisions; Lords, House of;

Pelham, H. (1647); his appointment as

Speaker of the Commons, approved by
the House of Lords, 158.

Penalties. See Pecuniary Penalties, &c.
Pensions; when a parliamentary dis-
qualification, 30.
Perjury. See Witnesses.

Personal Allusions; in debate, 333.
Personal Bills; which so termed, 839.
856; originate in Lords, 856; procedure
on, 856, et seq.
Personal Explanation; by ministers,
318; by other members, 319. 320; in
the Lords, 320.

Personal Interest; circulars to canvass
votes improper, 373; votes of peers and
members interested in public matters,
373; does not prevent a member moving,
378; when case arises in committee,
377; in private bills, 375; in private
bill committees (Commons), 378. 747.
756. 829; (Lords), 846; in a standing
committee, 395; in select committees,
405; Speaker's and chairman's rulings
regarding personal interest, 374, n.;
interest not pecuniary in a vote, 379;
member personally interested, discharged
from attendance on a private bill com-
mittee, 756; declaration respecting, by
members of private bill committees, 747.
755; by commissioners under the Private
Legislation Procedure (Scotland) Act,


Persons, Papers, and Records; Com-

mons' committees authorized to send
for, 406; and for papers only, 407; prac-
tice thereon, in private bill committees,
825; Lords' committees, 402.
Petitions (Private or Provisional
Order Bills); petitions for private bills,
672. 693. 696. 722. 840. 856; petitions
in favour of bills, 757; petitions against
(Commons), 757, et seq., 893. 899;
(Lords), 845-6. 861. 892. 899;
petitions against alterations, &c., 758.
761. 807. See also Additional Pro-
vision; Private Bills.

Petitions (Private Legislation Pro-
cedure (Scotland) Act); petition for
proposed order, 895. 897; against a
proposed order, 898; presentation of a
petition after introduction of confirming
bill, 906.

Petitions, Public; right of petitioning,
522; ancient mode of petitioning, ib.;
receivers and triers, ib. ; commencement
of modern system, 523; law prohibiting
the presentation of, by more than ten
persons, 524; or the consideration of, by
persons in proximity to Parliament, ib.;
procedure on petitions praying for public
money, &c., 563; form of, 524; to a
previous Parliament not received, ib. n.;
nor on first day of session, 530; nor re-
monstrances, &c., 525; nor unless con-
cluding with a prayer, ib.; cannot be
presented by member before being
sworn, 530; rules regarding signature,
&c., 525; forgery or fraud, 526; a
breach of privilege, 75. 526; should be
respectful in language, 526; may oppose
taxes, 528; relating to an election,
658; proceedings on irregular peti-
tions, 526; from persons attainted,
528; from abroad, 529; presentation of

Petitions, Public-continued.

petitions, 236. 529. 531; member to
affix his name thereto, 529; from the
corporations of London or Dublin, ib. ;
from a member, to be presented by
another, 530; transmission by post, 531;
members responsible for petitions they
present, 531; legal proceedings for non-
presentation of petitions, 86; presenta-
tion and discussion of, in the Lords, 531;
in the Commons, 532; petitions com-
plaining of personal grievance, ib.;
petitions read by the Clerk, 533; peti-
tions complaining of a breach of privi-
lege set down for consideration, 534;
dealt with by committee on public
petitions, ib.; printed with the votes,
ib.; reprinted, 535.

Piers and Harbours; provisional orders,

Pilotage; provisional orders, 874.
Pitt, Mr.; amendment of question con-
cerning, 284; rose together with Mr.
Fox, 312; resolution (1784) respecting
the supplies during his ministry, 552, n.;
first lord of the treasury and chancellor
of the exchequer at same time, 648.
Places of Members:

I. Lords. To sit in the order pre-
scribed by Act, 177; places of, ib.; rules
in going to and leaving, 343.

II. Commons.-Treasury and opposi-
tion benches, 177; members for the city
of London, 178; places retained by
members thanked by the house, ib.;
secured at prayers, ib.; by members
serving on select committees, 178; rules
in going to and leaving, 343.
Plans, Sections, Cross-sections, and
Books of Reference; standing orders
(private bills) relating to, 695. 703;
plans produced before private bill com-
mittee to be signed by chairman, 823.
Pleasure of the House; how signified,

Plimsoll, Mr.; case of, 83.

Police; provisional orders (Home Office),
873; (Scotland), 884.

Police and Sanitary Regulations
Bills; referred in the Commons to a
special committee, 751-2. 805; constitu-
tion and proceedings of the committee,
805. 809, n.

Poor Law Bills; originating in the
Commons, 574; in the Lords, 581, n.
Post; transmission of parliamentary
papers by, 542.

Postmaster-General; acceptance of
office of, 647; provisional orders, 882–3;
and private bills, 754-5. 815-7, n. See
also Government Departments.

Postponement of Clause, 488; debate
thereon, ib.

Powers of Purchase (Railway Com-
panies); standing orders (private bills)
as to, 796. 852.

Prayers; in the Lords, 152; in the Com-
mons, 157. 159; origin of present form,
159, n.; when first said in each house
on opening of Parliament, 171; places
secured at, 178; house counted after,
230; notice of, to select and private bill
committees, 413.

Preachers; before the houses, appoint-
ment of, 185.

Preambles of Bills:

I. Of Public Bills.-Considered in
committee, 483. 490; consideration of,
on report, 496.

II. Of Hybrid Bills.-Consideration
in committee, 469, n.

III. Of Private Bills.-How con-
sidered in committee, 469, n., 790. 809;
proceedings on, 808-812; question on,
469, n., 813; preamble proved, 790.
813-4; not proved, 790, n., 818-820; as
to alterations made by committee in
preamble of private bill, 820.
Precedence; of peers, rules and orders as
to, 6. 8. 177; to bills and motions at
commencement of public business, 256;
of government business, 258; of ad-
journed business in Lords, 210; of
notices of motions or orders of the day,
258. 265; to questions of privilege, 270;
to a vote of thanks, 256.
Precincts of Parliament; service of
legal process in, 80; exclusion from,
350; if criminal act committed in, 137, n.
Preference Shares (Railway Bills);
standing orders as to, 795. 797. 852;
locus standi of preference shareholders,
Preliminary Objections


Bills); before the Examiners, 702;
before committee, 809.
Prerogative; limitations of, 3; taxes by,
ceased at Revolution (1688), 4, n., 587.
Presbyterian Church of Scotland;
sovereign bound to maintain, 5.
Prevarication; by witnesses punished, 75.
Previous Question, the; forms of,
Lords and Commons, 283; limitations
on its use, ib.; cannot be amended,
284; used on privilege motions, 275;
used on stages of bills, 283; put on
main question as amended, ib.; cannot
be moved on an amendment, ib.; nor
in any committee, 284; nor upon a
motion relating to the business of the
house, 283; no reply to mover of, 321.
Printed Papers. Sec Stockdale v. Hansard.


Printing; of accounts and papers, 542;
of petitions, 533. 534; parliamentary
papers committee, 542, n.; of public
bills, 466; reprinted, 494; of private
bills in the Commons (before presenta-
tion), 723; (as amended by committee),
830; (proposed amendments on con-
sideration), 833; (Lords Amendments),
836; of private (local) bills in the Lords
(as amended in committee), 855; (of
subsequent proposed amendments), ib.;
of public and private Acts, 515. 909,
et seq.
Prisons, Keepers of; to bring up
nesses in their custody, 425.
Private Bill Office (House of Com-
mons); and Parliamentary agents, 710.
711; register of private bill proceedings,
714; general list of petitions for bills,
697; presentation of bill, 716; cus-
tody, examination, &c., of bills, 728.
830. 835; entry of Appearances, 699.
710. 787.

Deposit in Private Bill Office of
petition for bill, 693; of memorials,
697. 701; of petitions against private
or provisional order bills, 757; of other
petitions relating to private bills, 698.
721. 722; of orders under the Private
Legislation Frocedure (Scotland) Act,

Notice given to Private Bill Office,
of examination of petitions or bills, 698.
725. 729; of second reading of private
bill, 728; of meeting of committees,
752-3. 832; of the consideration by
committees of later bills in a group,
788; of consideration of private bill in
the house, 833; of proposed amend-
ments, 833; of third reading of private
bill, 835; of consideration of Lords
amendments, 836.

Private Bills:

I. Generally.-Origin of private bills,
459. 523. 685; distinctive character,
672; difficulty of determining, in some
cases, whether bill should be public or
private, ib., 681; objections to a private
bill as being of a public nature, 672.
675. 679. 680. 682; to public bills as
more properly private, 672; bills illus-
trating distinction between public and
private, 673-682; the semi-judicial treat-
ment by Parliament of private bills,
686-8; members pecuniarily or locally
interested in bills, 375. 378. 747. 756.
829. 846; enforcement of pledges in the
promotion of bills, 688. 817; where
general Acts have rendered private bills
unnecessary, 689. 690. 863; repeal of
public Acts by private bills, 683; super-

Private Bills-continued.
vision of bills by chairman of com-
mittees (Lords), 688. 705. 849; and by
chairman of ways and means, 688. 707.
753; parliamentary agents, 709; the
standing orders of both houses relating
to private bills, 148. 692, 695, n., 837;
where bills have been suspended till
another session, 837; private bills
divided under standing orders into two
classes, 692.

II. Preliminaries to Introduction.-
Preparation of Bills, 694; the Clauses
Acts, ib.; the "Model Bill," ib.; re-
quirements of standing orders, 694;
private bills, except in some urgent
cases, solicited by petition, 672. 693.722.

Petitions for bills deposited in Com-
mons, 693; deposit of petition in the
case of London County Council bills, ib.;
and late bills, 722. 840; the general list
of petitions for bills, 696; petitions for
personal bills (Lords), 856; deposit in
the Lords of all bills, 693. 840.

Proof before Examiners of compliance
with standing orders before introduction
of bill, 694, et seq.; bills divided for
introduction into one or other house,
705. 709 bills formerly introduced
chiefly in Commons, 708; relaxation of
Commons' privileges regarding charges,
ib., 839; bills now originate equally in
the two houses, 709. 839.

III. Proceedings in the Commons.—
Private Business, time of its considera-
tion by the house, 233. 234. 713. 714;
notices of motions, 713; what to be
deemed private business, 714. 726-7.
739; opposed private business, 234. 235.
714. 730. 834; days upon which it can-
not be set down, 235; and motions con-
tingent on opposed private business,
236; conduct of private bills by mem-
bers, 714; "Register" of proceedings
on bill, 714.

Private bill presented, 715–16; ordi-
nary rules for presentation, ib., 721;
exceptions (London County Council
bills), 721; (urgent bills), 722; (late
bills), ib.; (bills introduced in lieu of
others withdrawn), 729; bill to be
printed before presentation, 723; first
reading, ib.; ordered to be read a
second time or referred to Examiners,
ib.; Lords' bills, London County Council
bills, and bills under the "Wharncliffe "
orders and under standing orders, 61.
67. and 68, so referred, 723-4; petitions
for additional provision in bill, 725.817:
where proposed provisions are considered
in committee of whole house, 726

Private Bills-continued.
interval and proceedings between first
and second reading of bill, 728; notice
of second reading, ib.

Second reading (in Commons), 729;
when opposed, 235. 236. 729. 730; In-
structions, 731-744; Mandatory Instruc-
tions, 731-4. 481; ruled out of order,
731, n.; given or moved (to insert
clauses), 732; (to omit clauses), 733;
(to inquire into particular matters), ib.;
(injury to scenery), 734; (to report bill
by a given date), 828, n. Permissive In-
structions, 735-7; empowering a com-
mittee (to inquire or report), 735; (to
make certain provision in bill), ib., 736;
(to report on particular points), 737; in-
structions to divide or consolidate bills,
744; other instruction, ib., 737, et seq.;
instructions should not raise questions of
public policy or general law, 737-9; or
questions outside the bill, 739-742;
should be practicable, 743; and defi-
nite, ib.

Commitment of bill, 744-6; interval
and proceedings between second reading
and first sitting of committee, 749;
notice to be given of meeting of com-
mittee, 752; "filled-up" bill to be
deposited, 753; amendments in the
filled-up " bill, 753–5.

Committee on unopposed bills, 746–7;
proceedings of, 789. 790. 807, n.; op-
posed bills becoming unopposed, 788-9;
where unopposed bills are treated as
opposed, ib. 790. 807, n.; opposed bills,
how defined, 747.

Petitions against bills, 757-9; how
and when deposited, 757; withdrawn,
ib.; late petitions, 759; rules as to
petitions against bills, 759. 782. 788;
as to hearing of petitioners, 758. 811;
Locus Standi of petitioners, 760-787.
752; the Referees, 760; their appoint-
ment and duties, 760-1; rules of pro-
cedure, and practice of referees, 761-3.
784. 808; standing orders relating to
locus standi, 775-7; reports of cases
before referees, 763; Locus Standi
(landowners), 762-5; (associations), 767;
(conservators of commons), 776;
(county councils), 776-7; (frontagers),
774; (gas consumers), 777; (inhabí-
tants), 775; (local authorities), 775–7;
(railway companies), 764-6.772-4; (rate-
payers), 779; (shareholders), 778-9;
(traders), 767; (amalgamation), 772;
(competition), 773; (contingent damage),
768; (informal petitions), 782; (Lords'
bills), 781; (tramway bills), 774. 777;
(water), 771. 777; other cases of locus

Private Bills-continued.

standi, 769, 782-7; exception taken to
referees' decision, 785; jurisdiction of
referees superseded, 786; petitions
specially referred to committee by the
house, 787.

Committees (Commons) on opposed
bills, 746; constituted by the Committee
of Selection and the General Committee
on railway bills, ib. 747. 749; members
refusing to serve, 748; declarations,
747. 755; quorum, 756, 828; attend-
ance of members, 756; when chairman
absent, 757; absence of other members,
756; adjournments of committee, 828;
committees revived, ib.; general proceed-
ings of committees on groups of opposed
bills, 806, et se7.; committee to consider
first the first bill in group, 788; to
appoint day for considering the later
bills, ib.; parties appear before com-
mitte, 806; as to Appearances on peti-
tions, 787. 788-9. 806-7; case opened,
808; counsel before committees, 808, et
seq.; as to preliminary objections, 809;
proceedings on preamble, 809; where
there are competing bills, 813; hearing
of petitioners, 758. 810-11; witnesses
before private bill committees, 825;
examined on oath, ib.; cross-examina-
tion, 809-813; witnesses from Govern-
ment departments, 815; question put on
preamble, 813; preamble proved, 814;
consideration of clauses, 815; preamble
not proved, 818; preamble amended,
820; costs, 820-823.

Proceedings of all ordinary private
bill committees (opposed or unopposed
bills), 790, et seq.; "filled-up" bill to be
laid before committee, 788; reports from
public departments, evidence before
former committees, and other docu-
ments, referred, 791; questions, how
decided, 791; chairman's second or
casting vote, ib.; names of members
recorded, ib.; notice to be given of
committee's adjournment, 828; where
special leave given to a committee
to sit, ib. 831, n.; compliance with
certain standing orders, only, proved
before committee, 792; standing orders
to be observed on railway and other
particular kinds of bills, 792-804; duties
of chairman and of committee in re-
porting bills, 823-4; power of committee
over preamble, 790. 809; and difference
in this respect between committees on
private and on public bills, 469, n.,
484. 729.

Exceptional committees appointed on
private bills, 750, et seq.; departures

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