LESSON CVI. I'm pleased and yet I'm sad. 1. WHEN twilight steals along the ground, I at my study window sit, 2. But, though impressions, calm and sweet, I 'm pleased, and yet I 'm sad. 3. The silvery rack that flies away, 4. Is it that here I must not stop, 5. Then is it that yon steeple there, 6. Then whence it is I cannot tell, SCENES ON THE HUDSON. : And so the tear-drop fills my eye, 225 LESSON CVII. Scenes on the Hudson River in Early Times. 1. WILDNESS and savage majesty reigned on the borders of this mighty river; the hand of cultivation had not as yet laid down the dark forests, and tamed the features of the landscape; nor had the frequent sail of commerce yet broken in upon the profound and awful solitude of ages. 2. Here and there might be seen a rude wigwam, perched among the cliffs of the mountains, with its curling column of smoke mounting in the transparent atmosphere, but so loftily situated, that the whoopings of the savage children, gambolling on the margin of the dizzy heights, fell almost as faintly on the ear, as do the notes of the lark, when lost in the azure vault of heaven. Now and then, from the beetling brow of some rocky precipice, the wild deer would look timidly down upon the splendid pageant as it passed below; and then, tossing his branching antlers to the air, would bound away into the thickets of the forest. 3. Through such scenes did the stately vessel of Peter Stuyvesant pass. Now did they skirt the bases of the rocky heights of Jersey, which spring up like everlasting walls, reaching from the waves into the heavens; and were fashioned, if traditions may be believed, in times long past, by the mighty spirit Manito, to protect his frontier abodes from the unhallowed eyes of mortals. 4. Now did they career it gayly across the vast expanse of Tappan Bay, whose wide-extended shores present a vast variety of delectable scenery; here, the bold promontory,. crowned with embowering trees, advancing into the bay; there, the long woodland slope, swelling up from the shore in rich luxuriance, and terminating in the upland precipice; while, at a distance, a long, waving line of rocky heights threw their gigantic shades across the water. 5. Now would they pass where some modest little interval, opening among these stupendous scenes, yet retreating, as it were, for protection, into the embraces of the neighboring mountains, displayed a rural paradise, fraught with sweet and pastoral beauties; the velvet-tusted lawn, - the bushy copse, - the tinkling rivulet, stealing through the fresh and vivid verdure, - on whose banks was situated some little Indian village, or, peradventure, the rude cabin of some solitary hunter. 6. The different periods of the revolving day seemed each, with cunning magic, to diffuse a different charm over the scene. Now would the jovial sun break gloriously from the east, blazing from the summits of the hills and sprinkling the landscape with a thousand decoy gems; while along the borders of the river were seen heavy masses of mist, which, like midnight caitiffs, disturbed at his approach, made a sluggish retreat, rolling in sullen reluctance up the mountains. 7. At such times all was brightness and life and gayety; the atmosphere seemed of an indescribable pureness and transparency; the birds broke forth in wanton madrigals, and the freshening breezes wafted the vessel merrily on her course. But when the sun sunk amid a flood of glory in the west, mantling the heavens and the earth with a thousand gorgeous dyes, - then, all was calm, and silent, and magnificent. 8. The late swelling sail hung lifelessly against the mast, - the seamen with folded arms leaned against the shrouds, lost in that involuntary musing which the sober grandeur of nature commands in the rudest of her children. The vast bosom of the Hudson, was like an unruffled mirror, reflecting the golden splendor of the heavens, excepting that now and then, a bark canoe would start across its surface, filled with painted savages, whose gay feathers glared brightly, as, perchance, a lingering ray of the setting sun gleamed upon them from the western mountains. 9. But when the hour of twilight spread its magic mists around, then did the face of nature resume a thousand fugitive charms, which, to the worthy heart, that seeks enjoyment in the glorious works of its Maker, are inexpressibly captivating. The mellow, dubious light, that prevailed, just served to tinge with illusive colors, the softened features of the scenery. The deceived, but delighted eye sought vainly to discern, in the broad masses of shade, the separating THE IMMORTAL MIND. 227 line between the land and water; or to distinguish the fading objects that seemed sinking into chaos. 10. Now did the busy fancy supply the feebleness of vision, producing, with industrious craft, à fairy creation of her own. Under her plastic wand, the barren rocks frowned upon the watery waste, in the semblance of lofty towers and high embattled castles; trees assumed the direful forms of mighty giants; and the inaccessible summits of the mountains seemed peopled with a thousand shadowy beings. 11. Now broke forth from the shores the notes of an innumerable variety of insects, which filled the air with a strange but not inharmonious concert; while ever and anon was heard the melancholy plaint of the whip-poor-will, who, perched on some lone tree, wearied the ear of night with his incessant moanings. The mind, soothed into a hallowed melancholy, listened with pensive stillness to catch and distinguish each sound that vaguely echoed from the shore, now and then startled, perchance, by the whoop of some straggling savage, or the dreary howl of a wolf, stealing forth upon his nightly prowlings. 1 11, LESSON CVIII. The Immortal Mind. 1. WHEN coldness wraps this suffering clay, But leaves its darkened dust behind. 2. Eternal, boundless, undecayed, 4 : 3. Before creation peopled earth, Its eye shall roll through chaos back; 4. Above all love, hope, hate, or fear, O'er all, through all, its thoughts shall fly; LESSON CIX. Robert Emmett. 1. This remarkable and interesting victim of enthusiastic but ill-directed patriotism was one of the leaders in the Irish rebellion of 1803. He was the brother of the late Thomas Addis Emmett, a distinguished Irish lawyer, who settled in New York, and died there in 1827. He was the son of a respectable physician, possessed a handsome fortune, was highly educated, and endowed with uncommon genius. 2. Having been seized and brought to trial, and knowing that his fate was decided, he sought not to save his life, but to shelter his name and fame from after infamy. The following is the closing part of his address to the court. 3. "Let no man dare, when I am dead, to charge me with dishonor; let no man attaint my memory, by believing that I could engage in any cause but that of my country's liberty and independence; or that I could become the pliant minion of power in the oppression or the miseries of my countrymen. The proclamation of the provisional government speaks my views; from which no inference can be tortured to countenance barbarity or debasement at home, |