
PORT-O, portatum, to carry, or bear, to import or betoken: as, comport', to bear with or carry together, to suit or accord; deport'ment, carriage, behavior, conduct; export', to carry out; report', to bear or carry, back; import', to carry in, to mean, to imply.

Poss-E, to be able: as, impossible, that cannot be; impotent, wanting power; po'tentate, a person of power, a prince or king; posses'sor, one who possesses or occupies.

PRIM-US, first: as, primary, of the first; principle, the first of anything, the cause or origin, element ; pris'tine, or prim'itive, first, ancient; prime'val, of the first age.

PUNG-O, punctum, to point or prick: as, compunction, a pricking, a pricking of heart; expunge, to blot out, -as with a pen, to efface; pungent, pricking, acrid, sharp; poignant, sharp, piercing, keen.

REG-O, rectum, to rule or govern: as, correct', to make right, or set right, to amend; rector, a governor; rectangle, a figure of four right angles; redtify, to make right; region, a district under one ruler, a country; regal, belonging to a king; rex, a king.

RUPT-UM, to break, to burst: as, abrupt', broken off or short, craggy, a sudden breaking off; disruption, a rending or bursting asunder; eruption, a violent breaking or bursting out or forth; irruption, a bursting in.

SATIS, enough, sufficient: as, sate, sa'tiate, to fill, to glut; satisfy, to give enough, to content; sat'urate, ate, impregnating to the full.

SCHOL-A, school: as, scholastic, pertaining to a scholar, to a school or schools.

SCI-O, to know: as conscientious, obeying the dictates of conscience; con'scious, knowing one's self; omniscience, knowledge of all things.

SCRIB-O, scriptum, to write: as, ascribe, to write or impute to, to attribute; circumscribe, to write round, to limit or bound; describe, to write down, to delineate; inscribe', to write or to address to; transcribe', to copy.

SEMI, half: as, sem'itone, half a tone.

SERV-10, servitum, to be a slave, to serve, to obey: as, deserve, to merit; serv'ile, belonging to slavery.

SIGN-UM, a mark or sign, a seal: as, assign', to allot, to appoint; consign', to give, to deliver; design', to delineate, to plan, to intend; resign', to give up or back.

SIMIL-IS, like: as, assimilate, to make like to; dissimilar, not like or similar; sim'ilar, like, resembling.

SIST-O, to set, to stop, to stand: as, assist, to stand up to, to help; consist', to stand together; desist', to stop, to forbear; exist', to stand out, to be, to live, to remain.

SOL-US, alone, single, forlorn, desert: as, sol'itary, living alone: solitude, loneliness, a desert.

SOLV-o, solutum, to loose, to melt, to free, to pay: as, absolutary, absolving; dissoluble, that may be dissolved or melted; solve, to loosen, to explain,

to remove.

SOPH-IA, wisdom, knowledge, learning: as, theosophy, divine wisdom. SORS, lot, sort, kind: as, assort, to distribute into sorts, kinds, or classes. SPECI-O, to see, to look: as, aspect, to look to, look, view; despise to look down with contempt; expect', to look for; inspect', to look on or into; respect', to look back with deference, to regard.

ST-o, statum, to stand; to set: as, arrest', to obstruct to seize; con'stancy, a standing firm; constitute, to set, to fix, to form; obstacle, a thing standing in the way; stable, firm, solid, sure; statue, an image; stať'ute, a law; understand', to know, to comprehend fully.

STRU-O, structum, to build: as, destroy', to pull down; instruct', to teach, to direct; misinstruct', to instruct amiss; obstruct', to block up, to impede.



Sum-o, sumptum, to take: as, assume, to take to or upon one; consume', to take up, to destroy, to waste; resume' to take back, to begin again.

TEMPUS, time: as, cotem'porary, living at the same time; temporize, to comply with, or yield to the time; tense, time.

TEN-EO, tentum, to hold: as, abstain' to hold from; appertain', or pertain', to belong; contain', to hold; contin'ue, to abide, to last; detain, to hold from; obtain', to get, to gain; retain', to hold or keep back; ten'able, that may be held.

TERMIN-US, a limit or boundary, end or period: as, determ'ine, to end, to fix on; exterminate, to root out, to destroy utterly: term'inate, to bound, to


TEST-IS, a witness: as, attest', to bear witness to; contest', to dispute; detest', to thrust away, to abhor; test'ify, to bear witness.

TORT-UM, to twist, to writhe: as, contort', to twist together; detort', to twist, to pervert; intort' to twist, to wind.

TRAH-O, tractum, to draw: as, attract', to draw to; contract', to draw together; extract', to draw out; subtract', to draw under or from.

TRIBUT-UM, to give: as, attribute, to give to; contribute, to give with or together; distribute, to give in parts.

UN-Us, one alone; the same: as, disunite', to separate, to part; unan'imous, of one mind; union, a making one; u'nison, one sound; u'nit, one; unite', to make into one; unity, the being one.

UT-Or, usus, to use: as, abuse', ill use, reviling words; disuse', to cease to use; inutil'ity, uselessness.

VERT-O, versum, to turn: as, divert', to turn aside; introvert', to turn inwards; obvert', to turn towards; retrovert', to turn backward; revert', to turn or draw back; versify, to make verses.

VER-US, true: as, veracity, the truth of the speaker; verity, the truth of a statement or proposition.

VID-EO, visum, to see: as, revise', to review; vis'age, the face, the look; vis'ible, that can be seen; visit, to go to see; vis'ual, belonging to the sight. VIDU-O, to part, to deprive of: as, avoid', to shun; divide, to separate, to part in pieces or portions; divisible, that may be divided or separated.

VINC-O, victum, to conquer, to overcome, to subdue: as, invin'cible, not to be conquered or overcome; van'quish, to conquer, ta subdue in battle.

Viv-o, victum, to live: as, revive, to live again; survive', to outlive; vivify, vivificate, to give life.

Voc-o, vocatum, to call: as, convoke, to call together; evoke', to call out or forth; invoke', to call on, to implore; vocable, a word.


Lesson 1. Let the pupil spell and define the principal words in every les


If there are any words in the lesson customarily pronounced wrong, direct his attention to them. The following instances occur in this lesson. People often say wite for white; ranging for rainging; furce for feerse. Follow these directions in respect to each lesson. See Rule 2, and the examples

General Questions on this lesson, for the pupil.. What is taught by this lesson? What is meant by West, in verse 5? Can savages read? What benefit would come to them from learning to read? Explain the meaning of verse 12. Questions on the Rules, for the pupil. How ought poetry to be read? See Rule 16. What of accent and emphasis in reading poetry?

Etymological Exercise. Ask the pupil, What is the meaning of a prefix ? An affix? A root? See pages 13 and 14. What prefix is in the word disgrace, lesson 1, verse 2? What is the meaning of the prefix dis ? see page 14. What affix in boundless, verse 5? What is the meaning of the

affix less; see page 18. What root in the word inference, verse 11? What prefix in the same word? What is the meaning of the root ferum ? see fer-o, page 20. What is the meaning of the prefix in? see page 22. Let the pu pil tell the prefixes and affixes of the following words, with the meanings of each: invite, declare, impart, reveal, increase, study, freely, blissful. The prefixes will be found alphabetically arranged, beginning at page 14; the affixes at page 16.

Lesson 2. It is unnecessary to repeat the direction to require the pupil to spell and define the principal words; or to point out words apt to be erroneously pronounced, as these rules are to apply to all the lessons.

General Questions on lesson 2. Is this story a fable? What is a fable? What does this fable teach? Can animals really talk? Why are they represented as talking, and thinking, and reasoning, in fables?

Questions on the Rules. In each lesson let the pupil's attention be directed to some one of the rules, beginning at page 7. Let him read the lesson with a special regard to the rule selected; and let him be required to repeat it. For example, in this lesson, ask him what is the first requisite in reading or speaking? What is articulation? How can you illustrate the importance of good articulation? See Rule 1.

Etymological Exercise. Let the pupil tell the prefixes and affixes in the following words, with their meanings ; lively, inculcate, eloquently, cruelty, relate, sharply, admit, foolish, gayety, perpetual, delude. Let the pupil tell the roots in the following words, with their meanings; illustrated, eloquently,


Lesson 3. Attend to spelling, definitions, and pronunciation, as directed, in all cases.

General Questions. Where is Connecticut River? When was the war of the Revolution? What was a tory in the Revolution? What does this lesson teach? Ans. That a man who had adopted opinions that we condemn, may still be honest and entitled to our sincere respect.

Questions on the Rules. What can you say of pronunciation? See Rule 2. In this case, the pupil is to read the story told by Mr. B. as he is supposed to have told it himself. It is a case in which Rule 15 applies. Therefore ask the pupil the following questions: What is the distinction between narrative and representation? See Rule 15. How should you read the story of the twins, told by Mr. B?

Etymological Exercise. Tell the prefixes, affixes, and roots, with their meanings, in the following words: represented, firmness, advancing, admitted, confined, regain, fruitless, attempt, permitted, assist, discharge, liberty.

Lesson 4. General Question. What is the general idea of this poem ? Question on the Rule. How should tender poetry be read? Rule 16. Etymological Exercise. Tell the prefixes, affixes, and roots, with their meanings in the following words: piteous, helpless, bitterness, verdant, heavenward, peaceful.

Lesson 5. What does this fable teach? Point the pupil's attention to rules 3 and 15, and ask suitable questions respecting them. Etymological Exercise: delightful, forbear, extent, content, mischievous, advantage, commune, dangerous, harmless, remember.

Lesson 6. Where is the river Ohio? The Mississippi? Direct attention to Rule 9, and ask questions, so as to see that the pupil understands it fully. Etymological Exercise: devious, determine, afford, direction, beset, adventure. Lesson 7. What is taught by this lesson? Attend to Rule 14, tell what it 1s, &c. &c. Etymological Exercise : lonely, quickly, fairly, greedy.

Lesson 8. Where is Egypt? What is a Pacha? Who were the Mamelukes? Attend to Rule 13, tell what it is, &c. Etymological Exercise. powerful, troublesome, concussion, fearful, breathless, renewed, fortunate, remnant



Lesson 9. When was Rubens born? Where? What was he? Where is Madrid? What is a monk ? A prior? Rules 18, 15, and 11. Etymological Exercise: residence, represented, excited, favorite, deserve, inscribe, remembrance, conjure, reveal, entreaty, mission, return, compel, await, fruitless, resist, dismiss, withheld, object, overcome. N. B. It will be remarked, that in many cases, as in mission, resist, excited, dismiss, &c., the word consists of both a prefix or affix and root, and sometimes of all the three.

Lesson 10. What does this lesson teach? Observe Rule 12. Etymological Exercise: complacency, confidence. (N. B. These words are each compounded of a prefix, an affix, and a root ;) remember, musical, (al means, belonging to.)

Why is it
What are

Lesson 11. General idea of this poem? Observe Rule 16. necessary to be careful of the tone of your voice? See Rule 3. the four common modifications of the voice? What is a monotone? When is it to be used? What is the rising inflexion? When is it to be used ? What is the falling inflexion? When is it to be used? What is the circumflex inflexion? When is it to be used? See Rules 4, 5, 6, 7. How is a knowledge of a proper use of these inflexions to be acquired ? See Rule 8. Etymological Exercise: beauteous, reckless, dreamless, perchance, midnight, awful, relief.

Lesson 12. General idea of this narrative. This story being pathetic, in what tone of voice should it be read? Rule 3. Etymological Exercise: bustling, (ing means with,) accidental, inscribed, wildness, barbarous, blameless, assistance, infirm, homeward, repose, described, pious, missed.

Lesson 13. It is not necessary for the author to add further questions as to the general sense and meaning of the lessons. It is desirable that the teacher, in all cases, should ascertain by questions, whether the pupil understands what he has read. He should be able to tell where places mentioned are, who persons mentioned are, what general inference, or sentiment, or idea, is to be drawn from the lesson, &c. The teacher should adapt his questions to the pupil, with a view to excite reflection, and induce him to set the machinery of the mind at work upon the subject. If it is found that anything in the lesson is beyond the pupil's understanding, it should be explained to him. - Direct the pupil's attention to Rule 19, and ask the following questions. Why should a pupil have a Dictionary by him? What fixed principle or rule should a pupil observe? What is a root? A prefix? An affix? What is the use of knowing prefixes, affixes, and roots? Etymological Exercise: undeniable, dislike, premonitory, interruption, capricious, naturalist, painful, extraordinary, mistake, obituary, favorite, exorbitant, discharge.

Lesson 14. Observe Rule 9. Etymological Exercise: tuneless, unknown, clearly, boundless.

Lesson 15. Observe Rule 12. Etymological Exercise: perfection, deserve, different, disliked, deceitful, defence.

Lesson 16. Observe Rules 15 and 9. The teacher will please bear in mind, that in all cases it will be well to ask the pupil questions so as to see if he fully understands the rule referred to, can tell what it is, and give the reason why it is important. Etymological Exercise: understand, contradiction, explain, guidance, useless, enforce, apparent, overcome, spiritual, research, clearly, enable, disappointment.

Lesson 17. Observe Rules 16, 13, and 12. Etymological Exercise: boundless, o'erthrown, balmy.

Lesson 18. Rules 5, 6, 7, and S. Etymological Exercise: toward, deposit, remember, pervade, lively, advocate, produce, discharged, eliciting, preceding, possession, interposed, resumed.

Lesson 19. Rules 18, 17, and 9. Etymological Exercise: foppish, perforce, benighted, airy, buoyant, leafy, tuneful, concord, prolong, rapturous.

Lesson 20. Rules 1 and 2. Etymological Exercise: extraordinary, repose, returned, rocky, departure, innate, recognise, juvenile, numerous, affect, untoward, continue, restless, subsist, betake, painful.

Lesson 21. Rules 9 and 11. Etymological Exercise: intensely, poetical, succeeded, donor, guidance, withdrew.

Lesson 22. Rule 15. Etymological Exercise: describe, assisted, desirous, different, appearance, continue, regained.

Lesson 23. Rules 16 and 4. Etymological Exercise: boundless, stillness, awful, mighty, grizzly.

Lesson 24. Rules 12 and 13. Etymological Exercise: tenant, nonsense, discontent, possession, fulfil, assigned, unfitted.

Lesson 25. Rules 12 and 13. Etymological Exercise: advantage, misdoubteth, ignoble, inconstancy, destruction, doubtful, fabulous.

Lesson 26. Rule 4. Etymological Exercise: overhanging, distant.

Lesson 27. Rules 4 and 5. Etymological Exercise: similar, importance,

unsheltered, perform, preparation. Lesson 28. Rules 10 and 11. temperate, triumphant, evergreens, Lesson 29. Rules 16 and 4. Etymological Exercise: eternity, mighty, soundless, sonorous.

Etymological Exercise: beautiful, chilly,

inspiration, equinox.

Lesson 30. Rule 3. Etymological Exercise: mirthful, unearthly, midnight, finally, forever.

Lesson 31. Rule 14. isolated, objects, restless, Lesson 32. Rule 1. Etymological Exercise: pristine, excited, irregular, dependent, dissembler, comparatively.

Etymological Exercise: desolate, brilliant, preceding, extraordinary, fanciful, impressive.

Lesson 33. Rule 10 and 15. Etymological Exercise: constructed, succeeds, excites, enjoy.

Lesson 34. Rule 9. Etymological Exercise: designed, interrupt, uneasy, discoursing, subject, useful, disturb.

Lesson 35. Rule 16. Etymological Exercise: o'erhead, lonely.

Lesson 36. Rule 18. Etymological Exercise: immense, detach, luxurious, surpass, important, discover, mutable, aspirations, advance.

Lesson 37. Rules 15 and 17. Etymological Exercise: deserve, produce, useful, productive, mistake.

Lesson 38. Rule 3. Etymological Exercise: excited, importance, committed, confounded, return.

Lesson 39. Rules 15, 11, 12. Etymological Exercise: riotous, mighty, worthy, compassion.

It cannot be necessary to extend these suggestions. The author has only to add, that he recommends the observation of the following system: 1. Let the pupil be required to spelt and define the principal words. 2. Let words often pronounced wrong, be pointed out to the pupil as they occur, and let him be frequently required to read over with attention the faults in pronunciation collected under Rule 2.

3. Let the pupil be required to tell where places mentioned are, and who persons mentioned are; and also to tell the general drift of the lesson, so as to show that he clearly understands it.

4. Let him be required to make an analysis of the compound words, in the manner pointed out in the preceding etymological exercises. Let this be extended or contracted, to suit the capacity of the pupil

5. In studying and reading a lesson, let some one or more of the rules be kept particularly in mind by the pupil; and let him. be required to repeat the rule, and assign the reason for it.

Let these five things be done in respect to each lesson.

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