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Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1839, by


in the Clerk's office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts






THIS Reader, the fourth and last of the series, is intended for the more advanced classes in our schools. It is particularly designed as a sequel to the Third Reader, but as it may be convenient to use it independently of the other volumes, it has been the endeavor of the author to make it suitable to such a purpose.

In preparing it, the views expressed in the preceding works, have been adhered to. It is the idea of the author, that, in reading, a lesson should be to the pupil as a grist in the mill, - it should be thoroughly understood and digested. And, moreover, this should be done in respect to every reading lesson, so that the habit of reading with a full comprehension of everything read, should be established.

The common notion, therefore, that reading books are only to be run over as matters of sound, without respect to sense, is repudiated. Reading is regarded as having for its chief object the gaining or communicating of ideas, and, as essential to its attainment, a complete understanding of what is read is esteemed indispensable. A selection of lessons for such a purpose, must obviously be adapted to the tastes and capacities of youth, in order to rouse their curiosity and thus bring their minds into active exercise; and the mode of using these must be essentially different from what has too often been practised.

In respect to the selections for this volume, the author has sought to keep the preceding maxims steadily in view. He has also endeavored not only to give extensive variety, and specimens from most of the great masters of our language, but he has attempted to make the work subserve the interests of morality, religion, and good manners.

The Rules for Readers and Speakers, and the Suggestions to Teachers, will point out the mode in which the author believes a reading book should be used. It may seem at first blush, that too much work is here laid out for teacher and pupil; but it is believed, that, if the time of the former permits his adoption of the plan suggested, the latter will by no means object to it, at least after he has conquered the first difficulties. On the contrary, a strong confidence is entertained, that the pupil will find his interest quickened by the fruits he will reap, lesson by lesson, in pursuing this system. It will, of course, lie with the teacher to judge of the cases in which the rules and suggestions offered, should be passed over, and such cases will doubtless occur. In many schools, where the number of scholars is disproportioned to the ability of the instructer, the latter may not be able to follow out the suggestions; and, in some other cases, the inadequate capacity of the pupils may make it a point of discretion to omit the etymological exercises. Indeed, this whole matter must be considered as submitted to the judgment of the instructer; and therefore the author has given the rules the name of hints, and the plan of study, that of suggestions. In this light alone he wishes them to be regarded.

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