on me as thou didst on the Apoftle St. Peter, and let thy compaffionate Look fo pierce my ftony Heart, that I may weep bitterly for my Sins, and may have that godly Sorrow which worketh Repentance unto Salvation not to be repented of, for Jefus's fake. Amen. See Pfal. xxv. xxxii. xxxviii. 66 A Refolution to lead a new Life. AND now, O Lord, I do not only with great Shame and Confufion of Face confefs and bewail the Sinfulness and Vanity of my own Life, but I do ftedfaftly refolve and purpofe (through the Affiftance of thy Grace and holy Spirit directing me) to renounce "the Devil and all his Works, the Pomps and "Vanities of this wicked World, and all the "finful Lufts of the Flefh." Be pleafed, O Lord, to ftrengthen and confirm all these good Refolutions in me. And I heartily thank thee, O heavenly Father, for calling me to this State of Salvation through Jefus Chrift my Saviour, who died for my Sins, and rofe again for my Juftification; and I humbly beseech thee for his fake, to give me Grace to continue in the fame unto my Life's End. Amen. See Pfal. i. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. cxix. cxxvi. A Prayer for Faith in God's Mercy thro' Chrift. ALmighty God, our heavenly Father, who, for the greater Confirmation of our Faith and Confidence in thy Mercy, haft in thy holy Gospel declared, that whosoever believeth in thy Son Son Jefus Christ, shall not perish, but have everlafting Life; and that this is Life eternal, to know thee the only true God, and Jefus Chrift whom thou haft fent: Increase this Knowledge, and confirm this Faith in me evermore. O let me not reft in a dead Faith, but that I may have fuch a lively Faith, as will fhew itself by Love and good Works; fuch a victorious Faith, which may enable me to overcome the World, and conform me to the Image of thy Son Jefus Chrift, in whom I believe. O grant me fuch a due Sense of thy infinite Mercy, fhewed to Mankind in fo much Mifery, as may never depart out of my Mind. I ftedfaftly believe, O bleffed Jefus, that thou didst fuffer upon the Crofs to fave me and all the World from the Guilt and Punishment of our Sins. O give me that Grace, that I may die to Sin, and rife again unto Righteousness! Accept my imperfect Sorrow, Repentance, Faith, and weak Resolutions; and let thy precious Merits, O my crucified Saviour, fupply all my Wants and Imperfections. Thou haft faid, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are weary and heavy laden, and I will refresh you. O bleffed Jefus, I come unto thee in all Humility, and deeply fenfible of my great Unworthiness; O do thou bear this Burden of Sin for me, and refresh me with comfortable Hopes. of thy Mercy and Forgiveness, and the Truth of thy Salvation, O gracious Lord; to whom, with the Father and the Holy Ghost, be all Honour and Glory for ever. Amen. See Pfalm xix. lvii. Eph. ii. 6, 11. A thank A thankful Remembrance of the Death of Christ. ALmighty God, our heavenly Father, See Pfal. ciii. 2, 3, 4°. A Prayer A Prayer for the Grace of Charity. O Lord, who haft taught us that all our A Prayer A Prayer the Morning you intend to O Moft gracious and eternal Lord God, who haft called all fuch as are weary and heavy laden to come unto thee by Faith and Repentance, and thou wilt refresh them: In Affiance of this thy gracious Invitation, I will come to thy heavenly Table, not trusting in my own Righteoufnefs, but in thy manifold and great Mercies; and although I am not worthy fo much as to gather up the Crumbs that fall from thy Table, yet fince it is thy Property always to have Mercy, I will not defpair of a kind Reception: Forgive my want of a due Preparation, and accept of my fincere Defire to perform an acceptable Service unto thee: Clothe me with the Wedding-Garment, even the Graces of the Gospel, and then I am fure I fhall be a welcome Gueft at thy Table, when I fhall come thither in the Likenets of thy Son Jefus Chrift, in whom thou art well pleased. Poffefs my Soul with a lively Faith, profound Humility, filial Obedience, inflamed Affection, and univerfal Charity, that fo I may become a worthy Partaker of thefe holy Myfteries, to my great and endless Comfort. Grant this, O heavenly Father, if it be thy bleffed Will, through Jefus Chrift. Amen. Our Father, &c. See Pfal. xxiii. xxv. xxvi. Short |