
Sinner at thy own Table, and fed me with the Bread that came down from Heaven. In what am I better than those to whom thou doft not grant this Favour? It is not for my Merits, but becaufe thou wilt be glorified in doing Good to the most unworthy, thou haft this Day made. me a happy Example of this thy free Grace and Bounty. Grant me this Favour alfo, O my God, that through the whole Course of my Life I may give thee Praife and Glory; that the due Senfe of thy Mercies may make me unfeignedly thankful; and that my Thankfulness may appear in a Care to walk before thee in Holiness, Sobriety and Righteousness, all the Days of my Life..

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A Prayer in private after receiving the
Holy Communion.

How plentiful is thy Goodness, which thou haft laid up for them that fear thee, which thou haft prepared for them that put their Truft in thy Mercy, even before the Sons of Men! I praife and magnify thy great and glorious Name, O Lord, for all thofe manifold Mercies and Comforts which thou haft beftowed upon me, ever fince I was born. O Lord God, thou haft been my Truft from my Youth, by thee have I been holden up from the Womb; my Praise fhall continually be of thee: But above all, bleffed and for ever bleffed be thy holy Name, for the Manifestation of thy Son Jefus Chrift, the Fountain and Foundation of


all our Happinefs, and for feeding me this Day (who am unworthy of the leaft of thy Mercies) with the fpiritual Food of his 'moft precious Body and Blood, to my great and endless Comfort. Enable me, O Lord, through thy gracious Affiftance, to perform the Conditions of that Sacramental Covenant which I have this Day fo folemnly renewed and confirmed in thy Prefence, and at thy Table, that through the Strength and Power of that heavenly Food I have there been Partaker of, I may daily grow in Grace, and in the Knowledge of Chrift Jefus, and abound in every good Word and Work. And fubdue in me all those inordinate Lufts and corrupt Affections which war against my Soul; purify my Mind from all evil Thoughts, bad Intentions, and evil Defigns; and fuffer not Pride, Vain-glory, Self-love, Malice, Hatred, or Revenge, or any other Evil whatfoever, to reign in my mortal Body; but do thou keep it for ever in the Purpofe of my Heart, faithfully to fulfil thefe my Baptifmal Vows and Refolutions which I have now again renewed at thy holy Table; that by perfevering in all Virtue and Holiness of Life, I may at length be an Inheritor of that infinite Happiness and Glory, which thou haft promised by Christ our Lord. Amen.

A Prayer in private for the Grace of Perfeverance.

HEAR, moft merciful Saviour, I humbly beseech thee, and let thy Grace be

ever affiftant to all the Endeavours and Defigns of thy weak and unworthy Servant. I am not able of myself to do or think any thing that is good or well-pleafing in thy Sight: O let thy Holy Spirit continually guard me against thofe numerous Temptations which so strongly encounter me. Fix my inconftant Mind, that I may not be led away with the Errors of the Wicked, and fall from my own Stedfastness, but that I may perfevere in good Works unto the End. Moderate my Affections and Defires, and confine them only to fuch Objects. as are well-pleafing in thy Sight. Let thy Will be the fole Guide and Measure of mine, that all my Hopes and Wishes may center in thee alone, and nothing may ever appear defirable to me, in comparison of a pure Heart and peaceable Confcience: Teach me thy Way, O Lord, and I will walk in thy Truth: O knit my Heart unto thee, that I may fear thy Name. Make me to love thee (as I ought), above all Things, and let the Intereft of thy Honour and Glory be always dearer to me than Gold or Silver, or any other temporal Advantage; for thou, O Lord, art my Portion, thou art my only Reft, in thee alone is Fulness of Joy and true Satisfaction, and without thee is Mi

fery and Torment, O grant me this bleffed Retreat, this happy Security, and then I shall find Reft unto my Soul, both here and hereafter. Amen.

See Pfalm lxxxvi. cxix.


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Ponder my Words, O Lord; confider my Meditation: My Voice fhalt thou hear betimes, O Lord; early in the Morning will I direct my Prayer unto thee, and will look up, Píal. v. 1, 3. Almighty God, who dwelling in the highest Heavens, yet vouchfafeft to regard the lowest Creature here upon Earth, I humbly adore thy facred Majefty, and with all the Powers of my Soul and Body do exalt and praise thy holy Name, for all the Mercies and Comforts of this Life, and for the Hopes and Affurance of a better; for protecting me from the Evils and Dangers of the Night paft, and for bringing me fafe to the Light of a new Day; continue this thy Mercy and Goodness to me, and as thou haft awakened my Body from Sleep, fo raise my soul from the Death of Sin unto a Life of Righteoufnefs. Deliver me, O God, from the Evils of this Day, and guide my Feet in the Paths of Peace and HoJinefs, and ftrengthen my Refolutions to embrace all Opportunities of doing Good, and carefully to avoid all Occafions of Evil, especially thofe Sins * which by Nature and Inclination I am moft likely to fall into: And when through Frailty, or the Violence of any other Temptation, I fall from my Duty, do

*Here name fuch Sins as you are most afraid of.


Thou in Mercy restore me again with a double
Portion of thy Grace and Holy Spirit, to main-
tain a more vigorous Defence against Satan
and his Devices. Shower down thy Graces
and Bleffings upon all my Relations, [on my
Father and Mother, on my Brethren and Sifters]
on all my Friends, and give thy holy Angels,
Charge over them, to protect them from all
Sin and Danger. Make me diligent in the
Duties of my Calling, and that in all the
Changes and Chances of this Life, I may ab-
folutely fubmit to thy divine Providence. Let
thy Bleffings be upon my Actions, and let thy
Wifdom direct my Intentions, that fo the whole
Course of my Life, and the principal Designs of
my Heart, may be ordered by thy Governance
to do always that is righteous in thy Sight,
through Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

See Pfalm iv. xvi. xvii. xxiii. lxxxvi.

When you go out of your Chamber.


HE Bleffing of God defcend upon me
and all belonging to me, and dwell in my
Heart for evermore; and bless my going out
and my coming in, now and for ever. Amen.


LET my Prayer, O Lord, be fet forth as In-
cenfe, and the lifting up of my Hands be as
an Evening Sacrifice, Pfal. cxli. 2. O Lord
our Heavenly Father, Almighty and Everlaft

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