Common Prayer, And Administration of the SACRAMENTS, AND OTHER Rites and Ceremonies OF THE CHURCH, According to the Ufe of The Church of England; Together with the PSALTER or PSALMS O F DAVID, Pointed as they are to be fung or faid in CHURCHES. CAMBRIDGE, Printed by JOSEPH BENTHAM, Printer to the University, CIEM PRIVILEGIO Price Nine Pence unbound OR LIBRA NEW-Y THE Order bow the Pfalter is appointed to be read. The Order bow the rest of the holy Scripture is appointed to be read. Table of Proper Lessons and Pfalms. The Calendar, with the Table of Tables and Rules for the Feafts and Prayers and Thanksgivings upon Collects, Epiftles, and Gospels, to be used at the Miniftration of the holy Communion throughout the Year. Miniftration of the holy Communion. The Catechifm: with the Order for Confirmation of Children. Form of Solemnization of Matrimony. Vifitation and Communion of the Sick. TheOrder for the Burial of the Dead. Thanksgiving forWomen after Childs A Commination or denouncing of God's anger and judgements against Sinners. The Pfalter. Forms of Prayer to be used at Sea. A Form of Prayer for the Fifth Day. of November. A Form of Prayer for the Thirtieth Day of January. A Form of Prayer for the Twenty- ninth Day of May. A Form of Prayer for the Twenty- fifth Day of October. Articles of Religion. fhall be read Tonce every Month, as it is there appointed, both for Morning and E. vening Prayer. But in February it fhall be read only to the Twenty- eighth, or Twenty-ninth day of the Month. And whereas January, March, May, July, Auguft, October, and December, have One-and-thirty days apiece; it is ordered, that the fame Pfalms fhall be read the last day of the faid Months, which were read the day before: So that the Pfalter may begin again the first day of the next month enfuing. And whereas the 119 Pfalm is di- vided into 22 Portions, and is over- long to be read at one time; it is To ordered, that at one time, thall not be read above four or five of the aid Portions. And at the end of every Pfalm, and of every fuch part of the 119 Palm, hall be repeated this Hymn, Glory be to the Father, and to the ion and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, ind ever bail be: world without Kote, that the Pfalter followeth the Scripture is appointed to be read. Evening Prayer; fo as the most part The New Testament is appointed And to know what Leffon's fhall be And note, That whenfoever Proper Note alfo, That the Collect, Epift!e, and Gofpel appointed for the Sunday, fhall ferve all the Week after, where it is not in this Book otherwife or- dered. A 2. Proper |