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of the Trumpets is interrupted by a new Vifion, viz. that of an Angel, that flies in the midst of heaven, & cries three times, Wo to the inhabitants of the Earth, because of the three Laft Trumpets which are yet to found. This is an evident distinction; & this second distinction must fignify to us the fecond distinct event in the Roman Empire, viz. its fall & divifion among ten Kings, which came to pass after Valentinian the 3d. in the middle of the fifth Age.

The making a new Vision & a new Angel, crying Wo three times, go before the founding the 5th. Trumpet, is alfo a mark of diftinction for that 5th. Trumpet, which fignifies to us that 'tis an event greatly diftinguifht in the hiftory of the Roman Empire. And this third diftinction can't be applied to any thing but the third notable event that befalls the Roman Empire, viz. the Birth of the Saracen Empire by Mahomet & his Succeffors, that did fo cruelly afflict the Roman Empire, in the Empire of Conftantinople, which was the greateft & the most noble part of thefe ten into which this Empire was divided.

The Empire of the Turks at the bottom is but a branch of the Arabian & Saracen Empire. Wherfore it doth not deserve fo great adiftinction as the other great events of which we have juft now spoken. And yet the H. Spirit is content to diftinguish it by a very long defcription. The fifth & fixth Trumpet contain an entire Chapter, wheras the four firft Trumpets were finisht in 6. or7. verses,

which fignifies, that this fifth and fixth Trumpet must be concerning great Affairs, and Evils of a long duration.

As for that great Event, which was to happen in the Raman Empire, which we reckon'd for the third; viz. the Erection of a new Raman Empire, or the continuation of the fame Empire under the new Name of the Pope and the Roman Church; 'tis fo great an Affair, that the Holy Spirit would not bring it into the first part of the Revelation: He hath referved it to make it the Subject of the fecond part. 'Tis there that he explains largly and much more clearly the Birth, Progrefs, and Fall of this Antichriftian Empire, that was to make the laft Period of the fourth Beaft.

According to this Syftem, the five firft Seals muft bring the Roman Empire to the Fall of Paganifm; i.e. to Conftantine's time. Under the fixth Seal happens this Fall of Paganism. The Elect having been fealed, and Silence having been for half an hour, the four first Trumpets found, that muft bring the Roman Empire to its Fall, to the taking of Rome by Genferick after the death of Valentinian the 3d, the time wherein the Empire was torn in pieces into ten Kingdoms.

The three laft Trumpets are defcribed by three Woes, Wa, Wo, Wa; that is to fay, Wo not abfolutely, but to the fourth Monarchy; which fignifies, that they must be diftinguished above all the reft. The fifth Trumpet brings the Roman Empire afflicting, and alwayes wearing it lefs and lefs to the ninth or tenth

tenth Age. The fixth Trumpet brings and accompanies the Latin Roman Empire, or the Ecclefiaftical one, in afflicting it in like manner to its end; that is to fay, to the feventh Trumpet, which must bring the last mifery on the Inhabitants of the Antichriftian World, and that is the Coming of the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift on the Earth. This fixth Trumpet, that brings the Roman Ecclefiaftical Empire to its end, begins about the tenth Age, and is fubdivided into feven Vials in the 16th chap. of the Revelation, juft as the seventh Seal was divided into feven Trumpets. There are here two great Victories over the Empire of the Devil: The first is, The Fall of the ancient Paganifm: The 2d is, The Fall of the New or the Antichriftian Paganism. The firft happens immediately before the opening the feventh Seal: The fecond immediately before the founding of the laft Trumpet.

Lastly, After the feven Vials, that were to fall on the Beaft, on his Throne, on his Subjects. on his Empire, comes the founding of the feventh Trumpet; and the founding of this laft Trumpet, brings in and accompanies the Kingdom of Jefus Chrift on the Earth, in its whole duration, and ends with the end of the World.

Thus you haye the Syftem of the seven Seals, and the feven Trumpets; let us now confider the particulars, and we fhall fee that every thing exactly agrees with it.



The Explication of the Vifion of the Six First Seals, according as it is in the fixth Chapter of the Revelation.


He Opening of the Seals begins with the fixth Chapter.

V.1. I saw when the Lamb open'd one of the Seals, and I heard as it were the noise of Thunder, and one of the four Beafts faying, Come and fec.

2. And Ifaw, and behold a White Horse, and be that fate on him had a Bow, and a Crown was given unto him, and he went forth conquering and to conquer.

It must be observed, that the four first Seals make four Men to appear on Horse-back; which fignifies they are Perfons of Authority, and at the fame time Warriours too. The Horfe is a living creature, defigned for Fighting, and the Riding of Commanders and Emperors, We must obferve alfo, that these four living Creatures call thofe four Horsemen from the four quarters of the World, according to their fituation. The first of these living Creatures was in the Eaft; the 2d in the Weft; the 3d in the South; and the 4th in the North.

The first living Creature, placed towards the Eaft, causes a King to come forth from the


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his Son.

fame quarter, fitting on a White Horfe; a The fir Crown on his Head, and a Bow in his Hand: is VefpafiHe comes forth to Conquer. fofeph Mede, an & Tas Henry More, Teftard, Launay, and I know not how many more, would have this first Horfman to be the Lord Jefus Chrift, who comes from Judea, which was eastward from Rome. Therefore this Horfman is called by the first living Creature, which was in the eastern quarter. But I can't be of that Opinion;

First, Because the Equipage of this Horseman is not magnificent enough to reprefent Jefus Chrift. We need but confult the places where the Prophet makes Jefus Chrift to appear; the 1ft, chap. the roth, where he comes again to deliver a New Book to St. John; the 14th, where he comes to the Harveft and the Vintage; and lastly, the 19th, where he returns in the equipage of a Horseman. But in all thefe places he is extraordinarily magnificent, clothed with Fire, with the Light, with the Sun, with the Rain-bow, riding on the Clouds, having not one fimple Crown, but many Diadems, and his Eyes cafting out Flames. Here there is nothing more plain & mean: 'Tis a Man fitting on a Horse, with a Bow and a Crown. That which hath deceived Interpreters is, the Colour of the Horse, White, which they have taken for an Emblem of Holiness. But white is the emblem of Profperity as well as of Holiness. So that this fignifies only the Succefs and the ViEtories of him that fits on the Horse.

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