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those who preach against the doctrine of the TRINITY. Johnson was highly
offended, and said, "I wonder, Sir, how a gentleman of your piety can tat. 64.
introduce this fubject in a mixed company." He told me afterwards, that the
impropriety was, that perhaps fome of the company might have talked on the
subject in fuch terms as would have fhocked him; or he might have been
forced to appear in their eyes a narrow-minded man. The gentleman, with
fubmiffive deference, said, he had only hinted at the question from a desire
to hear Dr. Johnson's opinion upon it. JOHNSON. "Why then, Sir, I think
that permitting men to preach any opinion contrary to the doctrine of the
established church, tends, in a certain degree, to leffen the authority of the
church, and, confequently, to leffen the influence of religion." "It may be
confidered, (faid the gentleman,) whether it would not be politick to tolerate
in fuch a cafe." JOHNSON. "Sir, we have been talking of right: this is
another question. I think it is not politick to tolerate in fuch a cafe."

Though he did not think it fit that so aweful a subject should be introduced
in a mixed company, and therefore at this time waved the theological quef-
tion; yet his own orthodox belief in the facred mystery of the TRINITY is
evinced beyond doubt, by the following paffage in his private devotions; "O
LORD, hear my prayers, for JESUS CHRIST'S fake; to whom with thee and
the HOLY GHOST, three perfons and one GOD, be all honour and glory, world
without end. Amen'."

BOSWELL. "Pray, Mr. Dilly, how does Dr. Leland's Hiftory of Ireland' fell?" JOHNSON. (Burfting forth with a generous indignation,) "The Irish are in a most unnatural state; for we fee there the minority prevailing over the majority. There is no instance, even in the ten persecutions, of such severity as that which the Proteftants of Ireland have exercised against the Catholicks. Did we tell them we have conquered them, it would be above board: to punish them by confiscation and other penalties, as rebels, was monftrous injuftice. King William was not their lawful fovereign: he had not been acknowledged by the parliament of Ireland, when they appeared in arms against him."

I here fuggefted fomething favourable of the Roman Catholicks. TOPLADY. "Does not their invocation of faints fuppofe omniprefence in the faints?” JOHNSON. "No, Sir; it fuppofes only pluriprefence; and when spirits are divested of matter, it seems probable that they should see with more extent than when in an embodied state. There is, therefore, no approach to an

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invafion of any of the divine attributes, in the invocation of faints. But I think it is will-worship, and prefumption. I fee no command for it, and therefore think it is fafer not to practise it."


He and Mr. Langton and I went together to the Club, where we found Mr. Burke, Mr. Garrick, and fome other members, and amongst them our friend Goldsmith, who fat filently brooding over Johnson's reprimand to him after dinner. Johnfon perceived this, and faid afide to fome of us, make Goldsmith forgive me ;" and then called to him in a loud voice," Dr. Goldsmith,-fomething paffed to-day where you and I dined; I ask your pardon." Goldfmith anfwered placidly, "It must be much from you, Sir, that I take ill." And fo at once the difference was over, and they were on as eafy terms as ever, and Goldsmith rattled away as ufual.

In our way to the club to-night, when I regretted that Goldfmith would, upon every occafion, endeavour to fhine, by which he often expofed' himself, Mr. Langton obferved, that he was not like Addison, who was content with the fame of his writings, and did not aim alfo at excellency in conversation, for which he found himself unfit; and that he said to a lady, who complained of his having talked little in company, "Madam, I have but nine-pence in ready money, but I can draw for a thoufand pounds." I obferved, that Goldfimith had a great deal of gold in his cabinet, but, not content with that, was always taking out his purfe. JOHNSON. "Yes, Sir, and that fo often an empty purse!"

Goldfmith's inceffant defire of being confpicuous in company, was the occafion of his fometimes appearing to fuch difadvantage as one fhould hardly have fuppofed poffible in a man of his genius. When his literary reputation had risen deservedly high, and his fociety was much courted, he became very jealous of the extraordinary attention which was every where paid to Johnson. One evening, in a circle of wits, he found fault with me for talking of Johnfon as entitled to the honour of unquestionable fuperiority. "Sir, (faid he,) you are for making a monarchy of what should be a republick."

He was ftill more mortified, when talking in a company with fluent vivacity, and, as he flattered himself, to the admiration of all who were prefent; a German who fat next him, and perceived Johnson rolling himself, as if about to fpeak, fuddenly ftopped him, faying, "Stay, ftay,-Toctor Shonfon is going to fay fomething." This was, no doubt, very provoking, efpecially to one fo irritable as Goldfmith, who frequently mentioned it with ftrong expreffions of indignation.

It may also be obferved, that Goldsmith was fometimes content to be 1773. treated with an eafy familiarity, but, upon occafions, would be confequential Etat. 64. and important. An instance of this occurred in a small particular. Johnson had a way of contracting the names of his friends; as, Beauclerk, Beau; Boswell, Bozzy; Langton, Lanky; Murphy, Mur; Sheridan, Sherry. I remember one day, when Tom Davies was telling that Dr. Johnson faid, "We are all in labour for a name to Goldy's play," Goldsmith feemed difpleased that fuch a liberty fhould be taken with his name, and faid, "I have often defired him not to call me Goldy." Tom was remarkably attentive to the most minute circumstance about Johnfon. I recollect his telling me once, on my arrival in London, "Sir, our great friend has made an improvement on his appellation of old Mr. Sheridan. He calls him now Sherry derry."


To the Reverend Mr. BAGSHAW, at Bromley..

"I RETURN you my fincere thanks for your additions to my Dictionary; but the new edition has been published fome time, and therefore I cannot now make use of them. Whether I fhall ever revise it more, I know not. If many readers had been as judicious, as diligent, and as communicative as yourself, my work had been better. The world must at present take it as it is. I am, Sir,

"Your most obliged

"And most humble fervant,

"May 8, 1773.


On Sunday, May 8, I dined with Johnson at Mr. Langton's, with Dr. Beattie and fome other company. He defcanted on the subject of Literary Property. "There seems, (said he,) to be in authours a stronger right of property than that by occupancy; a metaphyfical right, a right, as it were, of creation,

2 'The Reverend Thomas Bagfhaw, M. A. who died on November 20, 1787, in the feventyfeventh year of his age, Chaplain of Bromley College, in Kent, and Rector of Southfleet. He had refigned the cure of Bromley parish fome time before his death. For this, and another letter from Dr. Johnson in 1784, to the fame truly respectable man, I am indebted to Dr. John Loveday, of the Commons, who has obligingly tranfcribed them for me from the originals in his poffeffion.


which should from its nature be perpetual; but the confent of nations is Etat. 64. against it, and indeed reason and the interests of learning are against it; for were it to be perpetual, no book, however useful, could be univerfally diffused amongst mankind, fhould the proprietor take it into his head to restrain its circulation. No book could have the advantage of being edited with notes, however necessary to its elucidation, fhould the proprietor perverfely oppose it. For the general good of the world, therefore, whatever valuable work has once been created by an authour, and iffued out by him, should be understood. as no longer in his power, but as belonging to the publick; at the fame time the authour is entitled to an adequate reward. This he fhould have by an exclusive right to his work for a confiderable number of years."

He attacked Lord Monboddo's strange speculation on the primitive state of human nature; obferving, "Sir, it is all conjecture about a thing useless, even were it known to be true. Knowledge of all kinds is good. Conjecture, as to, things ufeful, is good; but conjecture as to what it would be useless to know, fuch as whether men ever went upon all four, is very idle."

On Monday, May 9, as I was to fet out on my return to Scotland next morning, I was defirous to fee as much of Dr. Johnfon as I could. But I first called on Goldfmith to take leave of him. The jealoufy and envy which, though poffeffed of many moft amiable qualities, he frankly avowed, broke out violently at this interview. Upon another occafion, when Goldsmith confeffed himself to be of an envious difpofition, I contended with Johnson that we ought not to be angry with him, he was fo candid in owning it. Nay, Sir, (faid Johnson,) we must be angry that a man has such a superabundance of an odious quality that he cannot keep it within his own breast, but it boils over." In my opinion, however, Goldfmith had not more of it than other people have, but only talked of it freely.

He now seemed very angry that Johnson was going to be a traveller; faid, " he would be a dead weight for me to carry, and that I fhould never be able to lug him along through the Highlands and Hebrides." Nor would he patiently allow me to enlarge upon Johnson's wonderful abilities; but exclaimed, "Is he like Burke, who winds into a fubject like a ferpent?" "But, (faid I,) Johnson is the Hercules who ftrangled ferpents in his cradle."

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I dined with Dr. Johnfon at General Paoli's. He was obliged, by indifpofition, to leave the company early; he appointed me, however, to meet him in the evening at Mr. (now Sir Robert,) Chambers's in the Temple, where he accordingly came, though he continued to be very ill. Chambers, as is common on fuch occafions, prescribed various remedies to him. JOHNSON.




(fretted by pain,) "Pr'ythee don't teaze me. Stay till I am well, and then you fhall tell me how to cure myself." He grew better, and talked with a Etat. 64. noble enthusiasm of keeping up the representation of refpectable families. His zeal on this subject was a circumstance in his character exceedingly remarkable, when it is confidered that he himself had no pretenfions to blood. I heard him once fay, "I have great merit in being zealous for fubordination and the honours of birth; for I can hardly tell who was my grandfather." He maintained the dignity and propriety of male fucceffion, in oppofition to the opinion of one of our friends, who had that day employed Mr. Chambers to draw his will, devifing his eftate to his three fifters, in preference to a remote heir male. Johnson called them three dowdies, and said, with as high a spirit as the boldest Baron in the most perfect days of the feudal fyftem, "An ancient estate should always go to males. It is mighty foolish to let a stranger have it, because he marries your daughter, and takes your name. As for an eftate newly acquired by trade, you may give it, if you will, to the dog Towzer, and let him keep his own name."

I have known him at times exceedingly diverted at what seemed to others a very fmall fport. He now laughed immoderately, without any reason that we could perceive, at our friend's making his will; called him the testator, and. added, "I dare fay, he thinks he has done a mighty thing. He won't stay till he gets home to his feat in the country, to produce this wonderful deed: he'll call up the landlord of the first inn on the road; and, after a fuitable preface upon mortality and the uncertainty of life, will tell him that he should not delay making his will; and here, Sir, will he fay, is my will, which I have just made, with the affiftance of one of the ableft lawyers in the kingdom; and he will read it to him (laughing all the time). He believes he has made this will but he did not make it: you, Chambers, made it for him. I trust you have had more confcience than to make him fay, being of found understanding;' ha, ha, ha! I hope he has left me a legacy. I'd have his will turned into verfe, like a ballad."

In this playful manner did he run on, exulting in his own pleasantry, which certainly was not fuch as might be expected from the authour of "The Rambler," but which is here preserved, that my readers may be acquainted even with the flightest occafional characteristicks of fo eminent a man.

Mr. Chambers did not by any means relish this jocularity upon a matter of which pars magna fuit, and seemed impatient till he got rid of us. Johnfon could not ftop his merriment, but continued it all the way till we got without the Temple-gate. He then burft into fuch a fit of laughter, that


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