
company, and of the party almost throughout. It has given very general fatisfaction; and those who have found most fault with a passage here and there, have agreed that they could not help going through, and being entertained through the whole. I wish, indeed, some few gross expreffions had been softened, and a few of our hero's foibles had been a little more shaded; but it is useful to fee the weaknesses incident to great minds; and you have given us Dr. Johnson's authority that in history all ought to be told."

Such a fančtion to my faculty of giving a just representation of Dr. Johnfon I could not conceal. Nor will I fuppress my fatisfaction in the consciousness, that by recording so confiderable a portion of the wisdom and wit of " the brightest ornament of the eighteenth century *," I have largely provided for the instruction and entertainment of mankind.

London, April 20, 1791,

* See Mr. Malone's Preface to his edition of Shakspeare.

ALPHABETICAL Adey, Mifs, ii. 37, 306.

[blocks in formation]

club, ii. 567.

• Adventurer,' Hawkesworth's, i. 127, 135, 6,


Adultery, i. 302, 413; ii. 262.

Akenfide's poetry, i. 363; ii. 59.

Akerman, Mr. character and anecdotes of, ii. 319,


Alfred, Johnson's defire to write his life, i. 95.

his will, ii. 410.

Allen, Mr. the printer, ii. 214, 384.

America and The Americans, i. 444, 5, 458;

ii. 175, 227, 241, 340, 377.

• Anthologia, Johnson's tranflations from, ii. 560.

[blocks in formation]


Letter from Johnson to, ii. 321.

Beauclerk, Topham, Esq. i. 133,444; ii. 221,

Johnson, ii. 411.

• Bibliotheca Harleiana, i. 81.

• Biddulph, Sidney, the novel, i. 210.

[ocr errors]

Biographia Britannica, ii. 157, 489.

Biography, remarks on, i. 1-7; ii. 26, 85, 144,


Birch, Dr. i. 85.


his Letter to the People of Scotland,

on Mr. Fox's India Bill, ii. 478, 480.


For other matters fee i. 257, 274, 283,

298, 329, 393; ii. 3, 276, 425, 556.
- Johnfon's arguments in favour of his try-
ing his fortune in London, ii. 536.
- Johnson's letters to him, i. 258, 273,
303, 9, 331, 348, 352, 387, 9, 424, 5, 6,
8,430, 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 440, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7,
495, 6, 7, 8, 9, 515; ii. 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11,
12, 66, 94, 8, 9, 106, 107, 120, 1, 7, 131,
177, 180, 2, 218, 274, 8, 281, 295, 6,
307, 312, 322, 8, 370, 412, 422, 4, 5, 6,
7, 431, 461, 471, 480, 2, 3, 536, 555, 6.
- Letters to Johnfon from him, i. 348,
351,388,428,436, 8,
514; ii. 10, 94, 106, 116, 120, 4, 7, 130,
177, 8, 181, 3, 4, 5, 218, 272, 280, 295,
305,8, 310, 321, 5.


443, 5, 6,

Bofwell, Mrs. i. 428, 430; ii. 181, 3, 309, 428.
Letters of Johnfon to, ii. 93, 126, 427.
Dr. his character of Johnson, ii. 47.
Mr. Thomas David, ii. 321, 579.

Boucher, Governour, ii. 381.

his letter to Johnfon on his Dictionary, Boufflers, Mad. de, i. 513.
i. 158.

Birds, their migration, i. 414.

Bishops, ii. 492, 518.

Blackfriar's Bridge, i. 191.

Blacklock's poetry, i. 254.

Blackmore, i. 330.

Johnfon's life of, ii. 358.

Blagden, Dr. i. 510; ii. 344.

Blair, Reverend Dr. Hugh, his 'Sermons,'

[ocr errors]

ii. 100, 6, 152, 178, 256, 387.

Letter to the Authour on Pope's

• Effay on Man,' ii. 299.

Reverend Robert, authour of The Grave,
ii. 68.

Blake, Admiral, his life by Johnson, i. 77.
Blaney, Elizabeth, i. 9; ii. 552.

Braithwa te, Mr. ii. 493.
Bribery, i. 477.

Brocklesby, Dr. his kind attention to Johnson,

ii. 439, 460, 481, 527, 570.

& feq.

Letters of Johnson to, ii. 462, 537,


[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

• Cleonice, Hoole's, i. 442.

Clergy The, i. 368, 9, 409, 410, & feq. ii. 133,

235, 240, 373, 4, 381.

-Advice to a young clergyman, ii. 323.

Clerk, Sir Philip Jennings, ii. 377.

Clive, Lord, ii. 298.

Clive, Mrs. the actress, ii. 332, 468.

Club, Effex-Head, established by Johnson, ii.

[blocks in formation]

Carleton, Captain, his Memoirs,' ii. 524.

Carlifle, Earl of, his poems, ii. 397.

his tragedy, ii. 470.

Carter, Mrs. i. 71; ii. 491.

Cator, John, Efq. Johnson's character of him- O'Conor, Charles, Esq. Johnson's letters to, on

Cattle extraordinary, ii. 141.

Cave, Mr. Edward, his life by Johnson, i. 138,

and his fine feat, ii. 513.

his Account of Ireland,' i. 177; ii. 113.

Cook, Capt. ii. 47.

- Johnson's letters to him, i. 41, 50, 61, 2,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Courtenay, John, Esq. extracts from his poem
on Johnson's character, i. 26, 121, 173,
187,427; ii. 559.

Cowley, Johnson's life of, ii. 346.

Cowper, Gilbert, i. 344.

Crabbe, Reverend Mr. his Village,' ii. 438.

Croft, Reverend Herbert, ii. 505,510.

Cruikshank, Mr. letter of Johnson to, ii. 547.
Cullen, Dr. confulted on Johnson's illness, ii. 482.
Cumberland, Richard, Efq. ii. 365, 560.

DALRYMPLE, Sir John, his Memoirs,'
i. 391.

Davies, Mr. Thomas, character and anecdotes

of, i. 210, 211, 305, 7, 321, 429,476, 9;

ii. 63, 186, 201, 460.

Johnson's kind letters to, ii. 460, 548.
his Memoirs of Garrick, ii. 322.
Deane's Future Life of Brutes,' i. 301.
Death, reflections on, i. 320, 9; ii. 229, 239,

456, and fee Johnfon.

[ocr errors]

Drunkenness. - See Wine.

Dryden, Johnson's life of, ii. 85,350.

Duelling, i. 372, 400; ii. 450

Du Halde's Account of China,' i. 302.

Dunbar, Dr. ii. 323.

Duncembe, Mr. ii. 240.

Dundas, Right Hon. Henry, ii. 180.

Dunning, Mr. his high compliment to Johnfon

ii. 197.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

201, 214, 221.

- Johnson's assistance to him, ii. 119, 124,


Elwal, the enthusiast, i. 363.

Emigration, ii. 191.
Entails, ii. 3, & feq. 9, 16, 18.

Johnson's letters on, ii. 4, 7.

Epilogue to The Distrest Mother,' i. 22..

Epifcopacy, ii. 280, 492, 518.

Epitaphs, i. 514; ii. 450, 566.

Erskine, Hon. Thomas, i. 369, 370.

Eumelian club, ii. 567.

Exhibition of paintings, i. 197.


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