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The same progressive growth of confidence in Mr. Daniels's honesty and good sense is to be discerned among the naval officers with whom I have talked. They were at first disposed to resent his democracy, for the traditions of the Navy are essentially aristocratic, and no little resentment was expressed when the Secretary issued his famous order forbidding the service of alcoholic drinks on naval vessels or in the yards. But now that we are at war, the wisdom of that order is generally admitted, and the painstaking impartiality with which both quarter-deck and forecastle have been treated is making Mr. Daniels one of the most popular Secretaries that the Navy ever had.

In a letter to Senator Overman written by Mrs. Dewey shortly after Admiral Dewey's death she said: "I wish you and the people of the country also to know that my husband felt for the present Secretary of the Navy, Hon. Josephus Daniels, a sincere affection. Only a short time ago the Admiral said: I have been in the Navy sixty-two years and have served under many Secretaries, but Secretary Daniels is the best Secretary we have ever had and has done more for the Navy than any other. I am amazed by his knowledge of technical matters. He has studied profoundly, and his opinion is founded on close observation.'”

Much the same opinion would probably be expressed to-day by most naval officers, and the enthusiasm and the effective team work that are making the Navy what it is would hardly be possible otherwise.

In Washington the other day I inquired of an officer who had come into the service from civil life since the war how it was that the Navy was functioning so efficiently. His answer was: "We have a good administrator in the Secretary. He plays no favorites. He trusts us. He puts responsibilities upon us and kicks us out impartially if we fail. We can rely upon fair treatment, and we are all on our mettle."

From the first Mr. Daniels's ideas seemed to have been to establish an equality of opportunity in the Navy and to make it thereby attractive to the more intelligent youths of the country. Prior to his administration enlisted men had occasionally become officers, but the path of promotion was a difficult one and was barred by an examination that only those who had both an academic and a technical education could pass. As there was no way of getting this education aboard ship, the sailor's opportunity to obtain a commission was only theoretical, and the service had little attraction for the ambitious young man unless he could enter it by way of Annapolis.

Now this is changed. There are schools for the enlisted men on every ship. Attendance is compulsory, and every sailor who is willing to study hard enough can get the education that is necessary to obtain a commission. The officers are the teachers, and, although some of them protested that they did not enter the service to be pedagogues, they are commencing to realize that in instructing others they are learning much themselves. Since we entered the war over one thousand men have been advanced from warrant officers to commissioned officers and over thirteen hundred enlisted men have been promoted to warrant officers. Upon the recommendation of the Secretary, four years ago Congress passed a law giving him authority to nominate annually one hundred enlisted sailors under twenty years of age for examination and entry as cadets at Annapolis, and last year a young man who had entered the Academy in this way was the president of his class. In his annual report Mr. Daniels says that it is his purpose to extend this principle further when the war is ended and to recommend that after passing his entrance examination every appointee to the Naval Academy should go to sea and serve at least one year as an enlisted man before entering Annapolis.

He says that the American ideal is that men shall obtain high station by beginning at the lowest rung in the ladder, and that they should secure place and position by first mastering the primary duties.

He has applied this theory in the case of his own sons, one of whom upon the outbreak of the war enlisted as a private in the Marine Corps, while another, aged eighteen, is a cadet at Annapolis. This cadet, by the way, is named Worth Bagley Daniels, after Mrs. Daniels's brother, Lieutenant Worth Bagley, who was the first American naval officer to be killed in the Spanish-American War. Another brother of Mrs. Daniels,

Commander David Worth Bagley, is a naval officer who narrowly escaped death last December when the United States vessel Jacob Jones was sunk off the French coast; and it was perhaps because of his wife's naval affiliations that the Secretary was first drawn toward his present position.


In his persistent fight against what he has described as the fetish of seniority "Mr. Daniels has also shown a determination to make merit rather than the accident of position the determinant of high rank in the Navy. He has secured the passage of a law under which all promotions above the rank of lieutenant-commanders are the result of selection by a board of experienced officers who decide whether the candidate has given proof of his ability to command.

In commenting upon the operation of this law in his annual report the Secretary expresses a view that most Americans will approve in saying that "the day of promotion by seniority in the line of the Navy has forever passed. It was the ideal system for rewarding mediocrity in the same manner as initiative, resource, and great ability were rewarded. It was un-American and was apparently framed with the object of protecting the less efficient from the chagrin of seeing the more efficient advanced over their heads. It denied the stimulus of a reward for professional excellence. Under the new law, whereby line officers above the rank of lieutenant-commander are promoted by selection, the question of approved ability rather than length of service determines promotions. It well demonstrates its superiority over the antiquated seniority system, which tended to put a premium upon mediocrity and ultra-prudence. If a man played for safety' under that system, he was far surer of promotion than if he had the sand to do something new that involved some chance of accident. Safety and prudence are requisites, but every naval officer who is remembered had the courage, when it would serve his country, to take a chance by an audacious and daring move."

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The schools for sailors, promotion from the ranks, and the substitution of fitness for seniority as a qualification for high position are typical of the reforms by which Josephus Daniels has democratized the Navy and made it efficient. He is never inaccessible. The enlisted man and the officer are always sure of a sympathetic hearing and just treatment if they have anything to complain of. By inquiry I learned that on the day that I visited him the Secretary had found time to see three sailors who felt that they had grievances; and, as far as I can discover, it is to the spirit of comradeship thus manifested that the present enthusiasm of the naval personnel is due. Mr. Daniels says that he wants every man in the service to feel that it is "his Navy;" and he tells with pride how a young officer, when asked by an English admiral upon the arrival of our first flotilla of destroyers in Ireland when the boats would be ready for service, answered, "We are ready now, sir."

By some it is regarded as remarkable that a newspaper editor, whose previous experience could hardly have been regarded as a training for such responsibilities, has developed the capacity for leadership that the present Secretary of the Navy has displayed; but, as boy and man, Mr. Daniels seems to have been unconsciously fitting himself for the position that he now occupies.

He has always been a hard worker with the capacity for taking infinite pains that Carlyle said was a mark of genius. He was born in Washington, North Carolina, in 1862. At the age of nineteen he was publishing a weekly newspaper at Wilson, North Carolina, and reading law. He was admitted to the bar but never practiced, preferring to serve society and study humanity and the humanities from the editor's chair. Those who have had any experience in that school will understand its educational value. From Wilson he went to Raleigh, the capital of North Carolina, where he became editor and owner of the "State Chronicle," a weekly paper that had been previously under the direction of Walter H. Page, our present Ambassador to England.

The year 1893 was one of acute financial depression in the South. Subscriptions were hard to collect and advertising harder to get, and to make both ends meet the young editor came to Washington and took the position of Chief Clerk of the Interior Department under Hoke Smith, who had been appointed Secretary of the Interior by Mr. Cleveland. During

the day he worked for the Government and at night he worked
for himself, editing his paper by mail and writing breezy let-
ters from Washington that so increased his circulation that by
1895 he was able to acquire control of the "News and Ob-
server," then and now one of the leading daily papers of the
State. Combining his new acquisition with the "Chronicle,"
he made his position in the world of journalism secure, and
returned to Raleigh, where he remained until Mr. Wilson
asked him to take the Navy portfolio. Since he became a
Cabinet officer he has simply kept on working, but while work-
ing he has been a sympathetic listener and an apt learner.
Thus he has made himself, as Admiral Dewey said, the best

Secretary of the Navy we have ever had, and thus he has vindicated the President's judgment in appointing him as well as his own theory with regard to promotion by selection for merit rather than seniority. He knows his job and he sticks to it. As far as I have been able to discover, he never takes a vaca tion. He does not even go on the inspection cruises that some of his predecessors used to find so necessary in hot weather.

He is kindly, sympathetic, painstaking, and intelligent. His democracy is chiefly manifest in his desire to help men; and it is because he believes that he can do this best by teaching them to help themselves that, from cabin boy to admiral, the Navy is to-day able to answer, "We are ready now, sir."



I cannot think of you among the immortals,
One of a grave-eyed reverential host;
I picture you come back a gallant ghost
To seek again these stately, shadowy portals
And hide your khaki 'neath a scholar's gown.

I can imagine how your face will lighten
When you behold against the western sky,

Brilliant and bold, the service banners fly,
And one by one the frat house windows brighten
Above the river as the sun goes down.
Then sauntering down the chapel aisle you go,
Insouciant, indifferent, and slow,

A sidelong glance of mingled pride and shame
For the bright tablet that will bear your name.






HIS happened in Pittsburgh in mid-July. For days and nights the heat had been merciless. It had beaten through the roofs and walls and pavements until roofs and walls and pavements gasped it sevenfold back. It lay and weltered in streets and alleys, a thick and sticky pestilence. The two great rivers, sweating beneath it, clogged the air with steam. No escape anywhere.

The people's first resistance had worn away. Weak ones were falling, each into his own pit-the weakest first.

Mary Kaufman's time came early. Mary Kaufman had not much chance. Physically she was a chip, a rag. Her weight was under a hundred pounds, and the little length she had was her only dimension. She was under-nourished, anæmic, feebly hysterical. Her inheritance, if she had thought of such things, might have scared her. Her personal history was dull. She was married, and her married life, poor but not poverty-stricken, had been troubled. She had one child, a seven-year-old boy, and she sometimes wished the boy was dead. The boy himself was a bright little creature, loving and gentle and happyhearted, but his spirit did not penetrate the fretful mind of his mother, who saw in him only a burden to carry in a tiresome world

Under the great, relentless heat-day after day of it, night after night-Mary Kaufman began to brood, with a vague resentment of the whole scheme of life. Then came a morning when she arose from her comfortless, tousled bed into the grip

of an idea.

Under its spell she dressed herself and the boy, and, without stopping for any pretense of food, hurried out into the street and away to the railway station. There she bought tickets to Kittanning, distant some sixty miles.

Half-way to Kittanning, at a station called Butler Junction, just as the train had finished its stop and was about pulling out, Mary Kaufman suddenly sprang to her feet, and, dragging the boy after her, hurried out of the car-the rattletrap daycoach gritty with cinders, pasted with soot, reeking with heat

The first of these stories, "John G.," appeared in The Outlook last week March 20).

and with sickening smells of bananas and coal gas and humanity.

She hurried out of the car, dragging the child after her. And just as the couplings gave their first jerk a brakeman saw the two jump off, on the wrong side of the track.

He called his conductor. Hanging from the platform the better to watch her, the two men saw her climb down toward the river bank, then, as though she had changed her mind, veer back and start out along the bridge.

“I don't like that," said the brakeman, as a curve shut off the sight.

"No more do I," agreed the conductor. “What's worse, I thought she was queer when I took her ticket-and-why, yes, by George! That ticket was for Kittanning. She shouldn't have got off here at all!"

"It's my belief," the brakeman observed, “that the woman is crazy, and that she means to drown the boy. She's just looking for the likeliest place to push him off. That's what she's up to, mark my words!”

"With her with a ticket to Kittanning, and getting into some mess on the way, there'll likely be a claim against the con pany." The conductor's fears increased.

They stopped the train at the first tower station and sent in a warning to Freeport, the seat of the nearest local police.


Meantime Mary Kaufman, pursued by her idea, but as yet confused and vacillating, drifted back across the bridge. Its sheer height and the stabbing glint of the flood beneath as glittered under the terrible sun in some way failed to command her. She must seek her thought in another form. Wandering still, she strayed through the little river settlement called Garber's Ferry, and so out and beyond, until her eyes fell upon a pleasant old white-columned farm-house, standing back among its green lawns, under the shade of apple trees-comfortable, prosperous, cool.

At this sight, so novel to her fevered eyes, the poor little city-grown straw whirled into a new eddy. She would take the house, so cool and quiet, so white and calm behind the big pil lars, beneath the green shade. She would take it, and then,


RAISING A LIBERTY LOAN HONOR FLAG OVER THE UNITED STATES TREASURY BUILDING IN WASHINGTON This flag, which is the first of a host which it is hoped will soon fly over the cities and towns in the land, was made by Mrs. William G. McAdoo, wife of the Secretary of the Treasury, aided by the wives of other members of the Cabinet. A flag of the same design will be presented to every community which oversubscribes its allotment of bonds in the coming campaign for the Third Liberty Loan


LIEUTENANT JOSEPH L. CANBY Lieutenant Canby, with five other Americans, was decorated with the Croix de Guerre for bravery under fire. The exploit for which Lieutenant Canby was decorated is reported to have been the capture in No Man's Land, in daylight, unaided, of a German soldier, while exposed to the fire of the enemy


CAPTAIN ARCHIBALD B. ROOSEVELT Almost simultaneously two despatches came from the front about Captain Roosevelt, who is a son of Theodore Roosevelt. One said that he had been awarded the Croix de Guerre for gallantry in action. The other stated that he had been wounded by shrapnel in the leg and that his arm had been broken TWO BRAVE OFFICERS OF THE AMERICAN FORCES IN FRANCE

[graphic][graphic][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[graphic][subsumed][merged small][merged small]

This is a

Twenty-odd tanks can be counted in this group. They are, of course, only a fraction of the entire number which the British army has been employing so successfully in its campaign in France. The side armor of the tank in the foreground has been removed, giving an unusual view of the interior of this engine of war. British official photograph

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

The young Negro has what looks like a "picture puzzle" before him. He is required to assemble the various parts of the design in their proper position. The length of time taken in this test forms a basis for classifying the man under examination. On his record for accuracy and speed the examiner bases a recommendation for his assignment to duty

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