페이지 이미지

11. 1 here are then, it appears, two kinds of language; an artificial, or conventional language, consisting of words; and a natural language, consisting of tones, looks, actions, expression, and silence; the former is addressed to the eye, by the book, and to the ear, by speech, and must thus be learned; the latter-addresses itself to both eye and ear, at the same moment, and must be thus acquired, so far as they can be acquired. To become an Elocutionist, I must learn both these languages; that of art and science, and that of the passions, to be used according to my subject and object.

[E in EEL.]

18. That the body may be free, to act in accordance with the dictates of the mind, al unnatural compressions and contractions must be avoided; particularly, cravats and stock so tight around the neck, as to interfere with the free circulation of the blood; also, tigh the proper action of the vocal organs, and waistcoats; double suspenders, made tight. er with straps; elevating the feet to a point horizontal with, or above, the seat; and lacing, of any description, around the waist, impeding the freedom of breathing natural. ly and healthfully.

Anecdote. True Modesty. When Wash ington had closed his career, in the French 15. E has two regular sounds; first, and English war, and become a member of its name sound, or long: the House of Burgesses, in Virginia, the EEL; e-ra, e-vil; neither de-ceive nor in-vei-gle the Speaker was directed, by a vote of the house, to return thanks to him, for the distinguished seam-stress; the sleek ne-gro bleats like a sheep; Ca-sar's services he had rendered the country. As e-dict pre-cedes the e-poch of soon as Washington took his seat, as a memtre-mors; the sheik's beard ber, Speaker Robinson proceeded to discharge stream'd like a me-te-or; the ea-gle shriek'd the duty assigned him; which he did in such his pean on the lea; the e-go-tist seemed a manner as to confound the young hero; pleas'd with his ple-na-ry leis-ure to see the who rose to express his acknowledgments; co-te-rie; E-ne-as Leigh reads Mo-sheim but such was his confusion, that he was on the e-dile's heath; the peo-ple tre-pann'd speechless; he blushed, stammered, and tremthe fiend for jeer-ing his prem-ier; his liege, bled for a short time; when the Speaker reat the or-gies, gave -il-iads at my niece, lieved him by saying—“Sit down, Mr. Washwho beat him with her be-som, like a cav-ington; your modesty is equal to your valor; and that-surpasses the power of any language that I possess.”

a-lier in Greece.

16. Since the body is the grand medium, for communicating feelings and thoughts, (as above mentioned,) I must see to it, that each part performs its proper office, without infringement, or encroachment. By observation and experience, I perceive that the mind uses certain parts for specific purposes; that the larynx is the place where vocal sounds are made, and that the power to produce them, is derived from the combined action of the abdominal and dorsal muscles. Both body and mind are rendered healthy and strong, by a proper use of all their organs and faculties.

17. Irregular Sounds. I and Y often have this sound; as-an-tique, ton-tine; the po-lice of the bas-tile seized the man-da-rin for his ca-price at the mag-a-zine; the unique fi-nan-cier, fa-tigued with his bom-bazine va-lise, in his re-treat from Mo-bile, lay by the ma-rines in the ra-vine, and ate verdi-gris to re-lieve him of the cri-tique. Sherr dan, Walker and Perry say, yea yea, nay, making the e long; but Johnson, Entick, Jamieson and Webster, and the author, pronounce yea as if spelled yay. Words derived immediately from the French, according to the genius of that language, are accented on the last syllables;-ca-price, fa-tigue, police, &c.

and nay

Sorrow-treads heavily, and leaves behind

A deep impression, e'en wnen sne aeparts:
While Joy-trips by, with steps, as light as wind,
And scarcely leaves a trace upon our hearts
Of her faint foot-falls.

Proverbs. 1. A blythe heart makes a blooming visage. 2. A deed done has an end. 3. A great city, a great solitude 4. Desperate cutsmust have desperate cures. 5. All men are not men. 6. A stumble-may prevent a fall. 7. A fool always comes short of his reckoning. 8. Beggars must not be choosers. 9. Better late, than never. 10. Birds of a feather flock together. 11. Nothing is lost in a good market. 12. All is well, that ends well. 13. Like priest, like people.

Varieties. 1. The triumphs of truth-are the most glorious, because they are bloodless; deriving their highest lustre-from the number of the saved, instead of the slain. 2. Wisdom-consists in employing the best means, to accomplish the most important ends. 3. He, who would take you to a place of vice, or immorality, is not your real friend. 4. If gratitude-is due from man-to man how much more, from man-to his Maker! 5. Arbitrary power-no man can either give, or hold; even conquest cannot confer it: hence, law, and arbitrary power-are at eternal enmity.. 6. They who take no delight in virtue, cannot take any either in the employments, or the inhabitants of heaven. 7. Beware of violating the laws of Life, and you will always be met in mercy, and not in judgment.

The calm of that old reverend brow, the glow
Of its thin silver locks, was like a flash
Of sunlight-in the pauses of a storm.



1. To make this sound of E, arop ie under aw

open the mouth wide, as indicated by the engraving, so as to pro

vent it from becoming in the least nasal. 2. E, in ent, ence, and ess, generally has this sound; tho' sometimes it slides into short the 3. When e precedes two r's (rr,) it should always have this

19. Having examined the structure of the | body, I see the necessity of standing, at first, on the left foot, and the right foot a few inches from it, (where it will naturally fall, when raised up,) and pointing its heel sound: as err, er-ror, mer-it, cher-ry, wher-ry: but when followed toward the hollow of the left foot; of throw-by only one r, it glides into short u, tho' the under jaw should be ing the shoulders back, so as to protrude the chest, that the air may have free ac-cess to the air cells of the lungs; of having the upper part of the body quiescent, and the mind concentrated on the lower muscles, until they act voluntarily.

much depressed: as-the mer-chaut heard the clerk calling on the
ser-geant for iner-cy; let the ter-ma-gant learn that the pearls were
jerked from the rob-ber in the tav-ern.
certain words: the girls and birds in a minbar-de, ang dir

I similarly situated in

ges to the virgin: see short u. 4. E is silent in the last syllable of— e-ven the shov-els are broken in the oven; a weasel opens the nowel, with a sick-ening sniv-el; driv-en by a deaf-ening title from

20, The second sound of E is short: heav-en, he was of-ten taken and shaken till he was softened and

ELL; edge, en; the dem-o

[E in ELL.]

ri-pened seven, e-leven or a doz-en times. 5. The long vowels are open and continuous; the short ones are shut, abrupt, or discrete, and end as soon as made.

Anecdote. A lawyer, to avenge himself on an opponent, wrote "Rascal" in his hat. The owner of the hat took it up, looked ruefully into it, and turning to the judge, exclaimed, "I claim the protection of this honorable court;-for the opposing counsel has written his name in my hat, and I have strong suspicion that he intends to make off with it."

crat's cq-ui-page was a leather eph-od; the es-quire leap'd from a ped-es-tal into a kettle of eggs; a lep-er clench'd the eph-a, zeal-ous of the eb-on feath-er, and held it stead-y; get the non-pa-reil weap-ons for the recon-dite her-o-ine; the ap-pren-tice for-gets the shek-els lent the deaf prel-ate for his her-o-ine; the clean-ly leg-ate held the tepid mead-ow for a spe-cial home-stead; stere-o-type the pref-ace to the ten-ets as a prel-play-is a jewel. 3. Proverbs existed before books. ude to our ed-i-ble re-tro-spec-tions; yester-day I guess'd the fet-id yeast es-caped with an ep-i-sode from the ep-ic into the pet-als of the sen-na; the pres-age is impress'd on his ret-i-na in-stead of the keg of phlegm.

Proverbs. 1. Make both ends meet. 2. Fair

All blood is alike ancient. 5. Beauty—is only skin deep. 6. Handsome is, that handsome does. 7. One fool makes many. 8. Give every one his due.

9. No rose without a thorn. 10. Always have a few maxims on hand for change.

Sublimity and Pathos. As weak lights

21. In these peculiar exercises of voice are obscured, when surrounded by the dazare contained all the elements, or principles zling rays of the sun, so, sublimity, poured of articulation, accent, emphasis and expres- around on every side, overshadows the artision; and, by their aid, with but little exertion, I shall be enabled to economize my fices of rhetoric: the like of which occurs in breath, for protracted vocal efforts, and im- painting; for, tho' the light and shade, lie part all that animation, brilliancy and force, near each other, on the same ground, yet, the that reading, speaking and singing ever re-light first strikes the eye, and not only apquire. pears projecting, but much nearer Thus, 22. Irregulars. A, I, U, and Y, some- too, in composition, the sublime and pathetic times have this sound: as-an-y, or man-y-being nearer our souls, on account of some pan-e-gyr-ists of Mar-y-land said,-the bury-ing ground a-gainst the world; says the lan-cet to the trum-pet-get out of my way a-gain, else the bur-i-al ser-vice will be said over you in the black-ness of dark-ness; there is sick-ness in the base-ment of our plan-et, from the use of as-sa-fœt-i-da, in-stead of herrings: never say sus-pect for ex-pect, businiss for busi-ness, pay-munt for pay-ment, nor gar-munts for gar-ments.

23. As much depends on the quality of which any thing is made, I must attend to the manner, in which these sounds are produced, and see that they are made just right; each having its appropriate weight, form, and quantity. Taking the above position, and opening the mouth wide, turning my lips a little out all round, trumpet fashion, and keeping my eyes on a horizontal level, and inhaling full breaths, I will expel these sixteen vowel sounds into the roof of mouth, with a suddenness and force similar to the crack of a thong, or the sound of a gun.

An ape-is an ape, a varlet-is a varlet,
Let them be clothed in silk, or scarlet.


natural connection and superior splendor, are always more conspicuous than figures; they conceal their art, and keep themselves veiled from our view.

Sounds. 1. The whole sound made is not in the whole air only; but the whole sound is in every particle of air: hence, all sound will enter a small cranny unconfused. 2. At too great a distance, one may hear sounds of the voice, but not the words. 3. One articulate sound confounds

another; as when many speak at once. 4. Articulation requires a mediocrity of loudness.

Varieties. 1. See how we apples swim 2. He carries two faces. 3. Strain at a gate and swallow a saw-mill. 4. Who is the true gentleman? He whose actions make him such. 5. A sour countenance is a manifest sign of a froward disposition. 6. Speak-as you mean; do-as you profess, and perform what you promise. 7. To be as nothing, 13 an exalted state: the omnipotence of the heavens-exists in the truly humbled heart Whatever way you wend, Consider well the end.


24. I observe that there are three distinct Proverbs. 1. A crowd, is not company. principles involved in oral words, which A drowning man will catch at a straw. 3. Half are their essences, or vowel sounds; their a loaf is better than no bread. 4. An ill workforms, or the consonants attached to them, man quarrels with his tools. 5. Better be alon and their meaning, or uses. By a quick, than in bad company. 6. Count not your chick combined action of the lower muscles upon ens before they are hatched. 7. Every body's their contents, the diaphragm is elevated so business, is nobody's business. 8. Fools-make as to force the air, or breath, from the lungs feasts, and wise men eat them. 9. He that will into the windpipe, and through the larynx, not be counselled, cannot be helped. 10. If it were where it is converted into vowel sounds; not for hope, the heart would break. 11. Kindwhich, as they pass out through the mouth, ness will creep, when it cannot walk. 12. Oil and the glottis, epiglottis, palate, tongue, teeth, truth will get uppermost at last. lips, and nose, make into words.

I in ISLE.]

25. I has two regular sounds: First, 8 NAME sound, or long: ISLE; ire, 2-o-dine: Gen-tiles o-blige their wines to lie for sac-charine la-lacs to ex-pe-dite their feline gibes; the ob-lique grindstone lies length-wise on the hori-zon; a ti-ny le-vi-a-than, on the heights of the en-vi-rons of Ar-gives, as-pires to sigh through the mi-cro-scope; the e-dile likes spike-nard for his he-li-acal ti-a-ra; the mice, in tri-ads, hie from the aisle, si-ne di-e, by a vi-va vo-ce vote; the bi-na-ry di-gest of the chrys-ta-line ma-gi, was hir'd by the choir, as a si-ne-cure, for a li-vre.

26. These vocal gymnastics produce astonishing power and flexibility of voice, making it strong, clear, liquid, musical and governable; and they are as healthful as they are useful and amusing. As there is only one straight course to any point, so, there is but one right way of doing any thing, and every thing. If I wish to do thing well, I must first learn how; and if I begin right, and keep so, every step will carry me forward in accomplishing my objects.


Notes. .7, in some words, has this sound; particularly,

when accented, and at the end of certain nouns and verbs: the lyse-um's al-ly proph-e-cy to the dy-nas-ty to mag-ni-fy other's faults, but min-i-fy its own. 2. This first dip-thongal sound begins

improvement of the present day, that the ac General Intelligence. It is a signal tions and reactions of book-learning, and of general intelligence-are so prompt, so intense, and so pervading all ranks of society. The moment a discovery is made, a principle demonstrated, or a proposition advanced, through the medium of the press, in every part of the world; it finds, immediately, a host, numberless as the sands of the sea, prepared to take it up, to canvass, confirm, refute, or pursue it. At every water-fall, on the line of every canal and rail-road, in the counting-room of every factory and mercantile establishment; on the quarter-deck of every ship that navigates the high seas; on the farm of every intelligent husbandman; in the workshop of every skillful mechanic; at the desk of every school-master; in the of fice of the lawyer; in the study of the physician and clergyman; at the fireside of every man who has the elements cf a good education, not less than in the professed retreats of learning, there is an intellect to seize, to weigh, and to appropriate the suggestions, whether they belong to the world of science, of tenets, or of morals.

Varieties. 1. Ought women be allowed to vote? 2. Nothing is troublesome, that we do willingly. 3. There is a certain kind of nearly like 24 A, as the engraving indicates, and ends with the name sound of e (a-c.) 3. I is not used in any purely English word pleasure in weeping; grief-is soothed and as a final letter; y being its representative in such a position. 4. alleviated, by tears. 4. Labor hard in the When I commences a word, and is in a syllable by itself, if the c-field of observation, and turn every thing to a cent be on the succeeding syllable, it is generally long: as, i-de-a,

i-den-ti-fy, i-dol-a-try, i-ras-ci-ble, i-ron-i-cal, i-tal-ic, i-tin-e-rant, &c. It is long in the first syllables of vi-tal-i-ty, di-am-e-ter, di-urnal, di-lem-ma, bi-en-ni-al, cri-te-ri-on, chi-me-ra, bi-og-ra-phy, lieen-tious, gi-gan-tic, pri-me-val, vi-bra-tion, &c. 5. In words derived from the Greek and Latin, the prefixes bi, (twice,) and tri, (thrice,) the I is generally long.

good account. 5. What is a more lovely sight, than that of a youth, growing up under the heavenly influence of goodness and truth? 6. To speak ill, from knowledge, shows a want of character; to speak ill-upon sus. Anecdote. Seeing a Wind. "I never picion, shows a want of honest principle saw such a wind in all my life," said a man, 7. To be perfectly resigned in the whole life during a severe storm, as he entered a tem- and in its every desire, to the will and govern perance hotel. "Saw a wind!" observed ance of the Divine Providence, is a worship another," What did it look like?" "Like!" | most pleasing in the sight of the Lord.

said the traveller, "why, like to have blown my hat off."


Why should this worthless tegument-endure,
If its undying guest-be lost forever?
O let us keep the al-embalmed and pure
In living virtue; hat when both must sever,
Although corruption-may our frame consume,
Th' immortal spirit-in the skies may blooza.

To me, tho' bath'd in sorrow's dew,

The dearer, far, art thou:

I lov'd thee, when thy woes were few
And can I alter-now?

That face, in joy's bright hour, was fair,
More beauteous, since grief is there;

Tho' somewhat pale thy brow;
And be it mine, to soothe the pain,
Thus pressing on thy heart and brain.

Proverbs. 1. A thousand probabilities wil not make one truth. 2. A hand-saw is a good

27. Articulation is the cutting out, and Anecdote. Accommodating. A Phys shaping, in a perfectly distinct and appro- cian-advertised, that at the request of his priate manner, with the organs of speech, friends, he had moved near the church-yard; all the simple and compound sounds which and trusted that his removal would accomour twenty-six letters represent. It is to modate many of his patients. No doubt of it. the ear what a fair hand-writing is to the eye, and relates, of course, to the sounds, not to the names, of both vowels and consonants. It depends on the exact positions and correct operations, of the vocal powers, and on the ability to vary them with rapidty, precision and effect: thus, articulation is purely an intellectual act, and belongs not to any of the brute creation.

thing, but not to shave with. 3. Gentility, without ability, is worse than beggary. 4. A man may talk like a wise man, and yet act like a fool 5. If we would succeed in any thing, we must use the proper means. 6. A liar should have a good memory. 7. Charity begins at home, but does

28. The second sound of I is short: not end there. 8. An ounce of mother wit is

[I in ILL.]

IL; inn, imp; the ser-vile
spir-it of a rep-tile lib-er-tine is
hos-tile to fem-i-nine fi-del-i-
ty; the pu-er-ile dis-ci-pline
of mer-can-tile chi-cane-ry, is
the ar-tif-i-cer of mil-i-ta-ry
des-po-tism; the fer-tile eg-
lan-tine is des-tin'd for a ju-ve-nile gift; the
gen-u-ine pro-file of Cap-tain White-field is
the an-tip-o-des of in-di-vi-si-bil-i-ty; the
wind, in the vi-cin-i-ty of mount Lib-a-nus,
is a me-di-ci-nal for the con-spir-a-cy of the
brig-and; the pris-tine foun-tains of the
ad-a-man-tine spring is sul-lied with the
guil-ty guil-o-tine; man is an ex-quis-ite
e-pit-o-me of the in-fi-nite Di-vin-i-ty, and
should be stud-ied as def-i-nite-ly as pos-


29. Two grand objects are, to correct bad nabits, and form good ones; which may be done by the practice of analysis and synthesis that is, taking compound sounds, syllables, words, and sentences into pieces; o resolving them into their component parts, and then recombining, or putting them together again. Error must be eradicated, or truth cannot be received; we must cease to do evil, and learn to do well: what is true can be received only in proportion as its opposite false is removed.

worth a pound of learning. 9. Short reckonings make long friends. 10. Custom is the plague of wise men, and the idol of fools. 11. Every one knows best where his own shoe pinches. A faint heart never won a fair lady.

Freedom. When freedom is spoken of every one has an idea of what is meant ; for every one has known what it is to live in freedom, and also what it is to live, and act under restraint. But then it is obvious, that different persons feel in freedom, ac cording to circumstances; things which re strain and infringe upon the freedom of some, have no such effect upon others. So that in the same situation in which one would feel free, another would feel himself in bondage. Hence, it is evident that tho' all have a general idea of what freedom is, yet all have not the same idea of it. For the same circumstances, it follows, that freeas different persons would not all be free in dom itself is not the same thing to all. Of course, the kinds of freedom are as many and various as the kinds of love are by which we are all governed; and our freedom is genuine or not genuine, according as our ruling love is good or evil.

Varieties. 1. Did you ever consider how many millions of people-live, and die, igno30. Irregulars. A, E, O, U, and Y, in a rant of themselves and the world? 2. Stin few words, have this sound: as-the hom-age giness soon becomes a confirmed habit, and giv-en to pret-ty wom-en has been the rich-est increases with our years. 3. The man, who bus-'ness of pet-ty tyr-an-ny, since the English is just, and firm in his purpose, cannot be proph-e-cy of Py-thag-o-rus; the styg-i-an fur-shaken in his determined mind, either by nace of bus-y Wal-lace, in Hon-ey al-ley, is a med-ley of pyr-i-tes, and the treb-le cyn-o-sure of cyg-nets, hys-sop, and syn-o-nyms. Notes. 1. Beware of Mr. Walker's error, in giving the sound of long E to the final unaccented I and Y of syllables and words, which is always short: as,-as-per-ee-tee, for as-per-i-ty, nee-nor-ee-tee, for mi-nor-i-ty; char-ee-tee for char-i-ty; pos-seeal-ee-tee, for pos-si-bil-i-ty, &c. 2. Some give the short sound of

to A in the unaccented syllables of-ad-age, cab-bage, pos-tage,

bon-dage, u-sage, &c., which is agreeable to the authorities, and to give the a as in at, savors of affectation. 3. I is silent in evil, devil, cousin, basin, &c. 4. I, in final unaccented syllables, not

inding a word, is generally short; si-mil-i-tude, fi-del-i-ty mi

A bark, at midnight, sent alone-
To drift upon a moonless sea,-
A lute, whose leading chord-is gone,
A wounded bird, that has but one
Imperfect wing-to soar upon,-

Is like what I am-wi hout thee.

threats or promises. 4. By continually scol ding children and domestics, for small faults, they finally become accustomed to it, and de spise the reproof. . Good bocks-are not only a nourishment to the mind, but they enlighten and expand it. 6. Why do we turn from those living in this world, to those who have left it, for the evidences of genuine love? 7. All principles love their nearest relatives, and seek fellowship and conjunction with


There are some bosoms-dark and drear
Which an unwater'd desert are ;
Yet there, a curious eye, may trace
Some smiling spot, some verdant piace,
Where little flowers, the weeds between
Spend their soft fragrance—all unseen.

Natural Philosophy-Includes all substances that affect our five senses, hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling and feeling; which substances are called matter, and exist in three states, or conditions,-solid, when the

31. The organs of speech are, the dorsal | and abdominal muscles, the diaphragm and intercostal muscles, the thorax or chest, the lungs, the trachea or wind-pipe, the larynx, (composed of five elastic cartilages, the upper one being the epiglottis,) the glot-particles cohere together, so as not to be easily tis, palate, tongue, teeth, lips and nose: but, in all efforts, we must use the whole body. All vowel sounds are made in the larynx, or vocal box, and all the consonant sounds above this organ.

32. O has three regular sounds: first, its NAME sound, or long: OLD ; the sloth-ful doge copes with the flo-rist before Pha-raoh, and sows on-ly yel-low oats and osier; the home-ly por-trait of the a-tro-cious gold-smith is the yeoman-ry's pil-low; Job won't go [0 in OLD.] to Rome and pour tal-low o-ver the broach of the pre-co-cious wid-ow Gross; the whole corps of for-gers tore the tro-phy from the fel-low's nose, and told him to store it under the po-ten-tate's so-fa, where the de-co-rus pa-trol pour'd the hoa-ry min


[ocr errors]

separated; as rocks, wood, trees,&c.: liquid,
when they cohere slightly, and separate
freely; as water: and gaseous, or aeriform
state, when they not only separate freely,
but tend to recede from each other, as far as
space they occupy, or their pressure will
-as air, &c.


Educators, and Education. We all must serve an apprenticeship to the five senses; and, at every step, we need assistance in learning our trade: gentleness, patience, and love-are almost every thing in education: they constitute a mild and blessed atmosphere, which enters into a child's soul, like sunshine into the rosebud, slowly, but surely expanding it into vigor and beauty. Parents and Teachers must govern their own feelings, and keep their hearts and consciences pure, following principle, 33. A correct and pure articulation, is instead of impulse. The cultivation of the indispensable to the public speaker, and es- affections and the development of the body's sential in private conversation: every one, senses, begin together. The first effort of therefore, should make himself master of it. intellect is to associate the ames of objects All, who are resolved to acquire such an with the sight of them; hence, the necesarticulation, and faithfully use the means, sity of early habits of observation--of pay(which are here furnished in abundance,) ing attention to surrounding things and will most certainly succeed, though opposed events; and enquiring the whys and whereby slight organic defects; for the mind may fores of every thing; this will lead to the qualobtain supreme control over the whole body. ities, shapes, and states of inanimate sub34. Irregulars. Au, Eau, and Ew, have hot, cold, swift, slow, &c.; then of versta stances; such as hard, soft, round, square, this sound in a few words: The beau Ros-bles, afterwards of animals; and finally, of seau, with mourn-ful hau-teur, stole the hautmen, angels, and God. In forming the boy, bu-reau, cha-teau and flam-beaux, and human character we must not proceed as poked them into his port-manteau, before the the sculptor does, in the formation of a stabelle sowed his toe to the har-row, for strew-tue, working sometimes on one part, then ing the shew-bread on the plat-eau. on another; but as nature does in forming Anecdote. A Narrow Escape. A pedan- a flower, or any other production; throwing tic English traveler, boasting that he had been out altogether the whole system of being, and all the rudiments of every part. so fortunate, as to escape Mr. Jefferson's celebrated non-importation law, was told by a Yankee lady, "he was a very lucky man: for she understood that the non-importation law prohibited the importing of goods, of which brass-was the chief composition."

Varieties. 1. The just man will flourish in spite of envy. 2. Disappointment and suffering, are the school of wisdom. 3. Is corporeal punishment necessary in the school, army and navy? 4. Every thing within the scope of human power, can be accomplished by well-directed efforts. 5. WOMAN-the morning-star of our youth, the day-star of our manhood, and the evening-star of our age, 6. When Newton was asked-by what means he made his discoveries in science; he replied, "by thinking." 7. Infinity-can never be received fully-by any recipient, either in

Proverbs. 1. Affairs, like salt-fish, should be a long time soaking. 2. A fool's tongue, like a monkey's tail, designates the animal. 2. All are not thieves that dogs bark at. 4. An ant may work its heart out, but it can never make honey. 5. Better go around, than fall into the ditch. 6. Church work generally goes on slowly. 7. Those, whom guilt contaminates, it renders equal. 8. Force, without forecast, is little worth. 9. Gen-heaven, or on earth. tility, without ability, is worse than plain beg-The silver eel, in shining volumes roll'd, gary. 10. Invite, rather than avoid labor. He'll go to law, at the wagging of a straw.

son's choice,—that, or none.

"Tis not, indeed, my talent-to engage In lofty triflus; or, to swell my page→→ with wind, and noise.




The yellow carp, in scales bedropp'd with gold;
Round broken columns, clasping ivy twin'd,
And o'er the ruins--stalk'd the stately hind.

O cursed thirst of gold 1 when, for thy sake,
The fool-throw up bis interest in both worlds;
First, starv'd in this, then, lam'd-in that to come.

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