페이지 이미지

54. A Diphthong, or double sound, is the Proverbs. 1. Home is home, if it be ever sa anion of two vowel sounds in one syllable, homely. 2. It is too late to complain when a thing pronounced by a single continuous effort of is done. 3. In a thousand pounds of law, there is the voice. There are four diphthongal not an ounce of love. 4. Many a true word is sounds, in our language; long i as in isle; spoken in jest. 5. One man's meat is another oi, in oil; the pure, or long sound of u in man's poison. 6. Pride, perceiving humility lure, and ou in our; which include the same HONORABLE, often borrows her cloke. 7. Saysounds under the forms of long y in rhyme; well-is good; but do-well-is better. 8. The of oy in coy; of ew in pew; and ow in how. eye, that sees all things, sees not itself. 9. The These diphthongs are called pure, because crow-thinks her own birds the whitest. 10. The they are all heard; and in speaking and tears of the congregation are the praises of the singing, only the radical, (or opening full-minister. 11. Evil to him that evil thinks. ness of the sound,) should be prolonged, or Do good, if you expect to receive good.


[OI in OIL.]

55. Diphthongs. Oi and Oy: OIL; broil the joint of loin in poi-son and oint-ment; spoil not the oysters for the hoy-den; the boy pitch-es quoits a-droit-ly on the soil, and sub-joins the joists to the pur-loins, and em-ploys the de-stroy'd toi-let to soil the reser-voir, lest he be cloy'd with his me-moirs. 56. The late Mr. Pitt, (Lord Chatham,) was taught to declaim, when a mere boy; and was, even then, much admired for his talent in recitation: the result of which was, that his ease, grace, power, self-possession, and imposing dignity, on his first appearance in the British Parliament, "drew audience and attention, still as night;" and the irresistible force of his action, and the power of his eye, carrried conviction with nis arguments.

Notes. 1. The radical, or root of this diphthong, commences nearly with 3d a, as in all, and its vanish, or terminating

point, with the name sound of e, as in eel; the first of which is in

dicated by the engraving above. 2. Avoid the vulgar pronunciation of ile, for oil; jice, for joist ; pint, for point; bile, for boil; jint, for joint; hist, for hoist; spile, for spoil; quate, for quoit; pur-line, for pur-loin; pi-zen, for poi-son; brile, for broil; clyde, for cloyed, &c.: this sound, especially, when given with the jaw

much dropped, and rounded lips, has in it a captivating nobleness; but beware of extremes. 3. The general rule for pronouncing the vowels is they are open, continuous, or long, when final in accented words and syllables; as a-ble, fa-ther, aw-ful, me-tre, bi-ble, are shut, discrete, or short, when followed in the same syllable by a consonant; as, ap-ple, sev-er, lit-tle, pot-ter, but-ton, sym-pa-thy. Examples of exceptions-ale, are, all, file, note, tune, &c. 4. Another general rule is—a vowel followed by two consonants, that are repeated in the pronunciation, is short: as, mat-ter, ped-lar, litter, but-ler, &c.

no-ble, moo-ted, tu-mult, bru-tal, poi-son, ou-ter-most; but they

Anecdote. The king's evil. A student of medicine, while attending medical lectures in London, and the subject of this evil being on hand, observed-"that the king's evil had been but little known in the United States, since the Revolution.

They are sleeping! Who are sleeping?
Misers, by their hoarded gold;
And, in fancy-now are heaping
Gems and pearls-of price untold.
Golden chains-their limbs encumber,
Diamonds-seem before them strown;
But they waken from their slumber,
And the splendid dream-is flown.
Compare each phrase, examine every line,
Weigh every word, and every thought refine.

Our Food. The laws of man's constitu tion and relation evidently show us, that the plainer, simpler and more natural our food is, the more pefectly these laws will be ful filled, and the more healthy, vigorous, and long-lived our bodies will be, and consequently the more perfect our senses will be, and the more active and powerful may the intellectual and moral faculties be rendered by cultivation. By this, is not meant that we should eat grass, like the ox, or confine ourselves to any one article of food: by simple food, is meant that which is not compounded, and complicated, and dressed with pungent stimulants, seasoning, or condiments; such kind of food as the Creator designed for us, and in such condition as is best adapted to our anatomical and physiological powers. Some kinds of food are better than others, and adapted to sustain us in every condition; and such, whatever they may be, (and we should ascertain what they are,) should constitute our sustenance: thus shall we the more perfectly fulfil the laws of our being, and secure our best interests.

Varieties. 1. Was Eve, literally, made out of Adam's rib? 2. He is doubly a conqueror, who, when a conqueror, can conquer himself. 3. People may be borne down by oppression for a time; but, in the end, vengeance will surely overtake their oppressors. 4. It is a great misfortune-not to be able to speak well; and a still greater one. not to know when to be silent. 5. In the hours of study, acquire knowledge that will be useful in after life. 6. Nature-reflects the light of revelation, as the moon does that of the sun. 7. Religion-is to be as much like God, as men can be like him: hence, there is nothing more contrary to religion, than angry disputes and conten

tions about it.

The pilgrim fathers-where are they?
The waves, that brought them o'er,
Still roll in the bay, and throw their spray,
As they break along the shore :-
Still roll in the bay, as they roll'd that day,
When the May Flower moor'd below;
When the sea around, was black with stor.,
And white the shore-with snow.

By reason, man-a Godhead can discern:
But how he should be worship'd, carnot learn

Proverbs. 1. As you make your bed, so must you lie in it. 2. Be the character you would be called. 3. Choose a calling, th❜t is adapted to your inclination, and natural abilities. 4. Live-and let live; i. e. do as you would be done by. 5 Character-is the measure of the man. 6. Zealously keep down little expenses, and you will not be likely to incur large ones. 7. Every one knows how to find fault. 8. Fair words and foul play cheat both young and old. 9. Give a knows best what is good, who has endured eru. 11. Great pains and little gains, soon make man weary. 12. The fairest rose will wither at last.

57. There are no impure diphthongs or triphthongs, in which two or three vowels represent, or unite, in one sound; for all are silent except one; as in air, aunt, awl, piard, steal, lead, curtain, soar, good, your, cough, feu-dal, dun-geon, beau-ty, a-dieu, view-ing. These silent letters, in connection with the vocals, should be called di-graphs and trigraphs; that is, doubly and triply written: they sometimes merely indicate the sound of the accompanying vowel, and the deriva-dog an ill name, and he will soon be shot 1. He tion of the word. Let me beware of believing anything, unless I can see that it is true: and for the evidence of truth, I will look at the truth itself.


58. Diphthongs; Ou, and Ow: OUR; Mr. Brown wound an ounce of sound a-round a cloud, and drowned a mouse in pound of Sour chow-der; drow-sy mouse de-vour'd a house and howl'd a pow-wow a-bout the moun-tains; the gou-ty 6/1 crouched in his tow-er, and the scowl-ing cow bowed down de-vout-ly in her bow-er; the giour (jower) en-shroud-ed in pow-er, en-dow-ed the count's prow-ess with a renown'd trow-el, and found him with a stout gown in the coun-ty town.

[OU in OUR]

afflict the country, are the joint productions Cause and Effect. The evils, which of all parties and all classes. They have been produced by over-banking, over-trad ing, over-spending, over-dashing, over-dri ving, over-reaching, over-borrowing, overeating, over-drinking, over-thinking, overplaying, over-riding, and over-acting of every kind and description, except over working. Industry is the foundation of so ciety, and the corner-stone of civilization.

Recipients. We receive according to our states of mind and life: if we are in the love and practice of goodness and truth, we be59. Demosthenes, the Grecian orator, come the receivers of them in that propor paid many thousands to a teacher in Elocution; but if otherwise, we form receptacles tion; and Cicero, the Roman orator, after of their opposites,-falsity and evil. When having completed his education, in other we are under heavenly influences, we know respects, spent two whole years in recitation, under one of the most celebrated tragedi- that all things shall work together for our ans of antiquity. Brutus declared, that he happiness; and when under infernal influ would prefer the honor, of being esteemed ences, they will work together for our mis the master of Roman eloquence, to the glo-ery. Let us then choose, this day, whom we ry of many triumphs. will serve; and then shall we know-where in consists the art of happiness, and the art of misery.

60. Notes. 1. Ou and ow are the only representatives of this dipththongal sound; the former generally in the middle of words, and the latter at the end: in blow, show, and low, w is silent. 2. There are 12 mono-thongal vowels, or single voice sounds, and 4 diph-thongal vowels, or double voice sounds: these are heard in isle, tune, oil and out. 5. There is a very incorrect and offensive sound given by some to this diphthong, particularly

in the Northern states, in cousequence of drawing the corners of the mouth back, and keeping the teeth too close, while pronouncing it; it may be called a flat, nasal sound: in song it is worse than in speech. It may be represented as follows-keou, neou, peour, deoun, keounty, sheower, &c. Good natured, laughing people, living in cold climates, where they wish to keep the mouth nearly closed, when talking, are often guilty of this vulFarity. It may be avoided by opening the mouth wide, projecting the under jaw and making the sound deep in the throat.

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Anecdote, Woman as she should be. young woman went into a public library, in a certain town, and asked for "Man as he is." "That is out, Miss," said the librarian; "but we have 'Woman as she should be." She

took the book and the hint too. Where are the heroes of the ages past:


Where the brave chieftains-where the mighty

Who flourish'd in the infancy of days?
All to the grave gone down!-On their fall'n fame,
Exultant, mocking at the pride of man,
Sits grim Forgetfulness. The warrior's arm
Lies nerveless on the pillow of its shame :
Hush'd is his storm" voice, and quenched the blaze
Of his red eye-ball.

Varieties. 1. Is not the single fact, that the human mind has thought of another world, good proof that there is one? 2. Toleration-is good for all, or it is good for none. 3. He who swallows up the substance of the poor, will, in the end, find that it contains a bone, which will choke him. 4. The greatest share of happiness is enjoyed by those, who possess affluence, without su perfluity, and can command the comforts of life, without plunging into its luxuries. 5. Do not suppose that every thing is gold, which glitters; build not your hopes on a sandy into two great classes, agitators and the nonfoundation. 6. The world seems divided agitators: why should those, who are estab

lished on the immutable rock of truth, fear
of great price; for where there is no resist
agitation? 7. True humiliation-is a pearl
ance, or obstacle, there,-heaven, and its in-
fluences must enter, enlighten, teach, purify
create and support.

The only prison, th't enslaves the soul,
Is the dark habitation, where she dwells,
As in a noisome dungeon.

59. Reading-by vowel sounds only, is Proverbs. 1. A man is no better for liking analagous to singing by note, instead of by himself, if nobody else likes him. 2. A white word. This is an exceedingly interesting glove often conceals a dirty hand. 3. Better pass and important exercise: it is done, simply, at once, than to be always in danger. 4. Misunby omitting the consonants, and pronounc-derstandings-are often best prevented, by pen ing the vowels, the same as in their respective words First, ronounce one or more words, and then re-pronounce them, and leave off the consonants. The VOWELS constitute the ESSENCE of words, and the CONSONANTS give that material the proper FORM.

60 All the vowel sounds, thrice told,James Parr; Hall Mann; Eve Prest; Ike Sill; O'd Pool Forbs; Luke Munn Bull; Hoyle Prout-ate palms walnuts apples, peaches melons, ripe figs, cocoas goosberries hops, cucumbers prunes, and boiled sour-crout, to their entire satisfaction. Ale, ah, all, at; eel, ell; isle, ill; old, ooze, on; mute, up, full; oil, ounce. Now repeat all these vowel sounds consecutively,: A, A, A, A; E, E; I, I; 0, 0, 0; U, U, U; Oi. Ou.

61. Elocution-comprehends Expulsion of Sound, Articulation, Force, Time, Pronunciation, Accent, Pauses, Measure and Melody of Speech, Rhythm, Emphasis, the Eight Notes, Intonation, Pitch, Inflexions, Circumflexes. Cadences, Dynamics, Modulation, Style, the Passions, and Rhetorical Action. Reading and Speaking are inseparably connected with music; hence, every step taken in the former, according to this system, will advance one equally in the latter: for Music is but an elegant and refined species of Eloeution.

62. CERTAIN VOWELS TO BE PRONOUNCED SEPARATELY. In reading the following, be very deliberate, so as to shape the sounds perfectly, and give each syllable clearly and distinctly; and in all the ex-am-ples, here and elsewhere, make those sounds, that are objects of attention, very prominent. Ba-al, the o-ri-ent a-e-ro-naut and cham-pi-on of fier-y scor-pi-ons, took his a-e-ri-al flight into the ge-o-met-ri-cal em-py-re-an, and dropped a beau-ti-ful vi-o-let into the Ap-pi-i Forum, where they sung hy-me-ne-al re-quiems; Be-el-ze-bub vi-o-lent-ly rent the va-rie-ga-ted di-a-dem from his zo-o-log-i-cal crani-um, and placed it on the Eu-ro-pe-an geni-i, to me-li-o-rate their in-cho-ate i-de-a of cu-ring the pit-e-ous in-val-ids of Man-tu-a and Pom-pe-i, with the tri-en-ni-al pan-a-ce-a of no-ol-o-gy, or the lin-e-a-ment of a-ri-es. Notes. 1. The constituent diphthongal sounds of I are near. I 3d a, and Iste; those of u, approach to 2d e, and 2d o: those of oi, to 3d a, and 2d i: and those of ou to 3d o, and 24 o: make and analyze them, and observe the funnel shape of the lips, which change with the changing sounds in passing from the radicals to

their vanishes. 2. Preventives and curatives of incipient disease,

ay be found in these principles, positions and exercises.

Needs not the aid of fersign ornament ;
But is, when unadorned adorned the most.

and ink. 5. Knowledge is treasure, and memory is the treasury. 6. Crosses-are ladders, lead

ing to heaven. 7. Faint praise, is disparagement

8. Deliver me from a person, who can talk only hole may see what will ve him. 10. If shrewd on one subject. 9. He who peeps throgh a keymen play the fooi, they do it with a vengeance. 11. Physicians rarely take medicines. 12. Curses, like chickens, generally come home to roost.

was instigated to propose war against the Anecdote. A get-off. Henry the Fourth Protestants, by the importunity of his Parliament; whereupon, he declared that he would make every member a captain of a company in the army: the proposal was then unanimously negatived.

Contrasts. Our fair ladies laugh at the Chinese ladies, for depriving themselves of the use of their feet, by tight shoes and bandages, and whose character would be ruined in the estimation of their associates, if they were even suspected of being able to walk :—while they, by the more danger. ous and destructive habits of tight-lacing, destroy functions of the body far more im. portant, not only to themselves, but to their offspring; and whole troops of dundies, quite as taper-waisted, and almost as mus culine as their mothers, are the natural results of such a gross absurdity. If to be admired-is the motive of such a custom, it is a most paradoxical mode of accomplish. ing this end; for that which is destructive of health, must be more destructive of beau ty-that beauty, in a vain effort to preserve which, the victims of this fashion have devoted themselves to a joyless youth, and a premature decrepitude,

Varieties. 1. Is it best to divulge the truth to all, whatever may be their state of mind and life? 2. A good tale-is never the worse for being twice told. 3. Those who do not love any thing, rarely experience great enjoyments; those who do love, often suffer deep griefs. 4. The way to heaven is delightfui to those who love to walk in it; and the difficulties we meet with in endeavoring to keep it, do not spring from, the nature of the way, but from the state of the traveler. 5. He, who wishes nothing, will gain nothing. 6. It is good to know a great deal; but it is better to make a good use of what we do know. 7. Every day-brings forth something for the mind to be exercised on, either of a mental, or external character; and to be faithful in it, and acquit ourselves with the advantage derived thereby, is both wisdom and duty Whether he knew things, or no, His tongue eternally would go ; For he had impudence-at will.

Notes. 1. In Song, as well as in Speech, the Articulation Pitch, Force, and Time, must be attended to; i. e. in both arts, mas. ter the right form of the elements, the degree of elevation and de

pression of the voice, the kind and degree of loudness of sounds, found in speaking.

and their duration: there is nothing in singing that may not be

63. Elocution and Music being inseparable in their nature, every one, of common organization, whether aware of it, or not, uses all the elements of Music in his daily intercourse with society. When we call to one at a distance, we raise the voice to the Anecdote. Musical Pun. A young Mu upper pitches: when to one near by, we drop it to the lower pitches; and when at a sician, remarkable fc his modesty and sinmedium distance, we raise it to the middle cerity, on his first appearance before the pub pitches: that is, in the first case, the voice lic, finding that he could not give the trills, is on, or about the eighth note: in the sec-effectively, assured the audience, by way of ond, on, or about the first note: and in the apology, "that he trembled so, that he could last place, on, or about the third or fifth not shake. note. In commencing to read or speak in public, one should never commence above his fifth note, or below his third note: and, to ascertain on what particular pitch the lowest natural note of the voice is, pronounce the word awe, by prolonging it, without feeling; and to get the upper one, sound eel, strongly.

Proverbs. 1. A word-is enough to the wise.

2. It is easier to resist our bad passions at first, than afte indulgence. 3. Jokes-are bad coin to all but the jocular. 4. You may find your worst enemy, or best friend-in yourself. 5. Every one has his hobby. 6. Fools-have liberty to say what they please. 7. Give every one his dae. 64. Vocal Music. In the vowel sounds 8. He who wants content, cannot find it in an of our language, are involved all the ele-easy chair. 9. Ill-will never spoke well. 10. ments of music; hence, every one who Lawyer's gowns are lined with the wilfulness of wishes, can learn to sing. These eight their clients. 11. Hunger-is an excellent sauce. wowels, when naturally sounded, by a de- 12. I confide, and am at rest. veloped voice, will give the intonations of True Wisdom. All have the faculty the notes in the scale, as follows, com-given them of growing wise, but not equalmencing at the bottom. 1ste in eel, 8

C note 0-8-la-High.

lat i in Isle, 7


2do in ooze, 6

Half tone.
B note-
0-A note-


1st o in old, 5

ly wise by which faculty is not meant the ability to reason about truth and goodness from the sciences, and thus of confirming whatever any one pleases; but that of discerning what is true, choosing what is suitable, and applying it to the various uses of life. He is not the richest man, who is able to comprehend all about making money, and can count millions of dollars; but he, who 0-Gnote O-5-la-Medium. is in possession of millions, and makes a proper use of them.

4th a in at, 4 1st a in ale, 3


2d a in ar, 2

3d a in all, 1


F note

Half tone.

Tone. 0-D note



Varieties. 1. Does not life-beget life, and death-generate death? 2. The man, who is always complaining, and bewailing Enote 0-3-la-Medium. his misfortunes, not only feeds his own misery, but wearies and disgusts others. 3. We are apt to regulate our mode of livingmore by the example of others, than by the dictates of reason and common sense. Frequent recourse to artifice and cunningis a proof of a want of capacity, as well as of an illiberal mind. 5. Every one, who does not grow better, as he grows older, is a spendthrift of that time, which is more precious than gold. 6. Do what you know, and you will know what to do. 7. As is the reception of truths, such is the percep tion of them in all minds. 8. Do you see more than your brother? then be more humble and thankful; hurt not him with thy meat, and strong food: when a man, he will be as able to eat it as yourself, and, perhaps, more so.

0-C note 0-1-la-Low. 65. This Diatonic Scale of eight notes, (though there are but seven, the eighth being a repetition of the first,) comprehends five whole tones, and two semi, or half tones. An erect ladder, with seven rounds, is a good representation of it; it stands on the ground, or floor, which is the tonic, or first note; the first round is the second note, or supertonic; the second round is the third note, or mediant; the third round, is the fourth note, or subdominant; between which, and the second round, there is a semitone; the fourth round is the fifth note, or dominant; the fifth round is the sixth note, or submediant; the sixth round is the seventh note, or subtonic; and the seventh round is the eighth note, or octave.

Keep one consistent plan--from end to end.

Walk with thy fellow creatures: note the hush
And whisperings amongst them. Not a spring
Or leaf-but hath his morning hymn; each busk
And oak-doth know I AM. Canst thou not sing
O leave thy cares and follies! go this way,
And thou art sure to prosper-all the day.

66. The twenty-eight consonant | Proverbs. 1. Gentility, sent to market, will sounds. For the purpose of still farther not buy even a peck of corn. 2 He, that is developing and training the voice, and ear, warm, thinks others so. 3. A true friend-should for reading, speaking, and singing, a system- venture, sometimes, to be a little offensive. 4. It atic, and thorough practice, on the twenty- is easy to take a man's part; but the difficulty is eight consonants, is absolutely essential: in to maintain it. 5. Misfortunes-seldom ceme which exercises, it is of the first importance, alone. 6. Never quit certainty-for hope. 7. One to make the effort properly, and observe the beats the bush, and another-catches the bird. 8. Plough, or not plough,-you must pay your exact positions of the organs. These consonants are either single, double, or triple; till you find, and you will not lose your labor. rent. 9. Rome-was not built in a day. 10. Seek and some of them are vocal sounds, (sub-ton- 11. An oak-is not felled by one stroke. 12. A ics, or sub-vowels,) others, merely aspirates, breath sounds or atonics: let them be analy-display of courage—often causes real cowardice. zed and presented according to their natures, and uses.

Party Spirit. The spirit of party-unquestionably, has its source in some of the native passions of the heart; and free governments naturally furnish more of its ali ment, than those under which liberty of speech, and of the press is restrained, by the strong arm of power. But so naturally does

67. B has but one sound, which is its name sound: BA; baa, ball, bat; be, beg; bide, bid; bode, boon, boss; bute, buss, brute; boil,, bound; a rob-in imbibed blub-bers from a bob-bin, [B in BA.] and gob-bled for cab-bage; the rob-ber blab-party run into extremes; so unjust, cruel, bed bar-ba-rous-ly, and bam-boo-zled the tab-by na-bob; Ja-cob dab-bled in ribbons, and played hob-nob with a cob-ler; the bab-oon ba-by gab-bled its gib-ber-ish, and made a hub-bub for its bib and blackber-ries; the rab-ble's hob-by is, to browbeat the bram-ble bushes for bil-ber-ries, and bribe the boo-by of his bom-has-tic blackbird.

68. By obtaining correct ideas of the sounds of our letters, and their influences over each other; of the meaning and pronunciation of words, and their power over the understanding and will of man, when properly arranged into sentences, teeming with correct thought and genuine feeling, I may, with proper application and exercise, become a good reader, speaker, and writer. Notes. 1. To get the vocal sound of b, speak its name, be, and then make a strong effort to pronounce it again, compress ing the lips closely; and the moment you give the sound of be, when you get to e, stop, and you will have the right sound; or, pronounce ub, in the usual way, then, with the teeth shut, and the lips very close, prolonging the last sound; and, in both cases, let none of the sound of b, come into the mouth, or pass through the

nose. 2. It was in analyzing and practicing the sounds of the let

ters, and the different pitches and qualities of voice, that the author became acquainted with the principles of VENTRILOQUISM, (or vocal modulation, as it should be called,) which art is perfectly simple, and can be acquired and practiced by almost any one of common organization. Begin by swallowing the sound, suppressang and depressing it. 3. B is silent in delt, subt-le, doubt, lamb, nb, dumb, thumb, limb, crumb, subt-le-ty, suc-cumb, bdell-ium. Anecdote. A beautiful English countess said, that the most agreeable compliment she ever had paid her, was from a sailor in the street; who looked at her, as if fascinated, and exclaimed, "Bless me! let me light my pipe at your eyes."

We rise-in glory, as we sink—-in pride ;
Where boasting-ends, there dignity—begins.
The true, and only friend-is he,
Who, like the Arbor-vite true,
Will bear our image-on his heart.
Whatever is excellent, in art, proceeds
From labor and endurance.

and remorseless is it in its excess; so ruthless is the war which it wages against private character; so unscrupulous in the choice of means for the attainment of selfish ends; so sure is it, eventually, to dig the grave of those free institutions of which it pretends to be the necessary accompaniments; so inevitably does it end in military despotism, and unmitigated tyrany; that I do not know how the voice and influence of a good man could, with more propriety, be exerted, than in the effort to assuage its violence.

Varieties. 1. Are our ideas innate, or ac

quired? 2. The mind that is conscious of its own rectitude, disregards the lies of common report. 3. Some are very liberal, even to profuseness, when they can be so at the expense of others. 4. There are pure loves, else, there were no white lilies. 5. The glory of wealth and external beauty-is transitory; but virtue-is everlasting. 6. We soon acquire the habits and practices, of those we live with; hence the importance of associating with the best company, and of carefully avoiding such as may corrupt and debase us. The present state is totally different from what men suppose, and make, of it; the reason of our existence-is our growth in the life of heaven; and all things are moved and conspire unto it; and great might be the produce, if we were faithful to the ordinances of heaven.

In eastern lands, they talk in flower's, And they tell, in a garland, their love and cares; Each blossom, th't blooms in their garden bow


On its leaves, a mystic language bears;

Then gather a wreath from the garden bowers,
And tell the wish of thy heart-in flowers.
Praise, from a friend, or censure, from a roB,
Is lost-on hearers th't our merits know.
As full as an egg is of meat.

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