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169. Enunciation-is the utterance and | combination of the elements of language, and the consequent formation of syllables, words, &c, as contradistinguished from the tones, and tuning of the voice, and all that belongs to the melody of speech. A perfect enunciation-consists in the accurate formation of the sounds of the letters, by right motions and positions of the organs, accompanied by a proper degree of energy, to impress those elements fully and distinctly on the ear; and the act of combining and linking those together, so as to form them into words, capable of being again combined into clauses and sentences, for the full conveyance of our ideas and determinations.

170. The second sound of th, is the vocal lisping: THAT; thou saidst the truths are thine, and the youths say they are theirs who walk therein; fath-er and moth-er bathe dai-ly, and their clothes and hearths are wor-thy [TH in THAT.] of them; broth-er says, where-with-al shall I smoothe the scythe, to cut the laths to stop the mouths of the moths with-out be-ing bothered? they gath-er wreaths be-neath the baths, and sheathe their swords with swath-ing bands, rather than make a blith-some pother 171. Jaw-breakers. Thou wreath'd'st and muzzl'd'st the far-fetch'd ox, and imprison'd'st him in the volcanic Mexican mountain of Pop-o-cat-a-petl in Co-ti-pax-i. Thou prob'd'st my rack'd ribs. Thou trif'd'st with his acts, that thou black'n'st and contaminated'st with his filch'd character. Thou lov'd'st the elves when thou heard'st and quick'n'd'st my heart's tuneful harps. Thou wagg'd'st thy prop'd up head, because thou thrust'd'st three hundred and thirty three thistles thro' the thick of that thumb,

that thou cur'd'st of the barb'd shafts.

Notes. 1. To make this diphthongal vocal sound, place the organs as in the preceding th, and then add the voice sound, which can be made only in the larynx. 2 The terms sharp and flat, as applied to sound, are not sufficiently definite; we might as well speak of square, round and dull sounds; at the same time it is often convenient to use such terms, in order to convey our ideas.

8. If you have imperfections of articulation, set apart an hour eve-
ry day for practice, in direct reference to your specific defects; and
so of every other fault; particularly, of rapid utterance: this can
be done either alone, or in company of those who can assist you.

Sky, mountains, rivers, winds, lakes, lightnings !-Ye,
With night, and clouds, and thunder, and a soul
To make these felt and feeling; the far roll

Of your departing voices-is the knell

Of what in me is sleepless-if I rest.

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Could I imbody and unbosom now

That which is most within me-could I wreak
My thoughts upon expression, and thus throw
Soul, heart, mind, passions, feelings strong or weak,
All that I would save sought, and all I seek,
Bear, know, feel, and yet breathe,-into one word,
And that one word were lightning, I would speak!--
But as it is-I live, and die, unheard,

Kh a most voiceless thought, sheathing it as a sword.

Proverbs. 1. A promise performed, is preferable to one made. 2. It will not always be summer. 3. Make hay, while the sun shines. 4. Cut your coat according to the cloth. 5. Pride costs us more than hunger, thirst, or cold. 6. Never spend your money before you have it. 7. Never trouble another, for what you can do yourself. 8. Slanderers are the Devil's bellows, to is a lecture to the wise. blow up contention. 9. The loquacity of fools10. Vows made in storms, are forgotten in calms. 11. We must form our characters for both worlds. 12. Progress-is the great law of our being.

A Puzzle. Here's a health to all those that we love; and a health to all those that love us; and a health to all them, that love those, that love them, that love them that love those that love us.

Anecdote. Half Mourning. A little girl, hearing her mother observe to another lady, that she was going into half mourning inquired, whether any of her relations were half dead?

What is Ours. It is not those, who ly rich; but they, who possess, and use them have riches in their possession, that are realaright, and thereby enjoy them. Is he a true christian, who has a Bible in his possession, but does not live by the Bible? Is he a genuine christian, who reads, but does not understand the word, and, from understanding, practice it? As well may one say, that they are rich, who have borrowed others in their possession. What do we money from others, or have the property of think of those, who go dressed in fine clothes, or ride in splendid carriages, while none of these things are their own property? Knowledges, or truths-stored up in the memory, are not ours, really and truly, unless we reduce them to practice: they are like hearsays of great travelers, of which nothing standing-does not make the man, but understanding and doing, or living accordingly. There must be an appropriation of know. ledge and truth-by the affections, in deeds, or they are of no avail: "Faith, without works, is dead:" the same principle applies to a society, and to a church.

more than the sound reaches us.


Varieties. 1. Burgoyne-surrendered, Oct. 17, 1777, and Cornwallis, Oct. 19, '81. 2. Happy is that people whose rulers-rule in the fear of God. 3. Remember the past, consider the present, and provide for the fu ture. 4. He, who marries for wealth, selle his happiness for half price. 5. The covet. ous person is always poor. 6. If you would avoid wants, attend to every thing below you, around you, within you, and above you. 7. All the works of natural creation, are exhibited to us, that we may know the nature of the spiritual, and eternal; all things speak, and are a language.

He was not born-to shame;

Upon his brow-shame-is ashamed to sit;
For 'tis a throne, where honor-may be crowneu
Sole monarch-of the universal earth.



172. The chief source of indistinctness is Proverbs. 1. Self-exaltation- is the fool's precipitancy; which arises from the bad paradise. 2. That, which is bitter to endure, may method of teaching to read: the child not be- be sweet to remember. 3. The fo.l-is busy in ing taught the true beauty and propriety of every one's business but his own. 4. We may reading, thinks all excellence consists in give advice, but we cannot give conduct. quickness and rapidity: to him the prize Where reason-rules, appetite — obeys. 6. You seems destined to the swift; for he sets out will never repent of being patient and sober. 7. at a gallop, and continues his speed to the Zeal, without knowledge, is like fire without light. end, regardless of how many letters, or sylla- Might-does not make right. 10. The greater bles, he omits by the way, or how many the man, the greater the crime. 11. No one lives words he runs together. "O reform it alto-for himself. 12. No one can tell how much he gether."


8. Law-makers, should not be law-breakers. 9.

can accomplish, till he tries.

Anecdote. Wine. Said a Rev. guest to a gentleman, with whom he was dining, and who was a temperance, man: "I always think a certain quantity of wine does no harm, after a good dinner." "O no sir," replied mine host; "it is the uncertain quantity that does the mischief.

173. Wh have one sound; WHALE; wherefore are whet-stones made of whirl-winds, and whip-lashes of whirl-pools? Why does that whimsical whis-tler whee-dle the whip-por-wills with Whi-lom the wheels whipped [WHin WHIP.] the whif-fle-tree, and whir-tle-ber-ries were white-washed for wheat; the whim-per-ing whi-ning whelp, which the whigs whi-tened on the wharf was whelmed into a whirl-portunity for the improvement of their minds. i-gig as a whim-wham for a wheel-barrow of whis-ky.

174. Causes of Hoarseness. Hoarseness, in speaking, is produced by the emission of more breath than is converted into sound; which may be perceived by whispering a few minutes. The reason, why the breath is not converted into sound, in thus speaking, is, that the thorax, (or lungs,) is principally used; an 1 when this is the case, there is always an expansion of the chest, and consequently, a lack of power to produce sounds in a natural manner: therefore, some of the breath, on its emission through the glottis, over the epiglottis, and through the back part of the mouth, chafes up their surfaces, producing a swelling of the muscles in those parts, and terminating in what is called


Notes. 1. This diphthongal aspirate may be easily made, by whispering the imaginary word whu, (u short,) prolonging it a little. 2. Since a diphthong is a double sound and a triphthong a triple sound, there is as much propriety in applying the term to consonants, as to vowels. 3. Let the pupil, in revising, point out all the Monothongs, Diphthongs, Triphthongs, and Polythongs. 4. Make and keep a list of all your deficiencies in speech and song, and false intonations; and never rest satisfied unless you can per. seive a progress towards perfection at every exercise, for all principles are immortal, and should be continually developing

and practice daily for suppressing them: especially, in articulation,


How sleep the brave, who sink to rest
With all their country's wishes blest!
When Spring, with dewy fingers cold,
Returns to deck their hallow'd mould,
She there shall dress a sweeter sod
Than Fancy's feet have ever trod :
By Fairy hands-their knell is rung,
By forms unseen-their dirge is sung;
There-Honor comes, a pilgrim gray,
To bless the turf, that wraps their clay;
And Freedom-shall a while repair
To dwell, a weeping hermit, there.

Winter Evenings. This seems provided, as if expressly for the purpose of furnishing those who labor, with ample op

The severity of the weather, and the shortness of the day, necessarily limit the proportion of time, which is devoted to out-door industry; and there is little to tempt us abroad-in search of amusement. Every thing seems to invite us to employ an hour or two-of this calm and quiet season, in the acquisition of useful knowledge, and the cultivation of the mind. The noise of life is hushed; the pavement ceases to resound with the din of laden wheels, and the tread of busy men; the glowing sun has gone down, and the moon and the stars are left to watch in the heavens, over the slumbers of the peaceful creation. The mind of man-should keep its vigils with them; and while his body-is reposing from the labors of the day, and his feelings are at rest from its excitements, he should seek, in some amusing and instructive page, substantial food-for the generous appetite for know ledge.

Varieties. 1. The poor may be content; and the contented are rich. 2. Hypocrisy desires to seem good, rather than to be good. 3. It is better to be beaten with few stripes, than with many stripes. 4. He who swears, in order to be believed, does not know how to counterfeit a man of truth. 5. Who was the greater monster, Nero, or Cataline? 6. Let nothing foul, or indecent, either to the eye, or ear, enter within the doors where children dwell. 7. We worship God best, and most acceptably, when we resemble him most in our minds, lives, and actions.

Home! how that blessed word-thrills the eari
In it-what recollections blend !

It tells of childhood's scenes sc dear,

And speaks-of many a cherished friend. O! through the world, where'er we roam, Though souls be pure-and lips be kind; The heart, with fondness, turns to home, Still turns to those-it left behind.

2. What soberness·

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175. The pupil, in Elocution and Music, Proverbs. 1. Truth-may be blamed, but is strongly urged to attend to the right and never shamed. conceals, the wrong method of producing the sounds drunkenness-reveals. 3. Be you ever so high, of our letters, as well as in enunciating the law is above you. 4 A mob-has many heads, words. By all means, make the effort entire- but no brains. 5. A poor man's debt makes a -are always medly below the diaphragm, while the chest is great noise. 6. Busy-bodies never the whiter, for comparatively quiescent; and, as you value dling. 7. Crows - are health and life, and good natural speaking, washing themselves. 8. Good words-cost noavoid the cruel practice of exploding the thing, and are worth much. 9. He, who pays well, is master of every-body's purse. 10. Our Bounds, by whomsoever taught or recom- knowledge—is as the rivulet; our ignorance-as mended. The author's long experience, and the sea. 11. Consider well, before you promise. practice, with his sense of duty, justify this 12. Dare to do right. protest against that unnatural manner of coughing out the sounds, as it is called. Nine-tenths of his hundreds of pupils, whom he has cured of the Bronchitis, have induced the disease by this exploding process, which ought itself to be exploded.

Anecdote. Candor. A clergyman-once preached, during the whole of Lent, in a parish, where he was never invited to dine, and, in his farewell sermon, he said to his hearers, "I have preached against every vice, except good living; which, I believe, is not to be found among you; and, thereforc, needed not my reproach."

must and will-find a livelihood; nor has Society owes All a Living. Every one society the choice, whether or not to provide for its members: for if an individual is not put in a way to earn a living, he will seek it by unlawful means: if he is not educated

176. The 44 sounds of our Language, in their alphabetical order. A 4; Ale, are, all, at: B 1; bribe: C 4; cent, clock, suffice, ocean: D 2; did, fac'd: E 2; eel, ell: F 2; fife, of: G 3; gem, go, rouge: H 1; hope: 1 2; isle, ill: J 1; judge: K 1; kirk: L 1; lily: M 1; mum: N 2; nun, bank: 0 3; old, ooze, on: P1; pipe: Q1; queen: R 2; arm, rough: S4; so, is, sure, treasury: T2; pit, nation: U 3; mute, up, full: V1; vivud : W 2; wall, bow: X 3; flax, exist, beaux: Y 3, youth, rhyme, hymn: Z 2; zigzag, azure: Ch 3: church, chaise, chasm: Gh 3; laugh, ghost, lough: Ph 2; sphere, nephew: Th 2; thin, that: Wh 1; whale: Oi 1; oil: Ou 1; sound: the duplicates, or those hav-sistance. While, then, it has the powering the same sound, are printed in italics.

177. "Bowels of compassion, and loins of the mind." In the light of the principles

here unfolded, these words are full of mean

ing. All the strong affections of the human mind, are manifested thro' the dorsal and abdominal region. Let any one look at a boy, when he bids defiance to another boy, and challenges him to combat: "Come on, I am ready for you:" and at the soldier, with his loins girded for battle: also, observe the effect of strong emotions on yourself, on your body, and where; and you will be able to see the propriety of these words, and the world of meaning they contain. If we were pure minded, we should find the proper study of physiology to be the direct natural road to the mind, and to the presero of the DEITY.

Notes. 1. Make these 44 sounds, which constitute our vocal alphabet, as familiar to the ear, as the shapes of our 26

letters are to the eye; and remember, that success depends on

tour mastery of them; they are the a, b, c, of spoken language;

nd the effort to make them has a most beneficial effect on the

Lealth and voice. 2. Keep up the proper use of the whole body, and you need not fear sickness. 3. The only solid foundation for elocution is, a perfect knowledge of the number and nature of these 44 ample elements: error here will carry a taint throughout.


Stands like the sun, and all, which rolls around,
Orinks life, and light, and glory-from her aspect.

to lead a sober and industrious life, he will lead a life of dissipation; and if society refuse to take care of him, in his minority, he will force it to notice him—as an object of giving a livelihood to all, whom providence self-defence. has placed in its bosom; nor help devoting time and expense to them; for they are by birth, or circumstances, dependent on its as

Thus, society cannot avoid

to make every one-available as an honest, industrious and useful citizen, would it not be the best policy, (to say nothing of prin ciples,) to do so; and attach all to society, by ties of gratitude, rather than put them in a condition to become enemies; a condition in which it will be necessary to punish them

for an alienation, which is the natural consequence of destitution. Schools, founded on true christian principles, would, in the end, be much cheaper, and better-than to support cur criminal code, by the prosecu tions, incident to that state, in which many come up, instead of being brought up; and the consequent expenses attending our houses of correction, penitentiaries, &c. (of which many seem to be proud,) on the score of public justice, but of which, on the score of christian love, we have reason to be deeply ashamed.

Varieties. 1. Will not our souls-continue in being forever? 2. He is not so good as he should be, who does not strive to be better than he is. 3. Genius-is a plant, whose growth you cannot stop, without destroying it. 4. In doing nothing we learn to do ill. 5. Neither wealth, nor power, can confer happiness. 6. In heaven, (we have reason to believe,) no one considers anything as good, unless others partake of it. 7. Nothing is ours, until we give it away. I doers--are ill thinkers.

178. Orthography or Right Spelling. As Proverbs. 1. As we act towards others, we 2. A good we have two kinds of language, written and may expect others to act towards us. spoken, so, there are two modes of spelling; orator is pointed, and vehement. 3. Idleness-is one addressed to the eye, and exhibited by the rust of the mind, and the blight of genius. 4. naming the letters; the other addressed to Assist yourself, and heaven will assist you. 5. the ear, and spelled by giving the sounds, We should estimate man's character, by his goodwhich the letters represent: the former meth-ness; not by his wealth. 6. Knowledge—is as essential to the mind, as food is to the body. 7. A ed, which is the common one, tends to the predominant use of the throat, and lungs, and is good word is as soon said, as an ill one. 8. No one of the fruitful sources of consumption; the latter, which is the new one, serves to keep up the natural use of the appropriate muscles, and tends to prevent, as well as cure, dyspepsia, liver and lung complaints, and diseases of the throat.

temptation of emolument, can induce an honest man to do wrong. 9. Virtue-is the best, and safest helmet we can wear. 10. Against the fickleness of fortune, oppose a bold heart. 11. Never profess-what you do not practice. 12. Treat every one with kindness.

Anecdote. Keeping Time-from Eter. nity. Chief Justice Parsons, of Massachu setts, having been shown a watch, that was looked on as well worthy of notice, as it had saved a man's life, in a duel, remarked,— It is, indeed, a very astonishing watch, that has kept time—from eternity.


179. Classification of the Consonants. The first natural division of the consonants Is into Vocal and Aspirate. Of the Vocal there are, as they stand in the alphabet, and their combinations, twenty-six; but deducting the duplicates, there are but seventeen; viz: b, as in bib; c, as in suffice; d, as in The Difference. Why is it, that many lead, f, as in of; g, as in gem, go, rouge; have the reading of the Bible, as well as professors of religion are so reluctant, to l, as in ill; m, as in me; n, as in none, bank; speaking and singing, conducted in a corr, as in err, pride; w, as in wo; x, as in er-rect and proper manner? Should not the ist; y, as in yet; and th as in this; all of which should be given separately, as well as combined, and their differences observed.

greatest and most glorious truths-be delivered in an appropriate style? Do they think to exalt religious truth, in the eyes of 180. After the pupil has become familiar the well-informed, by communicating it is with reading by vowel sounds and spelling, a way that is not only repulsive to correc as above recommended, let him be exercised taste, but slovenly, and absolutely wrong i in reading by the vowel and consonant Is it calculated to recommend devotional ex ercises to their consideration, by offering up sounds: i. e. by giving a perfect analysis of all the sounds, found in any of the words prayer in a language and manner, unbecom ing man when addressing man; and per of the sentence before him; which involves forming the singing, regardless of prope every thing relating to sounds, whether sin- time and tune? Will they present their of gle, double, or triple; and to articulation, ferings in a maimed, halt and blind manner accent, pronunciation, and emphasis. No upon the altar of religion; while they have one should wish to be excused from these it in their power, to provide a way in ac very useful and important exercises; for they cordance with the subject and object of their are direrctly calculated to improve the voice, devotion? Is it well-to despise a good the ear, and the manner, while they impart style and manner-of elocution and music, that kind of knowledge of this subject, which because we have not the ability, and are too indolent to labor for it, to do justice to ourwill be felt to be power, and give one confi-selves and others? What course does true

dence in his own abilities.

Notes. 1. It is not a little amusing and instructive too, to examine the great variety of names, used by different authors, to wesignate the sounds of our letters, their classifications, &c. against which the charge of simplicity cannot be brought: in every thing, let us guard against learned and unlearned ignorance. 2. There are those, who ought, from their position before the world, to be standard authorities in the pronunciation of letters and words, and in general delivery; but, unfortunately, on account of their sad defects and inaccuracies, in all those particulars, they constitute a court of Errors, instead of Appeal: consequently, we must throw our. selves upon the first principles and our own resources; using, how. ever, such true lights as a kind Providence has vouchsafed us for

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wisdom dictate?


Varieties. 1. Men-will never feel like
-think, like men.
women, nor women-
In too eager disputation, the truth is often
lost sight of. 3. Woman-is not degraded,
but elevated, by an earnest, daily applica-
tion-to her domestic concerns. 4. How
wretched is his condition, who depends for
his daily support, on the hospitality of others.
5. An evil-speaker differs from an evil-
doer, only in opportunity. 6. The use of
hnowledge is to communicate to others, that
they may be the better for it. 7. They who
deny a God, either in theory, or practice, de
stroy man's nobility.

Till youth's delirious dream is o'er,
Sanguine with hope, we look before,
The future good to find;

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come to the facts. 6. Great things-cannot be accomplished without proper means. 7. We reap the consequences of our actions-both here, and

181. Orthography, being to the Elocution- Proverbs. 1. Estimate persons more by ist, especially, a subject of incalcual le im- their hearts, than by their heads. 2. A people portance, it is presumed a few observations, who have no amusements, have no manners. 3. illustrated by examples, will not be out of All are not saints, who go to church; all is not place. The author introduces an entirely gold that glitters. 4. Advice is soldom welcome; new mode of learning the letters, by the use those who need it most, generally like it least. of sounds, before the characters are exhib-5. Do not spend your words to no purpose; but ited; also, a new way of spelling, in which the words are spelt by giving the different sounds of the letters, instead of their names: anl fimally, a new method of teaching children to read, by dictation; instead of by the book: i. e. to read without a book, the same as we all learn to speak our mother tongue; and afterwards, with a book: thus making the book talk just as we should, when speaking on the same subject.

hereafter. 8. God gives to all, the power of becoming what they ought to be. 9. Infringe on no one's rights. 10. If we are determined to succeed, we shall succeed. 11. Better do well, than say well. 12. Better be happy than rich.

Anecdote. If men would confine their conversation to such subjects as they understand, how much better it would be for both 182. Aspirates. There are, according to speaker and hearer. Hally, the great matheir representatives, 21 aspirate, or breath thematician, dabbled not a little in infidelity; sounds: ornitting the duplicates, (or letters he was rather too fond of introducing this having the same sound,) there are only elev- subject in his social intercourse; and once, en; viz: c, as in cent, clock, ocean; d, as in when he had descanted somewhat freely on fac'd; f, as in fife; h, as in hoe; p, as in pipe; it, in the presence of his friend, Sir Isaac x, as in mix, ch, as in church; th, as in thin; Newton, the latter cut him short with this and wh, as in where whence it appears, by Hally, with the greatest deference, when observation. "I always attend to you, Dr. actual analysis, that we have sixteen vowel you do us the honor to converse on astrosounds, and tiventy-eight consonant sounds;nomy, or the mathematics; because. these making in all FORTY-FOUR; Some authors, however, give only thirty-eight.

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are subjects that you have industriously investigated, and which you well understand : but religion-is a subject on which I hear you with great pain; for this is a subject which you have not seriously examined, and do not understand; you despise it, because you have not studied it; and you will not study it, because you despise it.

183. The common mode of teaching all three, is no better policy, (setting every thing else aside,) than to go from America to China to get to England: in other words, perfectly ridiculous: and were we not so much accustomed to this unnatural and dementing process, we should consider it one of the most self-evident humbugs, not of the age only, but of the world. Examples of the old mode: p, (pe,) h, (aytch,) i, (eye,) 8, (ess,) TIS, i, (eye,) c, (see,) k, (kay,) ICK, TISICK; fifteen sounds: of the new; t,i, z, tis, i, k, ik, tis-ik; giving nothing but the five sounds the old g, (je,) e, (e,) w, (doubleyou,) GU, g, (je,) a, (a,) w, (doubleyou,) GAW, GEW-truth. GAW; eighteen sounds, and not one sound in spelling is found in the word after it is spelt: the new mode; g, u,g, aw, GEW-GAW, giving only the four sounds of the letters, in

stead of their names.

Notes. 1. We never can succeed in accomplishing one half of the glorious purposes of language, so long as we apply ourselves to what is written, and neglect what is spoken. 2. A new field presents itself; and when we shall have entered it, in the mght place and manner, a new era will dawn upon us, leading us more to the cultivation of the living language and the living voice: the compass and harmony of the best instrument can never be perreived, by touching the keys at random, or playing a few simple

bunes upon it, learned by the ear.

When sailing-on this troubled sea
Of pain, and tears, and agony;
Though wildly roar the waves around,
With restless and repeated sound,
"Tis sweet-to think, that on our eyes,
A loveliar clime-shall yet arise;
That we shI wake-from sorrow's dream,
Beside a pus and living stream.

Laconics. In the scale of pleasure, the ceeded by the more enlarged views and gay lowest are sensual delights, which are sucthese give way to the sublimer pleasures of portraitures of a lively imagination; and reason, which discover the causes and designs, the form, connection, and symmetry of things, and fill the mind with the contemplation of intellectual beauty, order, and

Varieties. 1. The greatest learning-is to be seen in the greatest simplicity. 2 Prefer the happiness and independence of a private station, to the trouble and vexation of a public one. 3. It is very foolish-for any one, to suppose, that he excels all others -in understanding. 4. Never take the humble, nor the proud, at their own valuation; the estimate of the former-is too little, and that of the latter-too much. 5. Every order of good-is found by an order of truth, agreeing with it. 6. As there is much to enjoy in the world, so is there much to endure; and wise are they, who enjoy gratefully, and endure patiently. 7. What is the meaning of the expression, in the first chapter of Genesis,- Let us make mar in our image, and after our likeness?"

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All farewells-should be sudden, when forever.
Else, they make an eternity-of moments,--
And clog the last-sad sands of life-with tears

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