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184. In teaching spelling to children, exercise them on the forty-four sounds of the letters; then in speaking in concert, after the preceptor, and also individually, interspersing the exercises with analyzing words, by giving the various sounds of which they are composed. At first, let them give each sound in a syllable by itself, (after you;) then let them give all the sounds in a syllable before pronouncing it; and finally, let them give all the sounds in a word, and then pronounce it: thus, there are three modes of spelling by ear; easy, difficult, and more difcult. Those, however, taught in the old way, must expect that their younger pupils, especially, will soon get ahead of them; unless they apply themselves very closely to their work.

then their shapes, and names, together with their uses; the ma predominating; and then there will be ease, grace, and power course should be pursued in teaching music, the ear, alway combined.

Proverbs. 1. Virtue-grows under every weight imposed on it. 2. He, who envies the lot of another, must be discontented with his own. 3. When fortune fails us, the supposed friends of our prosperous days-vanish. 4. The love of ruling-is the most powerful affection of the human mind. 5. A quarrelsome man-must expect many wounds. 6. Many condemn, what they do not understand. 7. Property, dishonestly acquired, seldom descends to the third generation. 3. He, who has well begun, has half dens his task. 9. The difference between hypocrisy and sincerity-is infinite. 10. When our attention is directed to two objects, we rarely succeed in either. 11. Recompence every one for his labor. 12. Zealously pursue the right path.

Anecdote. Patience. The priest of a certain village, observing a man, (who had just lost his wife,) very much oppressed he must have Pa with grief, told him,tience ," whereupon, the mourner replied, "I have been trying her sir, but she will not consent to have me.'

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185. The second division of the Consonants is into SIMPLE, and COMPOUND; or single and double: of the former, there are twenty, including the duplicates: viz: c, in city; c, cab; d, do; d, pip'd; f, fifty; g, gull; h, hope; k, make; l, bill; m, mile; n, no; p, pop; q, quote; r, corn; s, see; t, The range of knowledge-is divided tune; ch, chyle; gh, tough; gh, ghastly; into three classes, corresponding to the scien and ph, epha: omitting the duplicate repre-tific, rational and affectuous faculties of man. sentatives, there are but eleven; viz: c, (cy- The first, is knowledge of the outward press;) c, (ac-me;) d, (day;) d, (tripp'd;) creation,-involving every thing material, f, (foe;) g, (give;) l, (lay;) m, (mote;)-all that is addresscd to our five senses; n, (nine;) p, (passed;) r, (more :) com- the second, is knowledge of human existpare, and see.

186. Origin of Language. Plato says, that language-is of Divine institution; that human reason, from a defect in the knowledge of natures and qualities, which are indicated by names, could not determine the cog-nom-i-na of things. He also maintains, that names are the vehicles of substances: that a fixed analogy, or correspondence, exists between the name and thing; that language, therefore, is not arbitrary in its origin, but fixed by the laws of analogy; and that God alone, who knows the nature of things, originally imposed names, strictly expressive of their qualities. Zeno, Cle-anthes, Chry-sip-pus, and others, were of the same opinion.

Notes. 1. This work is not designed to exnibit the whole subject of Oratory; which is as boundless and profound as are the

thoughts and feelings of the human mind; but to present in a plain

ences, as it respects man's spiritual, or m
mortal nature and the third, knowledge of
the Divine Being, including his nature, and
laws, and their modes of operation. There
is a certain point where matter ends, and
spirit-begins: i. e. a boundary, where they
come in contact, where spirit-operates on
matter: there is a state, where finite spirit.
uat existences-receive life and light-from
the Infinite, who is the Lord of all; that

"That warms in the sun; refreshes-in the breeze;
Glows-in the stars; and blossoms-in the trees."

The omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
Being, that

"Lives-through all life, extends thro' all extent,

Whose body nature is,and God-the soul." Varieties. 1. Are monopolies-consist often makes the most clever persons act ent with republican institutions? 2. Love like fools, and the most foolish, act like wise

and familiar form, the essentials of this God-like art; in the hopes ones.

ling the following words, by the names of the letters, and those

3. Patience is the surest remedy of being useful in this day and generation. In the course of anoth- against calumny time, sooner or later, will er twelve years, there may be a nearer approach to truth and na- disclose the truth. 4. The fickleness of ere. 2. Observe the difference between the sounds, heard in spel-fortune-is felt all over the world. 5. It is sounds, heard in the words after being spelt: a,-g,-e; if the easy to criticise the productions of art, tho' sounds heard in calling the letters by name, are pronounced, the it is difficult to make them. 6. Do not deword is ay-je-ee; i,-s, in like manner, spell eye-ess; c,-o,-,-n, spell, see o-ar-en; 00,-2,-e, spell doub-le-o-ze-ee; a,-1,-m-,-s, spell, a-el-em-ess; 0,-n, spell-ow-en; &c. 3. The common arrange ment of words in columns, without meaning, seems at variance with common sense; but this mode is perfectly mathematical, as well as philosophical, and of course, in accordance with nature, science, and the structure of mind. 4. The proper formation of words, out of letters, or sounds, is word-making. 5. Abcdari-ans should first be taught the sounds of letters, and then their uses, and

fer till to-morrow, what ought to be done to-day. 7. The precepts and truths of the word of God,-are the very laws of divine order; and so far as our minds are receptive of them, we are so far in the divine order, and the divine order in us, if in a life agree ing with them.

Guard well thy thoughts;-our thoughts are hear' in 'onvers

187. The method, here recommended, of | that a, in far, is the original element of all giving the sounds, of spelling, and of teach- the vowel and vocal consonant sounds, and ing children to read uithout a book, and then the aspirate h, is the original element, out with a book, will save three-fourths of the la- which all the aspirate consonant sounds are bor of both teacher and pupil; and, in addi-made, as well as the vocal sounds; thus, that tion to these important considerations, there which the letter h represents, seems to inwill be an immense amount of time and ex- volve something of infinity in variety, so pense saved, and the young prevented from far as sounds, and their corresponding affeccontracting the common bad habits of read-tions are concerned; for breath—is air: and ing unnaturally; which not only obstructs the proper development of body and mind, but sows the seeds of sickness and premature death. Our motto should be, "cease to do evil, and learn to do well."

without air, there can be no sound. Why was the letter h, added to the names of Abram and Sarai?

Proverbs. 1. He, who reckons without his host, must reckon again. 2. When we despise 3. danger, it often overtakes us the sooner. They, who cross the ocean, may change climate,

but their minds are still the same. 4. The corduces the worst. 5. We must not judge of persons ruption, or perversion of the best things - proby their clothing, or by the sanctity of their appearance. 6. If we indulge our passions, they will daily become more violent. 7. Light griefmay find utterance; but deeper sorrow can find none. 8. The difference is great-between words and deeds. 9. Poverty - wants many things; avarice-every thing. 10. Let us avoid having too many irons in the fire. 11. Faithfully perform every duty, small and great. 12. Govern your thoughts, when alone, and your tongue, when in company. 13. Ill got,-ill spent.

188. Modes of Spelling. In the old, or common mode of spelling, there are many more sounds introduced, than the words contain: this always perplexes new beginners, whose ear has had much more practice, in reference to language, than their eye. The great difficulty seems to be-to dispose of the parts, which amount to more than the whole for, in philosophy, it is an acknowledged principle, that the parts-are only equal to the whole. Hence, spelling by sounds of letters, instead of by names is vastly preferable: the former being perfectly philosophical, involving orderly, analysis and synthesis, and it is also mathematical, because the partsare just equal to the whole: while the latter mode is the very reverse of all this; and in-eral young physicians were conversing, in stead of aiding, essentially, in the development of body and mind, tends directly to prevent both.

Anecdote. Finishing our Studies, Sev

mine while I live."

the hearing of Dr. Rush, and one of them observed, When I have finished my stu, dies," "When you have finished your studies!" said the doctor, abruptly; "why, 189. Of the compound, or diphthongal and you must be a happy man, to have finished triphthongal consonants, we have twenty-them so young: I do not expect to finish three; viz: c, (z,) discern; c, (sh,) social; f, (v,) thereof; g, (dg,) gibe; g, (zh,) badinage; j, (dg,) judge; n, (ng,) bank; r, (burr'd,) trill; s, (z,) was ; s, (sh,) sure; s, (zh,) leisure; t, (sh,) rațional; v, vivacity; w, wist; x, (ks,) ox; x, (z,) Xenia; y, youth; z, zigzag; ch, Atch,) such; ch, (sh,) chagrin; ph, (v,) nephew; th, thick; th, tho'; wh, why: deducting the duplicates, we have but twelve; c, (z,) c, (sh,) ƒ, (v,) g, (zh,) n, (ng,) r, (trill'd,) x, (ks,) x, (gz,) ch, (tch,) th, (think,) th, (that,) and wh, (when:) let them be exemplified.

190. It has previously been remarked, that, strictly speaking, a, in far, is the only natural vowel sound in our language; and that the other fifteen are modifications of it; also, that on the same principle, the aspirate, or breath sound, heard in pronouncing the sound of h, (huh, in a whisper,) is the material, out of which all sounds are made; for it is by condensing the breath, in the larynx, through the agency of the vocal chords, that the voice sound, of grave a is made; and, by the peculiar modification, at certain points of interception, that any aspirate consonant sound is produced; hence, it may be said,

Laconics. The kindnesses, which most men receive from others, are like traces drawn in the sand. The breath of every passion sweeps them away, and they are remembered no more. inscriptions on monuments of brass, or pilBut injuries are like lars of marble, which endure, unimpaired, the revolutions of time.

Varieties. 1. We rarely regret having spoken too little; but often-of saying too much. 2. Which is the more extensively useful,-fire, or water? 3. A speaker, who expresses himself with fluency and discre tion, will always have attentive lieners. 4. The spirit of party, sometimes leads even the greatest men-to descend to the meanness of the vulgar. 5. Without virtue, hap6. When we are convinced that our opinions piness- -can never be real, or permanent. ledge it, and exchange them for truths. 7. are erroneous, it is always right to acknow Every love-contains its own truth. Serve God before the world! let him not ge Until thou hast a blessing; then, resign The whole unto him, and remember who Prevailed by wrestling-ere the sun did shine Pour oil upon the stones, weep for thy sin, Then journey on, and have an eye to heaven.

191. Here a new field is open for the classification of our letters, involving the structure of all languages, and presenting us with an infinite variety, terminating in unity,-all languages being merely dialects of the original one; but in this work, nothing more is attempted, than an abridgment of the subject. As every effect must have an adequate cause, and as in material things, such as we see, hear, taste, smell, and feel, there can be no primary, but only secondary causes, we must look to the mind for the feelings and thoughts, that have given rise to all the peculiarities and modifications of language; being assured, that in the original language, each state of the will and the understanding, had its external sign, as a medium of manifestation.

Proverbs. 1. Do as much good as you can and make but little noise about it. 2. The Bible. is a book of laws, to show us what is right, and what is wrong. 3. What maintains one vice, would bring up two children. 4. A little wrong done to another, is a great wrong done to our selves. 5. Sermons-should be steeped in the heart-before they are delivered. 6. A life of attractive industry is always a happy one. 7. Drive your business before you, and it will ge easily. 8. Good fences·

make good neighbors. 9. Pride wishes not to owe; self-love-wishes not to pay. 10. The rotten apple injures its companion. 11. Make a virtue of necessity. 12. Youcan't make an auger hole with a gimblet.

Anecdote Mathematical Honor. A stu dent-of a certain college, gave his fellow student the lie; and a challenge followed. The mathematical tutor-heard of the diffi.



192. Uses of Spelling. The object of spel-culty, and sent for the young man that gave ling, in the manner here recommended, is the challenge, who insisted, that he must Why," said two-fold; to spell by sound, in order to be fight-to shield his honor. the tutor? Pecause he gave me the lie.' able to distinguish the sounds, of which Very well; let him prove it: if he prove words are composed, and to pronounce it,-you did lie; but if he does not prove it, them correctly: thus developing and train-then he lies, Why should you shoot one ing the voice and ear to the highest pitch another? Will that make a lie-any more of perfection. The use of spelling by the honorable?" names of letters is, to make us acquainted with them, and the order in which they are placed in the words, so as to be able, not only to read, but to write the language: hence, we must become acquainted with both our spoken and written language, if we would avail ourselves of their wonderful capabilities, and the treasures of which they are possessed.

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CICERO says, the poet-is born such; the orator is made such. But reading books of rhetoric, and eloquent extracts-choice morsels of poetry and eloquence will never make one an orator: these are only the efThe cause of eloquence fects of oratory. is to be sought for, only in the depths of the human mind-the true philosophy of man, and the practice of unadulterated goodness and truth. You must feel rightly, think wisely, and act accordingly: then gracefulness of style and eloquence will fit you; otherwise, you will be like the ass, clothed with the lion's skin. Accomplishment should not be Seek, then, for the an end, but a means.

193. In partially applying this doctrine, we may say, B, (bib,) represents a gutteral labial sound; 1st. c, (cent,) a dental aspirate: 2d. c, (clock,) a gulteral aspirate: 3d. e, (sacrifice,) a dental vocal consonant: 4th. c, (ocean,) a dental aspirate: 1st f, (if) a sub-philosophy of oratory, where it is to be found, in the study of geometry, language, physics, labial and super-dental aspirate: 2d f, (of,) a theology, and the human mind profound, if sub-labial super-dental, vocal: 1st g, (gem,) you would attain that suavity of graceful a posterior lingual dental vocal, terminating periods, engaging looks and gestures, which in an aspirate; 2d g, (go,) a glottal vocal steal from men their hearts, and reason, and consonant: 3d g, (rouge,) a vocal dental as- make them, for the time being, your willing pirate: h, a pure aspirate, with open mouth captives. and throat; l, a lingual dental; and so on to Varieties. 1. Is there any line of de the end of our sounds, of analysis and syn-marcation between temperance and intemthesis, of which a volume might be written; perance? 2. We rarely repent-of eating and although the writer has practiced on too little; but often-of eating too much. them many thousands of times, he never has 3. Truth-is clothed in white; but a liecomes forth in all the colors of a rainbow. done it once, without learning something


Notes. 1. Don't forget to understand and master every thing that reates to the subject of study and practice: the only royal highway to truth is the straight way. 2. Become as familiar with the sounds of our language as you are with the alphabet. 3. As you proceed, acquire more ease and grace in reading and speaking.

An honest man-is still an unmoved rock,
Wash'd whiter, but not shaken-with the shock;

Whose heart-conceives no sinister device;
Fearless--he plays with flames, and treads on ice.

4. St. Augustin says, "Love God; and then
do what you wish." 5. We must not do
evil, that good may come of it; the means—
must answer, and correspond to the end.
6. Assumed qualities-may catch the fancy
of some, but we must possess those that are
good, to fix the heart. 7. When a thing is
doubtful, refer it to the Word in sincerity;
it is not clear to you, let it alone, for the pre
sent, at least, till it is made so.

Mind, not money-makes the man,

194. Accent--means either stress, or 196. Some persons may wish for more quantity of voice, on a certain letter, or let-specific directions, as to the method of bringters in a word: it is made by concentrating ing the lower muscles into use, for producing the voice, on that particular place in the sounds, and breathing: the following will word, heavy, at first, then gliding into silence. suffice. Take the proper position, as above There are Two ways of making it; first, recommended, and place the hands on the by STRESS, when it occurs on short vowels, hips, with the thumbs on the small of the as, ink-stand: secondly, by QUANTITY, when back, and the fingers on the abdominal musit occurs on long ones; as, o-ver: i. e. when cles before; grasp them tightly; i. e. try to the word is short, we pronounce it with press in the abdomen, and, at the same time, FORCE; and when it is long, with QUANTI- to burst off the hands, by an internal effort, TY, and a little force too: thus, what we lack in the use of the muscles to produce the vowm length of sound, we make up by stress, or el sounds of the following words, at, et, it, ot, force, according to circumstances. These en-ut; then leave off the t, giving the vowels gravings present to the eye an idea of accent the same sound as before: or imagine that by stress, or a concentration of voice, with you have a belt tied around you, just above more or less abruptness. the hip bones, and make such an effort as would be required to burst it off; do the same in breathing, persevere, and you will succeed: but do not make too much effort.

Proverbs. 1. A man under the influence of anger is beside himself. 2. Poverty, with

The first-indicates that the accented vowel is near the beginning of the word; as in ac-cent, em-pha-sis, in-dus-try, on-ward, upward the second, that it is at, or near the end: as in ap-pre-hend, su-per-in-tend, in-di-honesty, is preferable to riches, acquired by disvis-i-bil-i-ty. In music, the first represents the diminish; the second-the swell of the voice.

honest means. 3. The wolf casts his hair, but never changes his ferocious disposition. 4. To wicked persons-the virtue of others-is always a subject of envy. 5. Flies-cannot enter a mouth that is shut. 6. No plea of expediency-should reconcile us to the commission of a base act. 7. Power, unjustly obtained, is of short duration. 8. Every mad-man-believes all other men mad. 9. The avaricious man-is kind to none; but least

kind to himself. 10. The beginning of knowledge

is the fear of God. 11. Of all poverty, that of the mind-is the most deplorable. 12. He only is powerful, who governs himself.

195. The first use of accent-is to convert letters, or syllables-into words, expressive of our ideas; i. e. to fasten the letters together, so as to make a word-medium for marifesting our feelings and thoughts: and the second use is to aid us in acquiring a distinct articulation, and melody of speech, and song. Exs. 1. ACCENT BY STRESS OF VOICE. He am-pli-fies his ad-ver-tise-ment, di-min-ish-es its im-pe-tus, and op-e-rates on Varieties. 1. What was it-that made the ul-ti-mates. 2. The ac-cu-ra-cy of the man miserable, and what-alone can make cer-e-mo-ny is fig-u-ra-tive of the com-pe- him happy? 2. Diffidence-is the mother of ten-cy of his up-right-ness: 3. The cat-e-safety; while self-confidence--often involves pil-lar for-gets the no-bil-i-ty of or-a-to-ry us in serious difficulties. 3. He is not rich, un-just-ly; 4. The math-e-mat-ics are su- who has much, but he who has enough, and per-in-tend-ed with af-fa-bil-i-ty, cor-res- is contented. 4. It is absurd-for parents to pond-ent to in-struc-tions.

preach sobriety to their children, and yet in

Notes. 1. Observe, there are but FIVE SHORT voweis indulge in all kinds of excess. 5. Nature

our language; the examples above contain illustrations of all of them, in their alphabetical order; they are also found in these words--at, et, it, ot, ut; and to give them with purity, make as Though you were going to pronounce the whole word, but leave off at the t. 2. This is a very important point in our subject; if you fail in understanding accent, you cannot succeed in emphasis.

Anecdote. Holding One's Own. A very fat man was one day met by a person whom he owed, and accosted with "How do you do?" Mr. Adipose replied, "Pretty well; I hold my own;"-" and mine too, to my sorrow," rejoined the creditor.

Hail, to thee, filiai love, source of delight,
Of everlasting joy! Heaven's grace supreme
Shines in the duteous homage of a child!
Religion, manifested, stands aloft,
Superior to the storms of wayward fate.
When children-suffer in a parent's cause,
And glory-in the lovely sacrifice,
'T's heavenly inspiration fills the breast-
Ara angels-waft their incense to the skies.


never says, what wisdom contradicts; for
they are always in harmony. 6. Save some-
thing against a day of trouble. 7. With
such as repent, and turn from their evils,
aud surrender their wills to the Lord's will,
all things they ever saw, knew, or EXPE
RIENCED, shall be made, in some way or
other, to serve for good.

I do remember an apothecary,-
And hereabouts he dwells,-whom late I noted
In tatter'd weeds, with overwhelming brows,
Culling of simples; meagre were his looks,
And in his needy shop-a tortoise hung.
Sharp misery-had worn him to the bones:
An alligator stuff'd, and other skins
Of ill-skap'd fishes; and about his shelves
A beggarly account of empty boxes,
Green earthen pots, bladders, and musty seeds
Remnants of packthread, and old cakes of rose5,
Were thinly scatter'd, to make up a show.

197. Ascent -is made, secondly, by QUANTITY; or prolongation of sound, with expulsive force, on long accented vowels; which may be represented either by this engraving indicative of a continuous equal movement of the voice; or, by this one,

Proverbs. 1. Men of limited attainments-generally condemn every thing they cannot comprehend. 2. Wit-should flow spontaneously; it cannot be produced by study. 3. Buoyancy of spirit-greatly diminishes the pressure of misfortune. 4. The surest method of being deceived is -to consider ourselves -more cunning than others. 5. Envious persons-always view, with an evil eye, the prosperity of others. 6. It is a

which shows the swell, continuous and diminish in combination; or, the unequal con-proof of mediocrity of intellect to be addicted to tinuous. Exs. 1. The a-gent, with ar-dent aw-ful e-go-tism, i-dol-i-zed the o-di-ous oo-zy u-ni-form, which was fruit-ful in oi-li-ness, from the ou-ter-mosts. 2. The base-ment of the ar-mo-ry, awk-ward-ly e-qual to the i-rony of the o-li-o, was, to the moon-shine of the u-ni-verse, as an un-ob-tru-sive moi-e-ty of a Doun-cet-box.

198. Prolongation of Sound. Let the pupil take a lesson of the ferryman. A traveler arrives at the brink of a wide river, which he wishes to cross; one ferry-man is on the other side, and, by chance, one is on this side: the traveler halloos, in the common speaking voice, using principally the chest; of course his voice soon becomes dissipated. He is informed that his call cannot be heard: listen to me, says this son of nature; "O -ver, 0-ver, O

ver:" making each accented vowel two seconds long: try it and see; extending your eye and mind at a distance; which will aid the prolongation.

199. In exercising on accent, for a time at least, go to extremes, and make the accented vowels as prominent to the ear, as the following ones are to the eye; a-b Asement, im-pE-ri-ous, I-dol-ize, O-ver-throw, bea U-ti-ful, OIl-mill, OU-ter-most. Ex. 1. The lu-na-tic a-bode at the ca-the-dral, till the an-nun-ci-a-tion, that the an-te-dilu-vi-ans--had con-vey'd the hy-dro-pho-bia to Di-a-na of the E-phe-sians. 2. The patri-ots and ma-trons of the rev-o-lu-tion, by their har-mo-ni-ous co-op-e-ra-tion, dethron'd the ty-rants that were ru-ling our peo-ple with an un-ho-ly rod of i-ron.

story-telling. 7. When we give way to passion, we do every thing amiss. 8. Truth-needs no disguise, nor does she want embellishment. 9. A mind diseased-cannot bear any thing harsh. 10. Never utter what is false, nor hesitate to speak what is true. 11. Trifles-often discover a character-more than actions of importance. 12. The Bible-is a perfect body of divinity.

Body and Mind. The science of human nature-is valuable, as an introduction to the science of the Divine nature; for man-was made in the image, and after the likeness," of his Maker: a knowledge of the former-facilitates that of the latter: and to know, revere, and humbly adore, is To obtain just and the first duty of man. not disconnect the object of our study, and impartial views of human nature, we must consider the mind, body, and actions, each by itself, but the whole man together; which may be contemplated under two different aspects, of spirit and of matter; on the body-shines the sun of nature, and on the MIND- -that better light, which is the true light: here, is a real man, having essence, form, and use, which is clad in the habili ments of beauty, and majesty; meeting us now, and which will meet us hereafter, as a purely spiritual being, in every possible stage of his future existence.

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Varieties. 1. Can we be a friend, and an enemy-at the same time? 2. Every one should be considered innocent, till he is proved guilty. 3. It is not sufficient that you are heard, you must be heard with pleasure. 4. There is a great difference between poetry and rhymetry; the former grows, the latter

is made. 5. If your money is your God. Anecdote. Raising Rent. "Sir, I in- it will plague you like the Devil. 6. Order tend to raise your rent," said a land-holder-is one, in revelation, man, creation, and -to one of his tenants: to which he replied, -"I am very much obliged to you, for I cannot raise it myself."

Notes. 1. As vowels are either long or short, different degrees of length do not affect any one of the long ones, so far as the quality of the sound is concerned; the e in de-vise, and the o, in do-main-are the same as to length, (not force.) as they are in be-cent, do-tard; thus we have long ac-cented vowels, and long un-accented ones. 2. We make accent by quantity, when the accented vowels are long, and by st. 9s when they are short. 8. The short vowels are of the same length, but not so the long ores. "Blessed is the man,

Who hears the voice of nature; who, retired
From bustling life, can feel the gladdening beam,
The hope, that breathes of Paradise. Thy deeds,
Sweet Peace, are music-to the exulting mind;
Thy prayer, like incense-wafted on the gale
Of morning spreads ambrosia, as the cloud
Of spicy sweets-perfumes the whispering breeze,
That scents Arabia's wild."

the universe; each-respects the other, and is a resemblance of it.

Man-is dear to man; the poorest poor
Long for some moments, in a weary life,
When they can know, and feel, that they have bee
Themselves-the fathers, and the dealers out
Of some small blessings-have been kind to sue
As needed kindness ;-for this single cause,
That we have all of us-a human heart.

Such pleasure-is to one kind being known,
My neighbor, when, with punctual care, each week
Duly as Friday comes, though press'd herself
By her own wants, she, from her store of meas
Takes one unsparing handful for the scrip
Of this old mendicant; and, from her vor,
Returning with exhilarated heart,

Sits by her fire, and builds her hopes in heaven

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