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Proverbs. 1. Make provision for want in time of plenty. 2 Live and let live-is a good 3. Of all flatterers, self-love is the motto. greatest. 4. Perspicuity is inseparable from eloquence. 5. Restraint from ill is the best kind of are inseparable freedom. 6. Sin and sorrow companions. 7. Speech is the gift of all; thought of but few. 8. That which opposes right, must ed parents. 10. No one can tell how much he can accomplish, till he tries. 11. The hand of the diligent maketh rich. 12. Ill got―ill spent.

be wrong.

9. Undutiful children-make wretch

213. A too frequent recurrence of accented vowels, occasions a heavy utterance, in consequence of the almost continual succession of vocal efforts: it is seen and felt in words, particularly the monosyllables, and in sentences, or members of sentences, and is the cause of the slow rate in the movement of the voice. Exs. "And ten low words oft creep in one dull line. O'er hills, o'er dales, o'er crags, o'er rocks, they go. Up the high hill he heaves a huge round stone." Whenever accent occurs frequently, there is always a predominance of quantity; and the delivery, of neces-nes, of old, being one day asked, the biting of sity, is much slower. Now here we have positive evidence that monosyllables have accent. Our best authors use the shortest words, which are usually of Saxon origin; nence, the charm, the witchery of certain speakers and writers.

Anecdote. Dangerous Biting. Dioge

what beasts is the most dangerous, replied,— "If you mean wild beasts, it is that of the slanderer; if tame ones, of the flatterer."

True Empire. It is pleasant to be virtuous and good; because, that is to excel many others;-it is pleasant to grow better; be214. He des-cants upon the des-cant of cause that is to excel ourselves; it is pleasthe preacher, who de-serts his post, and goes ant to mortify and subdue our lusts, because into the desert, to live on spicy des-serts. that is victory;—it is pleasant to command I will di-gest the di-gest, although I dis-cord our appetites and passions, and to keep them every thing like dis-cord; I will also dis- in due order, within the bounds of reason and count he note for a reasonable dis-count, be- religion,-because-that is empire. cause he asked me down-right, in a downright manner.


Varieties. 1. Are Rail-Roads and Canals, a benefit to the country? 2. He, who 215. Education means the development, is slowest in making a promise, is generally perfection, and proper use of the body and the most faithful in performing it. 3. When mind it relates to the training and guardi- a teacher is to be hired, there is generally a anship of youth, from infancy to mature age terrible pressure in the money market. 4. -to the influencing of the character and Un-educated mind is ed-ucated vice. prospects, not only of individuals, but of They, who love flattery, are in a fair way to nations. The highest powers and noblest repent of their weakness; yet how few are sentiments of our nature might remain for-proof against its attacks. 6. If others attribever dormant, were they not developed and matured by the instruction and example of the wise and good. In a still wider sense, education may mean the whole training of the thoughts and affections by inward reflec-7. The Lord is ever present in the human tion and outward events and actions, by intercourse with men, "by the spirits of the just made perfect"-by instruction from the WORD, and the training the whole man for iife and immortality.

Notes. 1. It would be extremely difficult, considering the partially developed and cultivated state of the voice, ear, and language, to give definite rules for pronouncing the unaccented vowels, in consequence of their verging towards each other in many words; of course, we must avoid too much stiffness on the one hand, and vulgarity on ne other; the time will come, however, when every thing with regard to elocution will be as fixed and certain as in the science of music; which is as perfect as the science of numbers. 2. Never forget that without a good articulation, no one can become a correct reader, or speaker; and whatever other defects one may have, if he possess this excellence, he will be listened to with pleasure and profit: there is something very attrac tive and winning, in a clear, distinct and correct enunciation, which delights and captivates the soul. Let no one excuse himself from becoming perfect in this essential requisite.

What cannot patience do?

A great design-is seldom match'd at once:

"Tis patience heaves it on.

From savage nature,

is patience, that has built up human life,

The nurse of arts; and Rome exalts her head,

An everlasting monument to patience.

ute more to us than is our due, they are either designing or mistaken; and, if they allow us less, they are envious or ignorant; and, in both cases should be disregarded.

soul, and we are tried every moment in all we will, think, do, hear, or say.

She is far from the land-where her young hero sleeps,
And lovers-around her are sighing;

But coldly she turns from their gaze, and weeps,
For her heart-in his grave-is lying.

She sings the wild songs-of her dear native plains,
Every note, which he lov'd-awaking,-
Ah! little they think, who delight in her strains,
How the heart of the minstrel-is breaking.

He had liv'd-for his love-for his country-he dic
They were all-that to life had intwin'd him-
Nor soon-shall the tears of his country be dried,
Nor long-will his love stay behind him
Oh! make her a grave-where the sunbeams rest,
When they promise a glorious morrow:
They'll shine o'er her sleep-like a smile from the west,
From her own lov'd island of sorrow

Oft I hear,

Upon the silence of the midnight air,
Celestial voices-swell in holy chorus⚫
That bears the soul-to heaven.

Impartial-as the grave,
Sleep,-robs the cruel tyrant-of his power,
Gives rest and freedom to the o'erwrought slavą
And steals the wretched beggar-from his wan

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Proverbs. 1. Want of punctuality is a species of falsehood. 2. Youth-is the best season for improvement. 3. No confidence can be placed in those, who are in the habit of telling lies. 4. Good, and bad habits, formed during youth, generally go with us during life. 5. Our best friends are those, who tell us our faults, and teach us to correct them. 6. A kind word, or even a kind look, often affords who read the most, that know the most; but, those who reflect and practice the most. 8. The sun—is

great comfort to the afflicted. 7. "Tis not those

216. A too un-frequent occurrence of actent, produces indistinctness; because of the rapidity with which the unaccented sounds must be pronounced; depending, as they do, on the radical or accented vowels: in pronouncing such words, be particular to concentrate the voice, strongly, on the accented vowels; and that will give you sufficient impelling power, to carry you easily through the word. Ex. His dis-in-ter-est-ed-ness and in-tel-li-gi-bil-i-ty are ab-so-lute-ly in-ex-plinever the worse for shining on a dunghill. 9. True ca-ble; I un-hes-i-ta-ting-ly say, that the un-valor-is fire; bullying-is smoke. 10. Wealth is rea-son-a-ble-ness of that tri-per-son-al-ist's not his, who gets it; but his who enjoys it. 11. Dy scheme is an ir-ref-ra-ga-ble proof of lat-i-tu- ing-is as natural as living. 12. All covet-all lose. di-na-ri-an-ism; he spoke com-mu-ni-ca-tively of his in-dis-so-lu-ble slov-en-li-ness, which he, hi-e-ro-glyph-i-cal-ly and per-emp-to-ri-ly declared, was neither an-ti-pes-ti-len-tial, congrat-u-la-to-ry, nor in-con-tro-ver-ti-ble.

217. Pay particular attention, not only to the errors of foreigners, in pronunciation, but also to those of our own countrymen: let nothing of importance escape your critical observation: in this way, your voice, taste, and ear, will be cultivated, and you will be saved from such defects as would, if indulged in, impede your progress in these arts, and prevent you from being extensively useful in your day and generation.

218. He in-lays the table with silver inlays. Instinct is the power derived from above, that determines the will of the brute creation, while all nature is in-stinct with life from the same source. The in-sult returned in-sults the man, as it inter-dicts the interchange which invalids inter-chang'd for an in-val-id in-terdict. His mi-nute mis-con-duct every min-ute that he miscon-ducts, mi-nutely affects the lady min-utely.

Anecdote. Sea-Lawyers. A member of the bar, on his passage to Europe in a and not knowing what it was, asked one of steam vessel, observed a shark near them; the sailors; who replied, with much gravity, "Here, we call 'em sea-lawyers."

Known by our Fruits. A man-is known by his words—as a tree-by its fruit; and qualities of any one, let him but disand if we would be apprised of the nature course, and he will speak them to us, better than another can describe them. We may therefore perceive how proper it is-for those to hold their tongues, who would not discover the shallowness of their understandings.

Empty vessels-make the greatest sound, and the deepest rivers-are most silent. It is a true observation, that those who are weakest in understanding, and slowest of apprehen sion, are, generally, the most precipitate-it. uttering their crude conceptions.

the cypress, which is great and tall, yet bears no fruit. 5. Nature, in too many instances, is pushed from her throne; the world having lost its relish for her truth and purity. 6. Swift-dedicated one volume of his works to "Prince Posterity;" and there is manliness in the act. 7. Every advancement in good, is a delivery from evil influences; and every fall in evil, is a victory, obtained by them over the soul.

Varieties. 1. Why is an egg-un-done, like an egg over-done? Because, both are hardly done. 2. A prying disposition-into what does not concern one, and a tatling 219. Laughing Scientifically. The fol- tongue--are two very common evils. 3. The lowing suggestions are given for the forma- bones of birds are hollow, and filled with air, tion of laughing glee clubs; in the hope that instead of marrow; hence their power of this remarkably healthful and anti-melan-making sound. 4. Unprofitable speech-is like choly exercise, may aid in accomplishing its very beneficial effects in old and young, male and female. Let a number of persons, say six, or eight, form a circle, sitting, or standing, erectly, with the shoulders thrown back, and the leader commence, by giving one laugh, in the use of the syllable huh: then, let the one at his right hand repeat it, which is to be reiterated by each one till it comes round; then, without any loss of time, let the leader repeat the word, adding another, (huh, luh,) which is to be taken up as before by the club; and, as it comes to him the third time, let him add another, (huh, huh, huh,) till there follows a complete round of shouts, and roars of laughter. Again I feel my bosom bound, My heart sits lightly on its seat; My cares are all in rapture drown'd, In every pulse-new pleasures beat.

and so on,

If we are wise-and judge aright, there's scarce
An ill of life (however keen or hard
To bear), but good may be extracted thence!
Tis so by Providence ordained, to those
Who seek for light-amid the shade of gloom.
It is, indeed, a sombre sky, where not
One cheerful speck appears. Why gaze alone
On that, which doth appal the soul, and pass
The cheering ray, which, constant gazing on,
Might so expand, to chase the sombre cloud?

220. There are words, as we have seen, Proverbs. 1. Be punctual-in all your ap that are spelt alike, but pronounced different-pointments, and honest-in all your dealings. 2. ly, by changing the seat of accent: because Always live so that the world may be the better, for the meaning is different: and there are words, your living in it. 3. Never make sport of an inspelt nearly alike, and pronounced by some sane, or intoxicated person. 4. Let the law of alike, though incorrectly; and the conse- kindness-be ever on your tongue. 5. In converquence often is, a complete perversion of the sation, seek out acceptable words. 6. Never resense. A minister took for his text, the fol- quire favors, but ask for them. 7. Avoid doing lowing very comprehensive words; "He that things, that are calculated to excite attention. 8. feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is Learn to practice self-denial, when it will promote the happiness of others. 9. Kindly and faithfully accepted of him." But instead of reading it remind your friends and companions, of their as contained in the Bible, he perverted it, by saying: "He that feareth God, and worketh righteousness, is ex-cepted of him:" that is left out; excluded.

221. Practice on the following, and similar words, and distinguish the vowel sounds by their appropriate pronunciation. The abo-li-tion move-ment is ac-cept-ed by some, and ex-cept-ed by others. 2. Being con-fident of his con-fi-dant, the per-son-age worked the fi-na-ry, by the par-son-age of his fi-na-ry. 3. The rad-ish pen-dant, looking red-ish, was pen-dent in the nose of the bar-on whose lands were bar-ren. 4. His sal-a-ry was cel-e-ry, because he lived under the cap-i-tol in the cap-i-tal of the state, oppo-site the office that was ap-po-site to his purpose.

222. Telling Stories. Who has not observed the intense interest, manifested by children, in hearing one another tell stories? They will sit up till midnight, without being sleepy; and are generally driven to their homes, or their bed. How readily they remember, and relate interesting stories to their companions, days, weeks, and months, and even years, after first hearing them: the reason is, they not only see and understand these tales, but feel them intensely; and hence, they easily get them by heart, as it is called. Why have not teachers long since taken a hint of the mode, in which to communicate all the varieties of scientific, and useful knowledge to their pupils! Let them take turns in telling stories after their teachers; and if their exercises are judiciously managed, as they may be, they will be found exceedingly amusing, and promotive of a very rapid development of mind.

Anecdote. Double Meaning. An illiterate personage, who always volunteered-to go round with his hat, was suspected of sparing his own pocket. Overhearing, one day, a remark to that effect, he made the following reply: "Other gentlemen puts down what they think proper, and so do I. Charity's a private concern, and what I give is ♦ nothing to nobody."

Dost thou know the fate of soldiers?
They're but ambition's tools-to cut a way
To her unlawful ends; and when they're worn,
Hacked, hewn-with constant service, thrown aside,
To rust-ir. peace, or rot-in hospitals.

faults. 10. Be accurate in every thing. 11. No rose without a thorn. 12. Pride-will have a fall.

Discovery of Glass. Pliny informs us, that the art of making glass-was accidentally discovered by some merchants, who were traveling with nitre, and stopped near a river, issuing from Mount Carmel. Not find ing anything to rest their kettles on, they used some pieces of nitre for that purpose The nitre gradually dissolving by the heat, mixed with the sand, and a transparent matter flowed, which was in fact glass. It is certain that we are often more indebted to apparent chance, than genius-for many of the most valuable discoveries: therefore every one should keep his eyes and ears open,-his thoughts and feelings awake and active.

Varieties. 1. Why should any one think it a disgrace-to work for his living? 2. Investigate every subject, with which you be come acquainted, until you understand it thoroughly. 3. "I'll try," is a plant, that would flourish in the frigid zone; "I can't,' would be barren any where. 4. Never condemn another, for not knowing what you have just learned; or perhaps do not clearly understand. 5. No tongue can tell, or intellect perceive, the full import of the word HOME. 6. The true christian religion-is a divine wardrobe, containing garments for all kinds and orders of wearers. 7. As the soul advances in true resignation of its own will, to the will of God, every principle and facul ty of mind becomes sanctified, even down into the life of the senses.

Weep not, that Time
Is passing on,-it will-ere long, reveal
A brighter era to the nations. Hark!
Along the vales-and mountains of the earth
There is a deep, portentous murmuring,
Like the swift rush-of subterranean streams;
Or like the mingled sounds of earth and air,
When the fierce Tempest, with sonorous wing,
Heaves his deep folds upon the rushing winds,
And hurries onward-with his night of clouds
Against the eternal mountains. "Tis the voice
Of infant Freedom,-and her stirring call
Is heard-and answered-in a thousand tones,
From every hill-top of her Western home,-
And lo, it breaks across old Ocean's flood,-[shout
And "Freedom! FREEDOM!" is the answering
Of nations, starting from the spell of years

223. When accented and unaccented syl-j Proverbs. 1. He who marries for wealth, selle lables are agreeably interspersed through the his liberty. 2. A friend, which you buy with prewords, neither a heavy utterance, nor indis-sents, may be bought from you. 3. Ladies—will tinctness occurs. Ex. "Not so, when swift Camilla scours the plain, Flies o'er the unbending corn, and skims along the main." Now, compare the movement of the voice in this, with the following, and see and feel the difference: "And ten low words oft creep in one dull line." The former is like a nag, that gallops off in fine style; the latter, one that creeps, like a snail. The reason is, as you perceive, in one case, there is life and light; in the other, nothing but words.

224. Neither teachers nor parents, can be too wisely careful of the influence, exerted upon their pupils and children: for principles apply to both matter and spirit. "Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined." Again, since thoughts are imperishable existences, we should be careful in entertaining and cherishing any other, than such as we are willing to have for our companions on earth, and during our eternal state of being in the future world. Here, then, is something for all of us to attend to; and unspeakable consequences are depending on the performance of duty. Are we of the number of those, who turn back in the day of battle? or, of those who gird on their armor, to do, or die?

225. Position in Bed. There is no doubt, that the habit of forming round or hump'd shoulders, (which is rarely, if ever, natural,) is contracted in infancy, and childhood. The incautious mother, not understanding the principles of physiology, lays the infant on a pillow of feathers, instead of on a good mattress, or straw bed, without pillows; thus, elevating the head far too much above the level of the body; and this practice is continued in after-life, very much to the detriment of health, and beauty of form. If necessary, raise the head-posts of the bedstead a few inches, instead of using pillows.

Notes. 1. Observe, that when the accent is at, or near, the beginning of the word, it materially aids the expulsive stress of voice, carrying us more easily through the word, than when it is placed near the last end: the genius of our language is in favor of the former; hence, the tendency is to place the accent at the beginning; which makes language more powerful and effective. 2. In running, the impetus of preceding efforts carries us on after the efforts have ceased.

Anecdote. A Tough Animal. "The conitution of our females must be excellent," says a celebrated physician; "for, take an ox, or a horse, and enclose his sides with corsets, and he would labor indeed,- but it would be for breath."

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Nothing-is lasting-on the world's wide stage,
As sung, and wisely sung, the Grecian mage;
And man, who, through the globe-extends his sway,
Reigns-but the sovereign creature-of a day;
One generation comes, another-goes,
Time-blends the happy-with the man of woes;
A different face of things-each age appears,
And all things--alter-in a course of years.

sooner pardon want of sense, than want of good manners. 4. The remedy for love is-land between. 5. You may know a foolish woman-by her finery. 6. Temperance, employment, and a cheerful 7. Many a one digs his grave with his teeth. 9 spirit-are great preservers and restorers of health. The epicure-puts his purse in his stomach; and the miser-his stomach in his purse. 9. Change of weather is the discourse of fools. 10. We hate do lay; but it often makes us wiser. 11. Talking-. does no work. 12. Past labor is pleasant.

Laconies. Never mystify science; but, if possible, always elucidate it. Knowledge is too important-to be made the subject of a silly joke.

Varieties. 1. If content does not remove

the disquietudes of life, it will at least alleviate them. 2. Can matter ever be annihilated? 3. Every sentence we read understandingly, is like a cast of the weaver's shuttle, adding another thread to the web of life. 4. They, who are governed by reason, need no other motive than the goodness of an act, to excite them to practice it. 5. A reading people will become a thinking people; and then, they A diligent pen supplies many thoughts. 7. are capable of becoming a great people. 6. Nothing but divine love, and divine wisdom, can proceed from God, the centre of all beings


If I had thought-thou couldst have died,
I might not weep for thee;
But I forgot, when by thy side,

That thou couldst mortal be.
It never through my mind had passed,
The time would e'er be o'er,
And I on thee-should look my last,
And thou shouldst smile-no more!
And still-upon that face I look,

And think-twill smile again;
And still the thought-I will not brook
That I must look in vain!
But when I speak,-thou dost not say,
What thou ne'er left'st unsaid;
And now I feel, as well I may,

Sweet Mary! thou art dead!

If thou wouldst stay, e'en as thou art.
All cold-and all serene,-

I still might press thy silent heart,
And where thy smiles have been!
While e'en thy chill, bleak corse I have
Thou seemest still my own;
But there I lay thee-in thy grave,-
And I am now-alone!

I do not think, where'er thou art.
Thou hast forgotten me;

And I, perhaps, may soothe this heart

In thinking, too, of thee.

Yet there was round thee-such a daws
Of light, ne'er seen before,

As fancy never could have drawn,
And never can restore!

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226. Revisions. The great practical im- Proverbs. 1. Never repulse an associate with portance of this subject, demands a passing unkindness. 2. Love one another with a pure remark. In revising, we not only gather up heart fervently. 3. The morality of the christian the fragments, but refresh our minds with a religion, is not national, but universal. 4. Prureproduction of what we previously had dence says-take time by the foretop. 5. A bird in learned. By reviewing our studies, we often the hand, is worth two in the bush. 6. The dilifind the materials, with which we can over-gent soul, shall be made rich. 7. Knowledge-is come difficulties, that seem almost insur-power; ignorance-is weakness. 8. An egg to day, is better than a hen to-morrow. 9. Worldly mountable; hence, revisions frequently serve reputation and sensual pleasure, are destructive to as a key, to unlock the casket, that contains virtue. 10. The history and wisdom of the world, invaluable treasures. And we must guard can only be known by reading. 11. We are to be against thinking of the principles, as being saved from our sins, not in our sins. 12. Whatcontained in the book; unless they are un-ever is worth reading at all, is worth reading well. derstood and felt in the mind, and by the mind, and through the body are reduced to practice, they are, so far as we are concerned, valueless and dead. Seeing food, or thinking of it, will impart no nourishment to the body; it must be eaten, digested, and appropriated.

Anecdote. Afraid of Work. A person once said to a father, whose son was noted for his laziness, that he thought his son was very much afraid of work. "Afraid of work ?" replied the father, "not at all,-he will lie down, and go to sleep close by the side of it."

Right Views. The more we ascribe all 227. Now repeat all the sounds of the letters, in their alphabetical order, as found on goodness and truth-to the Lord, the more -will the interiors of the mind, be open topage 63; omitting those that are duplicates; then give the vowels and consonants, by them- wards heaven, the only source of happiness: selves: afterwards, give the short vowels, for by thus doing, we acknowledge that nothand the long ones by themselves, and reading good and true is from ourselves; and, in several paragraphs by vowel sounds; after which, give the vocal consonants, and aspirates, by themselves: then the single, dinble, and triple ones, and analyze words, spelling them by their sounds; also, raise and fall the eight vowels, according to the diatonic scale, in article 64; then revise the two modes of making accent; practice on the changes of its seat, and realize the important use of every exercise.

223. The pre-con-tract pre-con-tracts the pre-fix which is pre-fixed to the prel-ude, with which the speaker pre-ludes the present pres-age, that he pre-sag'd the man would nre-sent. The prod-uce of the land was such as to pro-duce a pro-ject to pro-test against the man who pro-jects the infamous prot-est against the reb-el that re-bels against the law. I re-fuse to re-cord either the ref-use or the record, or re-tail them by wholesale or re-tail.

229. A Dandy of some use. Let the pupil impress on his mind the absolute necessity, for awhile, of keeping his shoulders thrown back, so as to make the breast as round and prominent as possible: and then, after a few days, or weeks at farthest, he will feel very uncomfortable to sit, stand, or labor, in a bent position. But, says one, "I should look so much like a dandy." Never mind that, provided it be right; and if you can make this much use of so superfluous an arice, it may serve to show you, that nothing exists in vain: think of the wisdom and industry of the bee.

This smooth discourse,-and mild behavior, oft
Conceals-a traitor.

proportion as this is heartily confessed, the love of self-departs, and with it—the thick darkness, which arises from that which is false and evil: thus it is evident, how one becomes wiser than another. As the exhalations from the earth-rise and form clouds, more or less dense, thus obscuring the atmosphere, and preventing the clear light of the sun; so, do the exhalations of self-love-arise and obscure the light of Divine truth,-of that Sun, which rules the world of mind.

Varieties. 1. Does pain or pleasurepredominate in human life? 2. Wedded life says a happy husband, is a perpetual fountain of domestic sweets. 3. Drinking water

neither makes a man sick, nor runs him in debt, nor makes his wife a widow: can as much be said of ardent spirits? 4. He, who peeps through a keyhole, may see something to vex him. 5. That gentleness, which is characteristic of a good man, like every other virtue, has its seat in the heart: and nothing but what flows from the heart-can render even external manners, truly pleasing. 6. The Lord came to seek and save those who are lost: and he saves all who are willing to be saved. 7. Love - principles and genuine truth, respect each other according to degrees of affinity: and the greater the affinity, the greater is the attraction between them.

Morning-hath her songs of gladness,
Sultry noon-its ferved glare,
Evening hours, their gentle sadness,
Night-its dreams, and rest from ox's;
But the pensive twilight-ever

Gives its own sweet fancies birth,
Waking visions, that may never
Know reality-on earth.

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