1738 Johnson be comes a regular contribu tor to the Gen tleman's Maga zine. Pub lishes London 1739 1740- Johnson writes 1743 Parliamentary Reports 1741 1742 1744 Johnson's Life of Savage 1745 1747 Johnson's Plan for a Dictionary of the English Language addressed to Macpherson born. London Metho dists Hume's Treatise Mrs. Thrale born ture Richardson's Boswell born Pamela Haendel's Mes siah, Fielding's Joseph Andrews, Young's Night Thoughts, Shen stone's School mistress Akenside's Pleas- Pope died ures of the Im- Gray's Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College, Collins's Odes Lord Chester field 1748 Swift died. Jacobite Rebel lion Richardson's Cla- Thomson died rissa Harlowe, Smollett's Rod- 1752 Mrs. Johnson dies. The Rambler is dis continued 1753 Johnson con tributes to Hawkesworth's Adventurer Gray's Elegy in a Country R. B. Sheridan born Frances Burney and Chatterton born 1754 1755 Johnson Fielding died. Crabbe born re ceives degree of M.A. from Oxford. Published Dictionary of the English Language 1756 Johnson contributes to the Literary Maga zine 1757 Johnson begins the Idler Johnson's Ras 1758 His Churchyard Hume's History of England 1759 selas. mother dies Burke's Vindica- tory of England Blake born Pitt born 1760 Boswell's first Accession of visit to London George III 1761 Richardson died 1762 Johnson pen Lady died Montagu year sioned £300 a 1763 Johnson and Boswell meet 1764 The Literary Club founded Hogarth died 1765 Johnson receives Stamp Act. degree of LL.D. from Trinity Col Young died. Steam engine invented lege, Dublin. Publishes his of Repeal of Stamp Act Maria Edgeworth born Goldsmith's Citi zen of the World Churchill's Ros ciad Macpherson's Lady Montagu's and Juga Percy's Reliques of Ancient edition Shakespeare. Meets the 1766 1767 Johnson's con Goldsmith's Vicar Senti versation with George III Sterne's 1768 mental Journey, Sterne died Goldsmith's Good-Natured Man, Gray's Poems. Bos well's Account of Corsica 1769 and The first Letters Napoleon of Junius, Robertson's History of Charles V, Burke's Observations on the 1770 Johnson's False Goldsmith's De Wellington born Present State of the Nation Wordsworth born. Chatterton died serted Village, Burke's Thoughts on the Present Discon tents Smollett's Hum- Walter Scott born. phrey Clinker, Beattie's Min strel Sir Joshua Reynolds's Dis courses Gray died. Smollett died Coleridge born. Swedenborg died Goldsmith's She "Boston Tea Stoops to Con- Party" quer. Fergus son's Poems Burke's Speech Southern born. on American Goldsmith died Taxation, Chesterfield's Letters to his Son, Warton's History of English Poetry, I Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America, Sheridan's Ri vals Jane Austen born. Landor born. Gibbon's Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, I. Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations Sheridan's School for Scandal, Robertson's History of America Frances Burney's Evelina The Gordon Riots Hume died. Declaration Independence of Campbell born. Burgoyne's surrender Hazlitt born. Hallam born. Voltaire died. Chatham died Garrick died visits France with Mr. and Mrs. Thrale 1776 1777 1778 1779 Johnson's Lives of the Poets, first four vol umes 1780 1781 Johnson com pletes the Lives of the Poets. Mr. 1782 1783 Johnson stricken by Frances Burney's Webster born Cecilia Crabbe's Village, Blake's Poetical Sketches Irving born. Peace with America |