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On St. Bartholomew, and on the Feast of today. Bartholomew means Son of Tolmai, a family mentioned by Josephus. St. Bartholomew preached the Gospel in Armenia, converted the Lycaonians, and afterwards visited India. Some authors assert that he was crucified, like St. Peter, with his head downwards; others, however, with more probability, say, that he was flayed alive, by order of Astyages, King of Armenia.

Many have supposed him to be the same as Nathaniel, since the evangelists who mentioned Bartholomew say nothing of Nathaniel; and John, who mentions Nathaniel, takes no notice of Bartholomew.

"In that savage scene, the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, planned with all the coolness of deliberation, five hundred gentlemen protestants and ten thousand persons of inferior rank were massacred in one night at Paris alone, and great numbers in the provinces. The Roman Pontiff, on hearing of it, expressed great joy, announcing that the Cardinals should return thanks to the Almighty for so signal an advantage obtained for the Holy See, and that a Jubilee should be observed all over Christendom."

Nothing like this scene occurred till the bloody and terrible times of the French Revolution. It is shocking to reflect that persons professing a religion which says, "Love your enemies, do good to them that despitefully use you," should persecute and slay those whose only offence is difference of opinion. "The Quakers and Moravians seem to be almost the only Christian sects of any note and character whose annals are unstained by the blood of their fellow creatures, and who have not resorted to persecution in defence and promulgation of their particular doctrines. Must we, therefore, not judge a good tree from this distinguished good fruit?"

St. Bartholomew's Day. In "New Essays and Characters," by John Stephens the younger, of Lincolne's Inne, Gent. 8vo. Lond. 1631, p. 221, we find :-Like a bookseller's shoppe on Bartholomew Day at London, the stalls of which are so adorned with Bibles and Prayer Books, that almost nothing is left within, but heathen knowledge.'

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CHRONOLOGY.-Edystone Lighthouse built in 1759, in one hundred and eleven days, and today completed. The outside and basement of this edifice are formed of granite; that kind of stone being more durable than any other, and more competent to resist the action of the sea: the interior is chiefly of Portland stone. When the light was first exhibited, a very great storm happened, and the light keepers observed, that they felt a sensible motion in the building; but, from their experience of its

strength, they were neither agitated by fear nor surprise. We have seen the following verses on this Lighthouse :—

Sublime thy pile, great Smeaton, stands
Amidst the boiling breakers, spiring o'er
The cliff that stern o'erlooks the flood below,
Unhurt, unshaken, in the round of time.

Though swept by whirlwinds, and by lightning scathed,
It beams the light ethereal, as the Sun

At morn when peering from a cloud, and leads
Through death's encircling horrors; and, though broke
Each feeble anchor, though the tenth wave roll

In gathered ruin, plucks them from the deep.

FLORA. Some of the autumnal species of the beautiful genus Amaryllis now begin to blow. This is perhaps one of the most beautiful of the liliaceous tribe, and, in viewing a number of them in blow together, we cannot avoid lavishing praises on this plant, and exclaiming with Virgil,

Formosam resonare doces Amaryllida sylvas.

August 25. St. Louis King of France. St. Gregory
Abbot and Confessor.

St. Ebba Virgin and

Orises at v. and sets at vII.

CHRONOLOGY. Battle of Cressy won by Edward III. in the year 1346. David Hume the philosopher of Scotland died in 1776.

Dr. William Herschell the astronomer died in 1822. He was President of the Astronomical Society, and Member of nearly all the principal scientific bodies of Europe and America. This distinguished astronomer was born at Hanover, November 15, 1738.

Opi Consivae in Capitolio.-Rom. Cal.

Ops otherwise called Tellus was the daughter of Coelus and Terra, that is of Heaven and Earth, and is an ancient personification of Opus or labour worshipped as a deity. The Opalia, properly speaking, occurred Dec. 29, which see for more particulars respecting this goddess.

FLORA. A few Roses may still be seen; and Violets, being companions of nearly all the year, are still here and there found, reminding us in their decay of the popular ballad beginning,

Freut Euch des Lebens

Weil noch das Lämpchen glüht

Pflicket die Rose

Eh sie verblüht.

Of which the translation, "Life let us cherish," is universally known and admired.

Of the Olitory Garden. The gathering in of sweet herbs of various kinds, for the purpose of laying them by for winter porridge, soups, and other leguminous dishes, should now be begun when the weather is dry. The various Mints, Thyme, Bush Basil, Sweet Basil, Sweet Marjoram, Balm, Penny Royal, Camomile, Sage, and various others, might be enumerated, which should never be overlooked or omitted in a good garden. Shenstone in his Schoolmistress has well depicted her ken in these herbs, a thorough knowledge of which forms the basis of country physic as well as of simple cookery, and was formerly more regarded than at present.

The Schoolmistress.

Herbs too she knew, and well of each could speak
That in her garden sipped the silvery dew;

Where no vain flower disclosed a gaudy streak;
But herbs for use, and physic, not a few,

Of grey renown, within those borders grew:
'The tufted Basil, punprovoking Thyme,
Fresh Baum, and Marigold of cheerful hue:
The lowly Gill, that never dares to climb;
And more I fain would sing, disdaining here to rhyme.

Yet Euphrasy may not be left unsung,

That gives dim eyes to wander leagues around;
And pungent Radish, biting infant's tongue;

And Plantain ribbed, that heals the reaper's wound;
And Marjoram sweet, in shepherd's posie found;
And Lavender, whose spikes of azure bloom
Shall be, erewhile, in arid bundles bound,
To lurk amidst the labours of her loom,

And crown her kerchiefs clean with mickle rare perfume.

And here trim Rosemarine, that whilom crowned
The daintiest garden of the proudest peer,

Ere, driven from its envied site, it found

A sacred shelter for its branches here,

Where edged with gold its glittering skirts appear.
O wassel days! O customs meet and well!

Ere this was banished from its lofty sphere:

Simplicity then sought this humble cell,

Nor ever would she more with thane and lordling dwell.

August 26. St. Zephyrinus Pope and Martyr.

St. Genesius Martyr.

St. Gelasinus Martyr.

St. Genesius of Arles Martyr.

CHRONOLOGY.-Julius Caesar is said to have landed at Dover this day anno ante Christum 56.

COELUM.-Table showing the highest and lowest Temperature in each Month for Ten Years, with the attendant Winds, from Howard's Climate of London.

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N. B. For the Barometrical extremes, see 31 August. See also February 25 for explanation.

FAUNA.-Grasshoppers, which begin to chirrup in June, now sing very little, and every day less. We can hardly think the uninteresting chirping of the insect is the same as the Song of the Čicada, so praised by the ancients,


Resonant arbusta Cicadis.

"Sweet prophet of the Summer!" says Anacreon, addressing this insect," the Muses love thee, Phoebus himself loves thee, and has given thee a shrill song: old age does

* And so on of the rest, leaving out the alternate lines.

not wear thee: thou art wise, earthborn, musical, impassive, without blood: thou art almost like a god." So attached were the Athenians to these insects, that they were accustomed to fasten golden images of them in their hair, implying at the same time a boast that they themselves, as well as the Cicadae, were Terrae filii. They were regarded indeed by all as the happiest as well as the most innocent of animals -not, we will suppose, for the reason given by the witty Rhodian Xenarchus, where he says

Happy the Cicadas' lives,

Since they all have voiceless wives.

The sound of this insect, and of the harp, were called by one and the same name. A Cicada sitting upon a harp was a usual emblem of the science of music, which was thus accounted for: When two rival musicians, Eunomus and Ariston, were contending upon that instrument, a Cicada flying to the former, and sitting upon his harp, supplied the place of a broken string, and so secured to him the victory.

The Grasshopper is still my friend,

The minute sound of many a sunny hour
Passed on a Thymy hill, when I could send
My soul in search thereof by bank and bower,
Till lured far from it by a Foxglove flower
Nodding too dangerously above the crag,
Not to excite the passion and the power

To climb the steep, and down the blossoms drag,
Them the Marsh Crocus joined, and the yellow Waterflag.
Shrill sings the drowsy wassailer in his dome,
Yon grassy wilderness where curls the Fern,
And creeps the Ivy; with the wish to rove
He spreads his sails, and bright is his sojourn
'Mid chalices with dews in every urn:
All flying things a like delight have found-
Where'er I gaze, to what new region turn,
Ten thousand insects in the air abound,

Flitting on glancing wings that yield a Summer sound.
Wiffen's Aonian Hours.

August 27.

St. Caesarius Bishop and Confessor.

St. Poemen Abbot. St. Hugh of Lincoln Martyr.
St. Joseph Calasanctius Confesor.

St. Maerubius

Hermit and Martyr. St. Syagrius Bishop.

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Vulturnus was a surname of Apollo, and the festival today was held in his honour.

CHRONOLOGY.-Thomson the Poet died in 1748 in the 49th



his age, at Richmond in Surrey.

Liberation of La Fayette in 1797.

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