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he containeth all works of charity towards out neighbour, with due obedience to our princes, heads, and governours. And in this word devoutly he concludeth all our works spiritual, which be done immediately unto God; as prayer, thinking of God, desiring of his glory, &c.

And unto these Works ought we most diligently, with all labour and care, to apply our will for these effects and ends; that is to say, the glory of God, the profit of our neighbour, and our own merit; that we may shew ourselves thankful servants to our Saviour Jesus Christ, and to be the very people of God; and that he may be glorified in us; that his Church may be edified by our example; that we may avoid falling into temptation and sin; that we may escape the scourge of God; that the Grace of God, and the gifts thereof, may encrease and be made perfect in us; that we may make our election stable and sure, that we may attain everlasting life, being found fruitful in the day of judgement, where every man shall receive according to his works.



(f) An Homily of the alvation of Mankind by only Christ our Saviov, from Sin and Death everlasting.

BECAUSE all men besinners and offenders against God, and breakers of his Law and Com

(f) This is the Homily to which e Article on Justification refers; and is said to be the compositon of Archbishop Cranmer; as I have shewn in the Introducon to this compilation. The Homilies on Faith and Works arealso expressly ascribed to the same pen.


It has been observed, "that our first Reformers must have understood the terms Justification and Slvation as equivalent. For whereas they refer to the Homily onJustification in their 11th Article, there is in fact no such Homily precisely with that title. The Homily they meant is that of Salvation. therefore it is obvious to the meanest apacity, that they made no such idle distinctions between the conditions of Justification, and those of Salvation, as a Calvinist must necessarily make. They thought, that that which justified, did also save; and that that which saved, did also justify." Dean Tucker, Lett. to Dr. Kippis, p. 110.

There is no division of this and the two succeeding Homilies into three parts, in the old edition. mandments,


mandments, therefore can ho man by his own acts, works, and deeds (seem tey never so good) be justified, and made rigleous before God: but every man of necessity i constrained to seek for another righteousness, c Justification, to be received at God's own ends; that is to say, the remission, pardon, and forgiveness of his sins and trespasses, in such tings as he hath offended. And this Justification or righteousness, which we so receive of God' mercy and Christ's merits, embraced by Faith, i taken, accepted, and allowed of God, for our pertct and full Justification. For the more full undestanding hereof, it is our parts and duty ever to remember the great mercy of God, how that all the world being wrapped in sin by breaking of the Law) God sent his only Son our Saviour Chrst into this world, to fulfil the Law for us, and, by shedding of his most precious blood, to make a sacrifice and satisfaction, or (as it may be called) amends to his Father for our sins, to assuag his wrath and indignation conceived against is for the same.

(g) Insomuch that infants, being baptized and dying in their infancy, are by this sacrifice washed. from their sins, brought to God's favour, and made his children and inheritors of his kingdom of

(g) The efficacy of Christ's passion and oblation.


heaven. And they, which (h) actually do sin after their Baptism, when they (i) convert and turn again to God unfeignedly, they are likewise washed by this sacrifice from their sins, in such sort, that there remaineth not any spot of sin, that shall be imputed to their damnation. This is that Justification, or righteousness, which St. Paul speaketh of, when he saith, (k) No man is justified by the works of the Law, but freely by Faith in Jesus Christ. And again he saith, We believe in Jesus Christ, that we be justified freely by the Faith of Christ, and not by the Works of the Law, because that no man shall be justified by the Works of the Law. And although this Justification be free unto us, yet it cometh not so freely unto us, that there is no ransom paid therefore at all: (1) But here may man's reason be astonied, reasoning after this fashion: If a ransom be paid for our Redemption, then is it not given us freely. For a prisoner that payeth his ransom is not let go freely; for if he go freely, then he goeth without ransom: for what is it else to go freely, than to be set at liberty without payment of ransom?

(h) In the preceding page, Cranmer's words are "the remission, pardon, and forgiveness of his sins." Later editions, forgiveness only. I now throw the various readings of later editions into notes; for actually, later editions read act and deed.

(i) Later edit, omit convert and.

(k) Gal. ii. (1) Objection.

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(m) This reason is satisfied by the great wisdom of God in this Mystery of our Redemption, who hath so tempered his justice and mercy together, that he would neither by his justice condemn us unto the (n) perpetual captivity of the devil, and his prison of hell, remediless for ever, without mercy; nor by his mercy deliver us clearly, without justice, or payment of a just ransom; but with his endless mercy he joined his most upright and equal justice. His great mercy he shewed unto us in delivering us from our former captivity, without requiring of any ransom to be paid, or amends to be made, upon our parts; which thing by us had been unpossible to be done. And whereas it lay not in us (o) that to do, he provided a ransom for us, that was, the most precious body and blood of his own most dear and best beloved Son Jesus Christ; who, besides this ransom, fulfilled the Law for us perfectly. And so the justice of God and his mercy did embrace together, and fulfilled the Mystery of our Redemption. And of this justice and mercy of God, knit together, speaketh St. Paul in the third chapter to the Romans, All have offended, and have need of the glory of God; [but are] justified freely by his grace, by redemption which is in Jesus Christ, whom God ·hath set forth to us for a reconciler and peace-·

(m) An answer. (n) everlasting. (o) to do that. maker,

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