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first day of June next, fhall be, and hereby is



Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-Prefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 23d, A. D. 1800.


Sec. I.

Prefident of the United States.


An ACT refpecting the Mint.

ation for

E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Reprefentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That a fum equal to the amount of the cents and half cents, which shall have been coined at the mint, and Appropri delivered to the Treasurer of the United States, the pursubsequent to the third day of March, in the chafe of year one thousand feven hundred and ninety- copper. nine, shall be, and the fame is hereby appropriated for the purchase of copper for the further coinage of cents and half cents; and that a fum equal to the amount of cents and half cents, which fhall be hereafter coined at the mint, and delivered to the Treasurer of the United States in any one year, fhall be, and the fame is hereby appropriated for the annual purchase of copper for the coinage of cents and half cents, which fums fhall be payable out of any monies in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That there Part of shall be retained from every deposit in the mint, bullion of gold or filver bullion below the standard of depofited, the United States, fuch fum as shall be equivalent to the expense incurred in refining the fame, for the

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expense of and an accurate account of fuch expense on refining. every fuch depofit fhall be kept, and of the fums retained on account of the fame, which fhall be accounted for by the Treasurer of the Mint, with the Treafury of the United States. THEODORE SEDGWICK,

Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-Prefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 24th, A. D. 1800.

Prefident of the United States.


An ACT to continue in force the act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States.

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E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of Repre

fentatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That an act passed on the fifth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-four, intituled" An act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States," and which by the tenth fection thereof was limited to continue in force for and during the term of two years from paffing the fame, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of Congrefs thereafter, and no longer; and which faid act was, by an act paffed on the fecond day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-feven, intituled "An act to continue in force for a limited time, the act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States," further continued in force for two years from the faid fecond day of March, one thousand seven

hundred and ninety-feven, and from thence to the end of the next feffion of Congress thereafter, fhall continue and be in force without limitation of time, any thing in any act to the contrary notwithstanding.


Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-Prefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 24th, A. D. 1800.


Prefident of the United States.


An ACT to repeal the act laying duties on mills and implements employed in the manufacture of Snuff.

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E it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress affembled, That fo much of the act, intituled An act to alter and amend the act, intituled An act laying certain duties upon fnuff and refined fugar," paffed on the third day of March, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five, as impofes a duty upon mills and implements employed in the manufacture of fnuff, or allows a drawback upon the exportation of fnuff manufactured within the United States, shall be, and the fame hereby is repealed. THEODORE SEDGWICK,

Speaker of the House of Reprefentatives.

Vice-Prefident of the United States, and
Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED-April 24th, A. D. 1800.

JOHN ADAMS, Prefident of the United States,

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An ACT to make further provision for the removal and accommodation of the Government of the United States.

Sec. I.

B E it enacted by the Senate and Houfe of

Representatives of the United States

of America, in Congrefs affembled, That the PrePrefident fident of the United States fhall be, and heremay di- by is authorized and empowered, to direct the various offices belonging to the feveral executive departments of the United States, to be fices, &c. removed to the city of Washington, at any time that he shall judge proper, after the adjournment of the prefent feffion of Congrefs, and before the time heretofore appointed by law for fuch removal.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That for the Providing purpose of providing furniture for the house. of furni- erected in the city of Washington, for the acthe Prefi. commodation of the Prefident of the United

ture for

dent's houfe,

and for


States, a fum not exceeding fifteen thoufand dollars be expended, under the direction of the heads of the feveral departments of State, of the Treasury, of War, and of the Navy.

Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That for the fuitable accommodation of Congrefs at the city of Washington, the Secretaries of the four exthe capi- ecutive departments, or any three of them, fhall be, and hereby are authorized and directed to cause suitable furniture to be forthwith provided for the apartments, which are to be occupied in the capitol at the faid city, by the two houses respectively, and for the offices and committee rooms of each; and to caufe the faid apartments, offices and committee rooms to be furnished in a fuitable manner, fo as to be ready for the reception of Congress on the day fixed by law for the removal of the government to the faid city;

and that for defraying the expenfes incident to the furnishing of the faid apartments, offices, and committee rooms, and to the removal of the books, papers, and records belonging to the faid offices refpectively, there fhall be, and hereby is appropriated a fum not exceeding nine thousand dollars.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That for the greater convenience of the members of both houfes of Congrefs in attending their duty in Footthe faid city of Washington, and the greater ways to facility of communication between the various be made. departments and offices of the government, there fhall be made foot-ways in the faid city in fuita ble places and directions; and that the faid footways fhall be made by the commiffioners of the faid city, under the direction of the fecretaries of the four executive departments of the United States, who, or any three of whom, shall forthwith take order therefor, and in fuch manner, at such places, and in such directions as they or any three of them fhall judge most proper for the purposes aforefaid, and fhall appoint; and that if the faid fecretaries, or any three of them, fhall find on examination that there is not in the hands of the faid commiffioners a fum fufficient for making the faid foot-ways, over and above what may have been deftined by the faid commiffioners, or may, in the opinion of the said fecretaries, or any three of them, be neceffary for the accomplishment of other objects necef fary for the accommodation of the government, or its removal as aforefaid, then the faid fecretaries, or any three of them, shall be, and hereby are authorized and required to draw out of the Treasury of the United States, and apply to the purpose of making the faid foot-ways, any fum which may be neceffary therefor, not exceeding ten thousand dollars; which fum is hereby


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