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things defigned these animals principally for the ufe and fuftenance of man: yet, at the fame time that I fuppofe they were formed by the Deity for the relief of our neceffities, I cannot imagine he ever intended they should be tortured through wantonnefs, or deftroyed for diverfion; nor can I imagine, but that even the fuperftitious forbearance of the Brachmins is infinitely more pleafing in his fight, than the inconfiderate cruelty of those who profefs an immediate obedience to his word. A God, all mercy, never takes delight in the unneceffary agony of a creature, whom he has been pleased to endue with existence; we therefore offer an infult to him, when we give a needlefs pang to the meanest of his creatures; and absolutely pervert the defign of his providence, whenever we facrifice thofe animals to our amufements, which he has conftituted entirely for the relief of our wants. I have thrown out these reflections with a benevolent purpose, as fuch numbers of the ignorant and the thoughtlefs are apt to promote their amufements at the expence of their humanity; fhould what I have here offered be attended with the reformation but of an individual, I shall think my time well employed. Ridicule I must naturally expect from numbers, for daring to combat with favourite prejudices; but it is my confolation, that no witticifm whatever, which may be

aimed at me as a writer, can, on the present subject of animadverfion, do me the minuteft injury




AMILY divifions frequently fpring from very immaterial accidents, which gather ftrength by repetition, till they are augmented in fo formidable a manner, as to fweep before them all the domeftic virtues, and abolifh all the amiable tendernefs for which woman was originally intended by the divine Creator. I have been a frequent fpectator of such scenes of infelicity. Where I was in most expectation of finding the celeftial feeds of connubial happiness flourishing in exquifite beauty, there have I been the most difappointed. Inftead of beholding a paradife, I have found nothing but a garden of noxious weeds; which occafions me to publish the following obfervations. For thefe may be of utility to fociety; as by holding up the mirror to the view of inadvertency, they may affright her with her own deformity.

LORENZO and VIOLETTA, have been married upwards of three years: they were equally matched, both in respect of fortune and age; the one being fufficiently

fufficiently affluent for the purchase, and the other for the enjoyment, of the pleasures of life. For fome time after the celebration of the nuptials, they entertained a reciprocal affection. She was all fondness, he all indulgence. But their intimacy, inftead of increafing, diminished their regard. Her beauty, the more it was familiar to his eye, grew lefs attractive to his heart; and his conversation grew lefs engaging, the more fhe partook of the natural levity of her sex. He renewed his bacchanalian acquaintance; fhe found more pleasure in difcharging her vifits, than her domeftic offices. In fhort, both became difintentionally indifferent; their meals were irregular, their converfation little; till, at laft, their affection feemed dwindled away to nothing, but a ceremonial complaifance. Nature was foon more predominant than the ties of gentility, or the rules of decency. Their tempers were perpetually bursting the formality of referve; trivial accidents gave alternate uneafinefs to one or the other; which were productive of fuch difputes, as often terminated in a fhiness for two and fometimes for three days together. Though they were both fo far eftranged from the lambent flame of love, their disagreement very frequently exhibited a conviction of their honefty, by a recollection which just ferved to blow up the dormant embers of affection; but ftill they were


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continually manifefting the difference of their tempers. They were both haftily paffionate; he was fometimes furlily ill-natured, while the was too apt to conceive what he never intended. They were both fenfible of their folly, yet they ftill perfifted in their obstinacy: if he fpoke warm, fhe reddened with a glow of anger; if he was defirous of tranquillity, fhe grew turbulent. The vanity of pedigree, and the oftentation of fortune, were often handled backwards and forwards; this ufhered in indecency from him, and left her abandoned to a mifguided paffion.

Reiterated quarrels aggravated their imprudence: he frequently fwore, fhe railed; and blows enfued. She felt the effects of his violence; he bore the marks of her fury. When their paffions abated, fhe fat pensively venting the gufhing forrows from her eyes; he grew mollified, and, after innumerable careffes, recompofed her agitated fpirits. The quarrel renewed their tenderness: they gently upbraided themselves, confeffed their folly, refolved to oppofe the excurfions of paffion, and for fome time lived with all the appearance of a durable felicity. But when paffion has once got the head, reafon vainly attempts to guide the rein. Though Lorenzo and Violetta, on the repetition of every quarrel, became fenfible of their fmothered affection, yet they never endeavoured

endeavoured to light up the extinguished lamp of Hymen. They continued their intemperate fallies; and were at last, so habituated to fuch an ignominious custom, as to give an unbounded loose to their paffions before company, till they are now become the derifion of all their acquaintance. As I have a regard for Lorenzo, I have taken an opportunity of expatiating with him on his indifcretion: he acknowledges his imprudence, profeffes the strongest affection for his wife, and folemnly avows his fidelity to the nuptial bed.

Violetta is alfo fenfible of her erroneous behaviour, efteems her husband, and wears the throne of chastity on her brow. They are equally conscious of their faults, are equally forry for them; and are equally defirous of correcting them: but they are fo abfolutely devoted to the ftorms of paffion, as to be equally incapable of executing those falutary refolutions, which they are thoroughly fenfible can alone give pleasure to the bridal bed, happiness to the prime of life, and comfort to the declension of age.

What a melancholy reflection is this! That two perfons, once united by the filken band of love, should fo difown its empire, for the gratification of fome ridiculous humour, it is most aftonishing! That two perfons, who could fo easily enjoy the beauties of life, fhould fo voluntarily banish them

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