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reconciliation with God, through the great Redeemer of mankind; in the firm confidence of being conducted through all the trials of life, by infinite Wisdom and Goodness; and in the joyful prospect of arriving, in the end, at immortal felicity; they possess a happiness which, descending from a purer and more perfect region than this world, partakes not of its vanity.

4. Besides the enjoyments peculiar to religion, there are other pleasures of our present state, which, though of an inferiour order, must not be overlooked in the estimate of hunian life. It is necessary to call attention to these, in order to check that repining and unthankful spirit to which man is always too prone.

5. Sonie degree of importance must be allowed to the comforts of health, to the innocent gratifications of sense, and to the entertainment afforded us by all the beautiful scenes of nature; some to the pursuits and harmless amuse ments of social life; and more to the internal enjoyments of thought and reflection, and to the pleasures of affection ate intercourse with those whom we love.

6. These comforts are often held in too low estimation merely because they are ordinary and common: although that is the circumstance which ought, in reason, to enhance their value. They lie open, in some degree, to all; extend through every rank of life; and fill up agreeably many of those spaces in our present existence, which are not occupied with higher objects, or with serious cares.

7. From this representation it appears that, notwithstanding the vanity of the world, a considerable degree of comfort is attainable in the present state. Let the recollection of this serve to reconciled us to our conditic and to repress the arrogance of complaints and murmurs What art thou, O son of man! who, having sprung but yesterday out of the dust, darest to lift up thy voice against thy Maker, and to arraign his providence, because al things are not ordered according to thy wish?

8. What title hast thou to find fault with the order of the universe, whose lot is so much beyond what thy virtue or merit gave thee ground to claim! Is it nothing to thee to have been introduced into this magnificent world, to have been admitted as a spectator of the Divine wisdom and works; and to have had access to all the comforts which nature, with a bountiful hand, has poured forth around

hee? Are all the hours forgotten which thou hast passed in ease, in complacency, or joy?

9. Is it a small favour in thy eyes, that the hand of divine Mercy has been stretched forth to aid thee; and, if thou reject not its proffered assistance, is ready to conduct thee to a happier state of existence? When thou comparest thy condition with thy desert, blush, and be ashamed of thy complaints. Be silent, be grateful, and adore. Receive with thankfulness the blessings which are allowed thee. Revere that government which at present refuses thee more, Rest in this conclusion, that though there are evils in the world, its Creator is wise and good, and has been bountiful to thee.



a Mass, mås, a body, the service ofn. In-stinct, in'-stinkt, the power the Roman church.

b Con-tem-pla-tion, kôn-têm-plà'-| snan, meditation, study.

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c Myr-i-ad,mir-ré-âd, ten thousand. d Cell, sêl, a small cavity, the cave of a religious person.

e Cav-i-ty, kávé-té, hollowness, a hollow.

f Teem, tèèm, to bring forth young, to be full.

A-nal-o-gy, â-nál'-lb-je, a resemblance between things. h Com-mu-ni-ca-tive, kom-mů'-nèka-tiv, apt to communicate. iSpec-u-la-tion, spěk-d-là'-shůn, a mental view, a scheme.

k Cone, kène, a solid body like a sugar loaf.


Sev-er, sev'-vůr, to force asunder.

which determines the will of brutes.

n Ex-u-be-rant, égz-ù'-bě-rånt,overabundant, superfluously plente

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t Par-i-ty, pår'-rè-tè, equality, re semblance.

u Des-pi-ca-ble, dês'-pè-ká-bl, con temp. ible, mean, vile. Scale of Beings.

1. THOUGH there is a great deal of pleasure in contemplating the material world; by which I mean, that system of bodies, into which nature has so curiously wrought the mass of dead matter, with the several relations that those bodies bear to one another; there is still, methinks, something more wonderful and surprising, in contemplations on the world of life; by which I intend, all those animals with which every part of the universe is furnished. The material world is only the shell of the universe: the world of life are its inhabitants.

2. If we consider those parts of the material world

which lie the nearest to us, and are therefore subject to our observation and inquiries, it is amazing to consider the infinity of animals with which they are stocked. Every part of matter is peopled; every green leaf swarms with inhabitants. There is scarcely a single humour in the body of a man, or of any other animal, in which our glasses do not discover myriads of living creatures.

3. We find, even in the most solid bodies, as in marble itself, innumerable cells and cavities, which are crowded with imperceptible inhabitants, too little for the naked eye to discover. On the other hand, if we look into the more bulky parts of nature, we see the seas, lakes, and rivers, teeming with numberless kinds of living creatures. We find every mountain and marsh, wilderness and wood, plentifully stocked with birds and beasts; and every part of matter affording proper necessaries and conveniences, for the livelihood of the multitudes which inhabit it.

4. The author of the " Plurality of Worlds," draws a very good argument from this consideration, for the peopling of every planet; as indeed it seems very probable, from the analogy of reason, that if no part of matter, with which we are acquainted, lies waste and useless, those great bodies, which are at such a distance from us, are not desert and unpeopled; but rather, that they are furnished with beings adapted to their respective situations.

5. Existence is a blessing to those beings only which are endowed with perception; and is in a manner thrown away upon dead matter, any farther than as it is 'subservient to beings which are conscious of their existence. Accordingly we find, from the bodies which lie under our observation, that matter is only made as the basis and support of animals; and that there is no more of the one than what is necessary for the existence of the other.

6. Infinite goodness is of so communicative" a nature, that it seems to delight in conferring existence upon every degree of perceptive being. As this is a speculation, which I have often pursued with great pleasure to myself, I shall enlarge farther upon it, by considering that part of the scale of beings, which comes within our knowledge.

7. There are some living creatures, which are raised but just above dead matter. To mention only that species of shell-fish, which is formed in the fashion of a cone; that grows to the surface of several rocks; and immediately dies, on being severed from the place where it grew. There

“are many other creatures but one remove from these, which have no other sense than that of feeling and taste. Others nave still an additional one of hearing; others of smell; and others of sight.

8. It is wonderful to observe, by what a gradual progress the world of life advances, through a prodigious variety of species, before a creature is formed, that is complete in all its senses: and even among these, there is such a different degree of perfection, in the senses which one animal enjoys beyond what appears in another, that though the sense in different animals is distinguished by the same common denomination, it seems almost of a different nature.

9. If, after this, we look into the several inward perfec tions of cunning and sagacity, or what we generally call instinct," we find them rising, after the same manner, imperceptibly one above another; and receiving additional improvements, according to the species in which they are implanted. This progress in nature is so very gradual, that the most perfect of an inferiour species, comes very near to the most imperfect of that which is immediately above it.

10. The exuberant" and overflowing goodness of the Supreme Being, whose mercy extends to all his works, is plainly seen, as I have before hinted, in his having made so very little matter, at least what falls within our knowledge, that does not swarm with life. Nor is his goodness less seen in the diversity, than in the multitude of living creatures.

Had he made but one species of animals, none of the rest would have enjoyed the happiness of existence: he has, therefore, specified, in his creation, every degree of life, every capac ity of being.

11. The whole chasm of nature, from a plant to`a man "is filled up with diverse kinds of creatures, rising one after another, by an ascent so gentle and easy, that the little tran sitions and deviations from one species to another, are almost insensible. This intermediate space is so well husbanded and managed, that there is scarcely a degree of percep tion, which does not appear in some one part of the world of life. Is the goodness, or the wisdom of the Divine Being, more manifested in this his proceeding?

12. There is a consequence, besides those I have already mentioned, which seems very naturally deducibles from he foregoing considerations. If the scale of being rises by so regular a progress, so high as man, we may, by parity of reason, suppose, that it still proceeds gradually

through those beings which are of a superiour nature to him; since there is infinitely greater space and room for different degrees of perfection, between the Supreme Being and man, than between man and the most despicable"


13. In this great system of being, there is no creature. so wonderful in its nature, and which so much deserves our particular attention, as man; who fills up the middle space between the animal and the intellectual nature, the visible and the invisible world; and who is that link in the chain of being, which forms the connexion between both. So that he who, in one respect, is associated with angels and archangels, and may look upon a Being of infinite perfection as his father, and the highest order of spirits as his brethren, may, in another respect, say to". corruption, thou art my father, and to the worm, thou art my mother and my sister."



■ Ob-nox-ious, ôb-nôk'-shús, sub- attributed, honour, quality adheject, liable to punishment. b Con-tin-gen-cy, kôn-tin-jen-s2, d accident, the quality of being fortuitous, possibility.

At-tri-bute, ât'-tre-bute, the thingle

rent, an appendant.
Om-nis-ci-ence, ôm-nish-e-ense,
infinite wisdom, boundless knowl-

Su-per-nat-u-ral, su-per-nât'-tshu-
rål, above nature.

Trust in the care of Providence recommended.

1. MAN, considered in himself, is a very helpless, and a very wretched being. He is subject every moment to the greatest calamities and misfortunes. He is beset with dangers on all sides; and may become unhappy by numberless casualties, which he could not foresee, nor have prevented had he foreseen them.


2. It is our comfort, while we are obnoxious to so many accidents, that we are under the care of ONE who directs contingencies, and has in his hands the management of every thing that is capable of annoying or offending us; who knows the assistance we stand in need of, and is always ready to bestow it on those who ask it of him.

3. The natural homage, which such a creature owes to so infinitely wise and good a Being, is a firm reliance on him for the blessings and conveniences of life; and an habitual trust in him, for deliverance out of all such dangers and difficulties as may befall us.

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