페이지 이미지

Talleytand, in which it is admitted incorruptible mind, had been bethat there was no longer any chance trayed into a private and confidential of organizing a combination against correspondence with such a man as France on the continent, he would the friend to whom he was attached, find the treaty of offensive and de- Talleyrand. Ile blamed ministers fensive alliance between Russia and for not having sooner put an end to France, was signed one month be. the negotiationand declared his fore the date of that letter.-It was firm conviction that no peace could difficult to discover on what ground take place with France, at least, Mr. C. supposed the French nego. such a peace as would be worthy of tiators denied that the basis of the the acceptance of this country, so uti possidetis had been admitted. long as the force and the counsels of Let him look at the papers and he that country were directed by two would find it stated by lord Lauder. such men as Talleyrand and Buona. dale, that when the admission of parte. that basis was urged by lord Yar. Lord Howick observed, that some mouth, general Clarke did not deny honourable gentlemen blamed his it, but pretended it had been talked majesty's ministers for having don of only in loose conversations, which too much in the way of negotiation, be described as romans politiques. while his honourable friend and reThis was certainly a very different lation, Mr. W. blamed them for thing from a denial.

doing too little. But he thought it Mr. Perceval, from a review of was not a little in their favour, that all the circumstances connected with they had steered a middle course be. the negotiation, concluded that the tween two extremes. enemy were never seriously desirous Mr. Whitbread having withdrawn of peace, and that ministers were his motion, the address was put' and dupes of the artifices of the French carried, nem diss. And the house government. He lamented that a adjourned at five o'clock on Tuesday man of Mr, Fox's great talents, and morning.


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The insatiable Ambition and insidious Policy of France.-No Alternative for Britain between Resistance and Submission.-The first Altentions of the Legislature called to the State of the Army and Navy --Ordnance Estimates moved in the House of Commons, by Mr. Calcraft. Resolutions moved thereon...agreed to.- Motions by Lord Castlereagh, for Returns of the Effective State of our Military Establishment -agreed to.- Army Estimates.Number and Disposition of the Volunteers.-Result of the Alteration that had been made in the Recruiting System.-Observations by Lord Castlereagh on the Statements that had been laid before the House by the Secretary at War.- Reply to Lord Castlereagh, by Mr. Windham.-New System for Recruiting the Army vindi cated.-Strictures on that System by Mr Perceval.---Mr. Perceval answered, and the New System defended by Lord Howick-Re. marks by Sir James Pulteney.-Speech of Sir John Doyle.-Observations by Mr. Johnstone-Mr. Rose and Mr. Thornton.---The New System defended by Lord H. Petty-The Resolutious agreed to.-Navy Estimates moved by Mr. Thomas Grenville.- New Arrangement proposed for a clear Statement of the Naval Estimates in future Resolutions moved by Mr. Grenville-agreed to.-Sums for Miscellaneous Services moved by Mr. Vansittart-Among these a Sum in Addition to what had been granted before to the Ro"man-Catholic College at Maynooth-Which gives rise to animated Conversations on this Subject:-The Speakers; Mr. Perceval-Mr. Banks Lord Stanley-Sir John Newport-Mr. Grattan...Lord Mahon-Mr. Wilberforce--and Lord Howick.---All the Resolutions moved by Mr. Vansittart, agreed to.


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VER, was the

British parlia

ment more unanimous upon any question than that the crown was to be supported in the prosecution of the war against France, with the whole energy and resources of the nation. The insatiable ambition as well as the insidious policy of the French government, though abundantly ap parent, had never been seen before in so clear and striking a light. Buonaparte had lately stated, that he would not conduct the present war as he had done those in which he had been before engaged. He had declared that he would not leave the shores of the Baltic, nor evacu


ate any of the countries of which he might have taken possession, unless Great Britain should relinquish her maritime conquests. We had therefore no alternative between resistance and submission. The ho nour of the country was at all ha. zards to be maintained and vindi

cated, or, having lost its honour, it must lose its power, and sink lower and lower in the scale of nations. The first regards, therefore, of the legislature, were demanded by the state of our army and navy, and of our finances by which these were to be maintained and re-inforced.

On the 7th of January, the house


of commons having resolved itself in the same proportion, and owing into a committee of supply, Mr. to the same cause. Next year the Calcraft moved, that the estimate of reduction would be still greater, as the charge of the office of ordnance, the lines of Chatham, and the great for Great Britain and Ireland, for works carrying on at and on the the year 1807, be referred to the coast, would by that time be com, said committee. He had great sa. pleted. tisfaction in being enabled to inform Mr. Calcraft then moved, 1. That the committer, that there was a con- a sum not exceeding 2,278,1971. Os. siderable reduction in the estimates 10d. be granted to his majesty, for he had now to submit to them, com. the charge of the office of ordnance pared with those of the former

years: for the land-service for Great Bri. which reduction, he candidly stated, tain, for the year 1807...-2. That was to be imputed, not to the board 479,2461. 198. 7d. he granted to his of ordnance, but to the adequate majesty, for the charge of the office supplies of former years, which, in of ordnance in Ireland, for the year facilitating the progress of the public 1807.---3. That 301,4061. 98. 8d. works, had lessened the grants of be granted to his majesty, for defray. money necessary to support them. ing the expence of services performed If the board of ordnance had any by the office of ordnance for lande claim to merit, it was for the uniform service for Great Britain, and not zeal with which the board had re. provided for by parliament in the sisted all the expensive projects that year 1805.---4. That 262,3651. 14s. had been submitted to them, and 2d. be granted to his majesty, for consulted on all occasions the utmost defraying the expence of services æconomy that was practicable. The performed by the office of ordnance principal reductions were owing to for land-service, for Great Britain, the completion of those great works and not provided for by parliament in Kent, and on the coast of Sussex, in the year 1806. These resolutions which, while erecting, were pro. were reported next day, and agreed to. ductive of an expence of no incon. January 12. Lord Castlereagh siderable magnitude. The sum now moved for returns of the present. required would be found to be effective state of our military esta. £600,000, less than that voted last blishment. The first point on which year; and this, too, notwithstand. he thought it necessary to call for ing the increase of 1,400 men in one information, was, the actual state of battalion of foot artillery; the in. the army, regulars and militia. His creased expence of the establish, first motion, therefore, wonld be, ments of engineers; and the aug. for a return of the present effective mentation of pay granted to the strength of the regular army, the artillery, by his majesty. This militia, and the artillery, up to the threefold addition to our expendi. Jatest period when returns had been tures, would amount to £150,000: made, and at the end of every 80 that, had there not been a reduce month from the 1st of March 1806, tion of £600,000. the incrase now inclusive. By this return, the house required would be £750,000. In would be enabled to judge how far the ordnance estimates for Ireland, the army had undergone any in. : the diminution would be found to be grease, or diminution of its effective


strength within that period. The guishing those serving abroad, from next point on which he proposed to those serving at home. 3. A return move for information, respected the of the men raised monthly for the sources from which the supply for regular army, from the month of • keeping up the strength of the army January 1805, to the first of was derived. The two motions January 1807, exclusive of foreign which he meant to bring forward on or colonial levies, and dis:inguishing these heads, would put the house in those raised by the Additional Force possession of full information re- act, by the regular recruiting, and specting the general state of the those that were enlisted from the army, and the means at present ex. militia. 4. Copies of all orders or isting, for keeping it up to its proper , regulations that had been issued establishment. His further motions since the last session of parliament, related to branches of our military respecting the recruiting of the reforce, that were collateral with the gular army. 5. An abstract of the regular army, and calculated to sup- effective strength of the volunteers on port it and keep it up : he meant the the 1st of January 1806, distinguish. volunteers; and that other branching infantry and cavalry : also a which had engaged so much of the like return at the latest period when attention of the house during last any 'return had been, specifying session, when the General Training within what period such return had bill was under discussion ---And, if been made. 6. An abstract of such the papers should not prove, that the instructious as had been issued, by state of the army was more satisfac. his majesty's command, to the lieu. tory, than, from the information he tenants of counties; and of such bad been enabled to receive, he was proceedings as had been taken there. disposed to believe it, he should

execution of the act of last never consent to a renewal of that session of parliament, for the general fundamental change in the Mutiny training of the population of the act, which the right honourable se. country. cretary at war had introduced into Mr. Windham confessed a diffi. it last session.

culty in stating the amount of black Lord Castlereagh then moved, 1. troops employed in the West Indies. That there be laid before the house, But, as they were not the only monthly returns of the amount of corps employed, the objection did the effective strength of his majesty's not appear to him to be very måte. regular troops and militia, from the rial, and therefore he should not 1st of March 1806, to the 1st of Ja. press it. Lord Castlereagh con. nuary 1807 } distinguishing cavalry, sented to have the black West-India foot guards, infantry of the line, regiments thrown into the gross garrison and veteran battalions, amount of the foreign local troops. foreign and local corps, German The motions were then agreed to. legion, West India corps, British January 14.-.-The secretary at war and Irish militia ;. and distinguishing presented to the house of commons those serving abroad, from those the army estimates for the present serving at home. 2. A similar re. year, and a copy of the warrant torn of the effective strength of the for fixing certain allowances and Artillery for the same period ; distin. pensions in pursuance of the act, 46


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of George III; and gave notice, afford the information the noble lord

; that on that day se’nnight he would wished for. -move those estimates in the com- January 21.–The house of com. mittee of supply. Mr. Perceval mons went into a committee of supwished to know, whether the papers ply, and Mr. Windham, agreeably - moved for on a former night by lord to the notice he had given on the Castlereagh, with a view to the 14th, moved the army estimates ; elucidation of the state of our mili- which, he said, with very few ex. tary establishments would be ready ceptions, were conformable to those before that day. The secretary at of the last year. They were classed war conceived that the papers now

under 26 heads ; namely, presented, might in a great measure

NUMBER. CHARGE. 1. Guards, Garrisons, &c.

113795 £4051623 0 6 2. Forces in the Plantations, &c. 79158 2609143 13 9 3. India Forces

25115 582397 0
4. Troops and Companies for re.
cruiting ditto

437 25214 10 0 5. Recruiting and Contingencies

227249 O 10 6. General and Staff Officers

190529 17 6 7. Embodied Militia and Fencible Infantry

94202 2493644 7 5 8. Contingencies for ditto

69153 17 0 9. Clothing for ditto

157227 16 4 10. Fall Pay to Supernumerary Offi.

34418 11 11. Public Departments

221200 18 5 12. Allowance to Inn-keepers, &c.

467273 3 11 13. Half Pay and Military Allowances

192515 2 11 14. Ditto American Forces

44000 0 0 15. Ditto Scotch Brigade

750 0 0 16. In-Pensioners of Chelsea and Kil. mainham Hospitals

50597 19 9 17. Out.Pensioners of ditto

355785 7 8 18. Widows Pensions

43258 7 19. Volunteer Corps

1490301 20. Foreign Corps

21473 832540 19 9 21. Roğal Military College

22175 5 10 22. Royal Military Asylum

21227 8 4 23. Allowances to Retired and Offici. ating Chaplains

18208 15 11 24. Hospital Expences (Ireland)

18461 10 10 25. Barrack Department (ditto)

469150 12 6 26. Compassionate List

12000 0 0


334180 14743348 12 4 25115 582397 0 0

Deduct the India Forces


309065 £14160951 12 4

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