For our advantage shall their harvests grow, ROBERT DODSLEY. BORN 1703.-DIED 1764. It is creditable to the memory of Pope to have been the encourager of this ingenious man, who rose from the situation of a footman to be a respectable bookseller. His plan of republishing "Old English Plays" is said to have been suggested to him by the literary amateur Coxeter, but the execution of it leaves us still indebted to Dodsley's enterprise. SONG. MAN's a poor deluded bubble, Yet presuming on his senses, On he goes, most wondrous wise: SONG. THE PARTING KISS. ONE kind kiss before we part, Yet, yet weep not so, my love, All my soul, and all my heart, And every wish shall pant for you; One kind kiss then ere we part, ROBERT LLOY D. ROBERT LLOYD was the son of one of the masters of Westminster school. He studied at Cambridge, and was for some time usher at Westminster, but forsook that employment for the life of an author and the habits of a man of pleasure. His first publication that attracted any notice was the Actor, the reputation of which stimulated Churchill to his Rosciad. He contributed to several periodical works; but was unable by his literary efforts to support the dissipated life which he led with Coleman, Thornton, and other gay associates. His debts brought him to the Fleet, and those companions left him to moralize on the instability of convivial friendships. Churchill however adhered to him, and gave him pecuniary relief to prevent him from starving in prison. During his confinement he published a volume of his poems; wrote a comic opera, "The Capricious Lovers ;" and took a share in translating the Contes Moraux of Marmontel. When the death of Churchill was announced to him, he exclaimed, "Poor Charles ! I shall follow him soon," fell into despondency, and died within a few weeks. Churchill's sister, to whom he was attached, died of a broken heart for his loss. CHIT-CHAT. AN IMITATION OF THEOCRITUS. IDYLL. XV. Ενδοι Πραξινοα, &c. Mrs. B. Is Mistress Scot at home, my dear ? She fancy'd you would not come down, Mrs. S. Your servant, madam. Well, I swear Pray, ma'm, be seated. Mrs. B. Lard! my dear, I vow I'm almost dead with fear. There is such scrouging and such squeeging, The folks are all so disobliging; And then the waggons, carts and drays * |