Of decks with streaming crimson dy'ď, The merchant now on foreign shores And yet, such man's misjudging mind, If glory thus be earn'd, for me THE TEMPESTUOUS EVENING. AN ODE. THERE'S grandeur in this sounding storm, Beneath the blast the forests bend, The sight sublime enrapts my thought, But can my soul the scene enjoy, FF2 O hapless he, who, near the main, GEORGE ALEXANDER STEVENS. BORN 17-. DIED 1784. GEORGE ALEXANDER STEVENS was born in Holborn. He was for many years a strolling player, and was afterwards engaged at Covent Garden theatre. His powers as an actor were very indifferent; and he had long lived in necessitous circumstances, when he had recourse to a plan which brought him affluence-this was, delivering his Lecture on Heads, a medley of wit and nonsense, to which no other performance than his own could give comic effect. The lecture was originally designed for Shuter; who, however, wholly failed in his delivery of it. When Stevens gave it himself, it immediately became popular; he repeated it with success in different parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and, crossing the Atlantic, found equal favour among the calvinists of Boston, and the quakers of Philadelphia. On his return to England he attempted to give novelty to the exhibition by a supplementary lecture on portraits and whole lengths; but the supplement had no success. In 1773 he appeared again on the Haymarket stage, in a piece of his own composing, "The Trip to Portsmouth." He afterwards resumed his tour of lectures on heads, till finding his own head worn out by dissipation, he sold the property of the composition to Lee Lewis, the comedian; and closed a life of intemperance in a state of idiotism. If Fletcher of Salton's maxim be true, " that the " popular songs of a country are of more importance "than its laws," Stevens must be regarded as an important criminal in literature. But the songs of a country rather record, than influence, the state of popular morality. Stevens celebrated hard drinking, because it was the fashion; and his songs are now seldom vociferated, because that fashion is gone by. George was a leading member of all the great bacchanalian clubs of his day; the Choice Spirits, Comus' Court, and others, of similar importance and utility. Before the scheme of his lecture brought him a fortune, he had frequently to do penance in jail for the debts of the tavern; and, on one of those occasions, wrote a poem, entitled " Religion," expressing a penitence for his past life, which was probably sincere, while his confinement lasted. He was also author of "Tom Fool," a novel; "The Birthday of Folly," a satire; and several dramatic pieces of slender consequence. THE WINE VAULT. CONTENTED I am, and contented I'll be, My brave boys. My vault door is open, descend and improve, 'Tis as rich to the taste as the lips of your love, My brave boys. In a piece of slit hoop, see my candle is stuck, The foot of my glass for the purpose I broke, My brave boys. Astride on a butt, as a butt should be strod, Like grape-blessing Bacchus, the good fellow's god, My brave boys. We are dry where we sit, though the coying drops seem With pearls the moist walls to emboss; |