When surfeit, or unthankfulness, destroys, Such blessings nature pours, O'erstock'd mankind enjoy but half her stores: CHARACTERS OF WOMEN-THE WEDDED WIT. FROM THE SAME. NOUGHT but a genius can a genius fit; Both wits! though miracles are said to cease, Three days, three wondrous days! they liv'd in peace; With the fourth sun a warm dispute arose, THE ASTRONOMICAL LADY, FROM THE SAME. SOME nymphs prefer astronomy to love; THE LANGUID LADY. FROM THE SAME. THE languid lady next appears in state, My fan! let others say, who laugh at toil; THE SWEARER. FROM THE SAME. THALESTRIS triumphs in a manly mien; Hark! the shrill notes transpierce the yielding air, JOHN BROWN. DR. BROWN, author of the tragedies of Athelstan and Barbarossa, and of several other works, was born at Rothbury, in Northumberland, where his father was curate. He studied at Cambridge, obtained a minor canonry and lectureship in the cathedral of Carlisle, and was afterwards preferred to the living of Morland, in Westmorland. The latter office he resigned in disgust at being rebuked for an accidental omission of the Athanasian creed. He remained for some years in obscurity at Carlisle, till the year of the rebellion, when he distinguished himself by his intrepidity as a volunteer at the siege of the castle. His Essay on Satire introduced him to Warburton, who exhorted him to write his Remarks on Shaftesbury's Characteristics, as well as to at tempt an epic poem on the plan which Pope had sketched. Through Warburton's influence he obtained the rectory of Horkesly, near Colchester; but his fate was to be embroiled with his patrons, and having quarrelled with those who had given him the living in Essex, he was obliged to retire upon the vicarage of St. Nicholas, at Newcastle. A latent taint of derangement had certainly made him vain and capricious; but Warburton seems not to have been a delicate doctor to his mind's disease. In one of his letters he says, "Brown is here, " rather perter than ordinary, but no wiser. You "cannot imagine how tender they are all of his "tender places, and with how unfeeling a hand I " probe them." The writer of this humane sentence was one whom Brown had praised in his Estimate as the Gulliver and Colossus of a degenerate age. When his Barbarossa came out, it appears that some friends, equally tender with the Bishop of Gloucester, reproved him for having any connexion with players. The players were not much kinder to his sore feelings. Garrick offended him deeply by a line in the prologue which he composed for his Barbarossa, alluding to its author, "Let the poor devil eat allow him that." His poetry never obtained, nor indeed deserved much attention; but his "Estimate of the Manners and Principles of the Times" passed through seven editions, and threw the nation into a temporary ferment. Voltaire alleges that it roused the English from lethargy by the imputation of degeneracy, |