페이지 이미지







In Bills, Read 1o, 2o, 3o, or 1a, 2a, 3a, Read the First, Second, or Third Time.-In Speeches,
1R., 2R., 3R., Speech delivered on the First, Second, or Third Reading.-Amendt., Amend-
ment. Res., Resolution.-Comm., Committee.-Re-Comm., Re-Committal.-Rep., Report.-
Consid., Consideration.-Adj., Adjournment or Adjourned.-cl., Clause.-add. cl., Additional
Clause.-neg., Negatived.—M. Q., Main Question.-O. Q., Original Question.—O. M., Original
Motion.-P. Q., Previous Question.-R. P., Report Progress.-A., Ayes.-N., Noes.-M., Ma-
jority. 1st. Div., 2nd. Div., First or Second Division.-l., Lords.-c., Commons.

When in this Index a is added to the Reading of a Bill, it indicates that no Debate took
place upon that stage of the measure.

When in the Text or in the Index a Speech is marked thus, it indicates that the Speech
is reprinted from a Pamphlet or some authorized Report.

When in the Index a † is prefixed to a Name or an Office (the Member having accepted or
vacated office during the Session) and to Subjects of Debate thereunder, it indicates that the
Speeches on those Subjects were delivered in the speaker's private or official character, as the
case may be.



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Some subjects of debate have been classified under the following "General Headings:


Noxious Vapours Commission, Report, 125

Aberdeen District Tramways Bill (by

c. Moved, That the Bill be now read 30"
June 17, 1574

Amendt. to leave out "now," and add "
this day three months" (Sir Walter B.
Barttelot); Question proposed, "That now,'
&c.;" after debate, Moved, "That the
Debate be now adjourned" (Sir Joseph
M'Kenna); after further short debate, Motion

Question again proposed, "That 'now,' &c. ;"
Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned"



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Acknowledgment of Deeds by Married Women | ADVOCATE, The Lord-cont.
(Ireland) Bill-cont.

Moved, "That the Debate be now adjourned"
(Mr. O'Connor Power); after short debate,
Question put; A. 1, N. 79; M. 78 (D. L.

After further short debate, Moved, "That the
Bill be now read 3°;" Question put; A. 77,
N. none (D. L. 139)
[Bill 173]

1. Read 1* (Earl of Belmore) May 17 (No. 87)

Read 2 May 24, 618

Committee May 28

Report May 31

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Coal Mines-Blantyre Colliery Explosion, 29
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 12,
1184, 1185, 1186, 1187, 1188, 1189, 1191,
1195, 1196; cl. 15, 1197, 1200; cl. 16, 1205;
Amendt. 1206, 1212; cl. 18, 1214; cl. 19,
1215; cl. 24, 1216, 1686, 1689; cl. 29, 1690,
1691, 1693; Amendt. 1694; cl. 30, 1695;
cl. 32, ib.; cl. 33, Amendt. ib., 1696;
Amendt. 1697, 1698, 1699; cl. 34, Amendt.
ib.; cl. 35, ib., 1700; cl. 36, 1701, 1703,
1705, 1706, 1707, 1708; cl. 38, 1711;
Amendt. 1712; cl. 41, 1714, 1716, 1720;
cl. 43, 1721; cl. 44, Amendt, ib., 1722;
cl. 45, 1723, 1725, 1727, 1729; cl. 49, 1732,
1733; cl. 50, 1736; cl. 55, 1737; cl. 62,
1889; cl. 63, 1890; cl. 67, Amendt. ib.;
cl. 78, 1891; cl. 79, Amendt. 1892; cl. 83,
Amendt. ib., 1893; cl. 85, Amendt. ib., 1896,
1898, 1899, 1900; cl. 96, ib. ; cl. 97, 1901;
cl. 98, 1902, 1903, 1904; cl. 102, 1905;

cl. 103, ib.; cl. 104, 1907, 1908; el. 105, ib.,
1913; Amendt. 1917, 1918; cl. 106, 1919;
Postponed cl. 54, ib., 1920, 1926, 1928, 1934;
add. el. 1939, 1940, 1957, 1964, 1965, 1966,
1967, 1970, 1973, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1987
Scotland-Miscellaneous Questions

Lunacy Commission-The Vacancy, 926
Police Superannuation Fund, 498

Sale of Food and Drugs Act, 1875, 495
Scotland-Religious Denominations (Scotland),
Motion for a Select Committee, 1779
Supply-Fishery Board in Scotland, 686

Queen's and Lord Treasurer's Remem-
brancer, 669, 671, 672, 673, 675
Under Secretary of State, 2R. 822


[ocr errors]

South Africa-The Native Tribes, Question,
Mr. Alexander M'Arthur; Answer, Sir
Michael Hicks-Beach May 20, 258

The Cape-Telegraphic Communication, Ques-
tion, Colonel Mure; Answer, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach May 30, 928

AGNEW, Mr. R. Vans, Wigton Co.
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 17,
1214; cl. 36, 1705; cl. 49, 1733; cl. 105,
1912; Postponed cl. 54, 1920; Amendt.
1924, 1926; add. cl. 1981

ALEXANDER, Colonel C., Ayrshire, S.
Army Estimates-Army Reserve, 1475, 1482
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 15,
Amendt. 1199; cl. 17, Amendt. 1209; cl. 24,
Amendt. 1689; cl. 41, Amendt. 1712, 1713,
1718, 1719; cl. 49, Amendt. 1732, 1734;
cl. 55, Amendt. 1737; cl. 62, Amendt. 1888;
Postponed cl. 54, Amendt, 1919, 1920, 1930

Ancient Monuments Bill

(Sir John Lubbock, Mr. Beresford Hope, Mr.
Osborne Morgan, Mr. Russell Gurney)
c. Committee; Report June 6 [Bills 63-209]

ANDERSON, Mr. G., Glasgow

Post Office-Eastern Mail Service, 1887
Post Office and Mail Service-Peninsular and
Oriental Company, 1255

Racecourses (Licensing), Comm. 1240; cl. 1,

1486, 1487; cl. 6, 1488; Preamble, 1489
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 12,
Amendt. 1182, 1184, 1186, 1190; cl. 15,
Amendt. 1199; cl. 16, 1208, 1209; cl. 36,
1710; cl. 105, 1914; Postponed el. 54,
Amendt. 1926, 1937; add. cl. Amendt. 1942,
1944, 1958, 1960, 1965, 1966, 1968, 1969,

ANSTRUTHER, Sir R., Fifeshire
Grocers' Licences in Scotland, 261


ANSTRUTHER, Sir W. C., Lanarkshire, S. | ARMY—cont.
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 12,
Amendt. 1184, 1186; cl. 33, Amendt. 1696;
cl. 41, 1717; cl. 42, Amendt. 1720; cl. 49,
Amendt. 1733; cl. 62, Amendt. 1889 ; cl. 93,
Amendt. 1900; cl. 105, Amendt. 1908, 1917;
add. cl. 1944, 1954, 1965, 1976, 1977, 1978,
1979, 1981

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Rifled Ordnance, Questions, Major O'Beirne;
Answers, Lord Eustace Cecil May 24, 626;
June 3, 1075

Siege Guns, Question, Major Nolan; Answer,
Lord Eustace Cecil May 23, 496

Colonel Wellesley-Army Pay, Question, Mr.
J. Cowen; Answer, Colonel Stanley June 3,

Kaffir War, The-Officers on Special Service,
Question, Mr. Hayter; Answer, Colonel
Stanley June 13, 1389

Longford Barracks-Cavalry Force, Question,
Mr. Errington; Answer, Colonel Loyd Lind-
say June 18, 1683

Military and Naval Expenditure, Question,
Mr. Rylands; Answer, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer May 20, 254
Military Forces Localization Act-The Comp-
troller and Auditor General's Report, Obser-
vations, Sir Alexander Gordon June 13,

Regimental Lieutenant Colonels, Question,
General Shute; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 16, 26

Retirement-The Order in Council, 1878,
Question, Colonel Naghten; Answer, Colonel
Stanley May 20, 258
Retiring Captains (India)—Army Circular, 1st
May, 1878, cl. 92, Question, Colonel Arbuth-
not; Answer, Colonel Stanley May 27, 742
The Indian Army The 31st Native In-
fantry, Question, Mr. O'Donnell; Answer,
Mr. E. Stanhope May 27, 744


The Indian Service-The European Force,
Question, General Sir George Balfour; An-
swer, Colonel Stanley June 13, 1396
The Medical Service-The New Warrant,
Question, Mr. Mitchell Henry; Answer,
Colonel Stanley June 20, 1880

Army Examinations-Literary and Physi-
cal Competitions

Moved, That an humble address be presented
to Her Majesty for Report of the Joint Com-
mittee of the War Office and the Civil Service
Commissioners appointed to consider the
question whether the present literary exami-
nations for the Army should be supplemented
by physical competition (The Lord Hampton)
June 7, 1328; after short debate, Motion
agreed to

Army-The Reserve Forces


Families of Reserve Men, Question, Mr. Alder-
man M'Arthur; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 16, 29

Pensions and Good Conduct Pay, Question,
Colonel Arbuthnot; Answer, Colonel Stanley
June 13, 1389

Poor Law Relief, Question, Mr. Pell; Answer,
Mr. Sclater-Booth May 20, 201

Army Reserve-Allowances to Families of
Reserve Men

Moved, That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty for recent Correspondence
between the War Office and Boards of Guar-
dians or members of Boards of Guar-
dians relative to allowances to wives and
children of the Army Reserve men who have
been called into active service (The Earl
De La Warr) May 16, 5; after short debate,
Motion withdrawn

Army-The Auxiliary Forces

Fines for Drunkenness, Question, Major
O'Beirne; Answer, Colonel Stanley June 17,

The Militia Artillery, Question, Lord Waveney;
Answer, Viscount Bury June 3, 1061
The Militia Force, Observations, Mr. Hayter;
short debate thercon June 13, 1418
The Northampton Militia, Question, Mr. Hay-
ter; Answer, Colonel Stanley June 7, 1344
The Tyrone Fusiliers, Question, Mr. O'Don-
nell; Answer, Colonel Stanley June 7, 1342;
short debate thereon June 17, 1610
Volunteer Artillery Adjutants, Question,
Colonel Makins; Answer, Colonel Stanley
May 21, 359

Yeomanry Sergeant Majors, Question, Captain
Milne-Home ; Answer, Colonel Stanley
June 17, 1607

Army-The Auxiliary Forces-The Militia
Moved, That an humble Address be presented
to Her Majesty for Return of the number of
effectives in the Auxiliary Forces at the be-
ginning of the financial year (The Lord
Stratheden and Campbell); after short debate,
Motion withdrawn

3 T 2


Army-The Military Forces of the Crown | Army-Cost of the Indian Troops-cont.

[ocr errors]

Notice of Amendment to Motion, Sir Michael
Hicks-Beach May 17, 156
Question, Mr. E. Jenkins; Auswer, The Mar-
quess of Hartington May 17, 161
Ordered, That the Orders of the Day be post-
poned until after the Notice of Motion re-
lating to the Military Forces of the Crown
(Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer) May 20
Moved, "That, by the Constitution of this
Realm, no Forces may be raised or kept by
the Crown in time of peace, without the con-
sent of Parliament, within any part of the
Dominions of the Crown, excepting only such
Forces as may be actually serving within
Her Majesty's Indian Possessions (The
Marquess of Hartington) May 20, 264
Amendt. to leave out from " That," and add
"this House, being of opinion that the con-
stitutional control of Parliament over the
raising and employment of the Military
Forces of the Crown is fully secured by the
provisions of the Law, and by the undoubted
power of this House to grant or refuse Sup-
plies, considers it to be unnecessary and in-
expedient to affirm any Resolution tending
to weaken the hands of Iler Majesty's Go-
vernment in the present state of Foreign
(Sir Michael Hicks-Beach) v.;
Question proposed, That the words, &c. ;"
after long debate, Debate adjourned
Debate resumed May 21, 362; after long de-
bate, Debate further adjourned
Debate resumed May 23, 499; after long de-
bate, Question put; A. 226, N. 347; M. 121
Division List, A and N. 610
Words added; main Question, as amended,
put, and agreed to

Army-The Military Forces of the Crown

-The Indian Contingent

Allowances to Families, Question, Major
Nolan; Answer, Mr. E. Stanhope May 27,

Employment of Indian Troops, Observations,
Lord Selborne; Reply, The Lord Chancel-
lor; debate thereon May 20, 187
The Indian Contingent, Question, Sir Alex-
ander Gordon; Answer, Mr. E. Stanhope
May 16, 24; Withdrawal of Notice, Mr.


Hussey Vivian May 23, 496; Questions,
Mr. Waddy, Mr. Fawcett, Mr. Childers, Sir
H. Drummond Wolff, Mr. Mundella; An-
Mr. E. Stanhope, The Chancellor of
the Exchequer, Mr. E. Jenkins, Mr. W. II.
Smith May 24, 623; Question, Mr. Fawcett ;
Answer, The Chancellor of the Exchequer
May 27, 745; Question, Mr. Dillwyn; An-
swer, Mr. Fawcett, 747

The Native Army in India, Question, Mr.
Fawcett; Answer, Mr. E. Stanhope June 4,

Army-Cost of the Indian Troops

Amendt. on Committee of Supply May 27, To
leave out from "That," and add "a Select
Committee be appointed to inquire into the
cost, direct and indirect, of Her Majesty's
Indian Troops serving beyond the old Indian
limits east of the Cape of Good Hope" (Sir


George Campbell) v., 748; Question pro-
posed, "That the words, &c. ;" after short
debate, Question put, and agreed to

ASHLEY, Hon. A. Evelyn M., Poole
Crete, 255

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Army-Auxiliary Forces-Militia, 1425
Indian Service, 1390

Army Estimates-Medical Establishments and
Services, 1438

Charity Commission-North Sunderland Har-
bour, 1607

Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 24,

1686; cl. 29, 1690, 1692; cl. 30, 1695;
cl. 36, 1703, 1709; cl. 38, 1711; el. 41,
1714; cl. 45, 1730; cl. 98, 1903; el. 102,
1905; cl. 103, ib., 1906
Supply-Criminal Prosecutions-Sheriffs' Ex-
penses, &c. 944

London Bankruptcy Court, 972

BALFOUR, Mr. A. J., Hertford
Military Forces of the Crown, Res. 407

Factories and Workshops, SR. 4

BARCLAY, Mr. J. W., Forfarshire
Harbours (Scotland), 167

Probate, Legacy, and Succession Duties, Res.
Roads and Bridges (Scotland), Comm. cl. 12,
1183, 1184, 1185; Amendt. 1186, 1188, 1189,
1191, 1192, 1194; cl. 15, Amendt. 1197,
1198, 1200, 1202, 1204; cl. 16, 1205;
Amendt. 1207; cl. 17, 1211; c. 19, 1215:
cl. 29, 1691; c. 30, Amendt. 1694, 1695;
cl. 32, Amendt. ib., 1698, 1699; cl. 85,
Amendt. 1700; cl. 36, Amendt. ib., 1701,
1702, 1704, 1706, 1707, 1708, 1709;
cl. 37, 1710; cl. 38, ib., 1712; el. 41,


BARCLAY, Mr. J. W.-cont.

1717; cl. 45, 1727; cl. 49, Amendt. 1732,
1734; cl. 55, Amendt. 1736, 1737; cl. 56,
Amendt. 1738; cl. 57, Amendt. ib. ; cl. 63,
Amendt. 1889; cl. 64, Amendt. 1890; cl. 85,
Amendt. 1893, 1897; cl. 96, Amendt. 1900;
cl. 97, Amendt. 1901; cl. 98, Amendt. 1902,
1903, 1904; cl. 104, 1907; cl. 105, 1911;
Postponed cl. 54, 1920, 1925, 1939; add. cl.
1955, 1967, 1973, 1981, 1983, 1988, 1990
Supply-Fishery Board, Scotland, Amendt.


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BARTTELOT, Colonel Sir W.B., Sussex, W "Beagle," II.M.S.-Execution of a

Aberdeen District Tramways, 3R. Amendt.

1574, 1581

Army-Auxiliary Forces-Militia, 1421

Army Estimates-Volunteer Corps, 1457, 1458
Cotton Manufactories-Riots in Lancashire,
33, 159

Highways, Comm. 1345

Inclosure Provisional Order (Llanfair Water-
dine), 2R. 1319

Inclosure Provisional Order (Orford), 2R. 1349
"Nineteenth Century "-Article on Liberty in
the East and West (Mr. Gladstone)-Mr.
Hanbury's Motion, 1616

Sale of Intoxicating Liquors on Sunday (Ire-
land), Comm. add. cl. 907
Supply-County Prisons, &c. (Great Britain),


Science and Art Department Buildings,

Survey of the United Kingdom, 1375
Tramways Orders Confirmation, Comm. 1316
Valuation of Property, 2R. 1317; Comm. 1506

BATES, Mr. E., Plymouth

Aberdeen District Tramways, 3R. 1589
Navy-H.M.S. "Eurydice," 1251

BATH, Marquess of

Public Health Act (1875) Amendment, Comm.
cl. 2, 1160; cl. 4, ib.

Native of Tanna-Judicial Powers of
Naval Commanders

Questions, Mr. Gorst, Mr. Childers; Answers,
Mr. W. H. Smith May 16, 35; Question,
Dr. Kenealy; Answer, Mr. W. H. Smith
May 24, 621; Question, Sir Charles W.
Dilke; Answer, Mr. Bourke May 27, 740;
Question, Mr. Gorst; Answer, Mr. W. H.
Smith June 6, 1254

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