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and fire are waging a war of extermination. Already the panic has spread, and hoary-headed patriarchs, with crutches to rest their chins upon, are seen winding their way towards the head-quarters, willing to accede to any terms which may save them from a similar fate."

And, a little farther on, another extract:

"We are now luxuriating quietly in the most delicious fruits, and lots of supplies of all kinds for the present. All the villages and forts were burnt to the ground; vineyards cut down from the root; mulberrytrees and all trees of any value destroyed; twenty-five years would not restore the place to its former beauty, and five years at least will be requisite to make it habitable. This is the way to do business, for it was here the wretched remains of the 44th were cruelly massacred; lots of their accoutrements were found, and an immense deal of other European property.

"The chiefs are coming in in every direction, and all are crying out for mercy; and well may they do so, for the killing of a few hundreds of them is a mere trifle indeed, to the destroying of those beautiful oases which reduces thousands to starvation, and nothing but years of incessant labour can restore."

"Thousands to starvation! Hoary-headed men, leaning on crutches, who could not have taken part in the sanguinary war of defence that brought on this wretched people such a fearful revenge-weak women too, and helpless babes, and who are all partakers of our common nature, stained with our common guilt, welcome even as we to partake in the free salvation purchased by the blood of the cross-all immortal souls, plunged into eternity with such a picture as this of Christianity before their eyes! Uncle, it makes my heart sick.'

'Look at the title of the paper.'

"The "True Tablet !" The Romish Journal.' 'Ay: those extracts are transferred into its columns from other newspapers, and accompanied with some fearfully just remarks, penned in a spirit of indignation such as the subject ought to kindle in every man's bosom. I feel the testimony the more as coming before me by such a channel-the very hand that is armed to scourge us holds up the blood-stained record of our guilt, unwittingly vindicating the justice of God in giving us once more into the hand of our ancient foe. Said I not right that our crime is beyond a parallel?'

'May the Lord keep us from partaking in it! I have always contemplated with horror the progress of our arms in that direction, and marvelled when good men calculated on what advantages might accrue if, God should be pleased to bless our enterprize; but after reading those dreadful descriptions I almost tremble at the linking of His Name and His blessing with the subject at all. It does seem an awful insult to the Divine Majesty to do aught but cry for pardon, and to implore, at any hazard, at any loss, the immediate withdrawal of our countrymen from such a scene of truly diabolical outrages.'

'Ay, poor fellows; the whole body are acting compulsorily; and some may loathe it even as we do, who nevertheless are compelled to burn and massacre, even to the glutting of hell with lost souls. But on some heads the responsibility must rest; and that terrible responsibility is shared by all who look complacently on, even from this distance. Men's minds are utterly blinded by a selfishness as ruinous as it is false; they cannot see that this overgrown

empire of fraud, force and cruelty is pulling down destruction on its own head. Even Christians too often put away the Bible, and yield themselves to the guidance of principles the most directly opposed to its divine character, when viewing worldly and political events. Prayer is never more needful than when we listen to the news of the day: God's word never more indispensable than when we pause to read the actions of men. Alas, alas! I fear there is a hand even now preparing to trace on the high wall of our national prosperity the fearful decree that insures impending destruction. “Thou art weighed in the balances and found wanting.'

"And yet, uncle, never was the pride of the country more rampant: one class rejoicing in victory, revenge, and territorial acquisition; another piously hoping that our artillery has opened a door for the preaching of the gospel in lands long closed against it'


And a third prostrate before God, confessing and deploring the sin of the two former. What! is the gospel like Mahomet's imposture, to be propagated at the weapon's point? Oh, trust me, when Jesus opens a door, it is not with sword and flame, and the stroke of a cruel one! Besides, do you think that any who planned these expeditions ever thought of thereby preaching Christ to the poor Pagans? No; God may indeed bring good out of evil; but the language of His righteous indignation against that evil is ever sounding in my ears: 'Shall I not visit for these things? saith the Lord; Shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?"


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