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of the garden; how oft has the sun gazed on thy opening sweets in his golden race, plucked from thy native land by the hand of ruthless man, to wither in thy bloom, in a dark cell, warmed only with thy sighs; but I'll avenge thy death: to-morrow's sun shall count whole fields of slaughter. The gentle voice of Blaniad at length reached his ear. Oh! blessed night, said she, still brighter in my eye than the day that crowned my father with victory on the hills of Barda. Oh! blessed night, that favours our converse, and carries our souls into the free-winged air.-Oh! Congullion, why did you speak to me with your eyes, the fatal day I was led captive to the remorseless tent of Conrigh; your eyes promised to release me; but, if thou art yet faithful, I am blest. It is you that can turn this prison into a palace; it is you that can restore me to light and bliss. But, ah! I am poor, I have no provinces to bestow on thee; I have no diamonds-my youth is even faded. Think not of provinces, cried Congullion, in the voice of transport; thy love alone will be

crowns and sceptres to me; what diamonds can be compared with thy tears? Let hope expand thy soft bosom. I have one hundred chosen knights; to-morrow morning the sun shall shine upon their shields; I will tear this castle from its parent rock, and Conrigh's arm shall sink beneath the weakest nerve of mine. Congullion brave, be not so rash, cried Blaniad; let prudence mingle in thy councils, and direct thy steps. Tomorrow night the tyrant sleeps in the strongest room in the castle, when midnight spreads her thickest cloud, I will contrive it so, that his armour shall be stolen away; and, when sleep has bound his senses in her bands, thou shalt enter his chamber, and avenge your wrongs-and my captivity.Think not, Oh! fair Blaniad, replied Congullion, that I would stain the laurels I have fairly won, with such a deed. I'll meet him hand to hand in open day, and add another leaf to the unfading Red-branch of Ulster, the nurse of heroes and the field of war. then, to Blaniad's fears and wishes thou'lt not yield, hear me once more; Conrigh in


tends to-morrow to feast one hundred of his chosen knights, in the large room that fronts this castle. At an appointed hour in heaven's bright name advance, and may the day propitious shine upon the gallant knights of the Red-branch. Prepare, and put thy champions in array; and, when the table's spread, I'll let you know.-Thou speakest now, exclaimed Congullion, like one that is worthy of my heart-What will the signal be?There is a stream that flows unruffled o'er its pebbly bed, along the side of this entangled wood; milk shall be poured into the limpid water; and, when you see it sail adown its dimpling breast, advance, and` you shall enter by a secret way, and then let victory or death decide the fate of the brave Congullion, and the trembling Blaniad. Congullion followed her advice; and, as the wine was flowing round in copious streams; he entered with his hundred knights, their very armour breathed defiance. Conrigh seized his sword, called all his strength into his arm, and aimed a blow at brave Congullion's head, which shook

the armour that hung around the room, as the sharp-tongued axe, when it smites with sounding blow the sturdy oak, the tender branches and the leaves but shake; so this, when it fell upon the helmet of Congullion, only shook the plume that waved in proud defiance on its shining ridge, as proud as when it rose from its parent cock, that often crowed in victory: the contest was bloody, but Conrigh sunk at last, unwilling, even in death, to close his eyes, that still retained some sparks that lingered when the vital spirit fled. But, say, what bard has ventured yet to sing the joy that shone in every victor's eye? The praises of the sons of the Red-branch were even sung by their surviving foes. Congullion bore his prize, the fair Blaniad, straight away. They were received at the court of Conor with shouts of joy; and the generous prince, as the reward of their fidelity, bestowed the island of Rathlin on the happy pair, which their posterity enjoys.



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