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On the first rubric.-In America the administration of Confirmation being ordinarily an incident of the bishop's annual visitation of each cure within his diocese, the candidates will be comparatively few, and can be grouped within the chancel. The bishop is therefore directed to sit in his ordinary chair within the sanctuary rail for the presentation of the candidates, who will stand at the rail in one or more rows until they have renewed their baptismal vows. They should then all kneel, while the bishop stands in front of the altar and says over them the Versicles and the Prayer for the Sevenfold Gift of the Spirit, and then lays his hands on each of them passing along the rail as in giving Holy Communion. This seems the arrangement which is intended by the American rubric.

In England, where Confirmation is commonly administered in a central church to a large number of candidates from neighbouring parishes, the chancel would not afford sufficient room, and the bishop is consequently seated near the entrance to the chancel, the candidates being before him in the nave, and being brought forward, in single file or in small groups, for the Laying on of hands.

The custom (which is quite modern in England) of the bishop sitting while he lays his hands upon the candidates seems (unless in cases of infirmity) unmeaning, and as inappropriate as it would be to administer Baptism or give the marriage blessing in a sitting posture. The custom for the bishop to sit in ordaining is not a parallel case; for there the sentences, 'Receive the Holy Ghost for the office and work of a priest,' etc., and 'Take thou authority to

preach the Word of God,' etc., are rather words of authoritative commission than of direct prayer like the sentence that accompanies the Laying on of hands in Confirmation, 'Defend, O Lord, this thy child, etc.'

The Preface.-See Chapter i.

The Renewal of Vows.-See Chapter i. and Chapter ix. The Prayer for the Sevenfold Gift.-See Chapter x. and p. 32.

The Laying on of hands.—See Chapter iii.

The Sentence accompanying the Imposition of hands.-See p. 35.

The Lord's Prayer.-See p. 35.

The first Collect.-See p. 13.

The concluding rubrics.—See Chapter vi., pp. 8 and 99.

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Lord's Supper. See Holy Com- Seven, significance of the num-

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