페이지 이미지

whole. Let me ever pursue this great end with unfeigned and unwearied zeal, courage, and constancy; let me earnestly seek all occasions of promoting the welfare of others, and avoid all of causing misery. Grant me unlimited charity; the strictest regard to truth, justice, and integrity; unaffected humility; an invincible meekness in every apprehension of insult or injury; perfect chastity in thought, word, and deed; and a temperance not to be overcome by appetite, or surprised through folly or negligence. Make my heart right before thee; and grant me prudence so to conduct my actions, that they may

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ucigi w suva up w viieo wakia all the devotion in my power; and whatever I do, to do it as unto thee. Let the consciousness, the experience of my blindness, and the deceitfulness of my heart, arm me against them, and since I cannot confide in myself, be thou ever with me.-Etat. 28.

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