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This series of lectures was delivered before the Boston Chapter, American Institute of Banking, during the year 1910-1911, and is in conformity with the course on "Commercial and Banking Law" outlined by the American Institute of Banking Section of the American Bankers Association.

The national organization is composed of chapters located in most of the larger cities of the country, the object of which is to encourage educational work among banking men, over eleven thousand being members of the organization today.

These lectures were printed in response to the requests of 280 members who desired to read them each week, the major portion of whom were unable to attend the meetings, but were, nevertheless, eager to get the benefits of this educational work. One week after each lecture the reports were distributed to each member, thus allowing time for a hasty reading on the day of the successive meeting, but often at the expense of printing pages with minor typographical errors which lack of time prevented correcting, and which, I trust, will be overlooked.

HERBERT E. STONE, President.

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