페이지 이미지

COLLINS, William (1720-1756), viii., cxlix.
CORNWALL, Barry (born 1790), xxiii., xxxiv., cxvii.
COWPER, William (1731-1800), cxliv., clix.
CUNNINGHAM, Allan (1785-1842), cxxxvi., cxlvii.

DOBELL, Sydney (born 1824), ccxiv., ccxli.

ELLIOTT, Ebenezer (1782-1849), lxxx., cxliii.

GARNETT, Richard (born in the present century), ccxxix.
GRAY, Thomas (1716—1771), xix., cxlii., ccxlviii.

HEMANS, Felicia (1794—1835), xxvi., xxxvi., cix., cxxix.
HERBERT, George, Rev. (1593—1633), ciii., cxcii.

HERRICK, Robert (1591—1674), cv., clxxix.

HINDS, Samuel, Right Rev., late Bishop of Norwich (born
1793), xxviii.

HOOD, Thomas (1798–1845), x., xxv., xxxviii., lv., cxxvii., cli.,


HOGG, James (1772—1835), xiii.

HUNT, Leigh (1784—1859), ix., cxii., cliv.

JONSON, Ben (1574-1637), civ., ccviii.

KEATS, John (1795-1821), cviii., cxviii., clii., clxxxiii., ccxvi.,


KEBLE, John, Rev. (born 1789), i., ccxxxiv.

KEMBLE, Frances Anne (born 1811), xxx.

KINGSLEY, Charles, Rev. (born 1819), xxi.

LINDSAY, Anne, Lady (1750-1825), ccxii.

LOCKHART, John Gibson (1794-1854), cxiii., clviii.

LONGFELLOW, Henry Wadsworth, American (born 1807), xxvii.,

liii., lxviii., cxxviii., cl., cliii.

LOWELL, James Russell, American (born 1819), lxvii., cx.

MACAULAY, Thomas Babington, Lord (1800-1859), v.,


MACDONALD, George (born 1824), cxxi.

MILMAN, Henry Hart, Very Rev., Dean of St. Paul's (born

1791), clx., clxxiii., clxxviii.

MILTON, John (1608-1674), vii., xiv., xxix., xliv., liv., lxi.,
lxxviii., xciv., xcv., cxv., cxxii., cxxxii., cxxxix., clv., ccvii.,
CCXX., cclviii.

MOORE, Thomas (1779—1852), xc., ccxl.

MOULTRIE, John, Rev. (born 1804), cxxiv.

NEWMAN, John Henry, Rev. (born 1801), lxxxi., cxx., cci.,

PATMORE, Coventry (born 1823), cxxxi., cxc., ccxxviii.
POE, Edgar Allan (1812-1849), xlvi., clxiv.

PRAED, William Mackworth (1802-1839), lxxiii.
PROCTER, Adelaide Anne (died 1864), cxix., clxiii.

QUARLES, John (1624-1665), xlv.

ROGERS, Samuel (1763—1855), xxxiii.

ROSCOE, William Caldwell (1823—1859), clxxxiv., ccxxxv.
ROSSETTI, Christina (born in the present century), ccvi., ccli.

SCOTT, Walter, Sir (1771-1832), xii., lx., lxxi., cxl., clxvi.
SHAKESPEARE, William (1564—1616), xvi., xvii., xviii., xlvii.,

xlviii., xlix, lxii., lxxv., lxxvi., lxxxvi., xcvi., xcvii., xcviii.,
cxvi., clvi., clvii., clxviii., clxxx., clxxxi., cxciv., cxcv.,
cxcvi., cxcvii., cxcviii., ccxi., ccxxi., ccxxii., ccxxiii., ccxxiv.,
ccxxv., ccxxxi., ccxxxii., ccxxxvi., ccxxxvii., ccxxxviii.,
ccxliv., ccxlix., ccl., ccliii., cclvi., cclvii.

SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822), xxxvii., lviii., clxvii.,

SHICKBURG, American, xci.

SKELTON, Philip (1707-1787), iv.

SOUTHEY, Robert, Poet-Laureate (1774-1843), clxv., clxxii.
SOUTHWELL, Robert (1560-1595), clxix.

SPENSER, Edmund (1553—1599), xxxii.

TENNYSON, Alfred, Poet-Laureate, D.C.L. (born 1810), cxxv.,


THOMSON, James (1700-1748), lxxxviii.

TRENCH, Richard Chenevix, Archbishop of Dublin (born 1807),
lxiii., lxxxiv., cxxxiii., clxxxix.

UNKNOWN, xcii., ci., cxxxiv., clxxxviii., ccxiii., ccxlvi.

VAUGHAN, Henry (1621–1695), 1., ccliv.

WALLER, Edmund (1605—1687), xli.

WATTS, Alaric Alexander (1799—1864), lxxxv.

WHITTIER, John Greenleaf, American (born 1808), clxxxv.
WILSON, John (1786—1860), lxiv., cxxvi.

WINKWORTH, Catherine (born in the present century), clxx.
WITHER, George (1588—1667), li.

WORDSWORTH, William (1770—1850), vi., xxiv., xxxi., xlii.,
lii., lxv., lxx., lxxiv., lxxxiii., xciii., cvi., cxiv., cxxiii.,
cxxxv., clxxxvi., ccii., cciii., cciv., ccxv., ccxix., ccxxx.,
cclii., cclv., cclix.

WOTTON, Henry, Sir (1568-1639), ccix.


A Yankee boy is trim and tall.

Abou Ben Adhem (may his tribe increase)

Ah, what can ail thee, wretched wight

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All Nature seems at work, slugs leave their lair
All night the booming minute-gun

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And is there care in Heaven? And is there love?
Arethusa arose from her couch of snows

As I wer readèn ov a stwone

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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors]

Attend all ye who list to hear our noble England's praise
Avenge, oh Lord, thy slaughtered Saints, whose bones
Awake, my soul! lift up thine eyes

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Bird of the wilderness


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Come, dear children, let us away

Come hither, Hubert, O my gentle Hubert

Come, my beauty, come, my bird

Come unto these yellow sands.

Cyriack! this three years' day these eyes, though clear





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[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Dear master, I can go no further

Earth has not anything to show more fair
Ethereal minstrel! pilgrim of the sky!

Fair daffodils, we weep to see

Fair pledges of a fruitful tree

Fear death?-to feel the fog in my throat

Fly, envious Time, till thou run out thy race
Fountain of light and loving breath

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Fresh glides the brook and blows the gale

Go, lovely rose !

God save our gracious Queen

Good morrow, fair ones; pray you, if you know

Had this effulgence disappeared

Hail, holy Light, offspring of Heaven first-born
Hail to thee, blithe spirit
Hamelin Town's in Brunswick

Hang out our banners on the outward walls
Happy those early days, when I .

Hast thou a charm to stay the morning star

He is gone on the mountain

He left his home with a bounding heart
He stands among the fields of corn

Hear the sledges with the bells

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Heat me these irons hot; and look thou stand

Hence, loathéd Melancholy

Hence, vain deluding joys.

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Here, by this brook, we parted; I to the East

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