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tightened, quickened, converted, sanctified, regenerated, comforted, &c. by the Word? They are also in some other scriptures said to be so by the Spirit; and vice versa. This agent and instrument were so inseparably connected in the minds of the apostles and prophets, that they could not conceive of one without the other, in any operation or effect connected with the salvation of man.

XI. My eleventh argument was deduced from the fact, that those who resisted the Word of God, or the persons that spoke it, are said to resist the Spirit of God. By not giving ear to the prophets that spoke | by the Spirit, they resisted the Spirit. The Sanhedrim of the Jews, who resisted the words spoken by Stephen and by the twelve apostles, are represented by him as resisting the Holy Spirit. His words are "As your fathers did, so do you always resist the Holy Spirit. Which of the prophets have not your fathers persecuted? and they have slain them that showed before the coming of the JUST ONE, of whom you have now been the betrayers and murderers.”

XII. A twelfth argument was deduced from another important fact; that the strivings of the prophets by their words, are represented as the strivings of the Holy Spirit. Thus spoke Nehemiah, "thou sendest thy good Spirit to instruct them," through Moses, "and thou testifiedst against them by thy SPIRIT, in thy prophets, yet would they not give ear." Thus, in the Divine Word, the Spirit and the Word of God, and those who spoke it by the immediate authority of God, are so perfectly identified, that every thing is said to be done by, to, for, or against the one, is said to be done to, by, for, or against the other. So that we may still say, that those who hear not Moses nor the prophets, would not be persuaded, though one rose from the dead! God still strives with men by his Spirit, and they still resist his Spirit, in and

through the Word spoken by prophets and apostles. "Let every one hear what the Spirit saith to the churches.”



XIII. My thirteenth argument consists in the most sublime and impressive fact, that God no where has operated without his Word, either in the old creation or in the new. In nature and in grace, God operates not without his Word. He never has wrought without means. He has, so far as earth's annals reach, and as the rolls of eternity have been opened to our view, never done any thing without an instrumentality. naked Spirit of God never has operated upon the naked spirit of man, so far as all science, all revelation teach. Abstract spiritual operations is a pure metaphysical dream. There is nothing to favor such a conceit in nature, providence or grace. God broke the awful stillness of eternity with his own creative voice. SPOKE before any thing was done. Speech, or language, or word, is the original and sublime instrumentality of all divine operations. God said, Let there be light, and light was born. Does not the Bible say, "By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God," so that the things that were made, were not made of things that did formerly exist. They were made out of the Word of God. All things having been created by the Word of God. Most evident it is, that his Word is the all creative instrument. Without it was not any thing made that now exists. Of course, then, if persons were to be created anew in Christ Jesus, without the Word of God, it would be a perfect anomaly, something wholly new in the history of the universe. If God operated upon absolute nonentity, and then upon inert matter, by his Word, and if his Spirit thus brooded on old chaos, what tongue of man can prove that in the new creation, he regenerates, renews, re-creates and sanctifies man without his Word!! It never can be done,

Mr. President. It is not only out of and to save my contemporaries from

the power of Mr. Rice, but every other living man to show, that God moves at all in the affairs of redemption, but through his Word. God's Spirit and Word operated conjointly on ancient chaos, and they still operate together on the chaos of the human heart in its sins. Read Psalm xix. 3-9; Psalm xxxiii. 6-9. So my fourteenth argument details.

a religion of blind impulses, animal
excitements, and new revelations, by
which I most sincerely believe vast
multitudes are deluded to everlasting
ruin. With Paul, and with me, there
is but one body and but one Spirit,
as there is but one hope of our calling
-as there is but one God and Father
of us all.



1. The kingdom of Christ, sometimes called his

church, is one great community composed of all the particular communities and individual persons that have acknowledged and received Jesus of Nazareth as the Son and Messiah of God; as the only Head, King, Lawgiver, and Arbiter of angels and men.

2. All the particular congregations that compose this great congregation, this general assembly, the holy nation," called the " kingdom of God," are responsible to one another and to the Lord, as

much as the individual members of any one of them

are to one another and the Lord.

3. Congregations therefore are under certain obligations and owe certain duties to one another, the faithful discharge of which is indispensable to that free and cordial communion and co-operation essential to the holiness of the church, and the triumph of the gospel in the world.

am sorry that my time is always too short for the full development of the great elements of things, and mighty evidence of truth found in these propositions. I have arranged, however, such amount of facts and evidences as, I humbly think, never can be set aside by the ingenuity of mortal man. I am willing to commit these fourteen arguments to the world, fearless of the consequences. I think the case is a clear one, and one upon which we may say we have line upon line, and precept upon precept. We have certainly the law and the prophets. 4. Among these obligations and duties are, the In conclusion, then, I must say, kingdom, and a due regard for all the acts and demaintenance of the doctrine and discipline of Christ's that we have been much reproached cisions of one another; because a neglect of the forand slandered on this theme. It is mer, and a disparagement of the latter, would necessarily destroy that union, communion. and co-c peranot from any aversion to preaching tion essential to the designs of Christ's kingdom. the Holy Spirit, (for we do effectually fends against the constitution of Messiah's kingdom 5. When, then, any particular congregation ofpreach it), that I have been constrain- by denying the doctrine, by neglecting the disciplíne, or by mal.administration of the affairs of ed to take this ground, so offensive Christ's church, essentially affecting the well-being to some, and which has been made, said church is to be judged by the eldership of other of individual members or other congregations, the in many instances, to retard the churches, or by some other tribunal than her own, as an accused or delinquent member of a particular congreat and growing cause of reforma-gregation is to be tried by the constituted eldership tion which we plead. I believe and of his own congregation." teach the inspiration of the Spirit, the influences and effects of the Spirit of God in the hearts of all Christians, men and women. The man who represents me as opposed to a spirit-munities as indisputably plain and ual religion, and to the operations, converting and sanctifying, of the Holy Spirit, does me the highest injustice, and blasphemes my good name in a way he must answer for to a higher tribunal. I have been long endeavouring to draw the proper lines between a wild enthusiasm and the true Spirit of our God-between what is spiritual and animal in some of the present forms Christianity;

This last proposition being the only one in doubt amongst us, we shall proceed to its examination. The first four are regarded by our com

settled. Should any one, however, have reflected so little upon the subject as to deny any of them, let him place them in the negative form, and by a single glance of his mind he will detect his error-as, for example, the third:-" Congregations are under no obligations, and owe no duties to one another; therefore nothing can mar their free and cordial communion," &c.

The reader will please here pause and read again the fifth proposition. Let him then place it in the negative form, and read it as follows:-When any congregation offends against the constitution of Messiah's kingdom by denying the doctrine, by neglecting the discipline, or by mal-administering the affairs of Christ's church, essentially affecting the well-being of individual members or other congregations, then said church is not to be judged by any tribunal on earth, but to be held in as high esteem as before. No one is so ignorant as to assert this proposition. But, says another, there is no tribunal before which she can appear; therefore let her alone, but fellowship not her acts. And what is that but to judge and condemn her without even the form of a trial? Tried she must be. I repeat it again, tried she must be. No man of reflection can doubt it. The only question, then, is-By what tribunal shall she be tried? By every man's own opinion, or by a properly constituted tribunal? There is no other alternative; there is no third way. An invincible necessity has so decreed. Every church that departs from the faith or from the discipline of Christ's kingdom, or that unrighteously and unwisely administers its affairs to the great detriment of individual members, a particular congregation, or the whole church of Christ, must be tried by some tribunal. Any one that pushes his notions of inde- | pendency so far as to deny this, is deluded by a word which he does not understand; as much as he who makes his little borough, city, or county, so independent as to deny the supervision and jurisdiction of the nation, kingdom, or state to which it belongs.

The tribes of Israel were independent tribes, as Moses and Aaron were independent persons; but yet these independent tribes were all under one another as members of the commonwealth of Israel. They were,

indeed, equal to one another in rank while under one another as constituent members of the nation.

But in illustrating what I mean by independence and subordination. through the well-known figures of a borough, a city, a county, or a tribe, I do not intend to institute a comparison in every point between any one of these and a particular church, as standing in the whole elect nation of Christ. Churches are all equal and independent in some respects, but not in all. They are also all equally subordinate to one another in the Lord. There is no Mother Church, no Metropolitan, no Sanhedrim, no standing Council, no Vicar of Christ, no successors of the Apostles. But the churches in any given districtJudea, Macedonia, Achaia, Galatia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, or Ohio, for instance, are always supposed to be in more intimate acquaintance, union, and communion with one another, and to act in a more special co-operation than with the churches in any other kingdom, state, or district on earth.

If, then, any one or more of these churches err from the faith, or from the discipline, or from a just, impartial, and Christian administration, they are amenable to the rest; and will be judged some way or other, and disallowed. The question, then, is, How shall this be done scripturally? for then it will be done right. But in propounding this question, we do not expect to find either a broad precept or a stereotyped precedent of a case just as large as life. We expect to find principles and practices alleged that involve and commend this practice.

Some who have never thoroughly examined this point are alarmed and become alarmists on the threshold, because of some anticipated troubles that such course might open to the great disturbance of the whole Christian community. Like our friends in North-street, Baltimore, they ima

gine the discontented would for ever appeal. A more intimate acquaintance with the subject would have suggested a very different conclusion. We ask time, patience, and candor. We demand for these five propositions a calm and full consideration. We may in our next enter more fully into the illustration and proof of the course we commend.



RICHMOND, VA., Jan. 26, 1848. BELOVED BROTHER WALLIS-The Messenger for December is just arrived, and I an admonished by it that I have not written to England since my arrival in Virginia. I gladly acknowledge the receipt of two letters from Nottingham, and should have answered them long ere now but for the press of other matters. On my return, I found my family well, and, of course, well pleased to see me. I parted from brother Campbell in Baltimore, who was greatly afflicted at the loss of so good and promising a son. May the Lord sustain him and his faithful partner under

this sore and inscrutable bereavement.

In looking back over the long line of our travel both by land and sea, am made to thank God that we were kept and sustained through all our labors and perils, and returned to our homes unhurt. It is a curious fact, that, notwithstanding I was very sick on the sea, and once or twice on the land, I never took a grain of medicine; but, with the exception of what I gave to others, brought back all that I carried away. My family were very much pleased with the presents which the kindness of the good friends in Great Britain had sent them. They send them all their thanks.

I am glad to see the name of my brother George in the Messenger. I hope his zeal will increase abundantly. A better cause never excited the zeal and the devotion of mortals. It is worthy of our noblest efforts. The well-directed and prudent and prayerful exertions of the brethren with you will accomplish much, notwithstanding you may not be able to obtain any extra help. I fear that there are few men of the right stamp who can be induced to leave their homes and their present inviting fields for the toils of a tour of ten thousand miles; while imprudent and reckless men would do you more harm than good. Brother Campbell is doing all he can for you; but at present he has not succeeded. In the mean time, be assured that the Lord can conquer with few as well as with many-with the weak as well as with the mighty.

Acquisitions were made to our ranks during last summer and fall in many parts of Virginia and the West. We had a co-operation meeting in Richmond in the first part of December, at which we agreed to send out a general Evangelist to visit the destitute parts of Eastern Virginia. The brethren at the meeting manifested the right spirit. I was nominated at the meeting by a committee of ten to be the general Evangelist; but I declined, because the Richmond Church had chosen me for another year by an almost unanimous vote. It is, however, most congenial to my feelings to be on the wing making known the way of life to men. I am gratified to learn from your letter that you are preaching in the towns and villages round about you. May the word be effectual in winning souls, and in building up the saints. I shall long remember Newark, Loughborough, Bulwell, and Carlton.

We are made sorrowful to hear of the continued distress and destitution of the poor in many places in Great Britain and Ireland.

How awful it must be to feel the stint of

bread. The patience with which the people bear privation and hunger proves that the considerable extent. restraints of religion are upon them to a The outbreaks in Ireland generally arise from the collision of Protespolitical and religious animosities.

tantism and the Bible teach the endurance of evils we cannot lawfully rectify or overcome. But Catholicism breathes execrations and curses, and issues its bulls and rolls its thunder of excommunication against all Protestants, Governments, Princes, and people, killing whomsoever the priests may curse! and therefore the ignorant feel justified in

It seems that Mr. Robertson failed in the jury of the Judges, and therefore one would think he ought now to rest contented. I can but regret the difficulty and the occasion of it; and I trust, therefore, that our people will not think of retaliating upon him for his harsh treatment of bro. Campbell. Doubtless he greatly regrets his course; and should he ever see the wrong he sought to inflict upon a stranger, how heartily we shall hail his repentance. Let us not appear to glory in his failure.

We still have to deprecate the existence of war between our country and Mexico. We hope and pray that it may soon be brought to a happy termination. I fear the war spirit has seized upon the masses of our people. The glory attendant upon success in arms is greatly captivating to the young and inexperienced. In this, however, we are only treading in the footsteps of our British or Anglo-Saxon ancestors. Religion is greatly affected by any national excitement, either in the form of a political campaign, or of festivities and illuminations for military success. Oh! when will the world be imbued with the life-saving and peace

securing spirit of Jesus? Satan keeps the world in arms, and turns man against his brother to destroy him, when he ought to succour and support him. The nations who adopt the forms, the name, and the books of Christianity, still are awfully devoid in all their masses of the light, life, and spirit of the system. Nevertheless, we must not despond, as long as we have the name and the books, because it is only by the dissemination of this light, and the steady attention to these books, that these nations are to be improved. All else must first be tried, and tried in vain, ere there will be a popular movement in favor of the pure Christianity of the New Testament. Catholicism first sat brooding for ages over the nations, with no more light from the sun than could pierce

the dense fog and mist in which she was enveloped. Protestantisin then arose, dispersing some of the mist, and allowing more of the rays of the sun to fall upon mankind. Liberty of thought and speech, the twin daughters of the German and English Reformation, by over action, produced the families of sects, known both to the Old World and the New. All the good they all contain is rendered powerless by the superabounding evil attaching to them all. Humanism, and not inspiration, predominates in all sects, and therefore they must all die. God, and not man-Christ, and not Belialmust abound in all the thoughts, and words, and actions of that people, which in time will finally prevail, with the New Testament in their hands, and the love of God and the honor of Jesus Christ in their hearts.

National and Established Churches are all in the way, of the Saviour's peaceful reign. But sentiments are abroad, and spreading with almost telegraphic rapidity, which will as certainly remove them out of the way as that the Pope has to change from the tone and temper of his haughty and intolerant predecessors, and cater to the previously down-trodden people. The Bible, right reason, and true views of political rights and privileges, teach men in America, in England, and in Italy, that they are not mere play-things for Kings, Popes, and Priests; but that they are men, possessing all the attributes of free-thinking and freeacting beings, responsible to the laws and to God.

Caution is necessary in all our people; or, instead of being a blessing, we may be a curse to mankind. We must reason with

the people affectionately, not in virulence, nor in a spirit of assumed superiority. We must not be too impatient of success. Many years will be necessary ere the great body of the people will be made to know what it is we are about. We must not be petulant when they suspect our motives. As long as men think that there is no need of change, they naturally suspect the motives of those who call for it. Paul was suspected even by

friends, and most bitterly traduced by enemies-Jews and Gentiles. Had we more of the spirit of the ancient Christians and martyrs, we should more generally recommend the gospel in our lives. To all who love the name and service of our Redeemer, I subscribe myself their brother,



being able to record that the cause of the
Kirkaldy, March 9th.-I am happy in
Redeemer is advancing in this quarter.
Within the last few weeks five have been

added to the number of the disciples by immersion, and others are inquiring after the truth. No evangelist being in the field, we avail ourselves of the gifts of our brethren from surrounding congregations, to proclaim the glad tidings of salvation to our fellowmen. On these occasions our place of meeting Links Hall) is crowded with attentive and intelligent hearers. From present appearances, we feel assured that the labours of one or two efficient evangelists would be productive of much good, so that many might be brought to yield obedience to Jesus. The brethren here would willingly contribute of

their substance for the attainment of so desi

rable an object; and though possessing little of this world's wealth, we are willing to give according to our ability. As a congregation we are living in peace and comfort. ing favor and peace to you and all the brethren, I remain, yours in the truth,



[blocks in formation]

Sanquhar, March 14.-I am truly sorry that your request in the November number has been so long neglected. The church in this place musters at present about twentythree. I hope we are now in a more favorable position for enjoying peace and happiness than we have been for a considerable time past. Lately two of our number were cut off for disorderly conduct. We hope that such afflictions will have a purifying tendency on this portion of the body of Christ. I remain, yours in the joyful hope,


Montrose, February 22.-When I wrote you last our number was eight; two have been since added, and others are inquiring. Last first day, Brother W. Anderson, of Dundee, was with us, and delivered two edifying discourses. A debt of gratitude is due

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