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until then. "Whom the Lord will consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming," 2 Thess. ii. 8. "I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the horn spake; I beheld even till the beast was slain, and his body given to the burning flame!" Dan. vii. 11. This is in connection with the coming of the Lord, and refers to the same power that Paul calls "the man of sin."

all the saints and angels summoned of the coming of the Lord, and not there? The reason is obvious. The throne of God and the Lamb is being removed to earth; and where but around the throne of Jesus should saints and angels be to execute his commands? O reader! may you and I be there that sight to see! Then, and not until then, will the apostles sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Then will be the time that Jesus promised it to them. Proof: "And Jesus said unto them, verily I say unto you, ye which Prop. 3. Terror, consternation, have followed me in the regeneration, and dismay will seize the wicked when the Son of man shall sit on the when they shall see the Son of man throne of his glory, ye also shall sit coming in the clouds of heaven, with upon twelve thrones judging the power and great glory. "And then twelve tribes of Israel," Mat. xix. 28. shall appear the sign of the Son of Where does Jesus now sit? Ans. man in heaven; and then shall all On his Father's throne. Proof: the tribes of the earth mourn; and "To him that overcometh, will I they shall see the Son of man coming grant to sit with me in my throne, in the clouds of heaven with power even as I also overcame, and am set and glory," Matt xxiv. 30. "And down with my Father in his throne," there shall be signs in the sun, and Rev. iii. 21. When will Jesus sit on in the moon, and in the stars, and his own throne? "When the Son of upon the earth, distress of nations, man shall come in his glory, and all with perplexity; the sea and the the holy angels with him, then shall waves roaring; men's hearts failing he sit upon the throne in his glory," them for fear and for looking after Matt. xxv. 31. Some put the coming those things which are coming on of the Lord in person at the close of the earth. For the powers of heaven the Millennium. To me, however, shall be shaken; and then shall they it appears most evident that it will see the Son of man coming in a cloud take place prior to, or at, the com- with power and great glory," Luke mencement of the thousand years of xxi. 25. "And the kings of the peace and happiness. To me it ap-earth and the great men, and the pears very absurd to suppose that that anti-christian power, called by Daniel and John the beast, and by Paul the man of sin and son of perdition, who has usurped the temple and prerogatives of God, and until this hour claims them as his own-who has worn out the saints of the Most High for twelve hundred years; I say it is unreasonable to suppose that he will hold his soul and body destroying reign for a thousand years longer. And yet this must be the case, if the Lord does not come until the close of the Millennium. For, mark it, he will be destroyed by the brightness

rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bond man, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand?" Rev. vi. 15-17.

Reader, are you living in disobedience to the commands of this glorious King? Flee, I beseech you, the impending vengeance, by bowing

to his high authority-receiving from his hand remission of all your sinstaking your stand on the rock which never can be moved-be numbered among the sons and daughters of the Lord Almighty, that you may be among the number that shall be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and so be ever with the Lord.

this that they are too much in love with this present world. Like Demas they have forsaken the Lord. To such I would say, repent and do your first works. Give all diligence to make your calling and election sure, that with Paul you may receive an unfading crown of glory when the Lord shall come, which will be far better Prop. 4. The resurrection and glo- than all the treasures of which earth rification of all the saints that have can boast. But to return to our sublived from Adam down to the coming |ject, which is the resurrection of all of the Lord." For if we believe the saints at the coming of the Lord. that Jesus died and rose again, even “And the Lord my God shall come, so them also which sleep in Jesus and all the saints with thee," Zech. will God bring with him. For this xiv. 9. "And I saw thrones, and we say unto you by the word of the they that sat upon them, and judgLord, that we which are alive and re- ment was given unto them; and I main unto the coming of the Lord, saw the souls of them that were beshall not prevent them which are headed for the witness of Jesus, and asleep; for the Lord himself shall for the word of God, and which had descend from heaven with a shout, not worshipped the beast, neither his with the voice of the archangel, and image, neither had received his mark with the trump of God, and the dead upon their foreheads or in their hands; in Christ shall rise first then we and they lived and reigned with Christ which are alive and remain shall be a thousand years. But the rest of the caught up together with them in the dead lived not again until the thousand clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; years were finished. This is the first and so shall we ever be with the Lord. resurrection," Rev. xx. 4-6. If the Wherefore comfort one another with coming of the Lord does not take these words." I have frequently been place until the close of the thousand told that I had better say nothing years, how are the dead here spoken about these matters introduced in this of to live and reign with Christ a essay, as I know but little about them. thousand years, unless there are to be They are not profitable for Christians. two millenniums? which is one more Better teach something else. Yes, than the Bible knows anything about. indeed. The Christian's blessed hope "But every man in his own order : to some has become dry and insipid. Christ the first fruits; afterwards What was comfort to the people of they that are Christ's at his coming," God seventeen centuries ago-which 1 Cor. xv. 23. Allusions to the same: caused them to rejoice with exceeding Eph. i. 9-10, "That in the dispensagreat joy-which stimulated them to tion of the fulness of times, he might run and not weary, walk and not gather together in one all things in faint which enabled them to take Christ; both which are in heaven, joyfully the spoiling of their goods- and which are on earth, even in him." to forsake all that the world calls -Rev. v. 9-10, " And they sung a grand and great, that they might ob- new song, saying thou art worthy to tain a better resurrection, and receive take the book and open the seals a glorious crown. But for some pro- thereof; for thou wast slain, and hast fessors in these days of declension, redeemed us to God by thy blood, out these blessed themes have no charms. of every kindred, and tongue, and They love not, neither are they look-people, and nation; and hast made ing for their Lord. A strong proof us unto our God kings and priests,

Again, this brother says "It is unreasonable to suppose that the man of sin will hold his soul and body de

and we shall reign on the earth.”—that a heavenly and sublime change Luke xiv. 13-14, “But when thou has passed on the person of Messiah makest a feast, call the poor, the during his long absence, in which maimed, the lame, the blind, and thou | glory he will appear to the admiration shalt be blessed; for they cannot re- of all in heaven, on earth, and under compense thee, but thou shalt be re- the earth, who have known, loved, He shall call compensed at the resurrection of the and feared his name. just.”—Luke xx. 35-36, “But they to the heavens above, that he may that shall be accounted worthy to judge his people; and the heavens obtain that world and the resurrection | shall declare his righteousness, for God of the dead, neither marry nor are himself is judge (Psalm 1. 1-6.) given in marriage; neither can they die any more, for they are equal unto the angels, and are the children of God, being the children of the resur-stroying reign for a thousand years rection.”—John vi. 39, “And this is the father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me, I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day." "And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son and believeth on him, may have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the last day." If the language here employed does not prove our position, in vain may we expect to prove anything from the Bible. What is it? All the saints will come with him. "Those that are his at his coming." Those that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. Those that believe on him. Can language be more explicit be more to the point? I think not. J. F.


The writer of the foregoing article says, "Jesus shall come as he went away," &c. That Jesus who departed will again return in the clouds of heaven, is a predicted, and consequently an indubitable fact; but that his personal appearance, or attending circumstances, will be precisely the same, we dare not affirm-unless, indeed, it can be proved that every eye then saw him that he departed in the glory of his Father, his own glory, the glory of the holy angels, and that all the saints were with him. But this cannot be proved. From the description given in the Apocalypse we learn

longer. And yet it must be so, if the Lord does not come until the close of the millennium; for he will be destroyed by the brightness of His coming, and not until then." Here we ask why it must necessarily be the case, that the man of sin should hold his soul and body destroying reign for a thousand years longer, even though the Lord do not come until after the millennium? Is the Lord's arm shortened that he cannot chain an adversary for a thousand years, while himself on the throne of his Father's glory? "Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thy foes thy footstool." The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. The Lord is still the living and the life-giving Word, ruling his friends, and controling his foes. Already, by the breath of his mouth, he has consumed the political and ecclesiastical usurpations of the man of sin; and by impending vengeance he will lay his sickle to the earth, and cut down this polluted and condemned vine, with all its poisonous branches, and throw them into the wine-press of the wrath of God. The Jews, who were our types, although unbelieving and rebellious, have been preserved a distinct people, chained and bound in the midst of the nations, without either political or religious influence, for nearly eighteen hundred years, simply to indicate the truth and faithfulness of the sure prophetic word. And cannot the Lord, by his angel, lay hold of

possessions in North America. We design giving the name of each church, with its loresident or travelling preacher if it have any, cation, its probable number of members, its its Elders, or if none its most prominent members, and at the same time to designate each church who own a house of worship.

One reason, among many others, for the necessity of such a work, is the fact, that but form but a faint idea of the extent to which comparatively few of our own brethren, can the principles we plead have taken root, in the short term of about 20 years. A more extended view of this subject, we are fully determined effort, on the part of the brotherpersuaded will conduce to a more zealous and hood, to advance the interests of Christ's kingdom; and this, we most firmly believe, will be effected, to some extent, by the pubmost important reason, or one which appears lication of the Christian Register. But the the most obvious, is this-that our opponents (at least a vast majority of them) look upon us as a paltry and scattered few, and per portant, and thus decide against them withconsequence, regard our principles as unimout giving them an examination; whereas, had they a correct understanding of the facts in the case, they would be induced, at least, tions we maintain, which would ultimately to examine into the correctness of the posiensure the conversion of hundreds, and perhaps thousands, who now sit in darkness.

the dragon, that old serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bind him for a thousand years, setting a seal upon him and his adherents, that they deceive the nations no more until the time be accomplished? And may not the church of Christ, during the thousand years, be as tranquil, serene, and happy, in the presence of this chained remnant of an apostate race of Gentiles, as the prophet Daniel was in the lion's den? When the thousand years are accomplished, then Satan, loosed from his confinement, shall go forth to deceive the nations that will fill the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for war, whose number is like the sand of the sea. And they went up over the breadth of the earth, surrounding the camp of the saints, and the beloved city; and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil, who had deceived them, was cast into the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet were; and they shall be tor-You are doubtless aware, that we have no mented day and night for ages. But we must hear J. F. in his two succeeding essays, which have come to hand. No persons have been more dogmatical than the generality of second advent writers, yet none have been more egregiously mistaken than they. The style of J. F. however, not being dogmatical, must be excepted from this remark.


DEAR BROTHER-Your attention is particularly invited to the following enterprise, as a matter of the first importance for the furtherance of the good cause-one which ought to have been commenced and consummated years ago! Your assistance and cooperation in the work are most affectionately solicited.

We are about commencing the collection and compilation of a "Christian Register," which will embrace a statistic report of the entire numerical strength of the current Reformation throughout the United States and territories, with as full report as possible from England, Scotland, Ireland, and the British

such document to put into the hands of our neighbours at the present time; and you are also well aware that, as a church, we have no general council or association by which hence, if it be ever accomplished, it will be to call forth this much needed work: and done by individual effort. We have waited for this until we find that waiting is vain. No one seems willing to undertake the work, which must in the very nature of the case be a laborious and arduous task; we have concluded therefore, to strike, and now ask the co-operation and assistance of the brethren in obtaining the necessary information for the completion of the work. We believe that, under existing circumstances, we have as fair an opportunity for calling together the requisite statistic facts, as any other individual, having access to a large majority of our preaching brethren who are generally well prepared to contribute for such a work. It will take an immense amount of labour to read, transcribe, and adjust the various reports of the brethren who may contribute to the Register, besides the necessary expense of postage, to the amount, as we may fairly calculate, of some two or three hundred dollars. Yet the work must go a-head! And all the remuneration we ask or expect, is the conscious conviction of having done some little in furthering the glorious cause of truth. Will you, dear Sir, set apart a few moments


your spare time, and give us a full list of all the churches and preachers in the bounds of your acquaintance, whether in your own state or any other where you may have travelled. Please omit no church on account of not knowing the exact number of members. Give the probable number.

The Christian Register, besides containing, as above described, a statistic report, will also be enriched with a variety of articles from the pens of some of our excellent brethren, which will swell the work to a considerable size! Your report will be desired by the 1st of April or May at the furthest, as we wish to have the whole work completed by the 1st of June.

Affectionately and sincerely,

United States, February, 1848.

Nottingham, April 20, 1848.


DEAR BROTHER HALL-Your Special Letter of February, 1848, being sent by sailing packet instead of mail steamer, did not reach me in time to appear in the April number of the British Millennial Harbinger, otherwise it would have been inserted. Christian Register will, I hope, meet with the approval of most, if not all the churches. The brethren who furnish statistics will, no doubt, as far as possible, ascertain that they are correct. It will not only be interesting as a book of reference, but will answer many personal and important purposes to the whole community. May I suggest that it be printed on good paper, and brought out at as low a price as possible. Please send one hundred copies to my address. Were the cost small, and already known, it is possible that five hundred, instead of one hundred, might be required for Britain. Write by return of post, stating what progress you have made, and what the price will be. You are perhaps aware that the mail steam-ship now leaves either Boston or New York every week for England.

I shall write to our mutual friend and brother whom you mention, to pay you half the cost of books when they are sent off, and the other half on their arrival in this country. It seems to me scarcely possible for you to have them ready by June; but this is your business, and not mine. However, please to let England stand first in your despatches. I feel anxious to receive them by the end of August (D.V.) at the latest.

The following list of our churches and members is as full and correct as I am able to give, with so little time allowed for making inquiries. We have not many pastors appointed at present; those mentioned are principal brethren, and act in connection with many others, as presidents or teachers in the congregations. Brother Greenwell, of Huddersfield; Brother King, of London; and Brother Macdougale, of Newcastle-on-Tyne,

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