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ERMS.-The Ecclesiastical Observer can be ordered

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them approved by any half-dozen persons con-

sulted thereupon. The term ecclesiastical is in

common use and well understood. We talk

and write of "The Church," of "New Testa-

ment Churches," and also of the "Churches of

the Denominations." But why the word church

is thus used may be hard to say, as we have

naturalised Ecclesiastical, and Ekklesia (èkкλŋoía)

is selected by the Lord to designate His

Assembly. "Ecclesiastical," then, is taken as

covering all that appertains to churches apos-

tolic, apostatic, and reformatory; and the

Ecclesiastical Observer is a watchman in the

interest of truth and in reference to the things

of the Church of God.

Now, perhaps, more than at any former time,

there is a general sense of coming changes in all
denominations. It is seen everywhere that
changes will come because they must, and that
they must come ere wide-spread efficiency can
be realised. As an OBSERVER we have to look

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