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ter are thus obvious to the reader, at once; and because the arguments which follow, impress themselves on the mind with more energy. 4. He lays down the Opposite Proposition which hevertheless expresses generally, because the Co would readily know to what he alluded (ver.i however,

evident, from collating the eighth we preceding and subsequent verses, that the Opposite Proposition and true state of the controversy may be formed as follows. The apostle's Proposition was:"God hath "delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath "translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son; in "whom we have redemption, through his blood, even "the forgiveness of sins" (chap. i. ver. 13, 14.) The Judaizing teachers contradicted this: saying, that "it was necessary for Christians to be circumcised, "and to keep the law of Moses," Acts xv. ver. 5. The Opposition becomes therefore evident. Proposition. "We are kept simply through faith in Christ Jesus, by which (faith,) we have received the for"giveness of all our sins, and eternal life." Opposite Proposition. "We are not kept simply through "faith in Christ Jesus, but if we desire to be saved, "we must be circumcised, and keep the law of Mo66 ses, and the traditions of men, in meat and drink, in 66 respect of a holyday, the new moon, the sabbath, "and worshipping of angels." Hence the language of the Judaizing teachers 6C was, Touch not; taste not; "handle not;” ver. 21.

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Now in this Opposite Proposition, the doctrines of Redemption and Christ's Satisfaction, of Justification and Sanctification, were greatly corrupted; and thereby, consciences which had been recovered into liberty by Jesus, were again subjected to human powers, and to a heavy yoke of traditions. Hence the Opposite Proposition is followed by arguments refuting it.-1. In Christ dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily (ver. 9.) 2. Ye are complete in Christ. 3. Christ is the head of all principalities and powers (that tyrannize over the conscience.) 4. In Christ ye are now circumcised, and therefore dead, in putting off the body of sin (ver. 11.) 5. Buried with him in baptism (ver. 12.) 6. Risen also with him through faith (ver. 12.) 7. Raised with him from the dead, through the forgiveness of sins (ver. 13.) 8. Whence the hand-writing is blotted out, taken away, and nailed to his cross (ver. 14.) 9. And in the cross of Christ (Christ being spoiled and crucified;) were those principalities and powers which had hitherto imposed a heavy yoke on the conscience, spoiled, made an open show of, and led in triumph (ver. 15.) From these arguments the proper Conclusion naturally flows (ver. 16,) which likewise aptly touches on the substance of all the arguments (ver. 17.)

The Application follows, which consists of a Dehortation, a Reproof, and an Exhortation. The ar

1. The

2. They

3. They

guments of the Dehortation are as follows. adversaries beguile you of your reward. boast of things which they have not seen. are presumptuously and carnally puffed up (ver. 18.) 4. They do not hold the Head, on which alone depends the increase of the body and members. The Reproof is given, because they had already inclined to the erroneous opinions of the adversaries (ver. 20, 21,) which he administers in an argument drawn from antecedents (ver. 20,) adding a new argument (ver. 22.;) and guarding it (ver. 23.) The Exhortation (chap. iii. ver. 1, 2,) he confirms by argument (ver. 3 and 4;) and then makes a delightful and happy transition to the second part of Confirmation, namely, the Exhortation. Vide page 214.

The Exhortation. This is perceptive, and contains an Exhortation to seek after holiness with all diligence. It includes the following things. 1. A general persuasive to mortify the flesh (chap. iii. ver. 5.) 2. A twofold argument drawn from the justice of God (ver. 6,) and from the difference between their present and pristine state (ver. 7, 8.) 3. A fuller explanation of the method by which sanctification is to be attained-by putting off the old man (ver. 9;) and by putting on the new man (ver. 10.) This he holds forth, in the same verse, in opposition to the Judaizing teachers, from the final cause ("re"newed in knowledge";) the formal cause ("after


"the image";) the inefficient cause (" of him that "created him";) and from the universality of the Subject (ver. 11.) He then proceeds to descant on the cultivation of Christian graces (ver. 12, 13, 14;) of heavenly and inward peace (ver. 15;) of the divine word, with spiritual joy and gladness (ver. 16;) and with thanksgiving in word and deed (ver. 17.) 4. He descends to the particular duties of wives (ver. 18, 19;) of children (ver. 20;) of parents (ver. 21;) of servants (ver. 22-25;) and of masters (chap. iv. 1.) 5. He finally commends to the attention of all, two very important precepts: namely, incessant Prayer not only for the private success, but for the general spread of the Gospel (ver. 2-4;) and Wisdom in conversation, especially to them that are without (ver. 5 and 6.)


However long this Exhortation seem, it evidently flows from the preceding subject. Precept answers to doctrine, as a stream to its fountain; and, thus, the Apostle admirably points out the proper source of sanctification, and the method of teaching the gospel, which is most agreeable to the mind of the Holy Ghost. Let these things be duly observed, and it will become of little or no consequence, whether any divisions be made in the Confirmation; since any one may refer all to Refutation and term the rest the Application; whether they be distributed into three parts doctrinal, elenchtical, and preceptive; or whether

divided into two, as we ourselves have done, deeming it more conformable to the Proposition, and the just mode of treating it.

In the Conclusion, he speaks of the mutual communications of their several states (ver. 7-9;) the salutations of others (ver. 10-14;) the salutations of the brethren (ver. 15;) gives special directions (ver. 16, 17;) and a remembrance of himself, together with a prayer for their welfare (ver. 18.)

The Argument of the epistle may be paraphrased in the following manner.-"I have thanked, and I "continue to thank my God, for your conversion, ef"fected under the ministry of Epaphras; an account "of which he has communicated to me. It is my in"cessant prayer that you, being strengthened of God, "may increase in knowledge and holiness; and re"membering the mighty mercy, how that He fully "redeemed you through Christ the Lord, the Sa"viour of you and of all; who, if you abide in the "faith, is also your eternal joy in the Gospel (which "is preached in the world,) and committed to me, "together with fellowship in the sufferings of Christ,)

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even as he is become to the Gentiles, the hope of "glory. Wherefore I labour, that all may be fully "formed in Christ; but especially that you, the Laodi"ceans,and all the churches that do not personally know "me, may persevere in integrity of faith and practice. 66 Though absent, I write as if I were really present,

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